PSN/Xbox/Steam/Origin/etc.Add: Petebloodyonion


CRank: 8Score: 162270

Called it whatever you like!
It's still the same game with a resolution Boost
and on the previous platform a game like this was bundle with others at a budget price (God of war Collection, Silent hill collection, Shadow of Collossus/Ico, etc.)
And worse before that on ps2 it was called backward compatibility or Bleemcast and it was free.

My point is why should I buy a ps4/Xbone when what they are offering me for the moment are cross gen games/indy ...

3679d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I never said that you should buy a Xbox
I mention that the reason sales of next gen consoles are slow for both consoles is the lack of real next gen games.

And as a exemple I have mentioned Last of Us for the ps4 wich is marketed as big AAA title worthy of 60$ when on the ps3, a similar product was called a upscaled ps2 whole collection game at a budget price.

3680d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I find it funny that you are all trying to make a spin about why PS4 is selling better compare to XBone and how Xbone is Bombing when the real reason is quite simple.

Ps4 is 100$ cheaper for a similar product and nobody is in a rush to buy a ps4 or Xbone when they are offering you games that you can currently play on older systems (cross gen, Pc, Indies).

Heck Perhaps N4g is having a wetdream about Last of us being played in 1080P but for the rest of the como...

3680d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Of course, it's in no way the Vita's fault for poor performance, it's the developers fault.
That is why we have top AAA Hyped games on the Vita like Resistance, God of war collection, Borderland 2, Call of Duty Vita version, etc...

Heck even Farsight Studio seem be to on the crap Wagon with the Vita's version of The acclaim Pinball Arcade cause all versions (mobile to console) run flawlessly except the Vita's version who suffer form frames skipping...

3684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure MS investors would have been really happy if Bill Gate had Said: I think it's a really stupid decision to spin .....

Instead of trying to find doom and gloom, just realize that Bill is just trying to reassure the MS investors about Nadella.

3690d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK So now if I understand this correctly my PS4 is basicaly a PC.
Port of indy PC game and port of olders game with better texture and resolution.

Sorry But I'm not happy about this
How about new stuff instead of remastered version of every ps3 title?

3715d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just find Funny that Hitman Absolution was so Awesome when it was free on ps+ but suddenly it's becoming a average to meh game one GWG.

Personally I loved the game (had on ps3) Contract mode was great and loved the way you replay the Level by trying new options.

3726d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but I don't see how Ms need to change their parity clause.

Here's a little something that is never mention is this discussion.

In this topics "you" refer as a future Indy developer

Ms is signing a contract with you as a member of the ID@xbox in which the terms are established.
Ms as the obligation to provide you with a free license, tools, support and no publishing fee for you game on a Ms platform

3731d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hum Okay The MS spoke person said that his company is trying to win!

GEEEEEE I'm surprised I was sure that he would said: Were here to make a quick buck or We like to lose!

Come on It's the PR guy Of course he will say that they expect to win.

The same as Sony's PR guy that are saying that the Vita's future is looking really bright!

3734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love that no one seem trouble by the fact that Adam had to make a Statement """"" SONY AND SUCKER PUNCH REQUIRE THAT THEY ONLY USE CAPTURE FOOTAGE FROM VERY SPECIFIC POINTS IN THE GAME MOST OF THEM ARE IN THE BEGINNING."""&a mp;q uot;""
Witch make me more consider Sessler's point about boss Battle not being interesting and quite tedious.
And plz do recall that games like Saboteur and Prototype got lower score for the same...

3736d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sorry it has nothing to do with the Canadian dollar, the ps4 launch when the Can $ was .93 cents and since Saturday it's been .90 cents.
The same could be said about UK did they got a discount or something?

The truth is Sony's ps4 has been quite hard to find here in the great white North and Sony saw profit simple as that.

For you info since the Super Nintendo The price of console are always been the same in the US and Canada (even when our ca...

3739d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) for the record I'm not saying that Last of Us DLC is garbage, I enjoyed the story but my main point is: People are quick to jump on a hate train saying that MGS should get slammed because it's short while lots of similar products with the same flaws are praise (Gone home,Stanley Parable, Journey, TLOU DLC, etc.).

Like I said in my 1st post: If we slam MGS for the sole purpose that's it short then shouldn't other games get the same treatment?


3739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Tell me how many encounters did you had with Riley?
Answer 0
and it's half of the DlC
How many real encounter did you had while fetching stuff for Joel?
Answer 1 the last one
the 2 others can be completely avoided by trowing a bottle and waiting for the 2 sides to kill themselves leaving you with 1 or 2 clickers
and that's on Hard.

So plz tell me where is that great gameplay in this DLC cause Shoot...

3740d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's call let's join the Internet Hate train :)
Like I said Peoples are quick to praise game like Journey, Gone Home, etc because they are Indy.
But they are quick to trash a big publisher for a similar product even when the cost of production is way more higher.

3740d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As far as I know the game cost 20$ digital so what's the problem?
PPL seem to forget that there's something call cost.

Cost of shipping, cost of profit for the middleman (Bestbuy, Gamestop) cost for the overstock, etc.

3740d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

OK If this review is Justifiable
Then by the same mean

Should we all agree that the Last of US DLC (which got game of the month on Gamespot and almost IGN) should get a 3 or 4 out 10.

Lets see,
- The game can be done in less then 60 minutes.
- you have a maximum of 15 min real survival gameplay in the last of us DLC.
- the rest is walking and playing lesbian with Riley.
-offer no replay-ability
cost 15$ digita...

3740d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Here a quick question to you all

How many gamers, who shall own this game, will pause the game in midplay and try to compare it to a damn screenshot from a previous to see if there's a difference?

My thought exactly!

3743d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I Love theses useless articles

1) Pc with max setting = what Pc? a 2000$ alien ware rigs or a cheap 500$ Pc?
2) How come they never adjust Gamma or Contrast on Xbox one to match the other version in term of brightness.
And it's a trend I see in all the one vs video where the gamma is at minus 2 compare to the other version.

3743d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not saying that games like Res6, Hitman, Los2, Deadpsace 3 and others are masterpieces worthy of 9 and plus.

I'm saying that often theses games get vote down for problems (See the Bad section) that are often completely ignored in the Hyped game.

A good example would be resident Evil 5 vs 6
Resident evil 5 was super hyped and mostly got praise.
Yet the 6 Not hyped and shun) got slammed really hard with 5's (go see gamespot).

3744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree on one thing Hyped games usually get free pass from the critics while less hype game will often get a a harsher treatment.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that Titanfall isn't fun and don't deserve that score (I haven't play the game so I won't judge)

Just pointing that Game like Castlevania los2, Hitman, Resident evil 6,etc. get slammed for minor flaw (while being perfectly playable).
While Hyped games get free pass for t...

3744d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment