
CRank: 5Score: 20700

The playstation 1 for me. Not only is it the console I grew up with but it was the console that made it socially acceptable for adults to play video games. I'm reaping the benefits now as an adult. Cheers Sony.

2868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His only crime was not being a hollywood name. But that's what happens when you have a fickle arrogant boss who thinks hiring a hollywood name then giving him no lines anyway is a ground-breaking concept.

2989d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

not gonna lie, there's a part of my giggling about it.

3007d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


3007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

move did not improve resi 5 fez

3034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Chapter 2 therefore becomes a joke in that it is exact copies of some of the Chapter 1 missions made slightly harder. Imagine having to play a mission you didn't care about the first time round a second time, this is not good game design and it is clear Kojima had given up fighting Konami by this point and the rush to release had begun. Considering a major part of the game was just left hanging and it's conclusion was cut from final release, for me the score must suffer greatly ...

3064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn't that part of the problem though? Most people will just see it and not experience it. But anyway the price point will determine it's success as much as anything.

3082d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

haha you're a fan of tomb raider yet you think the protagonist is called 'Laura Croft'. That's like a fan of Uncharted thinking the protagonist is called Nicholas Drake.

3270d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

if you thought killzone 2 had input lag then just wait until you play zombieU...

3270d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment


3500d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


3519d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maybe you should ask yourself why you care so much in trying to prove that FH2 is the better game? Go play it and enjoy it just as what many people are doing with Driveclub and stop trying to insist to people they aren't having fun with it. Some massive insecurities showing with some of you guys.

3519d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

"I don't care how innaccurate you say VGC but they're not wrong enough to completely be off by 40%"

Before they adjusted their april numbers for this year the xbox1 numbers had a 100% margin of error. They had them as double the actual number sold when NPD numbers were released. Moral of the story - never trust VGChartz regardless.

However, looking at the sales trends across top retailers last month I do believe the ps4 is coming out on top,...

3520d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why are they going after Sony? Why don't they go after the company who tried to destroy gaming with DRM, you know, Microsoft.

Or better yet, bring down the pentagon. Then we'll see what they are made of.

3570d ago 20 agree16 disagreeView comment

n4rc conveniently ignored the fact that there are nearly 20 million more 360s than ps3s in the US and acts surprised when the 360 Watch Dogs can outsell the xbox one and the ps3 version can't. It's hilariously idiotic.

3606d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only because men are used as cannon fodder as games whereas women seem to be free from this disposability. Though I'm pretty positive Ashley Johnson and the rest of the special privilege brigade are silent on this issue.

3606d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This trolling of ps4 is just tiresome now. The games are there for all to see. The AAA exclusives favour the ps4 this year;

Infamous, TLOU, MLB The Show, Driveclub, LBP.

For Xbox the only AAA exclusives are Halo Collection, Sunset and Forza.

That's 5 to 3 in favour of ps4 so please stop with this nonsense. Lets not even mention all multiplats are superior on ps4 and huge numbers of indie games hit ps4 first.

I think it...

3631d ago 19 agree17 disagreeView comment

How can you say ground zeroes is horrible value and not titanfall? It had a nonexistent singleplayer and felt more like a free to play shooter with it's appalling lack of content and charging full retail price no less!

3632d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Other than 2006/07 I really don't think xbox has any year ever.

3632d ago 20 agree13 disagreeView comment

That's great, they sold out all of the 2 consoles they were getting in. Well done to them.

3633d ago 41 agree29 disagreeView comment