
CRank: 6Score: 140220

LOL the M$ knob jockey's are on the prowl again. What? M$ ain't satisfying you with their timed exclusive sack?

5508d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wasn't there an article a while back claiming Kojima was in talks with Activision or some developer about a modern day FPS. Well if you ask me i'd say it's the next ZOE or MGS5 knowing that the engine has already be built. All they'd have to do is tweak it a bit more.

5508d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man i hate broads with no a$$. Most of them girls are so skinny you can start a fire just by rubbing against their bones lol. I'll stay with my phat a$$ed pornstars thank you very much.

Yeah yeah what ever. That is why i'm called *insert name here*

5508d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ladies and M$ knob jockey's, i give you the 6th flop for the pleasefixme this year. Mark my words filthy bots, it's only gonna get worse from here on.

5508d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right now Sony is in a position where the only way to go is up. They have delivered in hardware and in AAA software titles with more to be announced at E3. Variety is the key here and someone please tell M$ not to drop the soap at E3 because Sony ain't f@ked for a while and their about to do a whole lot of a$$ raping.

The M$ knob jockey's will feel the burn all in good time.

5508d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've got nothing but envy for those who get in. If you ask me, everyone deserves to be there to witness what looks to be one of the most promising E3's in a decade.

5508d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

With the way ign have been bragging about inFAMOUS i have a feeling they will score it atleast a 9/10. Unless they decide to pull an Uncharted on us lol. They have a tendancy to hype games then sh!t on them when it comes to the reviews.

5508d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Something tells me this game is gonna be meh at best with minor enhancements. Although gameplay will remain flawless i just can't help but be skeptical about the amount of new contents they will include.

I mean $100AUD is not small doe around here and frankly, this year already has more promising games to waste my money on. Just like people say gameplay > graphics. Well my moto is contents > gameplay > graphics.

5509d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment
5509d ago

WOW! what a turd. These graphics look worst than some first generation ps2 games man seriously. And people actually think it will be on par with Infamous lol. You guys are dreaming. I'll stick to my ps3 AAA exclusives thank you very much.

Anyone who buys this turd will be in their local game store returning it in 3 days or less lol. What a total failure. Seriously i'm shocked by how low some peoples standards are.

5509d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL OH MY F@KEN RIBS. What is this the 6th flop this year so far for the 360? Man this console is such a turd. What a complete failure lol.

5510d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well played indeed Sony. More exclusives makes me do Dirty things to my ps3. Oh by the way, you've all been Sucker Punched lol.

5512d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well was there any doubt? Haters will cry while the wise prevail. This is only the beginning of the exclusive onslaught Sony has planed for us ps3 gamers.

5513d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

If this is true then all i have to say is, sony is kicking a$$ and taking names for real. The amount of momentum coming from them and towards E3 is awesome. PS3 is where my Home's at lol.

5513d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

This whole timed exclusive thing is utter nonsense if you ask me. If you(the scum company) end up having the game released for a substantial amount of time before the rest, then you're basically beta testing the game for the ps3 and vise versa.

Regardless how much people try to deny it, third party exclusives are gone out the window. This is the sole reason why Sony will forever have the upper hand when it comes to games and momentum. They always have something new and groundbrea...

5513d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 2 motherf###er!!!! This game has got GOTY 09 written all over it.

Those who don't get this masterpiece are EPIC FAILURES.

5522d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5523d ago

@ h0tz0rz

Is that you in your avatar? If so can i have your number seriously.

5523d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment
5523d ago

Imagine a price cut at E3 with new AAA unannounced games from sony. That would double the momentum by a huge margin. The way i see it, right now Sony is in a win win situation and ps3 owners are bound to reap the benefits.

To be honest with you, i think i'll stick to buying only ps3 exclusives. They just have the best quality in the industry. The only multiplat i'll be buying is Alien vs Predator.

5523d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment