CRank: 5Score: 5700

It's not gonna vastly outpace PS2, and will never actually surpass it, so what's there left to do for the Wii but roll over and die?
Make everyone happy. Come on little guy!

5878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mario (and all nintendo games) are story and maturity-free.

Don't you f*cking DARE insinuate they're anything worth spending time on as a cultural pursuit.

Even this game has cutscenes/non-interactive storybook sequences (shudder) as an example of "story-telling."
It doesn't even use the f*cking gameplay!

Nintendo games are entertainment for small children and those with simple minds and that's that.

5880d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now we'll wait for the sold numbers/charts from GFK, NOT MS.
Something tells me they're a taaaaaaaaad different.

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 has 1 million LESS consoles sold there (50% of total 360 sales in UK), but has only sold 20% less GTA4 copies.

The console is more expensive, did not receive all those giveaway deals, and did not advertise it's "exclusive 50mil DLC"

And of course, the PS3 version destroyed the 360 in the rest of Europe, so...


5880d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

What is this, the 11th article? Most of which are based on a gross misinterpretation of the NPD data.

HD-DVDead sold nothing in Europe, Blu-ray obviously creamed it and DD (but even HDDVDEAD owned Digital Distribution), but Europe hasn't got a high adoption rate of new media formats anyway. In America it's doing fine, once prices go down it'll do better, and once adoption in Europe goes up Blu-ray will shine.

There's NO doubt about it. This isn't Laserdisc or Xbox, t...

5881d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Developing for 360 as a lead from now on or developing for 360 at ALL is not a good choice if you want a good game with widespread, worldwide appeal.

5882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA4 yes, but the title is just the same as if you said:

With GTA4 and Solitaire, games have truly reached a mass market.


With GTA4 and Skip rope, games have truly reached a mass market.

Wii fit is not indicative of actual game acceptance.

5882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That should go without saying.

Nintendo games are pure sh!t, including Ocarina. They have no substance, no story, just childish gameplay and absolutely no themes. You wouldn't say Dumbo is the greatest film of all time, but then again, Disney did produce quality until recently, while Nintendo has never even scraped the bottom of the barrel.

Anyway, the PS3 version in no#1 is totally deserved. Based on current rating criteria, the same by which Ocarina was judged, it ...

5884d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment
5886d ago Show
5886d ago Show

He doesn't deserve anything, certainly not this.

I voted him 0 at least 30 times but the sh!tty Nintards and Digg got the best of us. Colbert should have won.

5887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After 20 years, you'd think he'd figure it out that he still can't make anything good.

But hey, it's Miyamoto, who just gave us Wii Fit, the centerpiece of Wii's life to date lineup.

5889d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Those crappy Nintendo games need to be shoved off, raped and beaten. They don't deserve to breathe the same air as a real, story-driven game.

But please, for the love of god, this is NOT 'on par' with the finest works of Martin fu*king Scorsese. Nor Francis Ford Coppola. It is not an argument for art (we have games that do that though), and it is not Oscar worthy. It must be good though to receive THIS much hyperbole though for a game.

(Being better than Summer Block...

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why that nintenhack gets respect I'll never truly understand. I can see foolish people praising him, but the concept behind it is truly lost on me and other people who think for themselves.

5890d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You should sit down.
Wii isn't getting GTA4. Nor will it ever get a game that good, or any game that's good from 3rd parties. Not even with 100million sales. HA!

How does it feel for all those sales to not matter in the slightest to actual devs? Ubisoft chucks money into Wii/DS so it can use the profits and make real PS360 games (their words). Other devs do the same. People care about quality, not novelty. Not wii.

5890d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

No. Not you.

@The rest.

Ps3 is sharper, has better colours and is overall better graphically. According to EGM and IGN.

360 has NO technical advantages.

360 has more pop-in and slowdown.


Dan Houser likes the colours of PS3 GTA4 better too, and a Rockstar rep prefers the PS3 version.

STOP f***ing pretending like they both have thei...

5890d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Ps3 version makes up for that.
Ahh, good old PS3.

And f**k blogs, you're not on the same level as Kotaku, Gamasutra, even that sh!tty Joystiq whose pages are not worthy to print off and wipe my black @ss with.

You're on the same level as those crappy 360 centric blogs yes, not worthy of an opinion.

5890d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Not that there's ever been any doubt.

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And in Europe, there's a PS3 exclusive bundle in big countries, and a 360 exclusive bundle in Sonyland aka Portugal where it'll make no difference.

Well, Sony's wrapped this one up. They can ride it into MGS4, then Socom, then Resistance/LBP/Home then Killzone 2 then Motorstorm 2 and gen's over. They'll be ahead of 360 so soon! Wow...sorry Microsoft, from 2nd to distant 3rd gen to gen. Must suck @SS

5891d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment