CRank: 5Score: 61190

I thought Epic takes 15% but reduces it to 12% if you use Unreal. Also again, 30% is the industry standard. No one talks junk about Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft taking 30% oh but big bad Valve and Steam. Oh no, they take 30%. Boooooo. Also, Epic exclusive third party games have been proven to not make a profit for companies. Just do some research and you can find articles about mostly indies saying Epic exclusivity was not worth it. Not all, but some. Supergiant Games is one of the few posit...

7d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Square has always had astronomically high profit expectations. I saw a report where they expected to make anywhere from 400 - 500 million last fiscal year and they only made half of that (a little over 200 mill). They expect to make hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions of sales on a single game and when it doesn't meet their high expectations, they consider it a failure. Yes, gaming is their biggest money maker, but they do have other avenues of revenue. I believe they hav...

7d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea. That has been planned for years.

71d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd wait on that cuz the GamePass version is outdated compared to the Steam version. Steam is on v1.2.0 while GamePass is on v1.0.0. GamePass version doesn't even have an option to exit the game like the Steam version does.

135d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

So, not winning some arbitrary award that ultimately means nothing at a show that isn't even about the developers who won said awards and is more of an advertisement show makes a game "safe" nowadays? Me thinks the author is using that as a means to justify their own thoughts about the game.

178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Even sony is already a third party.. isn't MLB on Xbox and they release many games on windows PC?"

Sony putting out MLB games on other platforms is because of the MLB. They wanted more money and going mulitplatform was their choice. If Sony didn't agree then the MLB wouldn't renew their deal. Also, releasing games on PC just makes sense. More money and people playing their games.

186d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ever since they entered the console market, they never were able to beat Sony or Nintendo at their game. Microsoft dropping out of the console making market is probably the best thing the Xbox division can do since they haven't really made money selling consoles. They probably will release at least 1 more console in the future, but their future is the GaaS model. They've made way more profit on Gamepass alone than they ever did selling consoles.

188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS is very popular, Mario is very popular and yet you call them a cash grab. Sure this is a $10 IF you already have the game. It's gonna be $70 for those who don't.

195d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It will. At least 6 months after this one releases like they did with Last of Us Part 1 Remaster.

195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Switch would probably run the game better than the 360. I have an original 360 and the game has noticeable frames drops all the time.

311d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Sony kinda front some money for development of FF7R like they did with Street FIghter 5? Probably remembering it wrong. Also, Square accepted that Epic Games check to keep the PC version of FF7R exclusive for 6 months. Also the check for Strangers of Paradise timed exclusivity too. Square only stopped exclusivity on PC because they realized with FF7R on Steam, they could double dip and get even more money. They had to audacity to release a year and a...

312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony never did. It was a Square decision because back then, Microsoft didn't want crossplay and they also wanted people to pay for Xbox Live for ANY online game. Yoshi P didn't want people to pay two subscriptions just to play the game. I'm all for more people getting to experience what a great game FF14 is.

312d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dunno why you got downvoted but that was one of the reasons why it was never on Xbox. Microsoft back then when they were market leaders didn't want crossplay between Xbox and PlayStation players. On top of that, Microsoft wanted people to pay for Xbox live while being subscribed to FFXIV too and that didn't fly with Yoshi P. He didn't want people to pay two different subscriptions just to play a game.

312d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

So we're gauging the success of a video game based off of Twitch views now?

341d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly. If he REALLY wanted it to happen, it would have happened already with Microsoft games. He could easily make them multiplatform and not exclude them from any platform and yet, he chooses not to. Sony and Nintendo could do the same. Platform exclusivity helps to sell consoles for the most part.

341d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is it timed exclusive? I though it was released on PS5 first cuz that's where Final Fantasy sells and he wanted to give the PC version extra time for development and add graphical stuff you can't do with the PS5 version and optimization.

342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony literally paid for development of SFV. Yoshinori Ono said the game wouldn't have happened if Sony didn't offer to partially pay for the development of the game.

342d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wanna play it since I enjoyed the first Dead Island and Riptide. Just waiting for the inevitable STEAM release.

343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously. I think Breath of the Wild is also overrated. I got bored of it quick. This game just seems like more of that with new mechanics.

343d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Because it has sold more on PlayStation last gen and current gen and Microsoft doesn't want to lose those customers/money.

343d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment