
CRank: 5Score: 73410

Playstation 2 was my favorite Console of all time, although the Nintendo NES is a close 2nd place. They both have an awesome library of games, and developers actually finished their games before they were released for purchase. (I know that sounds crazy, but it is true) ;)

Also, developer's weren't removing huge chunks of their games away for that DLC\PreOrder $$$. (extra content my @$$)
I sure miss buying a complete game for ONE original price, and hav...

2873d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If a game is not complete at launch, it does not deserve a perfect score.

When are these reviewers going to punish these studio's (Especially Bethesda) for continually shipping unfinshed/buggy/broken games?

3125d ago 43 agree11 disagreeView comment

I bought the game for Single-Player only, and it was just OK. Not a big fan of Multiplayer.

I have a Gamestop 3 DLC bonus pack (Online United States Code) Whoever wants the code, send me a message. (first person in US gets it)

3139d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment



3170d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please Dont, Bethesda.

You guys have some of the most buggy/broken/unfinished games in the entire industry.
The laziness is usually looked over because your games are fun as hell, but if you start making your games annually, who knows how broken they will be. (especially at launch)

Bethesda's number 1 priority should be hiring enough people to fix their games before they ship them. It's only a matter of time before a large percentage of consum...

3213d ago 50 agree22 disagreeView comment


Would love to see a team like Platinum Games handle the development for this game. I hope Tecmo-Koei doesn't make a mediocre game.

3214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Not sure if you have been called a racist for ordering Chinese food\KFC, but I never have.

Im amazed at the analogies bigots make when trying to defend other bigots/racists.

Hogan is getting exactly what he deserves, he showed his true colors, and a significant amount of people are going to boycott his brand.

I didn't realize there were so many racist sympathizers on N4G. It's like a Fox News circle jerk i...

3240d ago 17 agree12 disagreeView comment

Not only that,

The PlayStation 2016 lineup is dominant compared to Xbox. The gap between PS4 and Xone is only going to increase.

The NEED to own an Xbox One is fading, now that Microsoft is losing its best franchises exclusivity. Looks like Halo/Gears/Forza are going to wind up Multiplatorm, and that is really going to keep people from buying a console that has no major exclusives.
Not to mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider has just been c...

3242d ago 60 agree26 disagreeView comment

Im going to say it.

Journey was the best game last Gen. :)

Soundtrack was awesome as well.

3243d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

I want Sony Santa Monica to do "The Great War" (A prequel to the Kratos story, where the Olympians and Titans are fighting their Great War)

Would love to take control of Athena/Zeus/Poseidon/Hades/Are s/etc and take it to Cronos and the other Titans,GOW Style.

I loved their take on the Greek mythology universe they introduced to us, and would love to see that world fleshed out some more, without having to try and milk the Kratos storyline to death. ...

3243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My favorite game last Gen. Bought the soundtrack when it released as well.

Would be cool if they added a few extra easter eggs for the new version. (Maybe an Abzu Easter egg for the PS4 Version)


A complete new stage to Journey through. :) Yes, im being greedy.

3260d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dune would be fantastic. One of the greatest SciFi stories ever told.

I love Telltale Games,


They need to test their games better before they get released. There is way to many Bugs/Glitches/FrameRate Drops.
They are like Bethesda, they make enjoyable games, but they are never a 100% working product at launch, and usually never get patched to an appropriate level.

I truly miss that a game had to be finished before ...

3261d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My favorite jrpg last Gen. Maybe the best art in a game.

Hoping Level 5 makes either a sequel, or a new title with Studio Ghibli handling the art and some of the storytelling.

3353d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment


You are correct.

These guys or gals are braindead when it comes to the logistics of it all.

Do these people really think that Naughty Dog/Polyphony Digital/ect stopped their work on gaming under the order of Sony?

Sony would not force a game developer to make clothing. Although when I think about what Microsoft did to a well known, and respected game developer. (RARE making avatar clothing for the 360's digita...

3434d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@matt 139
The PS3 was "slightly" more powerful than the 360.

The PS4 is Vastly more powerful than the Xone.(it's not even close)

You are right about one thing though.
"Fanboys have no idea what they're talking about"

3467d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

This is NOT the "same thing Microsoft did with Tomb Raider"

Sony is partially funding & Developing Street Fighter 5. Microsoft paid the developers of Tomb Raider to delay the PS4 release by a minimum of 6 months. (The difference is night and Day)


The game will turn out to be a better product, because it wont have to dumb down for the lowest common denominator. (The Xbox One)

3470d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

@ CyberSentinel

Well sure, but Bethesda games are BUGGED TO DEATH. They are just lazy, and have no problem disrespecting their fans by releasing their games way before they are ready.

Bethesda doesn't even try to ship complete games. Still love Elder Scrolls Games though.


Just realized that the article was about Best Game Title, not best Game. I guess we should read the article before commenting. Lol.

3506d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed The Elder Scrolls Games ALOT, but they were plagued with bugs and other lazy things Bethesda half azzed. Goat can't have that many faults. Imo. (Bugs & Glitches)

Spent the most time in the Metalgearsolid \ MassEffect \ Civilization franchises,


My favorite of all time is JOURNEY.

Not alot of Substance, but the best overall experience I have ever had in gaming. (gaming since early 80s)


3506d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

I have had this problem several times, it also drains the batteries way to fast, even when the controller isn't on.

Im very annoyed at how fast the PS4 controllers lose juice, but at least I can charge them, and don't wind up paying a ton of money for batteries.

Both Sony and Microsoft need to up their game when it comes to battery life, and Ms needs to fix their disconnect issues with the Xone controller.

3531d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Clown_Syndr0me

"If Sony bought MineCraft I have a feeling everyone would be supporting it."

There would still be alot of people not OK with Sony buying it. (The people that play MineCraft on PC & Xbox)

If Sony did buy Mojang, they wouldn't run it into the ground. Microsoft has a SIGNIFICANT history of downgrading almost every company they have ever touched, While Sony has never downgraded a company they have purchased,and ...

3552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment