CRank: 4Score: 20310

but they also gave R2 a 6 while they gave gow2 a 9, which feels iffy after all the comparions was going on between the 2.

But don't you find it weird that gamers were "expecting" this score? You wouldn't expect anythng if it wasn't done or happened before correct? If I run out side naked and coverd in mustard slapping my body against doors, Im expected to get arrested correct?

edit:that may have been a bad analogy but I hope you get my drift :P

5598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

who are they? I have seen them before

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would matter to me if gamers are missing out on playing my game that I have spent a good chunk of my life with becuase of haters in the media. I would be pissed if that was the case...

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't you feel anything when you see an almost flawess game that has taken hard working developers years to make, recieve a lackluster score from a well known magazine that has a track record of devaluing high quality games for petty reasons?

Don't you feel deep down as a gamer , that its wrong?

Everyone should have an opinion but when your in a position where your opinion can alter others judgements, shouldn't you be as unbias as possible?

I am going...

5598d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

this was unexpected :)

edit: real time game play for FF13 2:42 to 2:54 and real time gameplay for FF13 vs from 4:12 to 4:36 and VS looks better imo

whats up with the disagree? I honestly did not expect a new FF13 and FF13 VS trailer to be shown at 2:30 in the afternoon o.0

5659d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

If the price tag wasn't enough to give the PS3 a bad image, articles like this one, from mainstream News sites, will give alot of uninformed people a bad taste in their mouth when they think about the PS3...

But Sony does have to do something about this, becuase if games like LBP,and R2 are being knocked out of the charts despite rave review and hype.What do you think is going to happen to Killzone 2 after all the hate it was getting and infamous which is a new ip? Sony really ne...

5659d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

"So why is the PS3 flopping so badly?

1. It's the most expensive console on the market, $150 - $200 more than its rivals. Even if you believe the video game industry is "recession-proof" (it isn't), a tanking economy makes consumers more price-conscious.
2. The PS3's big bonus is its ability to double as a Blu-Ray player. Too bad no one seems to care about hi-def DVDs. The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50".

5659d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony isn't marketing the PS3 well enough, when it comes down to the majority of parents or people in general looking to get a gaming system no nothing about it the PS3. Sony has to educate gamers and casuals about the PS3 capabilities other then it being a blu ray player. If I had absolutely had no knowledge about video games and saw a commercial that showed a whole bunch of random things happening and a gaming machine at the end with a price tag of 400 bucks,I wouldn't touch the thing.But ...

5659d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

people in glasses houses shouldn't be throwing rocks Greenberg! *cough no built in wifi*cough cougHh* disc tray*cough cough*. asthma acting up again :P.

5659d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

was ownage

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

naw of course not man, im still getting the game(just a year later) lol I had no real reasoning just sayin it a little awkward but your reasoning is a little iffy 2 me 2

"Virtually every franchise is now on both the 360 or the ps3. Isn't this suppose to be a good and healthy scenario for all gamers?"

no its not at all, imo the games define the system. The PS3 and the 360 most have games that differentiate themselves from one another.True,if most games were...

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

seeing a a franchise so closely tied with Sony go to the 360 and its even more disappointing to know the game is finished but will be delayed for a year since its being ported to the 360 also.I understand that if Tekken 6 was a timed exclusive it would barely sell on the 360 platform but making diehard tekken fans like me wait another year for a game thats been in the arcade for almost two years is so wrong in so many ways. The same goes for FF13...

5660d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

after the constant delays,the "its coming in the next FW" bs, and me never being invited into home beta( ;_;) Im pretty meh on it atm. But im still pretty excited and I also expect it to be something I've never experienced before, but now it doesn't interest me as much as it did two monthes ago

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea its not up yet, I heard somewhere that it should be up by this evening tho.

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'Kikizo: You remember close to the beginning of the series, a time when Tekken was very closely associated with PlayStation. Obviously it's not just PlayStation now, so what would you say the sort of die-hard PlayStation fans who maybe feel 'betrayed'?'

'Harada: Yes, we have developed it PlayStation 1, 2 and now 3, so it is true that we have really grown with the PlayStation brand - we have a lot of fond memories, and we worked very closely with Mr Kutaragi as well, so we had a r...

5660d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

the zen genre makes alot of since actually, surprise no one thought of it sooner. I think games like loco roco,patapon,flow and any of those other corky relaxing games should fall into this category.

5661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rumor has it that Killzone 2 for the xbox 360 will have extra DLC...well I know my decision is all made up *takes off preorder of killzone 2 for the ps3 and waits to put it on the 360* its only a matter of time now :)

5661d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

after pushing the earth down so many times you would think he needs some rest,but Chuck norris doesn't sleep... he waits

5710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn't so bad,I actually thought it would be longer.

edit: oh snap I lost a bubble 0.o I guess that's what I get for not going along with the crowd and saying that all Muslims are crazy and overly sensitive...

5715d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so wouldn't that mean we wouldn't hear the lyrics anyway? But I guess SCEE assumed the possibility of this scenanrio.

So some Muslim guy is playing LBP hears the catchy back ground song, and says "heeeeeey that sounds pretty gud". So he looks on the manual see the song name then goes on youtube watches it a few times then notice it has one or two expressions from the Qur'an. Then all hell breaks loose and he gets his Muslim buddies to go start some sh!t with sony that i...

5715d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment