
CRank: 5Score: 7550

Unfortunately Remedy has become a bit of a nasty studio over this past decade, You just need to look at their business decisions and other projects they attempted. They are not pro consumer at all.

22d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment

I think these articles get things a little out of perspective, Steam Deck has sold around 3 million and Switch has sold 140 million. But if you are browsing certain parts internet you'd think the Steam Deck had sold over 100 million. If articles are going to continue to circulate like this and continue to put the Steam Deck in the same arena then I'm comfortable calling the device a flop.

22d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If we go by your number $60 x 57,000 then take away Valve's 30% = $1,026,000 you get = $2,394,000.

That is not including all the other associated deployment costs, so in terms of clear profit it probably doesn't end up being much. Maybe in the region of just over a million in profit. That is small fries for a company like Sony.

I'm calling that not really worth it. Also there are more than 57k people downloading it from another location that i...

22d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Just as well I stopped buying Ubisoft games long ago, this will only add to their demise. This is what desperate companies do.

22d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can check any torrent site they are downloaded in their millions, especially Sony games on PC. But Sony doesn't seem bothered.

22d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

23d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, They've been doing that for a while. Picking and choosing publications. At the end of the day if you do that then don't be surprised if that taints reviewers attitude towards your game.

23d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fair, but by the end part of the 360 it was a pretty much a damp squid and then they've had two terrible generations of consoles after the 360 and still sticking with Microsoft and calling it your dream console at this point is for the birds. His game launched on Switch first now Xbox. It seems he has some preference for all platforms before PlayStation regardless of financial outcome. That isn't to say they won't do a PlayStation release. Also the UK was pretty much instrumental ...

23d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I can't understand it either unless there is some deep routed fan-boyism from the developer, which isn't very clever if you are trying to make a living. Fatshark is a perfect example of a developer sending their games to die on Xbox and they kept doing it.

23d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

British guy saying Xbox is his dream console doesn't really sit right does it. 5 generations of PlayStation in the UK and you haven't figured out what console is going to make you the most money. That is the mistake you've made.

23d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way Sony are doing it though is very suspect, It almost seems like they are trying to tunnel their way out of Steam with a PSN back-end. They should have just launched their own store. Yes this would no doubt upset PC users but you just can't have everything on Steam as that means no market competition. Microsoft and Sony should only use their own stores. That way they can also enforce their subscription fee's (I don't think there should be fee's) like they do on console a...

24d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony would probably be selling more if they stopped sending mixed signals about their future. Putting games on PC because you are taking data analytic advice from Microsoft about the future of consoles is folly and has limited their potential sales. Microsoft want Sony and the world to believe that consoles are done as a business so companies like Sony and Nintendo etc can end up serving Microsoft's platform. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It is us or no one and the three E'...

24d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I never bought another Xbox console after the 360. But at the same time you shouldn't find yourself captive to Elder Scrolls if the company behind it is very scummy. I dropped COD after Ghosts and I don't regret it the company has only become worse and I'm glad I never was part of funding that.

24d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

All you can eat model has been the biggest fallacy going since restaurants did it in the 90's then stopped. Because you can't eat everything and you end up enjoying nothing trying. Best model is buying the game you want.

24d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How many more million would they sell or keep if it wasn't locked behind a gate fee on console. PS+
Why do console players have to pay this gate fee but people on Steam don't? The answer is they can't implement it effectively on PC. It's not because the money collected on console directly finances server cost either.

24d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Another nail in the coffin of services like Game Pass, Just make a good game and people will buy said good game. I don't need 50 other diluted games to go with it.

25d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is exactly what many people said would happen including the CMA and FTC. Lies lies and more lies and they allowed a $69 billion buy out to happen.

25d ago 25 agree2 disagreeView comment

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

26d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every console is responsible for its own destiny, You don't go around pointing fingers at him or her or anybody, cowards do that and that ain't you! you're better than that!

26d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm already not buying a PS5 Pro or PS6 and it isn't day one, They are already damaging themselves.

27d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment