
CRank: 32Score: 468330


6074d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give me a break. It's the parents that drive their kids to the stores to get the games and it's the parents who give their kids their credit cards to buy the game on line. Parents are involved and should ask one question "What are you buying?".If your not driving your kid to the store and your not giving your kid your credit card to buy on line you may have bigger issues. This guy is a dope and needs his license to practice law in Florida suspended. We can all pray for that day...

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then you'll see a real system pusher...

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not good for business, but good for consumers. It allows us to have more say in the format war, as we should since it's the Home Movie Enthusiast that enjoys the movies.

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Check it out. Amazon.com.uk


6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweet another + for HD DVD, no region code.

If you are planning on buying Blu-Ray over seas from another region you may want to make sure that it doesn't lockout your player for trying to watch movies that are not in the same region. Oh ya, Sony added something like that to the Blu-Ray spec. They call it a feature that will lock out the player if you try to play backups and I think disks from other regions (I am just saying that I would not want to take the chance). Don't worr...

6080d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Let’s call a Duck a Duck… Every company’s main focus is to make money. Microsoft uses bullying tactics against other companies to corner markets they want to compete in. Sony does this to a degree (Game title exclusives). But Microsoft is king.
Weather I agree with this or not I do like the things that Microsoft does for consumers. If you have a bad software disk they repair it free of charge. Gamers could take advantage of this. If you have a bad disk you should take it to the store y...

6083d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

and one other good point for Sony is that squatters won't be able to scoop one up before X-Mass and try to sell it on E-Bay for a huge profit since the better PS3 version will still be on the store shelves waiting for a home.

6086d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is the most expensive console

XBOX 360 Elite 120 GB Hard drive = $449.99

Sony PlayStation 3 60 Gig = $499.99


Sony PlayStation 3 80GB with MotorStorm = $599.99

I re...

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I on the other hand own a PS2 and I have about 50 games. I'm not buying anymore PS2 games or upgrading to a PS3 until Sony gives me some Exclusive "AAA" ball....

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two years ago the whole backwards compatibles xbox360 was all the rage according to the PS3-bots. Now Sony is releasing a PS3 with no backwards compatibility and you want to jump up and down and say “What a freaking bargain”. I’m not buying it. Until Sony comes out with some AAA exclusives, oh ya this is a bot site “EXCLUSIVES” I’m not wasting my money on Blue Ray. Oh and before you bring up HS and any other current “EXCLUSIVE” their not AAA material and please explain why those games are so ...

6090d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You two should be on Celebrity Death Match… Both your replies were classic… Good stuff…

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As if Gina-get-u needs help. Bruiser81 and Neela please read the article before posting. Pulled right from the article “PS2 version also overtaking ‘Halo 3’ as this week’s Individual Formats (Units) No1.”. The point is that the PS2 is a dead platform speaking from Sony’s announcement of the new 40GB box that will not support PS2 games. Everyone who bought a PS2 FIFA game will never upgrade to a PS3. Why would they if they can’t play any of their PS2 games on the PS3?

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why didn't they just include the update on the BD+ disks? I guess there isn't enough room on these disks after all...

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 will only have a price cut this year. There's no AAA titles, What are you going to play after you get it? Movies??? You need games to sell a system. Wii and Xbox is going to win this year and next until Sony has a compelling software line up. Sit back and watch. PS3 fanbots can bash me all they want. But right now most of the PS3 fanbots already have their PS3. An economical buyer (since that's what's left out there) is going to look at the games available for a system before they pur...

6096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope more people try the demo at Best Buy before they take Sam's advice. I own all the consoles except the PS3. After seeing the commercials I thought “finally a reason to get the PS3”. Then I played the demo at Best Buy. It looked horrible. It’s an adult version of Kameo. If you think I'm just bashing the game please try before you buy. In my opinion this is not worth the purchase of the system if you don't have one already. If I had a PS3 I’d get the game. However I’ll wait for MGS4 befor...

6098d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I’m sorry sonyfanbots, but the truth is that HS is not in the same league as BioShock or Gears. I played a demo at Best Buy. It’s the same game as Kameo but doesn’t look as good with the game play. What is up with the character’s square fingers in the cut scenes? Even my wife was laughing. Honestly I was going to buy a PS3 just for HS but then I played it, it scks. Sorry I will not be dumping any money into Sony this year. I have a 360 and a Wii for the kids. Sony needs a hit.

6108d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn’t think too highly of Game Stop when I pre-ordered my Xbox 360 on June 29Th 2005, and when the release date got close they said were only getting in 10 systems (I was the 12Th pre-order). I yelled at the store manager and said “Isn’t this a gaming store? Don’t you sell video games?”. Why would the launch at a game store be so limited? So I did what any one who wanted one on the release date did. I waited in line at Best Buy. Now the “Game Store” wants to pull this? I’m not forking over...

6313d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blu Ray is not consumer friendly... Sony wants to hang you from your anckles and get every copper penny from your pocket. If they get their way, they will have you buy a disk for your PS3, PSP and any other device that can play a video. HD DVD spec is written with the understanding that you will own other video devices and want to only purchase a movie once and take it with you... Wake up...

6337d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is riveting news. If you PS3 Fan boys really care about movie trailers you should come over to a real console that offers the real thing Vs HD trailors… Wow.

6364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment