
CRank: 5Score: 40460

id love to see re2 on the wii, i hope capcom makes a new engine for it though and doesnt use the re4 engine.

5575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ehh, i dunno about a new mario game being released. Hopefully nintendo makes some kind of an announcement as far as zelda goes. My dream game would be a professor layton on the wii with full voice acting throughout the game. That'd be awesome.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ha, kz2 is the shooter i just bought, i didnt wanna say it though cause i figured people would get on me for trolling. Im gonna rent the conduit first because im still on the fence with it, i know its gonna be quality but i don't need another shooter thats just gonna sit in my desk. If the story is really good itll probably garner a purchase from me, cause im not into mp all that much anyways.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and there was like 20 people there. doesnt mean the game isnt awesome though, anyone who is a fan of shooters and games with cover systems need to play this game at least once.

5576d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

your edit doesnt even make sense. considering all i owned last generation was a gamecube and then after that all i had was a wii and a ds lite, i think i know what im talking about. excuse me for buying another system. your starting to sound like your taking crazy pills

5576d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

My posts werent lies and i agree with you on the fact that the wii is outselling everything and has some great games, and if you look at my original post here i clearly stated the article is "meh" meaning i dont agree with it. No need to get so uptight if someone doesnt like what the wii has to offer, thats why i bought another console. Ive had the wii since launch day and ive bought many games so its not like im clueless as to what is going on this generation with nintendo.

5576d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

yea the game looks good but i just bought a shooter so i dont really need another one for the time being. Im definitely gonna check it out though, its looks like itll be fun, and i also prefer the wii for fps, mainly cause of the controls in MP3.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is extremely underrated. Everything about that game is awesome, its extremely challenging especially the platforming levels, and i love the atmosphere of delfino isle. Music is great too.

5576d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

pretty good list. I wish fatal frame would make its way over to NA though, i've been dying to play that game.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not blindly hating on the nintendo, nintendo makes my two favortie franchises, mario & zelda. Your blindly supporting a system that has abandoned the people who have been supporting them since day one. I used to make posts just like you when all i owned was a wii, then i went out and bought another system and now i realize how much crap nintendo puts their fanbase through. Also i could care less about metacritic scores, wow, great. The wii has a few games that have scored extremely wel...

5576d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well you still didnt answer my question, and RE5 plays fine.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i played it on my friends 360 and wasn't all too impressed. It was fun but i don't see where all the critical acclaim stems from

5576d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i own, re:uc, re4, zack and wiki, ssbb, mk:wii, wario land shake it, mario galaxy, animal crossing city folk, gh3, twilight princess, mp3. What the hell else am i supposed to buy? Its not like all i own is wii sports, ive played plenty of games, the wii is just extremely weak imo. I might check out madworld, but i really dont care that much about it cause re5 is coming out around the same time frame. The next game ill probably get will be the silent hill remake or sadness, if that ever comes ...

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mario kart wii is the worst one in the series. RE4 wii is good but its just another port. I said mario galaxy and MP3 are good games. Excite truck was decent for a launch game, and sonic hasn't had any good games since sonic adventure for the dreamcast. Stop being a lame fanboy, ive put plenty of money into nintendo to be able to voice my opinion. I wish they could do with the wii what theyve done for the ds. the ds has so many casual and core games whereas the wii has casual games and a few ...

5576d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont know if im going to buy it cause i dont play my wii much but ill definitely rent it. Hopefully it sells really well and helps motivate other developers to put more time and effort into their wii games.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

rare hasnt been good in years. Kameo looks pretty cool though.

5576d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop being a blind fanboy. The wii is a joke, and why bring up the classic controller it works with only a few games, and im not counting the VC. Yes the wii sells like crazy right now but that doesn't mean it has anything to offer.

5576d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

i bought guitar hero 3 on the wii and all i got was mono sound, i also bought wario land and it sucks. The wii is a joke, and no the wii doesnt play dvds, you have to install the homebrew channel and other things in order for it to be able to play dvd movies. Stop being a blind fanboy. Any core game that is on the wii has already been done in complete better fashion on the ps3 or 360. By saying that the core games came out faster on the wii than the other systems you are right in a sense but ...

5576d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

but the guy does have a point. I had only the wii for about 2 years, and then when i came back from deployment i went out and bought a ps3 cause of the extra money i had. I have 20 ps3 game so far next to my 8 wii game. There is nothing to play on the wii that is worth buying. Its a terrible system for games. the last game i got was wario land shake it and i didnt even beat that cause its such a dumbed down platformer. The wii is a disaster when it comes to pleasing it's core support.

5576d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

the ps2 was not known at all for its casual games. They didn't start to get casual game till after the wii was already out. The wii could be an awesome system but nintendo has turned it into the anti-gaming machine. The wii is so far removed from gaming these days that i have completely given up hope for it. Yea its gonna sell good but that doesnt mean its a good system. All i can hope for is a wii zelda announcement within the year that is suited towards gamers and not mothers.

5576d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment