Closing My N4G account for good, on sunday. So long suckaz.


CRank: 6Score: 45670

You PC gamers dont want it on no fighting game! Im gonna buy this on steam, just so I can kick your asses! I been playing KOF since have no idea what you are in for! :)

Game on!

3486d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


"I took the "if you can't beat em, join em" position. As a huge fan of Sega, there was really only one reason to move to the Xbox and that was Shenmue. Meanwhile, the PS2 had the other 60 reasons. "

Traitor! lol, im just kidding.

but yeah, we (sega fans) got over it, pretty quickly. I was sure at the time, that I was gonna quit gaming all together. But then I saw gun valkiery and jet set radio future and thought..&...

3486d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"(Well at least SONY's PSN is)"

Well...lets not forget about the 40+ million paying XBLG subscribers, out there. MS have had millions PAYING for their service for years, now.

Aside from that little omission, I agree with your post, RG_dubz

3486d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to disagree. Swapped mine towards the COD 1TB edition. And I miss TELLING, my xbox what to do. Im gonna try pick up a used kinect on the cheap.

Not having kinect around, after having it made me realise how much I took it for granted. Now I gotta press buttons to do stuff, I would rather just tell the box, to do.

But thats just me.

3486d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol...your second response has deteriorated into done now?

Have a nice life. I know I am...

3486d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


Im not sure why you got dissagrees for that. Many a saturn/dreamcast owner jumped to the OG xbox (myself included). I dont know any sega owners at the time, who didnt blame sony for sega's exit out of the hardware market. I think sega knew we would feel that way (initially). Hence why xbox got sega GT, jet set radio, panzer dragoon orta, gun valkiery and a rebadged MSR in the form of project gotham racing. But they they released VF4 and yakuza on PS2. So we went an...

3486d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

"If you're leaving...then why don't you just leave?"

You dont tell me what to do, or when to do it. sit down.

"We don't need to know your life story and your BMW MP3 bedroom blah blah blah. If you don't like Gamers then get to steppin'."

LOL...and yet you are responding to my comment. Its called giving perspective. You are obviously too young/ dont have anything more important to do, to appreciate where...

3486d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Ask yourself if you're as happy as you should be right now, and if there's any part of your life you could improve, outside the internet."

I had an epiphany the other day, while involved in a bout of mudslinging. Gaming websites ..and the communities they foster...are trash. Ill be honest and say, I dont actually enjoy it. But sometimes the idiocy on here, will wind you up to the point of responding. I signed down to some work..and then decided t...

3486d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well...N4G would not be happy, thats for sure.

3486d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Mechs tend to go over well on consoles"

Especially, with me! And firefall is like destiny...only better. I have logged a stupid amount of hours (80 hours) on that game. and Ill do it all again, if it comes to XB1.

Hawken, I play with an x360 controller. So I know that game would translate well to console.

3486d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hawken and firefall. Thats what I want to see on console.

3486d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment forgot about your PS4 owning bretheren, who turn up in these threads to play down this and every other X1 exclusive. you were.

3486d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Fanboys on the 'other side' , who are running out of reasons to hate on X1. pretty obvious. Its like that one review of FH2, where the guy gave it 2/5. moaned on N4G because we didnt like his review, then went back and gave it 1/5. PS fanboys have hit new lows this cycle. Bunch of no life, having bums, if you ask me. Cant even be content that they own the more powerful console, that is selling is not enough...They need reassurance. Daily! lol

3486d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment


None of that changes the fact that SSO, FM5, FH2 and KI are great games. What is more interesting to me is how concerned you are about the sales of games on a system, you dont even own...Just aswell X1 owners are too busy having fun with there quality exclusives to care what you think.

But let me guess...x360 fans used to throw numbers in your face all the time, and now you are having a little 'payback'

You and every PS fanboy o...

3486d ago 22 agree15 disagreeView comment

@Mr Pumblechook

"Phil Spencer knows that the computer and video game community are very active and he most likely wants to impress the NeoGaf N4G crowd."

I think, you might be overestimating the importance of N4G members opinions. This is the known cesspool of gaming websites ( I shouldnt be able to read negative comments about N4G and its users on other sites..and yet it happens, more often than I can count. Why would anybody in a professional capa...

3486d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

Interesting looking game. I hear it runs on the same tech/engine as elite dangerous. I hope they will use the experience gained from making this for X1, to port elite, later on down the road.

3487d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Don't you guys feel angry that you've been sold a broken product?"

Its a 50 quid game. One that they WILL fix.

I work in music production and have bought software plug-ins that cost more than both these consoles combined, that needed patching, at some point. I get mad when there is a fuck up in my waves mercury bundle that set me back £1200. I am not mad about ONE game not working properly (a temp situation), whe...

3487d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

talk about exaggeration! lol.

Like I didnt play a bunch of halo 3 matches last night. whatever. And maybe if dealspawn were paying attention they would have noticed that MS is working around the clock. Halo MCC has already received its third patch and match making has improved...with more to is progress coming along on the 'other two' games mentioned, in the article?

MS wont leave their biggest game of 2014 ( and their biggest franchise) hanging. A...

3487d ago 27 agree54 disagreeView comment

"the latest patch has pretty much gotten rid of those 10 min waits to get into multiplayer."

Indeed. I am usually waiting about 2-ish mins before im in. just an update or two from being completely resolved now. It no longer makes sense to refer to halo's MP as broken, as it is working now. They just need to improve matchmaking times, now.

An extended beta for Halo5 is sounds like a good idea.

3487d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"What's so good about TF's maps? There's nothing to distinguish one map from the next whereas AW's maps are altered by certain events."

What? like that tsunami, that happens every so often, that I barely notice?

or that map where the you are advised to move to the safe zone?

hardly game changing. None of these 'events' force you to alter your play style. I consider them a missed opportunity, from a game desig...

3487d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment