
CRank: 5Score: 110710

"This is a wildly preposterous and libellous accusation that is completely unfounded and we treat it extremely seriously"

nice threat for a bozo who cant write bet he cut and pasted it off a law and order transcript.
Fact is fake or not they have lost what little credibility they had with their response to this. What the heck did they have to lose by taking the high ground? Something like we stand behind all of our reports/ers 100% and the article has been remo...

6124d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

meh doesnt look that great 2 me but Im hoping we'll see lots more eyetoy games coming out for the ps3. We have quite a few for the ps2 and not only are they great fun at parties but the kids love them ;)

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont see any dif after the update LAIR still handles great the controls feel exactly the same...

Maybe just wishful thinking? Still if you enjoy your game more now its all good.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow very cool but I guaranty if I tried it would end up looking like a paper ball :D

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks sweet It be nice if they made the online cross platform
bet it will be identical on the ps3

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ya they look about the same which shows some progress form EA at least. I dont expect to see a game from them that really showcases the ps3 power tho... Well maybe if the $ favors the PS3... (for NA sales anyways)

And ya I expect more form my ps3 because it can deliver more (and I suspect on this one xbox could've been tapped more too)but a good game is a game. So ya their pretty much the same but it still looks like a treat for scate fans.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny stuff def shows you gotta take any information with a grain of salt esp the news now days....

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ive had it for a couple days now great game controls are tight once you get used to them and it adds a whole new aspect to the game. While ill say the games not quite AAA its at least a solid 7.5 8.
Im still not done the main story line but so far its very immersive and does not feel repetitive at all... Im pretty sure they just got the bad reviews cause they said this game could not be done on xbox and got a few fanboy reviewers panties in a knot.
Ps for the record Im not ant...

6125d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

heh sale of the century still hoping things will heat up a little more before xmas I expect both $ony and M$ to release a new deal soon.
Im willing to bet $ that ps3 80 gig will b 500 and xbox will take another 50 off its elite. M$ really needs the edge hear in N.A because from what I hear its not doing so well abroad maybe well see a even better deal. Sony I think will be less likely to do anything drastic has they have a very strong global market still.

6126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Our four year old lovs his games Not a lot for him on the ps3 tho he does love Lair (unlike certain reviewers he had no probs getting the controls down) His fav games right now is ratchet and clank tho he has a hard time with some of the puzzles still.
Not only do the games help him learn to focus (which is pretty rare in a four year old) reason, hand eye coordination and language skills but its also a great motivator. Doubt we ever would've made through potty training so easily withou...

6126d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ya we got it too great game fun to play and the best graphics Ive seen on a console to date.

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We got it today and i gota say graphic are in a league of their own for consoles. Controls feel pretty good now (their pretty intuitive heh my four year old took out a few balistas on teh first Bridge battle) no way is this game any less than a 7 or 8 and is it weren't for all the $$$ M$ has been feeding these so called reviewers I'm sure we would of seen a few more 9's instead of these absurd scores.
Makes me sick to see a good game dissed because they go a little outside of the box ...

6128d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

ya we just got tonight here The ol lady p reordered it for my bday and gave it to me early! Only 3 lvls in so far great game solid graphics (some clipping for sure about the same as Oblivion) but the dynamic lighting is fantastic (dont understand how anyone can say the game is gloomy) Has for the controls they feel pretty natural already def much easier than trying to fly warhawk on pro w/6ax.
Gonna give this tip a try with my logitech and post back the results since it has the same la...

6128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AAA game hands down dammed if i can nail the six axis tho it seems to be an advantage (lets you aim main cannon with the free stick)
Took down three planes with my hangun!!! (dam camper hovering n sniping the plane spawn)
Great game anyone can pick up play enjoy settings are pretty open and its well balanced. Tho unless your a lot better than me you will get pawned :D
just hoping Lair turns out better than the reviews too

6129d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

should be playing it soon (wifes brining it back form the store now)
Looks like a lot of fun and we need a switch form r/f.o.m here.

Anyways looking forward to joining the fray.

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks good hopefully my dad will bring over the ol 360 after he picks it up. (the advantages of owning the only big high def tv in the family)

6131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks promising but I thought the cross platform pc thing was a given. . . When did they change their minds?

Quote from page 3 "We're dubious that you'll see any PC/PS3 cross-over (we expect that to be a focal point of the inevitable 360 version..."

possibility or just more bs?

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I probably would've done the same thing (not knowing he could possibly cost his mom her job) I mean all he did was give an honest opinion on the game something I don't feel a lot of the more notable game reviewers have done in a long time. Now sure it wasn't the most brilliant write up but it was honest and positive which were exactly what I needed to be able to commit the 70$ (cnd) to this game. So Sony lay off his mom if you don't I promise I'll never pay for another Sony product.

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow Imma buying the first console with these for sure lol

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gonna get warhawk (for the wireless headset esp) Lair and then maybe a little time to recoup for conan (if they nail the fighting and deglitch it) and Singstar for the wifes xmas gift (ill prob hint at UT3 or assasins creed for me)

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment