
CRank: 14Score: 273570

It will be like a 9 million seller! They have to make it.

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

go to amazon and read the PS3's excellent reviews. A lot are dual console owners and the truth hurts. One guy had four comments from 360 owners willing to trade for his PS3! It was from a couple days ago! The games are hot, and the movies are blockbuster. What could I buy on any console to substitute Uncharted, Ratchet, UT3, Singstar, Warhawk, GTPrologue and Heavenly Sword experience this Holiday? How come 14 of the 20: 2007 blockbusters exclusive to blu ray? Sony has some marketing to do, y...

6106d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

has potentially 400,000 systems to sell to in Japan. It could sell well. Even though selling over 400,000 in each territory (motorstorm) for 1.3 million gamers is low and weird to xbots. Globals add up quicker, so talk right about Sony and Nintendo software sales. Japan is very important to most true gamers and gaming companies.

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it will continue to sell systems at a variety of pricepoints. Sony is not a one game company. The portfolio next year, and even this fall is umatched.

6106d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

not after Tuesday of course. Sony has Uncharted, UT3, Ratchet, Eye of Judgement, Singstar (very popular), Haze, Folklore and crazy other exclusives and multiplats. They will be safe this xmas, esp. with blu ray. Regardless of a drop, they will sell millions worldwide, just fall short of MS and Nintendo in NA. But u never know! But, $399 would overwhelm MS and Nintendo to say the least.

6107d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nominated for GOTY. No doubt bro, one of many great PS3 Game of the Year nominee's.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When Sony and Microsoft go mass market, the wii can't compete. No FFXIII, Halo 3, GTAIV, Gran Turismo 5, etc. (not even scratching the list by a hair). They better make dozens of new ip, the sequels of games on top of AAA masters plus new announcements will grace the MS and Sony shelves!

6107d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Xbox should take on the wii in NA this fall, PS3 will gain ground. PS3 in japan this fall will gain ground. Next year Sony will be into their on with crazy huge exclusives globally. Wii will lose much market esp. software the end of next year when, Sony is around $299 and MS is $199.

6107d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Keep up the good work, can't wait to see what you guys have next!

6107d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

White knight story is promising to say the least!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only action game on DMC level is God of War. The combo styles are so abudantly available and diverse in God of War but DMC has that razor sharp 100 frames per second kick ass style! lol (What's his name better put on his shades, Capcom has some bright heat with this one).

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

can't wait either!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo 5 is going to have so much stuff that other GT's before did not. Someone sounds a little scared, as if GT5 (official release) will not make Forza 2 look like a demonstration.

Edit: to the replys below, they have nothing to do with my comment. I never sayed "payed anything" or "eurogaymer" so...Anyway I feel like forza 2 should not be compared to Gran Turismo. It's like Blue Dragon vs. Final Fantasy...let's not get ahead of ourselves. Or Halo to...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I would not just say this! I need adventure in my gaming life! No Aliens or Star Trek stuff, just good ole' fashion Indiana Jones style adventure!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is moving super fast..looks like 70 frames per second..lol. I will be checking this out on PS3!

6107d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSP has a nice line-up for x-mas. PSP will easily sell this x-mas! I want Castlevania!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is brilliantly stealth. The demo featuring the tech robots sold me on this one. That was the smartest artificial intelligence I have seen in a long time. 12 minutes cannot judge a stealth game. MGS bosses are crazy, the story is deep, and now the use of tech is oustanding! If I judged Mass Effect by the demos I would say it was a yawn fest. But I am going to see the full game before I draw conclusions.

6107d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

pure heat!

6107d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 Tekken 6 LittleBigPlanet Final Fantasy XIII Gran Turismo 5 White Knight Story SOCOM Eight Days The Getaway Infamous FFXIII Versus Jak and Daxter PS3 etc.

6108d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I can't understand how 360 fans who like fast paced adventures could pass up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank, and UT3 with mods.Then Eye of Judgement, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Haze, Time Crisis 4, and Singstar. Then my ishh, GT5 Prologue! And wireless Rockband plus multiplats! Then 2008 is a exclusive spank fest. To each his on.

6108d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment