
CRank: 5Score: 79520

This article is old, it's from January this year and has been re-published.

40d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@twopickles, were you not paying attention? Sony was heavily criticized when they laid off people weeks ago, more than Microsoft did with their massive abk layoffs.

40d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm picking this up, reminds of games like Onimusha

41d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why can't Sony have its own dedicated launcher not of just their games but other 3rd parties, why not. Nothing ventured nothing gained. These are the same people who openly worry about a monopoly in console gaming yet the advocate for a monopoly in pc gaming.

44d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep, huge double standard look at the tortured reaction to the ps5pro, websites hyperventilating like Sony is forcing people to buy it.

44d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hahaha, 6 years development for a 9 hrs game. Lol. Microsoft first party straight stealing money from them.

47d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Let's be real here the only reason this is a question is because it's currently a Sony exclusive, other big legacy franchises who have seen similar declines in sales over the years are not held to the same standard (most of these other franchises have seen decline despite their multi-platform release). FF is just not as popular as it once was 20 plus years ago, it happens. Square can always look to create new ip along with their continued FF release cadence. The franchise still sells...

54d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its an option, why is there all this hoopla over this. Nobody is being forced to buy a pro model.

55d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Shorter pachter:: "whatever Microsoft does has been and will be successful, no matter what the numbers say. The other 2 platform holders are clueless and should be following Microsoft".

Nobody should ever listen to this guy and his Microsoft propaganda. He has zero credibility.

58d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes more T & A, the more the better ! Muh hahaha

60d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

These phony topics are a product of the massive echo chamber that has been built up on the xbox side to present an alternative reality for fans to the one where the xbox brand continues to fail. Destin and McCaffery use their ign platform to support the continued propaganda because, what else is there for them to do. These guys like several xbox centric YouTube channels have made money on this stuff and with Microsoft essentially admitting defeat and moving their games to rival platforms the ...

61d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

An incompetent like Spencer and those around him being able keep their job should tell you how little importance Microsoft places on xbox. It was all good until the abk purchase went through now head office is going to start calling the shots.

66d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

@rlow1, it's you that are making a big deal about it. Why would he lie, becuase he's worried the switch will pass that total? Lol. Don't confuse the console war conversations we have on n4g with Ryan's statements on anything playstation. He was with playstation from the start and was apart of their climb to success. He would have the exact number.

67d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

@DarXyde, of course he lies and obscures the truth, the whole xbox division does.

70d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Bleak? Lol by what standard? Playstation may not have a high amount of 1st party in 2024 but they have delivered in spades this gen so far. This year alone they've had helldivers, ff7 rb, rise of ronin, stellarblade next month. There is no games issue on Playstation side.

70d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

@justlooken, stop pretending like you know what you're are talking about. CPU issue? Why becuase you say so? Lol.

70d ago 19 agree5 disagreeView comment

@Eonjay, Phil Spencer has a lying problem. He will not be honest about anything especially about the failure of xbox under his leadership or how his decisions contributed to xbox current predicament. He will not change, he continues to give these interviews that have no basis in reality. Taking anything this man has to say as being credible is a fools errand.

70d ago 44 agree8 disagreeView comment

Dude needs to shut up and focus on doing his job for once. He always talks about what's good for gaming in general despite having so completely proven he has no idea how to make xbox successful at all. He talks about ballooning budgets but will not talk about his boneheaded decision to give every xbox 1st party game away on gamepass. How will that move make it possible to support any game production especially the most expensive ones like halo infinite, Philip?

70d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

Day 1! Perfect timing for all those current gen exclusives from playstation studios and partners that will release in the back-half of the generation.

80d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

People pay for games over on the playstation side. Must feel good for developers on the xbox side.

86d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment