CRank: 5Score: 67060

to "mhunter" did you read the article? the author said near the end of article. " Add to the necessity to pay for XBOX LIVE GOLD on XBOX ONE and your romps across the ONLINE version of TARNIEL can easily become quite costly." And if you go back and read my first post . I was asking a question. but after reading my first post again, i can understand why a few people got just a little upset about my crappy question! In response too comments above me , to my crappy question...

3712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if you just want to play ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE on PS4 . SONY does not require you to have a PLAYSTATION PLUS account ! Why is MICROSOFT making you pay for XBOX LIVE to play E.S.Online on the XBOX1?

3712d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Also wanted to say , this game is meant to be played when you are by yourself , in the dark , speakers blasting, oh and the most important thing, from the very beginning of the game! This demo was just a couple parts of the game ! I am very pumped up for this game! The best well to tell if a game is good is by simply playing it from beginning to end!

3712d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow , i feel like there are not enough web sites and journalist covering this game , hopefully by Monday their will be around 30 more previews of this game from PAX EAST on the N4G site! Just kidding . I already pre-ordered this game, and can not wait to play it!! Just kinda bummed out i did not have the money to go to PAX EAST this year . I live only 5 miles from the event.

3713d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well the good thing is, it does not come until late August and i would not be suprised if the game gets a delayed release date . "Because a delay of game, may make us wait a little bit. But a crappy game will suck forever !" a quote from GABE NEWELL

3713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to multiConsuleGamer / i agree with your comment , the sad thing is these types of articles get so many comments and stay on the front page ! and the more fun and intelligent articles get buried and not to many comments , but i guess i am okay with that, because their are way bigger problems in the world then "console wars" !!!!

3713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just trying too add something to the conversation, by the way some really good comments above me ! I game on the PSN thru my PSthree every day, and i talk to so many people on the PSN who stopped using their three60 years ago, due to lack of first party games and having to pay , well. to do anything on XBOX live online! I believe that played a part in the PS4 dominance over the past 5 months ! But with the new head of XBOX , i believe they are swinging for the fences! Hopefully they hit some...

3713d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can not wait for this game and i love the fact "Wolfenstein N.O." is using health packs! My main concern is the default level the easy level? If so,i guess not a big deal, because i can always move it up to a harder difficulty. I just love FPS campaigns that challenge me and do not hold my hand> but this game looks really good . On a side note: "Wolfenstien New Order" is the first triple A FPS game to come out this year!

3713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it seems to me, his main complaint was he was not scared to die. If the enemies are easy to kill , then that makes the game not fun, and not scary! They need to make the enemies tough which equals loads of fun for me . I think that is easy fix . I think the studio thinks if the make the game hard it will sell to a smaller audience! Please i hope i am wrong!!

3713d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

to "Somebody". Oh man, "Singularity" is one of my favorite games from 7th gen. It took all the good things from FPS games over the years and packed it into "Singularity" it was a awesome campaign!! A recommendation FPS game you can pick up for under 15bucks at PS store, xbox live and pc {digital only} is "ALIEN RAGE" ! it has pretty good graphics.hardly any cut scenes, and good FPS game play that actually gives you a challenge! Kinda reminds me of "...

3714d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all i have been playing video games since 1974! When i first played Doom in 1995 on PSX . It was the greatest gaming experience i ever had!! For me personally the FPS genre innovated a little bit every year from 1996 thru 2005 ! The problem with 7th gen. FPS campaigns is that they made them real easy, they hold your hand . too linear , tell where to go ,to many cut scenes that interrupt gameplay and a lot a FPS campaigns from 7th gen were way too short! Now talking about "innov...

3714d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just keep pumping out new games for PC and PS4 . Kinda excited about this ! When i get my PS4 this summer, i will have another game to try out ! And that to me is a good thing ! I hope it is good!

3714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to Clarence ..,,,, yeah i was thinking the same thing . Only thing i can think of is , Infamous SS has downloaded copies added to that number from SONY ? In the distant future when all games are downloads, we probably will not be able to look at charts like this . Just announcements from the studios and publishers . That will make sad.

3714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well i am just going to talk about YOUTUBE . Jeff Gertzman and the Giant Bomb staff i think do the best job covering the video game industry . also i trust TOTALBISCUIT and SUPER BUNNY HOP . To me mostly everybody else on youtube is trying to entertain little kids! or come off as promoters for the game companies! almost forgot Adam Sessler . i do not agree with him a lot but he speaks his mind ! that is why i think he left REVthree ! doing reviews and promoting exclusive gameplay is the sam...

3714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to Farendor! I love Jeff Gertzman!! and "Giant Bomb"!but never heard of Epic Battle Cry > i am going to check them out. Have you ever checked out "Super Bunny Hop"? i found him a month ago. He makes really good and smart videos on "Youtube" about video games and the industry. thanks for the recommondation

3714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty good numbers for Elder Scrolls Online in USA. Can not wait for the World Wide numbers for Elder S. O. ! And good too see both Titanfall and Infamous SS doing well. I know Elder Scrolls Online is a couple months away from release on both X1 and PS4.but i really can not wait to see how they will sell on 8th gen. consules! I know the numbers are not accurate but i just love reading charts ! again, thank you William D Angelo .

3714d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG i am playing "Alien Colonial Marines" [which i bought at Gamestop for 6 bucks new] then took a break and came across this story. Then looked at myself in the mirror , holy crepes! I now have pimples and warts all over my face and forgot what 2 plus 2 equals ! Then put the Orange Box disc in my PSthree and played Half Life 2. Then looked in mirror again and pimple and warts went away! I still do not look pretty though, oh well. And i still can not figure out what 2 plus 2 equals....

3715d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pre-order about 1 game a year, for example, my next game i am picking up is "Wolfenstein New Order",which i believe is the first Triple AAA FPS consule game release this year!The last new triple A game i bought new for 60 dollars was "Bioshock Infinite" which was the one game i pre-ordered last year!and thought Infinite was awesome. I was going to pick up "Wolf. N.O" the first week it came out,then i heard i can access the new "DOOM" beta if i pre-ord...

3715d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just wanted to add . I have not bought a Nintendo product since the NES days. I am getting a WI for free from family a member , just so i can play some Metroid FPS games .I think "as mentioned above me in comments", Their lack of third party support is their biggest problem!

3715d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

my take is, that Sony and Nintendo are trying hard to please their consumer base,which is very important! So by Nintendo using the gamepad for the WiU and Sony putting out powerful handheld "Vita", shows that both are really trying hard to innovate and please their fan base! Even though, they are both not selling well, it proves to me they are both great Game Companies! Just my opinion. Cheers!

3715d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment