CRank: 5Score: 57310

@badz149 Not surprised you dont believe me, here I'll give you a real life example.
Activision, the reason why Crash Bandicoot insane trilogy, Crash 4 and the racing game are on the switch it was merely because of one guy. He is/was a developer in Activision that really loves his job and on his spare free time he was there porting and testing out the code to the Nintendo Switch Developer pack, turn out it ran pretty well and he inform his superiors of what he did and because of t...

497d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's the thing most of you don't get or don't see the bigger picture, Lets use our imagination and let's say the next Nintendo system is on par if not superior to the ps5 or the xbox series a another powerhouse console in the market....and then what? Be honest and then what?
What will it make it different to justify in getting a new $550 console where there are others that offer the exact same experience?
Wanna play the same old yearly released C...

498d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yet Xbox series S/X had also a climb but I guess that's irelevant too, right? cause it' has to be the freaking Playstation the leader and the one that deserves all the praise even though Microsoft is also selling well and Nintendo wiping their arse the so called current gen power house the ps5 is supposed to be.
You see the biased?

518d ago 7 agree21 disagreeView comment
518d ago Show

Im quite sure we already got a successor for the switch, is probably ready, but not just yet, they are waiting until Switch sales drop down considearably and after that, then will they start marketing their new product.
Jus as long as they make it retro compatible and also hybrid and of course even more powefult than the curent switch and people will love it. That much I'm certain.

519d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This might shock you but some people play games, not pixels.

552d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WHy is that unfortunate?

552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean pirate it? Way to go douchebag!

561d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's not me begging for this game to be ported on your plastic box.

561d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So many butthurt people here it's not even funny. You know the situation of Bayonetta well by now. So you got either 2 choices: either accept the fact that Bayonetta will be for a long while in Nintendo hardware so stop whinning and port begging and play the game with what you got OR you can GTFO and find another game elsewhere, it's that simple really.

561d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Cant tell if you are really being sarcastic or being a plain a-hole trying to be funny. Eiter way, you have a point though

574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What went wrong? Quite simple really...their monetary policy.
You had to pay a subcription fee to use it and aside form that I had to pay full price for games that I really wouldn't own and god forbids the company of the game decides to remove the game from the stadia servers. Also you had to buy the controller as well.
SO, if you add those things, it's a bad business practice and does not benefit us the gamers. ASide that you require 100% to be connected to the inte...

578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so?I'm still commenting on the fact that batgirl's arse is the main focus and even if there is nude mod for nightwing only then so be it, who says there arent any other "gamers of culture" lmao.

585d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So this is basically for all those fappers....ok

586d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's on Steam too genius!

593d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

So? you still gonna talk trash on Konami? Let me been bribed by a nice trailer.

593d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"a game bad is forever bad". - part of the quote from Shigeru Miyamoto.

596d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

So what you are saying is that all the people that make the game are important overall, correct? there is no more than you or less than you. I agree.
Now I really don't know the salary or fees for voice VA so I can't really say those 4K were good or not.
Is a boycott justified? you said everyone phas put effort into making this game so it's not just about the VA but everyone.

596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's an idea, dont play it if you are gonan complain with that attitude that because it's not on your plastic box of preference. There are so many games I wish I had on my console of preference but we can't always get what we want now can we? So we gotta deal with it like the responsible men that we are and instead of making a medicre article complaning we move on like anyone else.

603d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

No, Gameboy color was an upgraded version of the original Gameboy, because you could play those gameboy color games in the original gameboy as nice try but that attempt to twist things into your convenience didn't worked.

616d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment