
CRank: 5Score: 2900

Sony shouldn't panic too much about the drop in sales, since it was kind of expected. For people who are unaware, the PS Vita launched around the same time that "system-seller" Nintendo 3DS games such as Monster Hunter Tri G (very popular in Japan), Mario Kart 7, and Super Mario 3D. Also, PSP is selling very well still, with many good RPGs going to be released in 2012.

What did PS Vita have as a Japanese killer app? Uncharted: Golden Abyss doesn't count sinc...

4544d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nomura has been the Main Character Designer for pretty much every "popular" Final Fantasy game (VII, VIII, X, XIII), as well as contributing to battle graphics/gameplay/character and/or monsters design for FFIV-VI, CHRONO TRIGGER, Super Mario RPG, Parasite Eve series, etc.

Also, Nomura was largely responsible for the ENTIRE Kingdom Hearts franchise (all of them), and has been the main game designer/director behind the FFVII line of products (FFVII: Advent Children m...

5099d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"4.3 - Sorry, you PHAIL.
If a JPRG doesn't sell a million in Japan, it's a MAJOR FLOP. How long has WKC been out in Japan? Nearly a year. BIG TIME FLOP.

7 months? LOL...PS3 only fanboi. JRPG's sell a million in 3 days retard. "

Uh, only the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest JRPG franchises typically debut at over a million copies in Japan alone... and these were the first two JRPG franchises ever created. It's stupid of you to compare to the sales of a c...

5419d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since mid-2008, PS3 is finally getting the RPGs! And we seem to be getting the "complete" version of all the timed Xbox360 exclusives, such as Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

PS3 RPGs to date and future ones:

Eternal Sonata
Valkyria Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles
Demon's Soul
Elders Scroll IV: Oblivion
Tales of Vesperia
Atelier Rorona

and highly likely ...

5537d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"lost odyssey
blue dragon"

Were RPGs made by Mistwalker and another company that was fully owned by MS Japan. MS fully funded these collaborative RPG projects for the 360. However, they don't own IP rights to the Blue Dragon FRANCHISE, since a DS game came out last year. But it's likely MS owns the publishing rights for the original Blue Dragon RPG, which they helped develop.


Created by Bungie Studios, who were bought by...

5537d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Quinton Flynn?

You know, the guy who voice-acted Raiden (MGS2 and MGS4), Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2), Henry (No More Heroes), Reno (FFVII: Advent Children and FFVII: Crisis Core), and Spider Man (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance). Of course, this excludes a few anime voice acting he's done :P

5735d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinda like Republican's George W. Bush? Or what about senile, flip-flopping McCain? Recent Democratic presidents have been far better than the Republicans ones. We don't need another president siding with Oil companies (read: McCain) and continuing money-draining wars. Otherwise, the U.S. economy is as good as dead.

Sure, Obama isn't exactly amazing, but between the two presidential candidates, I'd rather take someone who's willing to lead U.S. politics in a new direction.. since...

5795d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you've ever studied how statistics works, then you would know that 1000 people = a representative sample of the general population's opinion.

Assuming that the survey interviewed 1000 RANDOMLY chosen people who own Wii Fit, then this is a very accurate assessment of how many Wii Fit owners quit, ratio-wise.

These Japanese surveys are obviously not calling Wii Fit a "flop" in terms of sales number and profit (for Nintendo), but rather that it failed to ma...

5816d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5820d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eternal Sonata is technically not considered a TRADITIONAL JRPG, since it's more action-RPG oriented (similar to Star Ocean III and Radiata Stories, which were also done by the creators of Eternal Sonata). It's a relatively recent trend in RPGs (and I believe Kingdom Hearts was among the first BIG games that influenced this RPG sub-genre).

Lost Odyssey IS a traditional JRPG, since it uses a turn-based battle system. Sakaguchi's previous Mistwalker game, Blue Dragon, as well as pr...

5821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Staring with Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (part II in the series on the PS2), they added RPG elements to the action/platformer/shooter game. Even that game, which had a ONE YEAR development period, was over 25 hours first playthrough.

There's no excuse for a game 10 years in development and only 10 hours long! I can accept at least 18 hours gameplay (even though I would have misgivings of it being 10 years in development vs. games which are 18 hours but only 1-2.5 years in ...

5821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You DO realize that every Metal Gear Solid game can be beat in less than 5 hours IF YOU'VE MASTERED the entire game and all the enemy movement patterns, as well as played through the game several times to determine where the shortcuts are? Typical gamers take at least 12 hours to complete a Metal Gear Solid game in their first playthrough (it took me 15 hours for MGS1 and 17 hours for MGS2. I haven't played MGS3 nor MGS4 yet). Same thing can be said about the whole Resident Evil series (where...

5821d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering the Xbox Live service was created over 5 years ago vs. Playstation Network which was a little over 1 1/2 years ago, it's pretty impressive that Sony has gotten this far in so little time.

There's no doubt that Microsoft is the online service leader at the moment. However, I haven't seen any recent updates that have evolved beyond their current state, which Sony is gradually catching up on (and the fact that it's FREE). So unless Microsoft does something innovative (an...

5822d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whenever the PS3 is turned on, and there's a new firmware update, it will give you a message to inform you about it, telling you to go to the System Update icon on the XMB to download it.

So there's no doubt that EVERY PS3 owner will be informed about any updates(who has an internet connection at least. If not, then they can get the new firmwares via the new game releases, which come with the most up-to-date firmwares).

You don't own a PS3, so clearly you don't know ...

5822d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that Santa Monica Studio helped in the creation of it.

You know, the same Sony studio responsible for GOD OF WAR...

Perhaps this is showing off their current PS3 engine for God of War 3 so far?

5918d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both Blu-ray and HD-DVD were already being talked about as the next-gen disc format, way before Microsoft announced the final specs for the Xbox 360. I was honestly certain that MS would side with HD-DVD from the get-go and have it built-in the Xbox360. Alas, that wasn't the case, which pissed off a certain 3rd party Xbox developer (read: Team Ninja's Itagaki). Now they're gradually paying that price :/

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regarding Lost Odyssey, you forgot to mention the fact that it takes anywhere from 3-8 seconds to load between maps, and up to a MINUTE between cut scenes (which is RIDICULOUS for any RPG game, and the first time I've ever had to experience this BS load time for ANY RPG, whether on my 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox, GC, DC, PS, SNES, etc. except for Jade Empire for Xbox, which took forever to load every time I enter a building or area)

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although your post has a good point, I just wanted to point out that the CELL processor is also based on IBM's PowerPC architecture (although heavily modified and with SPUs).

I love how the PS3 allows you to upgrade your own HDD with any 2.5" sized HDD (unlike Microsoft's propriety HDD for 360), but, like many other PS3 owners, I am annoyed with CAPCOM's decision to make the 5 GB intallation MANDATORY. Games like Ninja Gaiden Sigma (which play far faster and more smoothly ...

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how you are unable to dispute any of the facts he mentioned, and instead started resorting to biased, unproven accusations against all PS3 owners. Your post, like all of your other posts, is fanboyism at its best (in a negative way).

5956d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet the Japanese gamers prefer a more "anime" or "Cel-shaded" style of PS Home. Japanese gamers don't dig Western or realistic styles that much (unless it's Final Fantasy style realism).

PS Home is being made by SCEE, so of course the designs will be based on European gamers mainly.

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment