
CRank: 4Score: 21380

Why bother playing if you dont care about the story? You aren't SUPPOSED to love MGS.

You like it, because you are into it. Who cares if it even is an 'interactive movie' I commend someone for doing something different in gaming. If it wasn't for Kojima, we would all be balls deep in mindless shooters that are the same exact game over and over again.

play the game on the hardest mode next time, and we will see how quickly you get to the cut scenes.

5649d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

doing the game missions.

It just has no substance. I passed the bank mission, tried online. Shelved the game.

5649d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 has "SHIPPED" 20-25 million.


This is just a smear campaign, I dont know really what is egging it on. only a few things come to mind.

1. People resent the company sony was when the PS2 killed everything, those same people waited for the same thing to happen with the PS3, and it didn't immediately duplicate the 8+year run that the PS2 had. So now everyone is calling it a massive failure beyond proportions.

My only problem i...

5649d ago 22 agree14 disagreeView comment

Everyone wasn't going to create amazing stuff, but for the few that did. Wow.

5649d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can only play them on a ps3.

5649d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

(crosses fingers)

I'd just hate for it to be degraded to run on the core 360 with no hdd. Its funny that this game looks better than all SE's exclusive games.

5649d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL at thinking otherwise.

the 360 Gets better ports than the PS3. thats definitely a fact.

But come on folks, no one in their right mind called GEARS 2 out for having bullshots or even being close to CGI.

The same way Bully's PS2 port on the 360 was inferior to the PS2 game. Is the same way developers make shotty PS3 ports.

And the PS3's exclusives all stomp all over multiplatform games and the 360's exclusives which are all based on MULTIP...

5649d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

The PS2.

5650d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment





(grandpa simpson)

5650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i kid I kid.

They aren't exclusives.

5650d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cnn said so!

5650d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

it has commercials, its pretty much TV/movies.

5650d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

1. Turn on PS3
2. Load Browser
3. enter WWW.HULU.COM

View videos in HD on the Fly. The same way you stream-key word STREAM- from Hulu on your pc.


You can Download videos as you suggest. Put them on USBsticks or Flash drives and copy them to the HDD of your PS3 to watch whenever you want.


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You do understand what is right? some of the best quality streaming tv/m...

5650d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT5 has slight competition as far as car model quality goes.. and the paint looks great.

5650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

50 mil on a game that moved less consoles than MGS4 is a waste.

No matter which way you try to cheer MS out of it.

With the market that MS had, it would have sold just fine to the 360 fanbase which is still around the same as Xbox1.

Its not like the 360 hasn't boasted a attatch ratio since day one.

And it shouldn't be a shock that More people bought it on the ps3. The game is definitely associated with the brand.

But most people...

5650d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean.. really?

Doesn't it ring obvious that Sony can just easily do a price drop to get rid of their main issue? While the 360 can't fix rrod in 3 years?

17 million people have bought the ps3.

20-25 retailers have been shipped 360's. (after a year head start)

5650d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

reality called..

the 360 has only 'shipped' 20-25 million units.

Sony has SOLD 17 million.

so ask yourself...

Does shipped mean sold?

5650d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats the best laugh I've had on n4g in a while.

The best part is its just classy, and you cant really say NO!

5650d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I need confirmation. I thought no one wanted the game, and sony was firing people because of it? Since their gaming division of the PSP/PS3/PS2 is flopping hard all over the universe?

5650d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Community Value
- How the community feels about the game, how fun it is. The people looking forward to the game.

2. Buzz Value
- How hyped/popular the game is.

3. Sales Value
-how many copies has this game sold.

For some reason 3 seems to out weigh 1. And it NEVER used to be that way. You could put a 30 million dollar ad campaign into anything and sell it, but when the dust settles who remembers how the game was outside of the Ad's\S...

5651d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment