CRank: 5Score: 110560

She is got hired there a while back as a writer. Ya must have missed it.

976d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To each there own, I played and loved both games. The first one is by far the better horror game in my opinion and I felt they took a few steps back on the second one. But still thought it was really good.

979d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude you are obviously not into the game. That doesn’t mean what you say is fact at all, that is your opinion and that is fine.

However if you can’t see a list of other reason why the game is in fact a good game than you are either lying to yourself, or you don’t understand the Medium, game philosophy and design, and or “art” in general.

I could list so many things the game does and not only does them right but better than 90% of games out today. ...

984d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I thought the game was a masterpiece…. So did a lot of other people. It’s all good though they make plenty of games for people like you all the time. COD, GEARS, BATTLEFIELD. FORTNIGHT, PUB, Etc

When you actually grew up playing good video games, you know how to spot a good video game, and this is in fact a very very good video game no matter which way you slice it.

So eat that turd sandwich. Lol

984d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don’t get this consumer friendless crap. They put extra work into the game, 10 bucks is nothing. I don’t know any other industry that gives new things away for free. Yes if it is just an up res and more FPS don’t charge for that because that takes very very small effort, but if you are adding content and improving the game well duh you can charge for that.

985d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Loved this game. Hope it gets all the sales it deserves so they can make another game! It was very cool playing a game like this in 2021 blast from the past!!

987d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been playing for a few days and I am actually surprised at how well they did some of their puzzles. Would love some more games just like it. Love the fixed camera and old school survival horror!

1000d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you have the option to not buy it. But if they are going to go through and upgrade it and make changes to it and make it the best version than yeah it makes sense that you would have to pay for it. Now if they just patch it to run better here and there than yeah I don’t think you should have to pay for that. But if they are gonna do a bunch of work on it, makes sense to pay for it. And I gladly will if they actually put in the time and do a proper remaster/remake

1003d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

You sound like the mentally limited person. Grow up and read a book.

UC is by far the better game. Than both gears and TR. last you have no idea what you are talking about. You are clearly delusional.

1032d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with Cody on that one.

1034d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You Xbox fans are seriously delusional…. Go seek medical attention as soon as ya can while you can…. You got one good game coming. Congrats now stop lying and go play all those games

1036d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Foxtrot has the real answer it’s because they first showed this demo off in FP

1043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You Xbox guys are crazy…. This game has new content, and new features and is upgraded for the ps5. People work on it and you want it for free?

Since you guys are so Gung ho about things being free do you want to come to my house and do my front and back yard and clean for me? You better not charge though. Also you should go into work tomorrow and tell your boss you are going to work for free.. tell your manager “hey you already paid me for this past half year, I’ll wor...

1061d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

You must hate Xbox than. That’s all they do promote and sell old games with game pass.

Don’t worry Sony knows how to upgraded there games and do great add ons, while still having new games come out almost every single month.

Really want new games? Buy a ps5 there are plenty of them, and they are actually really great games!!!

1068d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Tarantino got worse ??? I would say he still make a top notch movies man.

1075d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hahaha keep dreaming. Tempest audio engine is by far better than atmos and I have a Ps5 amd xbox SX and can say without a doubt Sony has the better sound.

And anybody who has both knows this hands down. As far as superior version, so far most games run better on the ps5. Xbox doesn’t have one game that has come out and shown this huge power difference you guys dream up.

Also not to mention, MS doesn’t have one game that comes close to looking anything ...

1090d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

@therealted... Even back in the 360 ps3 days I had to spend about 1,500 to have a computer at the time that would make it worth the money over playing on the those consoles... and when the ps4 came out if I wanted a pc at the time that could compete I spent 700 dollars on a graphics card alone. Now days if you want a of that will beat what the Ps5 can do, you have to spend up towards the 2 grand. It’s just a fact. Sure if you want to spend a thousand on a pc and be able to play most new gam...

1104d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Someone is a douche.. we got a douche alter here... you pc only guys are some of the most delusional self involved people I have ever seen... you guys don’t even play games you count frames and mess with graphic settings all day and try to get the games to run right. Hahaha.

And last but not least you all say you have the best gaming rigs and most of us know that it is complete bullshit.. so game on dude... haha lol

1104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
1105d ago Show

Dude that is like 90% of gamers. All my close buddy’s play the worst type of games, COD destiny etc. I even had those same friends tell me I was missing out with anthem... I told them nah, you are missing out with. LOU, GOD OF WAR, BLOODBORNE. etc. Nope all they want to do is play COD and fortnight.

I do have two friends that are actual gamers so at least I can have real game talk with a few of them. 😀

1107d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment