CRank: 5Score: 4470

Kid? Yeah right, I probably earn triple what you do since you're so painfully uneducated by the looks of things. So when I said 'they're both great games and better than any other console graphics' what made you think I thought anything on 360 matches PS3 for graphics? Learning to read is recommended.

And all that stuff about goty and 91 on metacritic related to KZ 2 no? So saying Uncharted 2 looks better would relate to KZ2? Do you understand? I didn't ...

5102d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No you're not, I am 2. A lot of people are attacking this game especially the graphics, which is very odd considering the capabilities of Crytek to produce incredible graphics. I think people feel threatened by this cos it's multiplatform but personally, couldn't give a sh!t if it's that, I'll get it for which ever console it is best on. And Far Cry 1 was so sweet

5102d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

And you being a PS3 fanboy means you don't know that 360 has quality 2. Uncharted 2 has better graphics than KZ. And they're both great games and better than any other console graphics. But please mate, stop coming in your pants over it...

5102d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You out of everyone would weep massively if it went to 360. If this turns out 2 be true we all know you'd be heartbroken

5107d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What do you mean these guys? I've got a PS3 and know full well that it's a great console. But it does play blu ray films which is a pretty big reason to own one. Is it just me or is LBP one of the greatest games ever? The single player was immense one it's own and now I've started creating levels (ingenious ones naturally) it's twice as good. I can't believe how easy it is to make decent levels for someone as creatively challenged as I

5447d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment
5447d ago

As long as it's not Star Wars related I'll be happy. Lucasarts literally pioneered adventure games, now they're a bunch of sell outs who can't produce a good game with a huge budget. The closest they've got to remotely good is force unleashed and that was clunky. George you're fat, ugly and rich enough as it is. Stop milking it and get you're guys to start making classics again.
Full throttle, Day of the tentacle, Sam & Max and Monkey Island are all leagues above any Star Wars piec...

5447d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment
5447d ago

Oh right sorry I'm not psychic...userbase doesn't really mean a great deal does from Sony's perspective otherwise they'd have dropped the price by now. Aren't profits slightly more important? But ok from a userbase perspective haven't Nintendo sold millions more consoles than Sony overall? Surely saying the PS2 has sold 140 million is like saying Nintendo have sold x million gameboys, NES etc...PS2 is the last generation so there's no comparison. In terms of this gen, Sony is catching up <...

5470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Catch up how? Nintendo have always been profiting from being in the industry. Sony wiped out the huge profits they made on the PS2 in developing the PS3 but I suppose that doesn't mean much to someone so biased...Microsoft have lost millions in the industry so far so they're 'catching up' but Nintendo? Take a look at their profits before making such ridiculous comments

5470d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah does look very good and these guys are some of the coolest devs just based on their past achievements. Okami was incredible and Viewtiful Jow was wicked 2. I reckon this game will be awesome

5489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 doesn't look slightly better than 360 games - it really is quite far ahead. Yeah it may have something to do with the fact they made it for about 4 years but it must have something to do with the power. But yeah, 360 does have 95% better multiplats, which is why I don't have any multiplats on my PS3

5489d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol what an embarrassing thing to say about a piece of hardware. That is so cheesy it makes me so glad I'm not American (where that sort of thing is deemed acceptable).
Do you guys not think 'hang on, I defend this console so hard, why don't we get together and all mate with our PS3s?' My PS3 is certainly powerful and Killzone 2 looks incredible, but that doesn't mean I wanna have children with it like the rest of you nobbers on this site.

5489d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Speaking of plastic looking characters, did you ever play Uncharted? Let me guess, I'm wrong. Take a look at a screen at tell me that their faces aren't as shiny as your momma's fat @$$

5489d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm but your idol David Jaffe said Gears of War 2 had the best graphics this gen last year...are you sure you know better than him? He's a loyal PS3 fan like you so why would he say that? Let me tell you - cos he's not a biased gimp like that majority of this site. But he is an idiot, and a f**kin ugly one at that.

5489d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

UE3 has produced probably the most AAA titles this gen hasn't it? Gears 1 2 and Bioshock are all much better than the majority of games. And if you hadn't noticed, those games have sold a hell of a lot better than these other 'supposedly better' games. So how is this Epic's fail when their engine has created these hugely successful games? And Gears has great graphics but I suppose you didn't notice this. You PS3 bummer boys need 2 get ur penis's out of the killzone 2 disc and realise that the...

5489d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"For the 360 at least. Like Assassins Creed before it, the PS3 version will suffer from reduced texture detail, framerate and so on so forth. "

If anything the PS3 had better textures, definitely not worse. Having said that, the framerate was factually worse. (Disagree all you want but I had both so I could actually compare)

5511d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Which gave this kaohler bell a keyboard then?

"These screenshots are tiny and can't be used to judge the graphical quality of the game running real-time in 720p on a moderate to large screen."

Right so here you're saying these screenshots are too small to be able to judge.

Uncharted has given us many full res shots as well as in-game footage. Uncharted 2 is clearly running at a much higher poly count and the textures are superb.

5511d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

At the end of the day, no1 knows how the two versions will compare, it's just funny seeing the fanboys clutching to stupid things like 'it will be on 10 discs.' The PS3 doesn't even upscale most games to 1080p eg assassins creed, vegas so it's laughable to say the 360 wouldn't have that. More importantly, you can install all games on a 360, not HAVE to install them like on a PS3. So the disc argument is null and void, just install it which will probably make it quicker than the slow reading o...

5514d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

My name's David Jaffe. I've made one good game and because people liked it, I've decided to become the most outspoken person on the internet. I haven't proved myself since, but I still think people want to hear my every thought and listen to every rant. Also, my face is horrific.

5521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment