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Popular Games & Are They Really That Good?

The thing about games like COD MW2 that bugs me is most people don't buy it for the rave reviews they don't even buy it for the great graphics or storyline (hell since they sell so much on day of release you have no idea if the story-lines gonna be good). They buy for 1 main reason because they know fine well their friend is gonna buy it it's a rule of thumb if you stick with a series like Call Of Duty or Halo you know when you buy it there is a good chance your friends are gonna buy it.

We are in a new world where we have a lot of online friends now and it's hard to go around and ask which games each one are planning on buying over the next few months so you gotta stick with the most famous method and COD MW2 is exactly that. No matter how good this game was gonna be (it could have been the worst FPS this gen) it would have still sold 7 million on it's first day. People buy it for the simple reason they KNOW it's the game everybody else gonna be playing over the next few months and you don't wanna be sat on a server with next to no players trying to find enough to start a game do you?

This is also why games like Uncharted never sold aswell as COD as this is the first instalment with an online mode. If you need more proof of this theory look at all the huge sellers on 360 and PS3 they all have online multiplayer. From your FPS to your football games. It's called safe buying if you love the multi-player experience the new generation of consoles has given us.

The last gen had online multiplayer but never really took advantage of it enough for it to be a major benefactor for buying a game but we live in a new age of gaming and unfortunately multiplayer sells. That's how COD MW2 can get away with a crappy campaign mode the online multi-player is the selling point.

Playstation sales right now are gonna be lower also for this as Playstation gamers are still not as used to the online gaming experience as 360 owners as it wasn't THE main feature when launched. Now it is however people are starting to change but of course it will take time.

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Microsoft Will Shadow Drop Major 1st Party Title & Teaser For Xbox Handheld At Upcoming Showcase

Microsoft will allegedly shadow drop a major first party title & reveal a teaser for the Xbox handheld at the upcoming Xbox Showcase event.

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TwoPicklesGood2h ago

I'm not really into Xbox but if they made a handheld I would jump in.

Xeofate2h ago

I have a Steam deck and I can wait until the Switch 2 is out for a consolized experience.

GhostScholar2h ago

Well if they shadow drop and it’s good that’ll be another studio closure, and this is coming from an Xbox guy so I’m not trolling.

ApocalypseShadow32m ago

You beat me to it. I read the headline and thought the same thing as a joke.

purple1012h ago(Edited 2h ago)

It's 'Tower-borne', and it's not a big AAA game, its, well, take a look:

Fishy Fingers1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

It's quite possibly a "lost in translation" thing, but theyre (Stoic Studio) not 1st party. Although yeah, likely.

purple1011h ago

you are correct actually, towerborne is exclusive to xbox (I think), but yeh not 1st party, i'm scratching my head now, which other other their games would be ready to go in 7 days time.`>?

literally have no idea


10 Most Interesting Bloodborne Characters, Ranked

ScreenRant's Melissa Sarnowski writes, "The Hunter steps into a world full of blood, horror, and darkness in Bloodborne, but they also meet countless fascinating characters at the same time."

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10 Most Tragic Cyberpunk 2077 Deaths, Ranked

ScreenRant's Adam Blevins writes, "Cyberpunk 2077 is not afraid to put its players through some emotional pain with unexpected character deaths, but some hit harder than others."

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