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thorstein (1) - 5059d ago Cancel
Faztkiller (2) - 5059d ago Cancel
scruffy_bear (2) - 5059d ago Cancel

The GotY game that the media forgot

Game of the Year. Yeah, it doesn't mean everything, but when the journalists across the board start slapping down "Game of the Year" awards on a single title, then - as gamers - we take that as a sign that we should pay attention.

Except when it comes to Sony's little underdog, LittleBigPlanet.

See, like several of Sony's other titles this gen such as Killzone 2, MGS4, and Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet defied every naysayer and skeptic when it hit the scene in 2008. It carries a 95 average on Metacritic with 27 perfect 100/100 scores, making it one of the highest-rated games of this generation. It has won several Game of the Year awards from sources such as Eurogamer, GamePro, and even the famously-pessimistic Edge (who gave the game a perfect 100/100 rating). And just for some reference, it won those awards above heavy 2008 hitters such as GTA4, MGS4, Fallout 3 (which were all deserving GotY winners, too, I might add).

To top that off, we've seen a new movement in the console gaming scene for user-created content. While certainly mods have been on PC for a while, console gamers haven't had the chance to experience such a thing. LBP changed all that, and now we're seeing games like Halo: Reach and ModNation Racers imitate LBP's success. It's a game that is still seeing active players on its servers and new custom levels being created (for a total of 2 million according to Media Molecule), even two years after its release. The game has sold 3 million copies to date, which isn't to be dismissed easily. To put it lightly, LittleBigPlanet is a juggernaut in the gaming industry.

LittleBigPlanet 2 has a lot to live up to, but based on what we've seen, it will not only live up to the original's prowess, but surpass it. There are six gadgets (such as the grappling hook) compared to LBP's two tools (the jetpack and the paint gun). There are more customization options including programmable "chips" that can confer a huge range of abilities and behaviors to objects in the world. The orientation of the screen can fit several game genres (so far, we've seen a top-down racing game, "Sackboy Invaders", and a Breakout clone). Also, Media Molecule has stated that LBP2 will include a robust music-creation tool, which is happy news to the surprisingly-large subgroup of LBP that makes "song levels" (levels designed simply to play a recognizable song using the LBP creation tools). How is all of this not cool?

And yet, while LittleBigPlanet 2 is hitting shelves in a little over 3 months, the media is silent. LBP2 is absent from virtually every "Top Ten upcoming games of 2010" list. There are a scant number of articles covering the gameplay and features, despite the fact that the media has had several run-ins with the game at this year's various gaming conventions. No one is talking about it. No one is hyping it.

What's the deal? The media hyped Halo Wars more than this game. While certainly we are seeing upcoming sequels to major franchises such as Halo: Reach and Gran Turismo 5, are we really ignoring little sackboy in favor of games like Call of Duty: Black Ops, the new Need for Speed, and Mafia II? Really?

Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe LBP2 isn't adding anything new. Or maybe the changed developers.! They didn't! So, how can a GotY game be so widely ignored by the media? Did the bribe-check not clear? I cannot understand it. Based on trailers and the few hands-on impressions we've seen, LBP2 is looking to be another major revolution in the console gaming scene. Is Medal of Honor (on lots of "Top 10 upcoming games" lists) going to achieve the same thing? Is Need for Speed? Is Mafia II?

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You already posted this on the forums, why post it here as well?
GameOn5059d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community5059d ago
Mwaan5059d ago

Is Halo Reach imitating LBP? Forge? Forge was in Halo 3. And another thing, why would they give out the game of the year to the sequel to a game of the year?

LordMarius5059d ago

Im still buying LBP 2 (I already pre-ordered the limited edtion) but honestly the whole game just seems like a huge expansion pack for now.

goflyakite5059d ago

It's WAY more of a sequel then most games today.

5059d ago
dkgshiz5058d ago

The media never forgot about LBP. Thats why it won so many GOTY awards.

user92398365057d ago

LBP is overrated and isn't unique

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Indie Dev’s Game Shamelessly Cloned and Released for Free by Grifter

An indie developer has had their game cloned and released for free on Steam under a different name without their permission.

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Hypercharge Unboxed Proving Naysayers Wrong

Get the inside scoop on the remarkable achievement of Hypercharge Unboxed - selling 50k copies in just 5 days. Find out how this indie game is capturing the attention of gamers.

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Behaviour Interactive Is Laying Off 95 People

Behaviour Interactive is facing redundancies, with almost 100 people affected, mostly affected in Montreal.

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just_looken5h ago

Man this studio got hit with another round? it sucks there know for dead by daylight not saying that its a bad game because its not but because its from 2016 and this team has tossed a game out almost every year sense then but each game got worse and worse sales/notice.

meet your maker all done by them has 8 players playing on average via steam

Stuff like this looks like alot of work was done but so few sales this is what no doubt is causing all the layoffs.

January this year they laid off 45 people

95 is this week so this news is new

Just back to back waves of layoffs.