
The Incredible Hulk now has online multiplayer

With the recent patch The Incredible Hulk now has online multiplayer. On the main official site if you click on, Game Info, an click next a few times through the description of the game features, there is the section about online multiplayer, and it says it has co-op, head-to-head, and freeplay.

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jay25815d ago (Edited 5815d ago )

Oh that's good then :). More online play for a game.

ghostman1235815d ago

What I want to know is why are games like Hulk getting this patch when Bioshock clearly deserves it more? Multiplayer on that game would be kickass!

ice_prophecy5815d ago

They probably already had the multilayer structure implemented with the release. They probably wanted to guage the public response to game before dedicating the only services.

SpecialSauce5814d ago

Sega sucks now. every time i see Sega written on the bottom of a game case i instantly lose all interest in the game.

mf_fm5814d ago

anything has Sega on it.


thanks, but NO thanks

ChampIDC5814d ago

Well, that's not very nice, but I can't blame you with their track record as of late. Sega's glory days are over it seems.

Mcrmarcher5814d ago

This is off topic but i wish sega would make a new sonic game like the old ones, or even one like sonic adventure (my last favourite sonic game). Sega is really starting to suck =(

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Looking back at 10 years of… The Incredible Hulk

James writes - "Last month I ventured into the debatable legacy left by the Iron Man video game, which coincided with the monumental launch of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not long after, the big green angry member of the Avengers received his own video game in tandem with a blockbuster film. Now, ten years on, it’s time to look back at SEGA’s The Incredible Hulk to find out if he lived up to the ‘Incredible’ moniker!"

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chrisx2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

hulk: ultimate destruction was and is the best hulk game till this day. maybe insomniac can work on hulk after spidey? I wish

P_Bomb2177d ago

Agreed. I still throw it on now and again. Huge comic book gallery in there. Those are the kinda collectibles I enjoyed collecting. Practical things you can look at later, not just orbs/shards/feathers.

AK912177d ago

That game desperately needs to be apart of the OG Xbox BC line up


Kyle's History with Licensed Games

Kyle grew up playing a lot of video games. However, licensed video games, good and bad, hold a special place in his heart.

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The Incredible Comeback: Why The Hulk Deserves Another Game

It's been too long since Ultimate Destruction gave us a magnificent excuse to cause absolute chaos with the Hulk. Why haven't we seen anything like it since? Click to find out!

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Tonester9254062d ago

All I want is a gory Marvel game. Maybe a Marvel Civil War RPG.

But blood and gore like X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

VINNIEPAZ4062d ago

Loved the hell outta Ultimate Destruction. So fun to run around and destroy things.

Gaming1014062d ago

The team who made Ultimate Destruction are too busy making those Prototype games which... haven't really worked to reel people in the way the Hulk did.
One thing you will never see is a gory Marvel game that doesn't fit the character or the comics. It's because of the target audience being so young, some parents actually monitor what their kids play and so your sales will drop if you make an M rated superhero game. Wolverine's Origins game was great fun, but it was awkward taking your kids to the PG movie, only for them to not be old enough to play the game when they got home.

g2gshow4062d ago


you can say that again

prototype wasn't bad but they did their best work with hulk

4062d ago Replies(3)
Max-Zorin4062d ago

I'm the minority, but I would love a sequel to Marvel Nemesis: Rise of The Imperfects.

Calahad4062d ago

As am I. I loved the the presentation.

Serjikal_Strike4062d ago

I thought the studio that made the hulk games closed?
I know there's others out there that can do a new one..
It would be nice... Also a new prototype would be cool too