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Leaked Screens from Bungies new Game (UPDATE: FAKE)

"With the hype of a new cross console game I decided to give you a taste of a newly developed shooter.

I will not give the title.

So Far only bits of the first three missions are playable. As you can see graphics are yet to be finished. (this is one of the earliest playable versions.) It plays like a cross between Halo, Call of Duty and RainbowSix.
We were told many of the visible characters and models were placeholders yet to be fully rendered (same goes for weapons).
I can't report much as far as story goes, there is no dialogue or objectives yet.

It takes place (estimated) sometime from 2020 - 2040, it is like a semi-modern war game."

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this is why forum posts shouldn't be considered valid. Why was this approved anyway.
Biggunz4933d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Already confirmed as fake. One of the screens included the concept art of an ODST with a photoshopped sniper rifle.
Xander7564933d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Fakes confirmed.
HolyOrangeCows4934d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Confirmed fake, please remove
-Alpha4934d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Paradicia4934d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
forums are not sources for news.
Theoneneo814934d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Not sure if you're allowed to link to a forum, as you need a a valid source for the rumor.
Valay4934d ago WhoDisagree(2)Agree(3)
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Community4934d ago
Pedantic914934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Another shooter :(

Dont we have enough FPS games as it is ?

-Alpha4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

That hasn't stopped people from enjoying MAG, Bad Company 2, Resistance, MoH, Socom, COD, Crysis, etc.

I wish it was something different too, but if it's a great game then I wont mind.

I'm just not liking Activision behind Bungie. If this is COD Future Warfare or COD MMO then I'm intrigued as a fan, but hoping it's something different or different enough.

People are judging when the game is barely developed lol.

Don't worry-- we have a wealth of non-shooters coming up, so I'm not fretting.

Bobbykotickrulesz4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

A wealth of non-shooters?

Uh... Name 10.

Edit: @below
1. That's 9. (until you stealth edited, google is your friend)
2. half of those games won't come out for at LEAST a year.
And 3. The other half are unconfirmed and might not even release in the USA or anywhere outside of Japan for that matter.

But hey, that's a "wealth of non-shooters" even though you actually named a shooter in the list.

Rumor4934d ago

fps gtfo bungie. NOW!

-Alpha4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

LittleBigPlanet 2
The Last Guardian
Arkham City
Dragon Age 2
Diablo 3
LA Noire
inFamous 2
Uncharted 3, likely
New Sly game
That new Demon's Souls-like game
The new JRPG by Level 5
White Knight Chronicles 2
Twisted Metal (it's primarily car combat)
Motorstorm 3
New Ratchet and Clank game/PS Move Heroes
Forza 4
Final Fantasy Versus
New Zelda game

Need I go on?

A new shooter by a shooter-experienced development group isn't something I mind. People are judging way too harshly when the game has barely come along

@Jack Hoff above

What's your point? I named these from the top of my head. There are many more coming for all platforms that aren't shooters.

You may be sick of another shooter, but you barely know enough to be so negative towards it.

I've seen people get excited for the new Resistance game, Killzone 3, MoH, etc. Yet suddenly a game they barely know enough of from Bungie is "too much". I share the same nausea, but you never know how it can turn out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm tired of shooters, but by the time this game rolls around I'll probably be interested enough to at least check it out. I'll give Bungie the benefit of the doubt and hope they have a good game on their hands.

MerkinMax4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

The second picture is so fake. That is clearly Sandtrap from Halo 3. The gun is the arm and M16 from MW2. The scope is from Modern Warfare with a slight color variation. The choppers a clear photoshop. Jesus people, it's just cut and paste jobs from different games.

I'm going to disprove this crap right now. I'll be back with pics.

blue7xx74934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

@SltPoison apparently it's fake since one of the pictures contains concept art from Halo ODST

MerkinMax4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )


Halo 3's Sandtrap from multiplayer is the background.

The scope from CoD 4's M4A1

Here's the character in front of you.

So the chopper and the crappy looking building were also pasted in. It's a terrible photoshop!

That was too easy, come on N4G, don't believe everything you see!!!

Dayngls4934d ago

@ sltPoison
lmfao! good shit man! bubbles

ExplosionSauce4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

I'm hoping for Bungie to do something non-FPS war-ish related.

vhero4934d ago

@sltPoison nice pull there..

No Way4933d ago

Yes, there are a wealth of non-shooter games, released and upcoming.
But, I like Bungie. They are good. I trust them more than either COD dev.
As long as Activision don't butt in too much, I'd expect it to be good.

Mr Tretton4933d ago

Alpha Male 22: "Need I go on?"

Please, no. I've seen enough of your tlnr, 1 dozen essays daily per thread. Seriously bro.

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Shackdaddy8364934d ago

Why is anyone surprised/upset about this?

Its a dev that is experienced in shooters. Of course they are gonna make a shooter game.

Plus since its Bungie, it will probably be good.

ShinMaster4934d ago

"experienced in a shooter"

Fixed :)

vhero4934d ago

MEh I don't get this just because its Bungies it will be good?? See that's what wrong with the world people will be willing to give it a pass no matter how bad it is just because Bungie made it. Same with the last couple of Halo games none surpass the first 3 in quality yet still get rave reviews and millions of copys sold because they are Halo games by Bungie rope.

princejb1344934d ago

what a idiot comment
"Plus since its Bungie, it will probably be good. "
yes bungie is good developer
but they was only good at one franchise which was halo
go try their other games such as oni
and you'll see what i mean

Lich1204934d ago

Marathon and Myth were both very good / innovative, for their time. They're too old to stand up any longer however.

No Way4933d ago

Bungie has made other good games. Halo is just commercially awesome.
Like other dude said, Marathon is good. I can still play that, &have fun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4933d ago
CombineElite4934d ago

3rd person Shooter
side scrolling shooter
Action RPG
point and click adventure
Cover system game
Fighting game
sports game
platform game
Survival Horror
anything with Zombies in it
Racing game
Puzzle game
Pokemon game

Jesus H Christ what are developers suppose to make as I don't see them making up a new category oops my bad Kinect style game. So Bungie should make a Kinect game. You guys need to stop complaining. If it's a good game then buy it.

ShinMaster4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Actually, the "not another..." comment is mainly used for the FPS shooter genre. Not all the other ones you listed.

ForROME4934d ago

We can never have enough FPS its my favorite Genre, so shut your mouth, and BRING IT!

FanboyPunisher4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

How about when an article is flagged as fake, take it down?

@ Pope (Below)
Game costs increase, Uniqueness/Ingenuity greatly decrease.

Sigh.. :(

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4929d ago
saint_john_paul_ii4934d ago

oh god, not another f**king shooter.... WTF happened to Ingenuity, Uniqueness?

Shackdaddy8364934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Well, they said it is part R6 so hopefully its a strategy shooter instead of a fast paced shooter.

We need more 1st person strategy shooters. Cant think of many ATM. Most are 3rd person(which is still good).

blue7xx74934d ago

The last picture has the same sign as this story from a few months ago here in N4G about Bungie trademarking Aerospace.

Genecalypse4934d ago

Well there you have it, welcome Aerospace...

Sevir044934d ago

at leats we know the name of their game and that development is now fully underway!

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Genecalypse4934d ago

Oh goddamnit, another fucking shooter

silkrevolver4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

...ANOTHER military shooter! COME ON GUYS!!!! We need some Goddamn variety in this industry!!!!!! Sigh... all we can hope for is Respawn (aka, the reborn Infinity Ward) isn’t making a shooter as well, but... that’s doubtful.

Ducky4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

... Respawn?

Edit: No worries. To Err is human.

Considering that those guys are mostly responsible for making military-shooters so famous, I doubt they'd make something else.

silkrevolver4934d ago

Whoops. I meant Respawn. My bad.

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Bungie CTO Leaves Company After 14 Years, Joins Sony PlayStation

Bungie veteran and current CTO, Luis Villegas, has left the company after fourteen years and has joined Sony PlayStation as its new Head of Technology.

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Community15d ago
Sonic188116d ago

"I feel incredibly lucky because as part of my new role I get to still work closely with my Bungie family."

New role and more pay and still can work closely with Bungie

16d ago
fr0sty15d ago

Yeah, he basically just got a big promotion within the same parent company.

16d ago
S2Killinit15d ago

Seems logical for him and probably for PlayStation

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview

Bungie - "Join our development team to see the new updates arriving with Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Releasing on June 4, 2024."

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InUrFoxHole52d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?


Bungie Replaces Marathon Director Amid Leadership Shakeup, Fears of Layoffs

Amid ongoing anxiety within Bungie following layoffs last year, the studio is now preparing for another shakeup, this time on Marathon.

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Community74d ago
Kaii74d ago

Layoffs should be hitting the incompetent management at this point.

Profchaos73d ago

Talk about mismanaged Bungie is a studio of tremendous potential and have made some of the greatest shooters to date. Sony pushed them to just make another Destiny style game and consult on other studios live service games and are now getting thrown under a bus as the pivot away from predominantly gaas games is unfolding.

I'd love to see a world where Bungie can focus on telling great sci fi stories again away from a live service dungeon but we all know that's a pipe dream

Rynxie73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Are you serious? Do you just talk out of your arse naturally, or did it take years of being a POS?

Profchaos73d ago

You normally get so offended by internet comments or did it take years of being soft

purple10173d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Yes I see your point mate, someone clearly didn’t read the article.

Specifically the bit:

“Notably, multiple sources at the time and since have shared that Sony has largely left the studio to sort out its own troubles and was not responsible for the layoffs, with CEO Pete Parsons taking responsibility.“

He’s just spouting nonsense

Huey_My_D_Long73d ago

lol what so fucking hilarious is that you called him out so bad he projected him being offended onto you.

Its been well documented that Bungie's management has been more responsible for their shortfalls, even mentioned in said article that we are commenting on.

Its ok, just admit you didn't read the article.


Arrowhead Studios will be Sony’s GaaS consult now.

Gameseeker_Frampt73d ago

I like how for some, it is never Bungie's fault. Microsoft, Activision, and now Sony - it is everyone else who is pushing Bungie to make all these bad decisions.

-Foxtrot73d ago

Thrown under the bus?

Are you joking? This is all Bungie, we all thought it was 100% Activision but it's clear the higher ups at Bungie don't have a clue how to run the studio and are more bothered about saving their own skin and the money that they rake in.

Sony gave them an extra $1.2 Billion to make sure that employees didn't leave and they didn't have to cut anyones jobs. Where did that money go because Bungie still cut peoples jobs and I bet you the higher management still kept a hold of their big fact paychecks and bonuses.

Sony invested poorly in this and the best thing they can do now is throw the old Bungie management out and take hold of the studio fully.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Somebody at Bungie is the golden goose making great shooting mechanics, and the rest need to justify their paychecks.

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Fearmonkey73d ago

This studio has had three owners and its never worked well with any of them....Management has issues

ChasterMies73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Worked very well for Microsoft. Microsoft’s mistake was letting Bungie go.

Fearmonkey72d ago

it worked so well with MS that they so wanted to be away from them they bought the company back. Only to do it again with activision-blizzard, and then sold to Sony...Sony shouldn't have bought them...Bungie hasnt been the same for a long time..