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callahan095241d ago

Interesting. Wasn't expecting it to be on Wii. Hope it's good!

Valay5241d ago

I don't think anyone was expecting it to be on the Wii, honestly. But I'm not too surprised - Remember, they were caught with a Wii dev. kit awhile back.

sakura20095241d ago

i knew it was coming to wii, psp, ps3 or ds

Rush5241d ago

Am a little disappointed its on the Wii, Am a huge fan of MistWalker and I don't own a Wii sadly just a PS3/360 :/

sakura20095241d ago

no i did knew it was coming to wii, psp ds or ps3. check out my comment history ^-^

Rush5241d ago

You basically picked every console expect for the 360 when guessing want a gold star....

Cold 20005241d ago

What the heck ?! For the Wii ?!

Where the heck is the game they were working on after Cry On got canned!?

Aquanox5241d ago

Sakaguchi needs a title that works in Japan and the Xbox 360 simple doesn't help.

Kinda sad because Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey were pretty good titles. I hope they still have something for 360 fans.

LONEWOLF2315241d ago (Edited 5241d ago )

Dont see Mistwalker Coming to the PS3 anytime soon.
The President Sakaguchi DESPISES The Ps3. So they only develop for Nintendo or 360! BUT who knows maybe he will get interested on the PS3 sometime in the near future.

Godmars2905241d ago

Once he gets it back I suspect, because of contract obligation if not out of a general sense of loyalty, he'll go back to the 360 or the Xbox brand in order to help sell it in Japan. Will ignore Sony and the PS brand. Shame.

ClownBelt5241d ago (Edited 5240d ago )


Why does Sakaguchi hates the PS3?

@ Blaze

Thanks for the link bro. I appreciate it.

Blaze9295241d ago (Edited 5241d ago )

What rep does he need to get back? Tell me, what has he done that made people, or better yet, YOU feel as if his rep has decreased? Dude is still a kickass developer and the games he's put out so far were pretty good. ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat was amazing. Blue Dragon was fun. Lost Odyssey was damn good.

So what has he done that made his rep go down from his earlier works?

Or is it just that you're saying this about him becuase he won't make a PS3 game?



"The machine's architecture is tricky, and I don't like Ken Kutaragi."

kaixxi5240d ago

sakaguchi doesn't hate the ps3
but rather he just dont want to work
on a complicated console.i guess thats what
i remember when reading an interview about him

an oh he hates ken kutaragi.
from what i can remember

jack_burt0n5240d ago

Sony helped put together square pictures spent alot of money it went bust because spirits within was a flop they were all left with egg on their faces and bitter towards each other.

Guido5240d ago

His reputation is tarnished because he won't try and learn a new architecture which comes across as lazy IMHO and that he will not please a fan base for the sake of an angst against crazy Ken Kutaragi. Sorry, but those are pathetic excuses for not making games on the PS3 and coming out for those who own only PS3's and would consider themselves fans of his work.

Personally I think his last couple games were chit so his rep sucks on account of the last two stinkers he's been a part of. Just because you are willing to put up with mediocre titles from him does not mean the rest of his fans are.

Godmars2905240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

Just saying his rep wasn't enough to make the 360 popular in Japan, so he has to build it up in the current gaming generation likely on all but the two platforms MS wouldn't have any real issues about. You can probably guess which those two are.

Still, its MS who brought him back into the industry after a Sony-supported Square tossed him out. And even though the he and Square are on good terms, it just that his affiliation to MS will keep him off the PS3. It has nothing to do with being lazy.

Rush5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

Seriously dude change your Bio your acting like a 12 year old. You wouldn't even be allowed to comment in this zone if this sites PS3 user base wasn't 4x bigger then the 360's.

Anyone that wants to know where I got that figure from head over to the forums. There are 4x as many posts in the PS3 section.


Wish he had then I could of played it :/

Marceles5240d ago

Yup that's pretty much it, Sakaguchi doesn't like Kutaragi. Now that Ken is out though I would've though Sakaguchi would've done a little something on PS3.

gaffyh5240d ago

F***'s sake, Wii only??? I have a Wii, but I don't want to play an RPG on it. I was expecting Lost Odyssey 2 :(

Also "The Last Story," what a lame name. Last = Final, Story = Fantasy pretty much.

sikbeta5240d ago

This is something that I was asking, what kind of agreement M$ and Mistwalker had?

I wasn't expecting a Mistwalker game on the wii...

hazardman5240d ago

I do remember you saying that, but the disagrees were more for the PS3,PSP part..If you follow gaming you know MS and Nintendo have a great relationship. MS has no problem with Nintendo as you can play Halo, Blue Dragon Plus and Viva Pinata on D.S. IPs owned by Microsoft. and it doesn't matter what you say Mistwalker will never develop for Sony. MS help them get the studio up and running.It's great Nintendo reached out to work with the developer, Sakagushi san had a great relationship with Nintendo in the past as well..His former flagship title(Final Fantasy) started out on the original NES/Famicom..

Reibooi5240d ago

Really disappointing to me that it's coming to the Wii. The games Sakuguchi makes are epic but the Wii will not because able to match that epicness on a technical level so even while the game may be incredible it won't be what it should have or could have been on PS3 or 360.

On top of the fact that real gamers games don't seem to sell all to well on the Wii and I have to wonder why it's coming out at all on that platform.

Eamon5240d ago

Why couldn't it be on 360/PS3? Oh well...

Any of you guys realised this:


I'm feeling a little deja vu here lol.

Even the logos:

Killjoy30005240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

This is a prime example of why fanboys shouldn't automatically classify a title that they don't even know exists as an exclusive. I've seen countless "360 exclusive," lists that have "Mistwalker's next project," on them. Now look what has happened.

qface645240d ago

i called it everyone kept saying just because its mistwalker it was a 360 game but i called it

give me my imaginary prize

cmrbe5240d ago

will classify this game. Console exclusive?. No. I know. HD console exclusive!!!. LMAO!!.

fatstarr5240d ago

i cant wait to see what this becomes. i get a slight excitement feeling from this...

Immortal Kaim5240d ago

You're either a complete moron (highly likely), or about 12, so I won't say anymore.

I must admit I was looking forward to another Mistwalker production on 360 after the epic Lost Odyssey, which is up their as one of the best JRPG's this gen imo.

But either way, I can't wait to play this, the man is a genius. Hopefully nobuo can compose this one, because he is the top of his field.

Blaze9295240d ago

It's a wii game...what does the 360 and its fanbase have to do with anything here?

Saaking5240d ago

That's disappointing. I would have liked it even if it was 360 only, but Wii? wow.

mikeslemonade5240d ago

The Wii isn't real. It doesn't deserve this many comments.

8thnightvolley5240d ago

i was expecting it on the 360 not wii? whats up with that anyway..

WildArmed5240d ago

Wow indeed.
THe wii?
I thought they were leading it to be another 360 game

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 5240d ago
mjolliffe5241d ago

I was hoping Mistwalker to work with Ubisoft on their new RPG...

ChickeyCantor5240d ago

Its sad to see 8 people disagree.
Cause obviously they never cared for the game itself, rather the system its developed for.


CWMR5240d ago

-No, I have absolutely nothing against the Wii. I respect it and I am not one of those Wii haters. It's just that I don't own the Wii and I am a big fan of Mistwalker and I am disappointed I won't be able to play it, so it is not good news for me. That is why I disagreed.-

Chris3995241d ago

are totally different games.

This and Xenoblade have restored my faith in the system a little. Hopefully the localization turnaround isn't to bad for each.

lonestarmt5240d ago

really? this game? wow and no more heroes 2 or tatsunoko vs capcom didn't? Those two alone should have done it.

Chris3995240d ago

Destructoid's reviews can be capricious at best.

And T vs. C isn't my cup of tea. Mostly a WRPG/ JRPG player here. There hasn't exactly been a bounty of those on the Wii this gen, either. Tales on the Wii and Valhalla Knights were abortions, Fire Emblem was pretty good, but that's almost three years old. Hence why I am excited for these two titles; as well as Fragile and Arc Rise.

Still, my shopping list for the Wii is noticeably smaller than that for it's HD brethren.

SoX FireBlade5241d ago

was hoping for a 360 or ps3 game I don't have a wii -.-

the song is nice

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ZeekQuattro790d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212789d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop790d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212790d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance

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Jiub860d ago

Legend of Dragoon was amazing


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