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Sony's PlayStation is 'poison' to children: Chavez

In expanding on his dislike of western toys and games -- he already slammed Nintendo for promoting "selfishness, individualism and violence," Chavez Sunday took on the world's top selling game console, Sony's PlayStation.

"Those games they call 'PlayStation' are poison. Some games teach you to kill. They once put my face on a game, 'you've got to find Chavez to kill him.'"

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The Killer5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

he is not crazy, just anti american and he has the right in that, america interfered in that country and most south american countries in a very very bad way that will not make those countries to develop!!! for example USA is supporting the Colombian government that are not take serious actions against the drug dealers in their country!! or supporting the Yemeni government that supporting and protecting the most dangerous people in al-qaida and who is killing their own people(Yemeni government) and still USA give the Yemeni president weapons and money and technology!!!! why?? the Yemenis hate their government and president so why help such terrorist president?

and since Chavez became president his country developed much much better than before when the government was pro america!! damn america, 90% of their influences in the world is negative!! and the are contributing for global warming which is killing all living beings on planet earth: this is the best movie on earth to demonstrate what humans are doing to the planet and USA is the leader of all problems in the world!!

however picking up on playstation shows the power of the playstation and its influence that even a president like Chavez could not ignore!!

he probably didnt mention the 360 because it has no existence in his country.

nix5252d ago

Sony is a Japanese company not American. i'm guessing he meant "american lifestyle".

Mr_Bun5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

Does this mean that Playstation games are going to come packaged with a 'Hazardous To Your Health' warning clause now?

Can't wait to see the cover art for those warnings!

Chevez hates the US and rules his country accordingly...It is hard to take anything he says seriously when he runs his country with bias

brianleppez5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

i'm from Venezuela.
And the reason he's doing that is because he is slowly turning Venezuela into a Communist country therefore the capitalist government and the free-enterprise economy like the United States go against socialism and communism. The guy has always had hate against the U.S. too. So anything that defines American culture, repulses him.

Lou-Cipher5252d ago

Good thing we dont let out kids swallow PS3's, or melt them down in a spoon and shoot them into our veins.

I hate it when I overdose on PS3.

SaiyanFury5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

You know, I really hate to bring politics to a games-based website, but this guy is nuts. People are people, not a collective to be ruled over.

"selfishness, individualism and violence," as he states are preludes to destruction. Really? It's not like in Venezuela you're free to question the government's decisions. Do that, and you either wind up in prison or dead. People are people, that should be free to govern their own families. It is up to the parents to determine what their children play, video games included. If kids come off gunning people down with no sense of reality, then isn't that the parents' fault? People are all individuals and are not the sum of a community. If they are, then that should be their choice, so far as it is in sub-division housing. People are NOT all the same, diversity is the true nature of the world. Not some communist ideal like Chavez has.

"Some games teach you to kill." Yeah not like his socialist regime teaches his army to kill people who dissent against his opinions. In his eyes, the middle class is just a bunch of sheep in which he can tax to fund his government control of everything. Sorry, people are not sheep to control and herd. People are people and deserve basic human rights under God. Again, I apoligise for bringing politics to this place, but in this case it's necessary. Government control is not the answer; private sanctioning of an industry is.

For the record, I'm not an American pushing my ideals on the world, just my belief in Human rights and liberties.

Guido5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

The greatest amount of aid comes from America and to hate on the US for the few that offer only negative to the world is silly. The US does more good than bad and to be anti-american is just plain ignorant. And, to even defend anybody that would wish their country to be communist is also stupid.

And also, The Killer, take another look at the global warming theory. That is being debunked daily and is now being called, climate change since it's cold and wet in most places that were once experiencing hot and dry climates. Your ideas are trash and I am happy to call them out for what they are, false.

Noctis Aftermath5252d ago

Well "the killer" now i think we all know why you only have 3 bubbles, keep your ignorant logic to yourself, this president is obviously lacking some brain cells and so are you.

darx5252d ago

MS paid him to say that.

gamingisnotacrime5252d ago

I live in a US territory, where american citizens can call out their elected leaders in their wrongs, the media can criticize with complete freedom of speech the government doings, and playing video games is just another freedom choice, just like listening to music or having whatever ideology or religion. Venezuela is a place were Chavez opposition is being silenced, radio station closing down by Chavez will, and in that context for him of all people to say that video games are poison for children, then imagine what he would say about anyone that oposses him, or his ideology.

That is why when Mr. Chavez says something against a entertainment medium like video games, many are quick to disagree with such statements. By the way, the PS offers A LOT more variety than shooters or killing Chavez games. GT, RnC, RE (they are Zombies!), many RPGs like FF series. Sports games, family games like Rock Band etc etc. Chavez just focused on a very specific content to justify his claims.

marinelife95252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

I'm certain the Haitian people aren't anti American. We've given at least 300 million in gov, public, and corporate donations already. China has given 5.

If were not careful we'll end up with our own Chavez.

phalanx_mark5252d ago

this isnt about politics but about ignorance of videogames; its like criticising books or films. Even in the west we have Jack Thompson and in the uk Keith Vaz and the Daily Mail spreading this nonsense. The only difference is Hugo Chavez happens to be more influential in his country.

bjornbear5252d ago

but Hugo Chavez has as much of a problem with U.S.A. as Fidel: yes the U.S.A messed with their country, but that does that justify them? No.

Just because there's a reason, doesn't mean you have to act apon it,

and Chavez's hate campaign on U.S.A is beyond what U.S.A did in Venezuela, its to do with POWER - as always.

The Killer you are as biased as the guy that says "Eff the world, U.S.A. RULEZ"

U.S.A (not America, since Venezuela is in America too) isn't perfect, but its not an evil super power like you state.

Yes they made BIG mistakes in Middle East and in Eastern Europe but so what? Venezuelan border patrols have shot Colombian citizens and guards before too, and no one cares?

Venezuela is extreemly disliked in South America because they stir $hit and make the rest of South American countries look bad.

Before you put the "Country A is good Country B is evil" remember that every one has their reasons to covet power, and neither are different. Difference is how you go about it.

Chavez is taking the Cuba way, and Publicizing health care and jobs, and basically becoming "independent" from U.S.A, and thats fine, but if he keeps on picking on U.S.A like this, he's just ASKING for trouble

Hell he's even stressing out with COLOMBIA, his NEIGHBOR country o.O

When a guy is against the world, he's insane: this guy is insane =/

Oh and Sony is Japanese, so whats that with U.S.A?

If it wasn't for U.S.A we wouldn't have videogames, since the first ever was done in the U.S.A

And i'm not BIG fan of U.S.A and i have my gripes with them, I still respect it for what its given us and what we have thanks to it.

Remember, to be able to see the world well, you need to try and get insight of ALL the different points of view, or else you end up a mindless fanboy =/

captain-obvious5252d ago

you guys dont get it at all
the PS brand is more popular than the xbox in SA
he was attacking video games
same happened with Obama and the xbox

pixelsword5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

...Chavez is the ultimate 360 fanboy, er, fan-dictator, er, fan-president-elect.

Just kidding.

@ The Killer:

The movie you posted is moving, but lacks substance.

If you want to get facts to what happened in his country you need a presentation with more substance and relevance to the subject at hand:

For all of the people who are not capable of reading a "wall of text" do not click the link: as this is a movie lasting more than two minutes and it has no boobs... and you'll need a veoh account ;)

To me, either he's a genuine hero of the people (since the majority loves him) or he's like Lenin: sent in only to disrupt the "order of the day" and establish a government that will eventually subjugate the populace.

Duke5252d ago

1. YES he is crazy

2. He is "antiamerican" just cause it distracts the public from watching the horrors he has done to his country, so he can blame someone else for his mistakes (to destroy venezuelan finances), if he needs to become into an antieurope or anti world he would do it to stay in power. If he is a real antiamerican he would've stop the selling of oil to usa a long time ago.

3. Colombian goverment has taken very seriously the war against drugs cartels, as a matter of fact president Uribe is the president with the highest popularity index in LatinAmerica. We cannot say the same about Chavez who protects the biggest drug cartel of the world: Colombian guerrilla, this cartel kills innocent colombian people every day,despite of this Chavez still give protection and a safe heaven to Colombian guerrillas in his country.

4.IT IS A HUGE LIE that Venezuela is better off now with Chavez as a president, Venezuela is now the new Cuba of LatinAmerica, thanks to Chavez who has waisted all Venezuelan oil money buying foreing presidential concsiusness like Bolivian, Ecuador, Argentina, Cuba, where he sent most of his money so he can expand his stupid "revolution" instead of spend it on his already precarious starving country.

5. What is happening in Venezuela is not USA's fault, it is not because the global warming process, it is not because a Japanese company is selling PS3 around the world. It is because they have a president who wants to be Fidel Castro.

EvilBlackCat5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

"i'm from Venezuela.
And the reason he's doing that is because he is slowly turning Venezuela into a Communist country therefore the capitalist government and the free-enterprise economy like the United States go against socialism and communism. The guy has always had hate against the U.S. too. So anything that defines American culture, repulses him"

You are from Venezuela and you are a moron.

Venezuela Government is a Pro Socialist Government and NO is not turning into a Communist Government.

The United State of America is a Republic who have the best Constitution and Bill of Rights on earth but because this Right and Left Puppets under the OTAN and Global Elite who are moving fast to create The New World Order they turn the United State against the world to create a bad image on The Republic and way of Government (Constitution). The reason is because they cant have a New World Order if the United State Constitution exist. Chavez is like this because he like many others Venezuelan they know what is living under a nation that was preaching one thing and doing another, they know how is to live under a government (venezuela) that was giving privilege to the corrupted government of the United State before his own people. The rality is that Latin Americans dont hate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States. What they hate is the corrupted government (Senate, Congress, Presidents) The Federal Reserve and The fncking World Elite that is desperate to create the fncking New World Order. WHile people like you keep living inside a fncking bubble of ignorance they keep stealing the wealth of the countries and independence. You know what watch this ignorant >>> POLITICAL SPECTRUM EXPLAINED:


"YES he is crazy"

HEY Duke Who is Crazy?

The Global Elite?


Why the Elite fnck up the Economy? Because by establishing a Global Economy is more easy to destroy the constitutions and independence of the countries.

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LtSkittles5252d ago

Nintendo=violence, to who turtles, ghosts,and aliens?

GUNS N SWORDS5252d ago

you know, the king of Spain once told that guy to shut his pie hole. i remember that.

now i guess he's going to be hearing it again :)

bjornbear5252d ago

for being rude - he's got the whole "the superior countries are evil, I'm good" type of mentality

however, I'm sure if this guy ever became a ruler of a super power he would become a horrible dictator.

its always like that

The Killer5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

can u name them? or u r just talking from the zozo?

@Doc Sony
because CNN,fox news etc and some american big figures told u so?

Chavez didnt make 2 wars and killed 1.5 million iraqi and another 0.5 million Afghani!! but it was Bush and now Obama continuing the wars that Bush started it and even increasing the numbers of fighters to be killed and kill in Afghanistan and they r not bad but good guys and Chavez that didnt kill anyone is bad right?

what a logic!! even and ant will know how Chavez is better than Obama and Bush but not u guys!!!

human brains are very selfish and greedy and bias!!! and the evil side always justify their evil doing and make the good side looks bad!! guys u should know this!! we all watched it in cartoons since we r 5 years old!! why cant u realize it now?


and how do u know that he didnt send doctors to Haitai?? guess ur beloved CNN,BBC,fox news, sky news didnt tell u about Chavez help to Haitai right??
just google it and u will find more, i guess u look stupid with ur comment now. thats why i say to wake the hell up!! the earth is in a bad shame, and the people in a worst shape except the 20% that have 80% or earth's wealth!!

and guess who is causing most earth disasters by global warming?? well duuuhhh it USA first then the others like china,UK,france etc!!

Doc Sony5252d ago

Jeez, the Killer, what are you his PR person or something. Chavez is the bad guy, period.

Doc Sony5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

I can see how deluded you are by faulting Obama for continuing the war. What else is he supposed to do ?

He can't just pull out and leave those countries innocents to fend for themselves against terrorists.

Obama was one of the only guys against the war in the first place before he became president, and now its his onus.

xabmol5252d ago

He sang that song to get into the whitehouse, but now he follows a different tune.

And if you think for a second that he was the only presidintial canidate against the war you are wrong.

Lich1205252d ago

Doc sony is right. You can't fault Obama for not just up and leaving. It's no mystery that Bush was an idiot and that whole thing is a quagmire. However, and as unfortunate as it is, Obama can't just make the call to bail on the now, more than ever, unstable region.

5252d ago
bjornbear5252d ago

"human brains are very selfish and greedy and bias!!! and the evil side always justify their evil doing and make the good side looks bad!!" -> thats exactly what you are doing RIGHT now.

You have a human brain too right? Or is it an ant's brain?

And yes an ant might acknowledge Chavez as better than Obama (he's probably as bad as Bush) but then again, an ant isn't a reference of intelligence is it?

MmaFanQc5252d ago

im not even your point isnt valid at all....i never listen to cnn and fox,....sooooo.....wake the fck up and remove chavez balls from your mouth before speaking.

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Tru_Blu5252d ago

He hates the USA. Guess he didn't get the memo that PlayStation isn't a US product. Fuking idiot. His whole political life is bashing the US. Ya it's flawed but wonder how much help he is to Haiti right now? Oh wait he isn't worried about Haiti, PlayStation is way more important to him.

Redempteur5252d ago

actually he doesn't like anything BIG he hasn't a control doesn't matter where it's from ( it's a treat for him )

Elven65252d ago

He also bashes Nintendo, I guess it's simply because those are long standing names in the gaming industry. It's like how Obama references Xbox, it's simply because those names to certain people are almost "synonymous" to a certain genre.

Why would he mention Haiti if his segment was specifically on Venezuelan manufacturers? And for your information, Venezuela is sending aid to Haiti, they have also been encouraging other nations to do so as well.

Central and South American nations have been generally good about sending aid during disasters the best they can.

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

The Metal Gear series, led by Kojima, pioneered the stealth genre, creating a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay.

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SimpleSlave59m ago(Edited 59m ago)

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

-Foxtrot44m ago(Edited 31m ago)


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

CrimsonWing6932m ago(Edited 31m ago)

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

JEECE29m ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.


How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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badz14915h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii13h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar2d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder1d 20h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing691d 10h ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast1d 7h ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree1d 3h ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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