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Legionaire2005 (2) - 5315d ago Cancel
jayblings (1) - 5315d ago Cancel
Valay (4) - 5315d ago Cancel
- Ghost of Sparta - (4) - 5315d ago Cancel

Perfect Dark 2 canceled, may have evolved into something else

As the footage from a former Rare employee shows work on Perfect Dark 2 was done in 2007 before being scrapped as well as Kameo 2. Additionally, MundoRare has some exclusive information to share regarding Perfect Dark 2. According to our own sources, PD2 was indeed started in 2007, but by late 2007, it wasn't greenlighted; it was a prototype instead. Chris Seavor from Conker and Killer Instinct fame was in charge of the project. By early 2008, the PD2 team was cut down to a 3-man team, effectively putting the game on hold. At the same time, our sources revealed that back then, it was "overwhelmingly unlikely" that PD2 would no longer be set in the PD universe. During early 2008, the game (which evolved into something that wasn't PD2) was still in its early stages and with an uncertain future.

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Sonyslave35315d ago

Conker Bad Fur Day would be awesome with Natal.

Gandalf5315d ago

Instead they're forced to work on some Natal crap.

Elvfam5115315d ago

looks really good smooth and all

Why would they ditch PD

For a peripheral that might not even

be good sad day for the fans of these

TheBlackSmoke5315d ago

Kind of a coincidence how since Rare were bought by MS they have completely fallen from grace.

Rare on N64 = gods

Rare on 360 = games comparable to barbie horse adventures.

HolyOrangeCows5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

Start making awesome games again.....please?


They managed to screw up Banjo-Kazooie, though, so I don't really have high hopes for RARE. And the guy above me is right.

TheBlackSmoke5315d ago

Honestly Microsoft acquiring Rare should of been the equivalent of Sony acquiring Naughty dog. Just goes to show what happens when business takes control of creativity.

Blaze9295314d ago

Yeah everyone just blame Microsoft for what Rare has become...nevermind the fact that key members of the GoldenEye team left after beginning work on Perfect Dark.

Nevermind the fact that another small number of employees left to form Eighth Wonder.

So no, it doesn't show what happens when business takes control of creativity; it shows what happens when a company filled with key creative people leave that company.

HolyOrangeCows5314d ago

One of their best, Banjo-Tooie, came out a year after this ''devastating'' split.

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Why o why5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

before you say 'ehhh bu sony cancelled x y and z' remember that those cancellations didn't stop a constant flow or MORE constant flow of games. Never played kameo but i heard it has a large following so its a pity for those guys i suppose as im sure those guys would just prefer a straight sequel instead of a natal version/spinoff..who knows

Legionaire20055315d ago

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! oh God no!!! why!!! This would have been the best FPS ever and it would be a system seller. This is ridiculous man!!! it makes no sense.

Valay5315d ago

This is a shame. I enjoyed the first Perfect Dark quite a bit.

Unicron5315d ago

Indeed. GE007 and PD are probably THE greatest console FPS of all time. I haven't had nearly as much fun with a console FPS since. Good times!

Darkestbeforedawn5315d ago

I need to replay Perfect Dark over and over. I'm never getting rid of this bad boy now.

CaulkSlap5315d ago

I really hope you aren't referring to Perfect Dark Zero... that game was like bathing in feces horrible. N64 Perfect Dark was insanely awesome for its time though. Rare is just worthless post-N64 days imo.

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Perfect Dark Zero - A Chance to Replay Before the Reboot

With the Perfect Dark reboot set to launch later this year, it's time to look back at Perfect Dark Zero, nearly 20 years later.

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Community26d ago
26d ago
Cockney25d ago

At the rate xbox is going you'll have another 20 years to play the original before the reboot arrives


Perfect Dark Zero - Unique Ideas, Flawed Execution

Perfect Dark Zero launched alongside the Xbox 360 back in 2005, to much criticism. 18 years later, is it worth another look?

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Community191d ago
x_xavier_x190d ago

Perfect Dark Zero was the first game that I purchased for my XBOX 360. I still have the game in my collection. I think I played it for about 45 minutes in total over the past 18 years. It's a really bad game, and I was so disappointed when I first fired it up almost 20 years ago.

zacly190d ago

I had fun with the mutiplayer. Didnt feel like Perfect Dark, but still had some fun with it


10 Video Game Prequels & Sequels That Deserve a Full Remake

Full remakes of games are here to stay, and that's why we've thought up a list of 10 video game sequels and prequels that deserve a full remake.

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Community1458d ago
PiNkFaIrYbOi1458d ago

Just can't take this list serious when they mention DA:2 and what they said about it.

2BlackBelt1458d ago (Edited 1458d ago )

Parasite Eve
The Bouncer
Dino Crisis
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Final Fantasy VIII
Croc Legend of the Gobbos
Chrono Trigger
Sonic Adventure
Mario Sunshine

MazeRunner1458d ago

your list is spot on. i always said parasite eve, metal gear solid, dino crisis and silent hill deserve a remake and would make tons of money right now.

Riku071458d ago

Agreed with everything on this list. Glad you mentioned the bouncer. Didn't think anyone remembered that game lol. I Liked that game a lot despite the flaws with it. I can see them remaking it but it really needs to update the battle system and flesh out the story more in the remake.