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Kotaku : Duke Nukem Forever Screen Shots, Artwork Rise From 3D Realms' Grave

"Now that Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms appears to have become little more than vapor itself, the unreleased fruits of the game's art staff have been posted online, ready to be picked over."

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Timesplitter145508d ago (Edited 5508d ago )

- At E3, some other company (Epic games, for example) decides to make a little video homage to 3D Realms
- Video starts, showing scenes from DN games and 3D Realms staff.
- The words : "We wish the 3D Realms team the best of luck" appear on screen
- BAM! Duke Nukem blows off the imaginary wall behind the text and says "What the hell are they talking about?", DN theme song starts playing
- DNF confirmed for Q4 2009, it was all just a hoax
- Gamers across the globe explode

FragMnTagM5508d ago

But damn sure would be welcomed by me. Those screenshots are not bad at all either. Increase the size to 1280 and they look pretty detailed. If that is just concept art, then then game play ought to be pretty decent. They are not the greatest thing in the world for 12 years of development, but at this point, I just want my DNF game in my hands damn it!

DelbertGrady5508d ago

Cliffy B comes on stage dressed as Duke Nukem.

Tarmgar5508d ago

You just made me splooge at that concept.

odisho685508d ago

if anyone were to take over the duke nukem project it would most likely be EA, i doubt epic will invest in that game...anyways I just hope that someone picks it up...this is a cash cow waiting to happen

phosphor1125508d ago

"- Gamers across the globe explode "

Reminded me of the Dave Chapelle KKK episode lmao.

Timesplitter145508d ago (Edited 5508d ago )

No I mean the fact that 3D Realms closed was a hoax and they're still making the game

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5508d ago
popup5508d ago (Edited 5508d ago )

Being known for being ahead of their time, 3D Realms have obviously struggled to try and keep that title but have been left behind every step of the way as the industry has exploded with production values over the last few years. A real shame. They should have swallowed their pride and made some Marketplace and PSN titles.

I think the screens look great, if a bit generic.

hatchimatchi5508d ago

it looks really detailed but nothing we haven't seen before. 12 years for this? kinda weak imo.

DeadlyFire5508d ago

It wasn't 12 years on one game engine. They switched game engines almost every couple of years. Maybe one to many times is all, but this last time seemed like it was going to be definite. I don't doubt that somehow this game will continue development though.

hatchimatchi5508d ago

i know it wasn't strictly one game engine they were working with, but seriously, the mind set they had was just retarded. Games are constantly coming out and one upping other games in terms of graphics. Trying to constantly stay ahead of everything else in terms of graphics is just plain stupid. It's not like duke nukem is known for it's story. It's full of lame one liners and unwarranted nudity. The series blows, always has, always will. Look at super mario world on the snes, the game crushes any current gen platformer and the graphics are nothing special. The same could probably be said for goldeneye on the n64 with duke nukem forever. We'll never know though and tbh i couldn't care less that it isn't coming out. Hopefully this teaches the egomaniacs behind 3drealms a lesson.

housegroove765508d ago

Im completely disappointed that they took all that time and only came up with that? Myself or anyone who knows the basics of UnrealEd could use the map editor for UT3 and meet or exceed those graphics in a day or less.

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2D Sidescrolling Version of Duke Nukem Forever Leaked

Duke Nukem Forever originally began its life as a sidescroller instead of a shooter back in 1996, and that canceled version has just been leaked.

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Community527d ago
Rancegamerx526d ago

Very cool, but i don't know how real this is... I'll check it out later to find out.


Duke Nukem Forever “remaster” restores Gearbox FPS to original glory

Duke Nukem Forever, the troubled FPS from Gearbox and 3D Realms, has been restored to more traditional 90s shooter thanks to a sweeping “remaster” mod

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Community626d ago
XiNatsuDragnel626d ago

Awesome this needs to be released

Venoxn4g626d ago

It is out already, there is a download link inside the article too.

Aaroncls7626d ago

kinda of a misleading title.

Mod features:
Sprinting removed and faster player movement
Jump height increased
Swim speed is much faster
Player can now hold breath underwater for 45 seconds instead of 15
Weapon rebalance and screen shake when shooting removed
2/4 weapon limit completelly removed
Quicksaves (F5 by default)
Depth of Field removed and new post processing effects
Driving sections are now in first person perspective

Dandizzle626d ago

God damn Megadeth Duke Nukem anthem is the best.

Snookies12626d ago

It is pretty amazing, I remember being so hyped that they covered the Duke theme back when it happened haha. I still quite enjoyed Forever though personally.

Venoxn4g626d ago

It is great, you should check out Eric Calderone - Duke Nukem meets metal .. thats proper as well


Duke Nukem Forever was ahead of its time, but nerfed before launch

Duke Nukem Forever, the infamous and controversial FPS from 3D Realms, apparently looked much better before launch, as modders discover various cut features

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Community668d ago
masterfox668d ago

"so wrong yet so right"

Only a few will know what Im talking about lol :D

porkChop668d ago

Wow, that advanced lighting makes a huge difference to the visuals. I get that Gearbox tried to slap everything together and release a finished product. But it seems like they cut out a lot of content that would have made the experience more enjoyable. That's a shame.

Number1TailzFan668d ago

Nerfed due to consoles.. and not the first time it has happened.

-Foxtrot668d ago

Kind of amazing the difference a lighting engine makes

Number1TailzFan668d ago

Same, the AI could be pretty dumb but the bosses were fun. I thought the levels (mostly) got better later in the game too.

XiNatsuDragnel668d ago

Devs nerf a game man best quote I've ever heard.

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