
Nurburgring Nordschleife Comes to Forza Motorsport in February

Turn 10 has revealed that the Nurburgring Nordschleife will be coming to Forza Motorsport a little sooner than expected, arriving in Update 5 in February.

Originally slated for its debut on the title in Spring 2024, it seems that the team has completed the track more quickly than anticipated.

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Forza gets new track, Hockenheim, includes 3 layouts

Forza Motorsport update 3.0 is here!

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Forza Motorsport is insistent on not adding permanent new Career events

Forza Motorsport's new update adds a wealth of new content, but none of its new championships are actually staying in the game.

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dumahim175d ago

And that's a big reason why I've shelved the game already. I'm doing this FOMO crap with them anymore.

Tacoboto175d ago

I wonder if Turn 10's spent so many years building systems (rebooting Motorsport, upgrading their engine, assisting Playground on Horizon, retooling the upgraded engine to support an RPG like Fable) that they've forgotten how to build a fun gameplay loop around those systems.

To reference DF's Forza vs GT video, ignoring the aesthetics and visuals, there is a huge philosophical difference in how they approach the fundamentals of getting the player into a vehicle and onto a track, so big it's almost like Turn 10 just doesn't "get it" anymore.


Forza Motorsport vs Gran Turismo 7: the Digital Foundry tech breakdown

The ultimate comparison between the graphics and tech of Gran Turismo 7 and Forza Motorsport.

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darthv72177d ago

I have been following John's tweets over the course of this production. I like them both, but I know this is going to divide some and not change the minds of others.

RaidenBlack177d ago

yea, I've been following his tweets as well ... this project/analysis has been in development for quite a while, he's been tweeting his findings for quite some time.

_SilverHawk_176d ago

if you prefer realism in car games or the best racing simulator then gran turismo wins. if you need to ask which is the better racing simulator then you dont know about both franchises. forza is normally a good racing game but gran turismo has always been better. its quite funny that forza normally has better review scores over gran turismo when gran turismo games are better.

Babadook7176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

So he gives GT7 the 🏆

GT7 has more realistic vs more flashy design goals.

GT7 uses a bit better rendering techniques like planar reflections. A bit higher quality models.

I’ll add that GT7 takes far more time to make.

badz149176d ago


Forza was developwd from the geound up though...

VenomUK176d ago

I just had Google Bard break down the article into bullet points to save me the trouble of reading:

"Bullet points summarising the comparison of Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo 7:

Car rendering: Forza Motorsport has a slight edge in car rendering, particularly in the wheels and dashboards.

Paint shaders: Forza Motorsport's paint shaders have improved compared to Forza 7, bringing them closer to Gran Turismo 7's level of detail.

Reflections: Gran Turismo 7 produces darker and more accurate reflections than Forza Motorsport, especially on shiny black surfaces.

Tracks: Gran Turismo 7 models Spa in pristine condition during the early season, while Forza Motorsport depicts a more dusty and weathered state later in the season.

Surroundings: Both games render the surrounding environment beautifully, with Forza Motorsport's sky, trackside objects, and distant hills being arguably more detailed than Gran Turismo 7's tree placement.

Performance: Forza Motorsport offers higher frame rates than Gran Turismo 7 on PC.

Overall: Both Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo 7 are impressive visual showcases for their respective platforms. Forza Motorsport's strengths lie in its more detailed car models, reflections, and performance, while Gran Turismo 7 excels in its overall track presentation and atmosphere. The choice between the two ultimately depends on individual preferences and priorities."

dumahim176d ago

That doesn't seem like a good summary. Especially the part about car rendering. It's completely ignoring how John pointed out that GT7 shows much more detail in places like headlights and tail lights. Also, Forza is still using incorrect and ancient car models.

Performance, GT7 isn't even on PC. GT7 has a mode for 120 fps. Can anyone currently run Forza at 120 fps consistently on PC? I just saw a video of a guy with a pretty decent rig and struggles to hit 100, regardless of resolution and suffers big drops.

Tracks, I recall John's point about later season depiction of the track was about a single location, Laguna Seca because GT has typically shown the track with more greenery than Forza due to the season.

Babadook7176d ago (Edited 176d ago )


This is an inaccurate summery, and seems to be written by someone looking to spin things more in favour of the Xbox version.

Forza does not have an edge in car models. It’s the opposite.

With trees Forza has more dense placement but less accurate. You can’t claim that as a win though and John does not count it as a win. It might even be a cover up of less geometry behind the trees which GT goes to pains to include.

There’s no mention of the PC version having higher framerates either. It's about SX vs PS5.

In the end John (and the whole DF team) gives a clear WIN to GT7, and they call out Forza for not even caring about their work.

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MrDead177d ago

I would love GT to come to PC, I know that won't happen though.

The love that goes into GT kind of makes Forza sound bad, it's not. Forza is a great racing game (the latest release does seem to be their weakest though) but it's not on the level of GT.

darthv72177d ago

I don't see why it shouldn't. Sony would make some more $$ by having it come to PC/VR. Maybe it has to do with the modding community and how crazy they could potentially go.

Hereandthere177d ago

You need true exclusives to sell consoles. Dont play dumb, you know that. Pc money is peanuts compared to how many will steal it on pc. Not worth it.

darthv72176d ago

^^and yet there were other PS5 exclusives that have made their way to PC. GT7 is just another one that could benefit from the extra sales. Don't get so upset over it... it is what it is.

dumahim176d ago

I think PC is still possible as with the rest of the Sony stuff. But their stance on the always online and the FIA stuff does make me think they might avoid it as well.

slate91176d ago

"Pc money is peanuts compared to how many will steal it on pc."

I really can't believe what I read on this site sometimes.

MrDead176d ago

I could just buy a PS, I don't think Sony needs to put GT on PC, I would love them too but I understand why they don't.

Michiel1989176d ago

@hereandthere I don't think GT is as much of a system seller as it used to be. It would make more sense if they kept Horizon, GoW and TLOU exclusive if they wanna go that route. I'm happy they are releasing them on pc though.

If they release their exclusives on pc 1 year after launch, I might even consider not getting a ps6 and just getting the controller. 500+ more that I will be able to spend on upgrading my pc.

TheColbertinator176d ago


Look at you. All wrong and so certain you are right. Terrific.

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jwillj2k4176d ago

Just wait till GT is not cross-gen it’ll blow forza away even more

eagle21176d ago

As usual. Kazunori Yamauchi doesn't fool around. :P

frostypants176d ago

I'm still not a fan of the whole cafe menu thing instead of a true career mode. And I preferred GT Sport's more straightforward UI. They nailed the actual racing though.

VariantAEC173d ago

The cafe system is a means to unlock more events. As per usual the campaign really comes from playing through all the events available like in all other GT games which still had progression blockers (mostly in the form of license tests in the past). GT7's campaign is arguably the most open-ended.

BehindTheRows177d ago

Of course GT7 looks better. Sometimes, a lot better.

Aloymetal176d ago

Not only that but it's a cross gen game. PD is on another level.

crazyCoconuts176d ago

And it came out over a year earlier. Playground Games had more time and knew what their competition had and still couldn't best them

darthv72176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

^^I think you mean Turn 10... Playground did the Forza: Horizon games and is working on Fable.

Ironmike175d ago

I think k this yrs forza is not as good graphics wise as other entries ht7 is my pick it just feels better with haptic feed back

RaiderNation177d ago

Glad I have a PS5 and GT7. I've probably played it more than any other game this gen!

darthv72176d ago

Having played it with a wheel and VR2... game changer.

Astrokis176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

Seriously, I was like ok this is the next level in gaming experiences. Haven’t felt that wow feeling since the ps2 to ps3 transition as a teen

BrettAwesome176d ago

I have VR2. Is this game worth getting a wheels for?

Ozzy2407176d ago

Its total awesome in VR with a wheel just feels so realistic you cant go back to flat screen after VR

Babadook7176d ago (Edited 176d ago )


Yeah, I do love GT7 with the DualSense and motion steering, however after getting a wheel (g29) I have been enjoying it even more. I can't stop playing, RE4 is on hold even!

"Is this game worth getting a wheels for?"

Yes it is. But here are the downsides.

1 The wheel (and wheel stand) takes up more space. This makes jumping from RE4 (for example) to GT7 more cumbersome.

2 If you have a smaller living room it might be a bit of an eye sore.

3 The cost is significant. If you get a wheel stand you can save money with this guy. It's pretty decent. https://a.co/d/j35TOHN

The upsides are

1 You have better control of your car and it's easier to get all gold in license tests (pedals offer more braking precision in particular).

2. You will feel your cars traction more physically, which improves immersion. You can feel on the wheel the roads bumps and loss of traction IE drift.

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VariantAEC173d ago

My PS annual wrap up shows I played GT7 the most by far. Only Horizon Forbidden West even came close. Surprised that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 didn't make the cut I know I spent more than 11 hours playing that, yet AC:C was my 5th most played game not MSM2 somehow.

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