
'Hellblade 2’ Could Help Solve Xbox’s Biggest Problem

Xbox gamers are in the midst of a severe drought right now, due to the lack of big-budget exclusives on Microsoft’s console. While Game Pass continues to offer great indie titles and passion projects from developers, the tentpole titles that gamers expect from Xbox have been largely absent over the last two years. With Xbox gearing up for a showcase in June, one title that needs to take the spotlight is Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II.

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Jin_Sakai394d ago

Halo Infinite didn’t turn things around.
Redfall definitely didn’t turn things around.
Starfield likely won’t turn things around either.

Heck let’s just wait til E3…

chrisx394d ago

Exactly I was about to say I remember when halo infinite headed these articles.... Then it was redfall which they even went to say will be a GOTY. It's a going around in circles situation for Xbox now just in search of an actual exclusive GOTY material.

darthv72393d ago

In all due respects... Xbox's biggest problem is consistency. Or lack thereof. Hedging all your hopes on singular releases gets tiring as they come (infrequently) and do literally nothing to move the needle. The key to really getting people onboard is steady flow of titles. Big and small... aka: consistency.

If Phil can't get these teams on a regular cycle, then they need to find someone who can.

GotGame818394d ago

There sadly won't be an E3 at all this year. Microsoft is going to do a Starfield presentation followed by a game presentation update. Kind of like what Nintendo and Sony do, in June.

Obscure_Observer394d ago

Starfield is the most anticipated RPG game and Bethesda newest IP in 22 years.

Hellblade II is certainly the most anticipated Dark Fantasy game of the generation.

Those games might not "turn things around" as you said, still, both are unique games which will bring unique experiences which won´t be found anywhere else but Xbox and Xbox platforms.

Xbox is finally building itself a new identity beyond Halo, Gears and Forza. So be that indie, AA or AAA, as long Xbox continue to invest and deliver unique exclusive and genre diverse games, it´ll be fine.

Jin_Sakai394d ago

“Starfield is the most anticipated RPG game and Bethesda newest IP in 22 years.”

Fallout 76 was highly anticipated also and we seen how that went.

outsider1624393d ago

Unique experience? I dont know man. What's so unique about Starfield? All i see is No Man Sky on Steroids. 1000 planets? NMS had procedural planets and you can go from planet to space and back seamlessly without loading. Thats unique.

Hellblade looks amazing for sure, but didnt xbox guys gave crap about ps exclusives being always "cinematic third person" games. This one looks like another "Cinematic third person" game to me. (Which by the way i love these kind of games.)

393d ago
Shadowsteal393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

I love how you had to bring up such a specific genre "Dark Fantasy" just to be able to convince yourself that Hellblade 2 is more anticipated than it is.

Either way I'm fairly certain Final Fantasy 16 can be considered "Dark Fantasy" and it's infinitely more anticipated than Hellblade can ever dream to be.

Extermin8or3_393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Destiny is an xbox fan boy imo. In a recent video even he points out that all sfsrfkeld footage has shown signs of serious frame rate issues and that is in gameplay footage and trailers that have been edited and are incredibly polished and viewed by loads of people meant to spot and edit out such issues. If even he is bringing it up.... expect it to be an issue. PH and that will have been on a high end pc.....

Also I played hellblade: senua's sacrifice on release (you know as a timed exclusive Sony funded development of) and it was a unique indie game but beyond that it was pretty on rails. The sequel looks set to take that to another level being perhaps slightly more interactive than a game from quantic dream (I hate those personally). Also I remain unconvinced the first game was ever meant to have a sequel and that after purchasing ninja theory MS forced them to make a sequel rather than create a new ip. Hellblade 1 felt like a 1 and done . It's clever storyline and it's depiction of mental health issues in such a unique and arguably accurate manner, in terms of the hearing voices and the research done to capture that. I can't see how it retains that and becomes a blockbuster AAA action title. I suspect ultimately its going to end up diluting its identity if it is to be a fun game to play. They really would have been better creating a new ip.

Profchaos393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

I'm a fan of Bethesda's work but we still don't know enough about starfeild yet I wouldn't call it the most anticipated I feel es6 or fallout 5 are more deserving of that

@jin_sakai I seem to recall fallout 76 was received with a wtf we didn't ask for this

Obscure_Observer393d ago (Edited 393d ago )


"Fallout 76 was highly anticipated also and we seen how that went."

I understand that since you don´t have a valid argument you had no option but to start and making sh!t up. Fallout 76, it´s a MULTIPLAYER focused game and a spin-off Fallout game which almost nobody wanted or gave a sh!t about in the first place.


"Unique experience? I dont know man. What's so unique about Starfield? All i see is No Man Sky on Steroids."

Lol. Then stick with it No Man´s Sky and try and convince your PS pals that they don´t need Starfield because Hello Games got them covered!

"Hellblade looks amazing for sure, but didnt xbox guys gave crap about ps exclusives being always "cinematic third person" games."

Jealous remarks from jealous Xbox fanboys. Your opinion regarding Starfield as some "No Man Sky on Steroids." seems no different to me.


"I love how you had to bring up such a specific genre "Dark Fantasy" just to be able to convince yourself that Hellblade 2 is more anticipated than it is.

Either way I'm fairly certain Final Fantasy 16 can be considered "Dark Fantasy" and it's infinitely more anticipated than Hellblade can ever dream to be."

No my fault if you´re an insecure and ignorant PS fanboy. Any Final Fantasy game described as Dark Fantasy exist only in you head.


Final Fantasy XVI will rival Starfield, which one will be the best, remains to be seen.


"If even he is bringing it up.... expect it to be an issue. PH and that will have been on a high end pc...."

You can keep that FUD bs to yourself, dude. I rather trust my eyes. Anyone but the blind can easily tell that Tim Lamb is playing Starfield´s latest build at least at 60 frames per second


GamingSinceForever393d ago

You forgot to include “On XBOX” in your two most anticipated statements.

On PS5 and Nintendo the most anticipated lists are different and most certainly larger.

outsider1624393d ago

Jealous remarks from jealous Xbox fanboys. Your opinion regarding Starfield as some "No Man Sky on Steroids." seems no different to me.

My opinion on Starfield being Non Man sky on steroids is still spot on. Meaning it, to me, looks likes no man sky but graphically better. Even that mining thing look better.
Im calling you out on the "unique experience" that you put up.

"Jealous remarks from jealous fanboys"
Well then..good that im calling out their hypocricy. You know these "1 and done games" according to them.
Unique experience

lellkay393d ago

Xbox is really only building an identity of failiure. They really need to deliver on games games and games.

393d ago
wiz7191393d ago

@Jin except as it stands today though Fallout 76 is wayyy better then it was at launch.

Armyofdarkness393d ago

Keep fighting the uphill battle my guy, I’m rooting for ya!

Elda393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

LOL!! "Unique experiences? How so?? Starfield & Hellblade 2 won't turn anything around.

northpaws393d ago (Edited 393d ago )


That's all in your imagination...

Starfield can be a decent game, but it is carrying too much weight and too much hype around it, thanks to the xbox fans, it can never live up to the expectation.

Hellblade II can be a good game, but no one knows or cares about it much for it to be the "Most anticipated" of anything.

Xbox has not finally building itself beyond Halo/Gears/Forza, first of all, they can't even maintain that 3 franchises, both Halo and Gears are lagging behind. Secondly, they bought "Starfield", and they bought "Hellblade II", they didn't build shit.

Charlieboy333393d ago

Oh you mean Hellblade....the one and done third person 'movie' type game that is such a favourite with Xbox fans like yourself? So that excites you now does it? Hypocrisy noted.

Chevalier393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

"Hellblade II is certainly the most anticipated Dark Fantasy game of the generation"

Sorry this is absolutely not true. The first game took 4 years and releases on every console and PC to reach 1 million copies sold. You're putting too much weight on this game. It will do alright I'm sure, but, most anticipated? Lol.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 393d ago
Zeref393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

The only people saying Xbox needs to "turn things around" and "wait for E3" are PS fanboys lol

The fake concern trolling is very obvious.

We have been getting great games and have plenty to look forward to.

Mr_cheese393d ago

To be fair, it isn't just playstation fans saying that xbox needs to turn things around especially in the wake of redfall and Spencers last interview. What people are saying is very valid. It's another matter if you are saying that you buy into xbox for gamepass (now) but you'd be hard done by to convince anybody that you're buying into xbox for the consistent stream of quality exclusives. That's not a dig, it's a fact.

It would probably help if you stopped plaguing every comment you make with PS Fanyboy this, PS Fanboy that. Makes your "points" mute.

CBaoth393d ago

Is that why Xbox is dead last again? Can't sell hardware. Don't sell games. Is that why Uncle Phil sounded like putting a gun to Xbox's head like he was puttin down ole Yeller?

jznrpg393d ago

That’s part of the issue . Too many Xbox fans except whatever they get and quality doesn’t matter as long as gamepass is cheap. It won’t be cheap forever and the console is going to be the last thing they care about.

Demand more ! You pay for this stuff

BehindTheRows393d ago

You're at a certain stage of grief. Figure out which one.

Simply put, it is NOT just "PS fanboys" saying Xbox needs an overhaul. Plenty of Xbox fans feel the same way and zealots are the only ones who seem incapable of calling a spade a spade.

Elda393d ago

LMAO!! What great games?? Who are "we"??

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Sonic1881393d ago

My biggest issue I have with Starfield is that it reminds me to much of No man sky and that it might have lots of bugs after launch. Hopefully they fix the shooting mechanic

peppeaccardo393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Hellblade 2 so far has been an UE5 metahuman showcase ... if the gameplay is similar to the first one u know how it will go ...
I would not rely mich on Xbsx first party as it is marketed as a gamepass seller ....

Godmars290393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Because all those games, because two of those major titles twice fell on their face once on early showing then upon release after delays meant to 'fix' things, if Starfield has issues Hellbalde 2 wont fix anything.

And if it has issues...

Clearly MS needs to either overhaul just about everything Xbox, or get out of the industry.

Silly Mammo393d ago

Why do people think Xbox's turnaround is hinged on one game? There is no magic bullet for Xbox. The reason PS and Nintendo was beating Xbox is because they are consistently releasing really good games generation after generation. Xbox is built on hype for the next big thing and the results speak for themselves.

393d ago Replies(3)
1Victor393d ago

The Xbox biggest problem won’t be solved by a game and is so obvious a blind gamer can see it a mile away.
The ones I can so far and I wish they fix
1 leadership: everyone love Phil but he’s just a yes man corporate front he have little to no saying on what’s going on.

2 quality control: the recent quality of mayor titles(AAA) has been lacking to put it mildly, I’ll leave it at that we all know this extremely well.

Bottom line is till Microsoft buy my way in mentality is finished and they learn to manage what they have they will never be successful the way they want to be no matter if they buy the entire video game industry

Obscure_Observer393d ago

"1 leadership: everyone love Phil but he’s just a yes man corporate front he have little to no saying on what’s going on"

Phil is a man who say "yes" to games. Xbox has been investing on many new games and especially on new IPs, way more than Playstation so far which under the actual leadership has apparently rely way more on sequels, remasters, remakes and GaaS than anything else.

Even after the Redfall fiasco, Arkane Austin is still a thing and are already hiring for it´s next AAA game.

On the other hand, Playstation under Jim Ryan just shutdown a small and creative 20 person studio which was actively working on an unannounced and now dead AAA game. All of that while boasting breaking records Playstation numbers.

So you can get pissed and try to spin all you want, but those are the facts that you can check for yourself.

"2 quality control: the recent quality of mayor titles(AAA) has been lacking to put it mildly, I’ll leave it at that we all know this extremely well."

BS! I dare you to bring the Metascores of all Xbox first party games released since the current generation started and say again that quality "has been lacking to put it mildly".

I´ll be waiting!

1Victor393d ago

@obscured: “BS! I dare you to bring the Metascores of all Xbox first party games released since the current generation started and say again that quality "has been lacking to put it mildly".

SPOILERS ALERT: H_LO _NFIN_TY still waiting for local coop for the first time in franchise history 🤦🏿 QUALITY HAD BEEEN LACKING

For more I’m sure you as a hardcore Xbox fan can think of at leas 2 more. I stopped jumping in the Xbox cool aid after the 360
BTW since when has metascore = quality?
Oh are we moving the goal post again with the this generation clause as if Phil just got in his Xbox position 🤯

343_Guilty_Spark393d ago

Wow what an encouraging comment. Stay tuned to Jin_Sakai’s next informative post on Xbox.

AmUnRa393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

And Hellblade will also not turn things around ...

Aloymetal393d ago

The only thing missing from your almost perfect post was...Gamapass didn't turn things around. ;)

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potatoseal394d ago

The first game was really good, but the gameplay was really not good and kind of bare bones. Hope they rectify this in the 2nd game.

jznrpg393d ago

The gameplay they showed had more timed press button to kill big monster with spear event. So I’m not sure how good the combat will be . It will look great but combat will be a big question mark.

Chriswheeler22393d ago

I think people forget what the first game was. This isn't God of War.

Tacoboto393d ago

Yeah, this wasn't an action game - it was a relatively linear adventure, a journey through Senua's mental state and inner turmoil.

Viljong393d ago

Psfanboys crossing their fingers to starfield and every xbox console exclusive to flop. Sick attitude. Any true gamer would be exited about new big triple A games. Starfield gameplay look stunning people are less toxic on youtube and more eager to play the game than judge it pre release.

philm87393d ago

100%. I'm a PS5 owner, but just want to play the best games, whatever the platform. I occasionally play Xbox games via the cloud to get access to some of the gems on gamepass. Also if a game is a real hit, Microsoft may be tempted to release it on Playstation further down the line to take advantage of the big userbase.

jonny897393d ago

Console war commandment - ''Thou shalt receive what ye give''. Kratos cannot jump, Spider-Man puddlegate, Miles Morales is just a DLC, boring HFW destroyed by Elden Ring, Returnal is a huge flop

northpaws393d ago


Really sad for them, they have no idea what they are missing out on, if they actually try those games, they would be like "why didn't we demand more from Xbox"

Tacoboto393d ago

This person also reduced Horizon Burning Shores to "propaganda", absolutely full of delusion to then go on and say "Any true gamer would be exited about new big triple A games".

Some people really should just go and enjoy their... less-toxic YouTube commenters. Lol

Zeref393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

You really don't see this with any other fanbase.

You don't see Xbox fans praying that Spiderman or any Playstation exclusive flops lol. Most Xbox fans either don't care or they're looking forward to them.

I'm an Xbox guy but you'll never hear me talk shit about any Playstation exclusives unless it's actually bad and I don't even attribute it to Playstation I talk about the game itself.
I haven't even said anything about Forespoken and I actively defended Last of Us Part 2.

But you'll see no such grace from Playstation fanboys. They hope Redfall will be the last Xbox exclusive and that MS will shut down Xbox tomorrow because of it lol.

Playstation fanboys will downplay any good Xbox title. You're already seeing it with Starfield and we've seen it with Hi-Fi Rush.

It's sad really. They hate Xbox more than they love Playstation. That's why all they do is talk about Xbox.

tay8701393d ago

Lmao yah not sure what planet you are living on. Everytime a playstation exclusive releases xbots are review bombing in on metacritic. Giving ridiculous scores of zero to games like the last of us 2. That game is last gen, yet it still looks better than 95% of current gen xbox games. You can not like the story writing, but sonys 1st party games aren't released is such a pathetic state as was Redfield.

XiNatsuDragnel393d ago

Nii San, you know that's a lie right all fanboys are ego-driven losers who care about plastic right? Instead what's good for gaming.

MrSec84393d ago

Nonsense, even amazing games like Horizon Forbidden West, God of War, etc get it from the Xbox community, Redfall is bad mouthed because it's rubbish and comes from a developer that can create better, that's been proven to do so numerous times.

Hi-Fi Rush has been largely praised by gamers, PlayStaton ones included.

TBH the XBox community tends to have the most toxic fanboys of the bunch, you see a large portion of them hating on PlayStation and Nintendo games, because little is coming to XBox of quality.

Profchaos393d ago

You're really generalising and probably talking about a vocal minority good games are good games console wars are for kids that can't afford multiple systems imo

Linefix393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

"You don't see Xbox fans praying that Spiderman or any Playstation exclusive flops lol. Most Xbox fans either don't care or they're looking forward to them."
LMFAO! Sure of that? That's a big fat lie you just spout.

And actually, M$ and Xbox fanboys are the ones so invested in this console war drama, even executives and higher ups at M$ are in full engagement in it to the point of bringing politics into it. "Waaah! Dem aSiAnz aRe gOnnA hUrT 'MuRicA's eCoNoMy aNd tEcHnOlOgY, waaaah! hElP uS oUr dEaR sEnAtOrs"

343_Guilty_Spark393d ago


That’s a damn lie. Idk why you are even brining up Nintendo… Xbox fans don’t bad mouth Nintendo. You can go just about anywhere on this site and see the constant negativity and vitriol from PS fans. Even here do you see any comment resembling …”Excited to see Hellblade 2…hoping it turns things around for Xbox”


Chevalier393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Sorry you're absolutely delusional. Go check out the Redfall comments on IGN. Over 5000 comments and many Xbox fanboys suggesting all Playstation games are garbage. So the idea that you don't see Xbox fans wanting Playstation games to fail is a fallacy. You just haven't looked.

As for most toxic fanboys then sorry Xbox wins that in Spades. There was a study done 2 or 3 years ago and the end result showed that Xbox gamers were the most aggressive and toxic. Feel free to Google it

MrSec84392d ago

@343_Guilty_Spark: It's not a lie at all, of course Xbox fans bad mouth Nintendo, because they have a large install base and actually get quality game releases.
When you talk about fanboys those are the outliers, the exceptions, they aren't the rule.

I bring up Nintendo because they get it from those hate filled Xbox Fans, that aren't getting much besides Multi Plats and very little 1st Party or unique releases you can't get besides on the XBox platforms.
The only thing Nintendo doesn't do is have modern hardware, but anyone who's objective can see they have quality releases, unique games you can't get on other platforms besides the Switch.
The same is true of PlayStation, Sony actually supports their platforms.

I'll bring up whoever I want to make my point, keep burying your head in the sand because the platform you champion isn't bringing the goods.
I don't even know why you would praise Microsoft as you do, they constantly drop the ball, expect to be able to buy up the industry and not give anything back in the way of growing it.
Nintendo and Sony both actually bother to create an abundance of new games and provide a steady stream of unique releases that you can't get on Xbox.

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CantThinkOfAUsername393d ago

Bethesda fangirls are always excited about Bethesda titles. They were also excited about Fallout 76. Simple-minded folks.

393d ago Replies(2)
393d ago
ocelot07393d ago

I'm a big elder scrolls and fallout fan. I hope starfield is good I really do. I'll deffinetly be giving it a rent on gamepass. If it's as fun as fallout and elder scrolls then I'll buy it on steam.

The thing is imo so far I have not seen anything that's got me really excited. I even got excited for fallout 76 so much I pre ordered the power armour edition.

Starfield so far just noting.

Obscure_Observer393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

"Starfield so far just noting."

You lie through your teeth. You just want some cookies from your PS delusional and jealous bunch.

If you really have ZERO interest in Starfield so far you wouldn´t even bother to talk about it.

Gotta love the PS fanboy fake concern mentality and hypocrisy! If Starfield was an PS5 exclusive you would be all over it. You´re not fooling anyone but yourself.

ocelot07393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

@Obscure_Observer The biggest Xbox shill on the internet calling people fanboys and accusing people of lying. Absolutele commedy gold as usual lol.

I even said I'm willing to give it a try and it still hurts your feelings. Unless im not creating fake excitement or genuinely excited for it me and others are all fanboys lol. Sorry Phill but if your game is good I'll happily PAY for it not continue to rent it. If it's bad then it won't be a surprise.

343_Guilty_Spark393d ago

It’s truly disgusting. They are so miserable they want every game to fail. We get one crappy game and it’s Doomsday.

GamingSinceForever393d ago

When you buy into the ideology that there is a “they and we” or “them and us” in this then you are guilty yourself of fanboyism.

With that being said it makes no sense getting bent out of shape over what they said. It means you are taking it too serious. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Elda393d ago

LOL!! Who are "they" & "we" ??

Obscure_Observer393d ago

"It’s truly disgusting. They are so miserable they want every game to fail. We get one crappy game and it’s Doomsday."

Don´t bother with those clowns. Take a look at the profile of those trashing and downplaying Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for being a masterpiece. For those bozos to hate on Xbox games its only their nature.

northpaws393d ago


No one wants it to fail, Xbox failed itself without help.

I bought an Xbox Series X with 3 years of Gamepass because of the Day 1 first party games 1.5 years ago... and then nothing much happened... I literally turn it on to do system update now and then and that's it.

I also bought Xbox 360 before I buy PS3, I enjoyed Xbox 360 for the most part, and then the number of games dried up at the second half of that cycle, and then keep going downhill since then.

343_Guilty_Spark393d ago

If it ain’t on PS it don’t exist to them. Nasty attitudes.

MrSec84392d ago

Who the hell are you talking about?
Where are the nasty comments you're talking about?

I've seen tonnes of PlayStation fans praising Hi-Fi Rush, along with Tears of the Kingdom, along with other none PlayStation games.
If games are good then they get praised, you're either imagining it or inventing it, because I see mountains of XBox guys hating on anything and everything that isn't XBox made or partner made for XBox.

The general hate people like you have for games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West, it's DLC, God of War, Ragnarok, Last of Us, anything PlayStation is crazy and indisputably happens on here and all over YouTube or Facebook, etc from XBox fans.
It's also regularly directed at Nintendo games and gamers too.
Stop with the nonsense guilt trips and bullied mentality, because people like you instigate it and can't accept that XBox can't be bothered to actually support the Series platform, it's been 2 and half years at this point and very little in the way of good games and very low quantities of releases have come to Series S and X, that isn't the case with Sony and Nintendo.

The nasty attitudes are predominantly from XBox fans!

Viljong393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Taco about horizon i explained how sony inserting lgtbq in well established game series feel wrong and forced becouse of how they handled the romance subject in previous games. And how lgbtq community(the pride magazine for an example) reach out sony with such idead that everyone should be gay or lesbian is sickening, like pride magazine contacting sony how Kratos should be gay and his son Atreus too should be on journey to discover his gay interests and they argue with sony that it doesnt feel forced or overall wrong. As the dev said they allready "had to nerf the female form" becouse trans community feel offended. I wished these kind of things and politics to be left outside from games and what did you do? Claim to be lgtbq person and write petty insults to me. Well done! Atleast i can respectfully argue you have no points only petty insults which are easy to use against you if chosen to link on same level.


It does seem that even with many removed comments people agreed on this one or atleast can have better discussion than insulting.

Viljong393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

I have always invested in every console brand becouse im gaming enthuastic and been loving games since the first nes. Ps1, ps2, psp, ps3, psvita, ps4, ps4 pro, ps5 and psvr2. With huge libary of games. I also had every xbox since. Switch and A class pcs from 2000 to 2017 when i decided to put pc gaming on halt.

I just sense too much negativity towards xbox and even talking bad about upcoming games and wishing them to fail. Xbox have problems but its also a great console with good games not available on playstation and the GP

I love playstation and PS5 and psvr2 is definetly the best gen of my entire gaming career, i just dont accept or think xbox is so bad many claim to be. The console itself have good features over competition but mentioning those, oh boy you get them downvotes.

And no fanboys review bomb games like tlou part 2 or horizon dlc. They are frustrated playstation gamers who defend their view of how the games should not involve identify politics etc. Its more defending what we love and enthuaism towards games and standing on what we believe games are all about and what they do with beloved games whom millions of people play.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 392d ago
staticall393d ago

One game couldn't solve Xbox's drought. Even if the game's going to be amazing.
If you're hungry, one plate of food wouldn't make you feel full.

It could be a sign on change, sure. But first, i would like at least to see some unedited gameplay.

But after a recent interview with Phil Spencer, when he said that great games won't help to turn things around, i don't expect much. Better to keep your expectations low and be pleasantly surprised than to overhype everything and repeat the Halo Infinite/Redfall situation, imo.

Profchaos393d ago

Wasn't it stated the game was still in early development sick months ago don't expect this one for another year

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Hellblade 2 Is An Unrivaled Spectacle, But The Gameplay Neglection Bothers Me

Ninja Theory outdid itself in Hellblade 2 with the photorealistic visuals and the unreal audio design, but why was the gameplay neglected?

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Community12d ago
piroh14d ago

Its a perfect game for Gamepass, i think this is what MS wanted from it to be. IMO spring 2025 PS5/Switch 2 release maybe sooner

StormSnooper12d ago

I think it’s the perfect gamepass game. Pretty, but cheap to make, and shallow.

Amplitude12d ago

Cheap to make and shallow are absolutely not words that describe HellBlade 2

garos8211d ago

its only perfect if the gameplay has something to say or do. turns out this game has neither. nice graphics though

Flawlessmic12d ago

I finished it and I'll start by saying the graphics are amazing!!!!! and I experienced and noticed absolutely zero bugs and ran into no issues with the game so it's highly polished.

In saying that, that's where my compliments end, I slugged my way through this game, thank god it was short.

The most on rails game I've ever played, didn't care for the story or the characters outside of the story for the first giant which I did like. For a game like this story and characters should've been everything and it just didn't hit, I didn't care at all just wanted to finish the game and experience the visuals, that's the only reason I persisted.

Puzzles were absolutely lame an amounted to either trying to find shapes or using land shifting bubbles, all of which were piss easy.

The fights are cool at first and look brutal but again very simple.

Basically no environment interaction besides lighting torches

Checking my last achievement only like 6% of players have finished the game which says a lot considering the length of it. I can't imagine a whole lot of people are playing this either.

Don't understand the higher reviews for this, outside of visuals the game isn't great if any anything it was a slog to get the 7 hrs it's took me.

Sonic188112d ago

I agree with you about the puzzles and the game length

repsahj12d ago

Many perfect reviews only scores the graphics like the very "unbiased"(lol) reviews of DF and Eurogamer. But saying the gameplay and story is a masterpiece are a bunch of liars.

StormSnooper12d ago

DF IS MS’s advertising arm. Eurogamer was purchased by IGN, which is a MS mouthpiece. so no surprises there.

Flawlessmic12d ago

Yea it's hard to disagree man, like it's really not a good game.

Since when did games get full marks along with other high scores just for visuals, it's reeiculous.

Michiel198912d ago

DF doesn't do reviews as far as I know....they do graphical analyses and ofc being the pixeljunkies that they are, they will absolutely love the graphical aspects of this game.

@storm if they're ms advertising arm then why do they still praise a game like Horizon to the heavens? doesn't pan out my man, but nice try my little pony.

Notellin12d ago


The made up Microsoft positive publicity. Even fanboys don't believe those sites are Microsoft leaning.

Good-Smurf12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Weird of them DF to do a game review when their job actually is to review the tech aspects of the game.
It came across as paid sponsored review at times.
Leave the bootlicking stuff to Eurogamer especially now that they got bought the writing is on IGN's wall.
I feel like John got that line crossed a lot I feel, he should start his own channel because the other two stooges and simps at Eurogamer and DF are holding him back a lot.
It's all so ironic coming from a guy who's all about gameplay and frame rate obsessed, many mentioned that they don't give the likes of The Order 1886 the same praise a lot of catches ifs and buts for that game.
I don't have to mention the insufferable Tom Morgan.

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DazaMc12d ago

The combat is terrible, dodge 2 or three times, attack AND repeat.

EternalTitan12d ago

What gameplay?
Hellblade 2 barely has any gameplay.

Amplitude12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

It seems like Ninja Theory really were trying to tell an emotional story more than make a game - and that's totally fine. I really miss games like this.

Its nice to see Microsoft venturing into "story game" territory when they quite literally never do so. Other than maybe Lococycle.

Damn, remember Lococycle? https://youtu.be/4uHTEDDVFF...

rippermcrip12d ago

Order 1886 had graphics that were way ahead of its time. Also had excellent gameplay. But it was absolutely ripped to shreds in reviews based on the shortness of the game and some repetitiveness of some fights. For some reason those things don't apply to HB.

LoveSpuds12d ago

A fair comparison I must say. I will play Hellblade II when it comes to PS5 (provided it gets a physical release) as I can't help but think it's similar to the first game in respect of its shortcomings, and I still got something out of that 1st game (a platinum trophy specifically).

anast12d ago

It still applies. The games is a high 6 to low 7. Game writers need access to do their jobs so they they don't follow any kind of criteria that would potentially cut that access.

rippermcrip12d ago

Reviewers aren't applying it is the point.

anast12d ago (Edited 12d ago )


They're not applying it, but it applies when we the consumer actually pays for the product and plays it.

Michiel198912d ago

more tinfoil hat galore than youtube comments, insecurities run wild when your plastic box doesn't have the most impressive looking game anymore, not that I'm surprised

rippermcrip12d ago

Not a single person is upset or even disagreeing that this game has the best graphics. So what are you talking about?

anast12d ago

It's naive to think access journalism doesn't exist. Calling it "tin-foil hat" doesn't make it otherwise. If you have been on this world since 89, you would have surely come to this conclusion along with the conclusion that words like "plastic box" and "insecurity" expressed in this way tells us more about you than what my comment is actually about.

Sonic188112d ago (Edited 12d ago )

And Hellblade 2 length is even shorter than the Order 1886 🤔😂

KwietStorm_BLM12d ago

The Order had excellent gameplay?

SonyStyled12d ago

It does but there’s not very much of it. There’s a couple good action sequences but the rest it bland

derek12d ago

@Ripper, I remember how that game was torn apart even before it was released. I played and agreed with much of the criticism, the end bosses were terrible the game was way too short. But the weapons, gunplay and graphics were phenomenal. Haven't played hellblade 2 but watching it, it looks like you walk on rails the take turns combat is a joke. The graphics look fantastic at times, saw her wadding through water in some underground cave with a torch, impressive. Wish NT would have focused more on bringing real combat/ movement to their impressive graphical presentation. 7 years for a 5-6 hrs game is absurd.

Good-Smurf12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Yeah and considering The Order 1886 was actually a pretty competent TPS but walks and jogs around slays a few enemies one and a time with lame ass puzzles in HB2 is much more to their liking.
Something's fishy here.

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talocaca12d ago

I just played the first 3 hours.....the gameplay is extremely basic. Walk a path while you hear voices, then long cutscenes, a simple battle that is almost QTE....repeat.

Sonic188112d ago

And Eurogamer gave this game a 10 😂

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is Not the Huge Win for Xbox That We All Wanted it to Be

Ninja Theory's latest is an impressive accomplishment in more ways than one, but it isn't the flag-in-the-ground moment many had hoped it would be.

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H914d ago

A four hour playable movie was never going to be the big win for a console

piroh14d ago

Remember when xbox fans laugh at The order 1886? Well...

H914d ago

Xbox fans hate every until it comes to their console

darthv7214d ago

^^the same can be said about the flip side.

Zeref14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

I didn't give af about The Order to have any thoughts on it. Nobody did. You're projecting my guy.

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Eonjay14d ago

It's more of a UE5 tech/art demo.

darthv7214d ago

...and things can only get better from here. Imagine what UE6 can bring to the table.

Eonjay14d ago

Right. I assume games like Gears 5 will make this look tame by comparison plus it will be built with GamePlay in mind.

helicoptergirl14d ago

Steam peak-player count is super low. Lower even than the original. In regards to selling copies/subs and making a profit in some way, I'd bet everything I own on it being a complete and utter failure. But I wouldn't shut them down. They need to expand and be more ambitious and ramp up production. Hope their next game is something special.

MeteorPanda14d ago

this l don't understand. This game is explorative, its not ever going to be a big hit but a very enjoyable short experience. Not every game has to be so many hours. The devs were happy with their end product.

Barlos14d ago

Only certain obscure observers thought it would be. The rest of us could see it was never going to shift systems or be a massive hit.

Redgrave14d ago


heh heh

certain obscure observers

TheKingKratos14d ago

That guy/girl have been "Obscure" for some time now

Hofstaderman14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Some really obscure alt accounts last couple of weeks....

SonyStyled14d ago

Fortunately he’s okay and back working now

lucasnooker14d ago

Great graphics does not mean a great game… it peaks interest but at the end of the day we want both in one! Looking at you GTA VI. Rockstar, come show us how it’s done!

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Hellblade II Gameplay PC 4K - RTX 4090 (an amazing cinematic opening with little gameplay)

CG writes: We spend around 40 minutes playing the opening of Hellblade II on PC (Gamepass version), running max settings but with DLSS set to Quality. So, effectively playing the game at 1440p despite the render res being set to 4K. As you can see, the RTX 4090 GPU sits around the 70% usage mark using these settings which are capped at 60fps. Aside from the technical details though, we found the opening gameplay a little underwhelming. Sure, audio is top-quality sublime, and UE5 provides some fantastic visual nuances, yet the gameplay just felt sacrificed for cinematic posturing. We are going to assume the gameplay becomes more of a focus moving forwards as the opening here felt less interactive that its predecessor which also begins in/on the water.

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Jingsing15d ago

I'll wait for someone to record the game and convert it to an FMV for the SEGA MEGA CD port.