
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Review | DualShockers

DualShockers: TMNT fans are in for a real treat with Digital Eclipse's retro compilation of classic games.

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Community652d ago

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection - Notice of End of Sales - Steam News

The full game of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection" will be discontinued in Japan on the following date: Friday, March 29, 2024 at 0:00 (JST).

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Community90d ago
OtterX90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

This is pretty crazy and hopefully it doesn't happen in other regions. This collection is too recent to be pulled! I own it on the Switch, but eventually I want to get a Steam Deck and may be interested in repurchasing it again.

If it gets pulled, I suppose I'll just stick to the ROMs on Steam Deck. They're the ones forcing it. I feel like Retro Collections especially should never be pulled, bc this is our ticket to playing these games legally.... plus, I really like the added goodies, like box art, manuals, promotional material.

Neonridr90d ago

I think it says that you'll be able to redownload it from the store, just that you won't be able to buy it anymore.

Cacabunga90d ago

I couldn’t play then… I just couldn’t it’s uncontrollable and how bad the games aged

OtterX90d ago

Right, which is what I had said above, possibly purchasing them again in the future when I get a Steam Deck. I wasn't planning on buying them now for PC, I only have interest in handheld

shinoff218390d ago

All the more reason physical should still exist.

Cacaobunga, the games seemed fine to me. Then the little rewind feature was a nice little addition. I had a blast and nothing I tried seemed bad.

Neonridr90d ago

@OtterX - you can always just buy it now so that when you have a Steam Deck you can play it then. This is Japan only, so unless that is your region I wouldn't worry too much at this point.

OtterX90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

@Neonridr I understand, but it could be a sign of things to come in other regions. And yea right, I'm not buying a game for a Steam Deck I don't have yet.... I already spend way too much money on games as it is! 😂

The earliest I would get one is Holidays at the end of the year, unless I somehow become rich earlier!

Just wish it would stick around longer, that's all. And @shinoff2183 unfortunately, physical really isn't a thing on PC. Most pcs don't even have disc drives anymore.

Also @Cacabunga, I thought the games still controlled fine, just as I remembered. There are save states for the horrid electric seaweed part on the NES one!

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Knightofelemia90d ago

Once purchased it stays in your library it is tied to your account. Whether Steam, Xbox, Nintendo, or Playstation. I fail to see why you constantly have to say repurchasing it for a Steam deck you might buy. As long as you use your Steam account on your Steam deck again you don't have to repurchase the game. Only other way you repurchase the game is if you don't have it on Playstation, Nintendo, or Xbox or your Steam account gets banned.

OtterX90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Huh? I own it on Switch. When I get a Steam Deck, I will need to repurchase it on Steam, as in a second digital copy.

Nintendo purchases do not carry over to Steam. Sorry, I thought that was pretty clear in my original post.

Knightofelemia90d ago

So I wonder if the console ports will be next to get the game pulled. So glad I have the physical port of the game.

on_line_forever90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Iam glad the nes version has been remastered for HD TVs and I hope we Get another collection for captain tsubasa 1 & 2 nes versions ether

FinalFantasyFanatic89d ago

Is there some legal reason why it's being pulled in Japan? Is this going to happen everywhere else? Maybe I should buy the game just in case, although, you usually get some warning before they pull a game from the Steam Store.

CantThinkOfAUsername89d ago

Game Informer reached out to Konami and confirmed the game is only being delisted in Japan. Either licencing issues that's not worth the cost or Konami hates its people.


TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection Review -- Gamerhub UK

Cowabunga truly says it all.

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Community312d ago
CrimsonWing69310d ago

Better late than never, I suppose.


Interview with Konami's Michael Rajna

WTMG's Leo Faria: "I have seen a wide array of outlets and internet comments stating that Konami is back right now, as in, only after the announcement of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake and the plethora of Silent Hill announcements in late 2022. I don’t particularly agree with that sentiment. If anything, I did state that the company was already performing a slow, but effective resurgence way back in late 2018, all thanks to actions like Castlevania Requiem, the VR version of Zone of the Enders, and partnering up with Nintendo in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

This isn’t new for us, it’s just the natural course of what seemed to be a long-term (and unrushed) strategy. Over the past few years, we saw more releases, both in terms of retro collections and new entries in estabilished IPs. Thankfully, I was able to interview Michael Rajna, Senior Director of Business Development and Licensing at Konami, at BIG Festival this year, where I was finally able to ask about the company’s past, present, and plans for the future."

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Community337d ago
neomahi337d ago

A rather generic interview with all the same diplomatic responses. There are all the tough questions that nobody wants to ask because, who wants to bite the hand that feeds, right? But it's the same sounding interview just with Konami