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Xbox Will Be Built Into TVs, Xbox-Branded Streaming Devices Announced

Microsoft has high hopes for Xbox Game Pass and growing it into the future.

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Community1089d ago
Vengeance11381089d ago

RIP The traditional Xbox console.

darthv721089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

They still got at least one more traditional box in the pipeline.

itsmebryan1089d ago

Do you have a link to what you are saying or are you just making it up?

itsmebryan1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

I read the article. Where did it say had only one left in the pipeline?
The way they are talking they will continue to make Xbox. That's what I was talking about.

darthv721089d ago

@bryan, I said "at least one" not "only one" They could have 20 for all we know.

TheEnigma3131089d ago

nah, ain't happening. They've positioning themselves for this for years now.

1Victor1089d ago

🤦🏿 Was my reaction and people near by started to look at me weirdly on the public transportation 🤷🏿 🤣

ABizzel11088d ago

You can already do this with most Android based TVs, NVIDIA shield TV, Android phones with HDMI. Just download Xcloud or a GamePass APK and you're good to go. Of course, it's streaming only, but it's an option for more casual gamers.

Working with telecom to sell Xbox's is interesting. The model works for phones, but the entire benefit behind it is that they are also being sold with service. Xbox doesn't have cellular unless they plan on making a model that does, so I don't see the incentive of this for mobile providers unless it's sold as an accessory that they can make a profit on, or it comes bundled as a benefit to buying Home Internet from them.

I mean if you get internet and for an extra $30/mo. for 2 years you get a Series X and GamePass it's really not a bad offer (it makes the Xbox and 2 years of GamePass $720 instead of $860), but these kinds of promotions often come at the expense of getting new service, which is where the issue comes into play.

I'm indifferent to it overall, it's again good for the masses who can't buy a console, and the only real way Xbox is going to potentially grow their business further than what they've achieved in the console space, since they lost the traditional "war". But this is starting to sound real Google Stadia like which was met with hate and doubt Day 1. Xbox still had their console and they have a better subscription model than what Google had, so we'll have to wait and see.

S2Killinit1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

And you are happy with that? We been saying MS is going in this direction forever now.

bouzebbal1088d ago

I respect their choice, my problem is it will be always online and only streaming cause no way I’ll download a 50+ GB game on TV..

TheGreatGazoo301088d ago

Traditional consoles aren't going away anytime soon. Even MS has said that. These are just more options to get more people engaged.

1088d ago
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DJStotty1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

Why would the console go anywhere?

They would not launch a console with the moniker "series" if they planned on not continually releasing hardware.

Nitrowolf21089d ago

That’s not really sound logic all considering their past Xbox naming

darthv721089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

There will be additional entries in the Series line but they will all be variants on the existing two we have. Like a Series E which would be the same as the current Series S (10gb and 512mb) as the new S is likely to get a bump in storage (1tb) and memory (12gb). The Current X will also get an increase in storage (2tb) but otherwise it will remain unchanged. They could then release a series Y with 2tb (or more) storage as well as an increase to 24gb of memory.

zawepa1088d ago

RIP The traditional Xbox console. "

I think Sony already did this though.
They made ps3 tvs and phones that could play psp games. It was not that successful but I don't think the brand failed as a whole.

kneon1088d ago


The words 'logic' and 'xbox naming' don't really belong in the same sentence.

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-Foxtrot1089d ago

People might disagree but seriously, even last gen we had hints of something like this happening so I don't know why people are so surprised at Microsofts obvious new goal, it's not about consoles, it's about everything. It's like their 2013 plans that were rejected but on a drip feed.

Personally I think the next Xbox will become something that just accompanies regular smart TVs if the general consumer doesn't have a TV with Xbox build into it. Rather than paying money on getting an Xbox TV, Microsoft will say "Well if you buy the console you can upgrade your regular TV into an Xbox TV".

I just find it funny most of us saw this coming, about how they'd want to push Xbox / Gamepass onto everything they could yet people said it would only be Xbox/PC. If Xbox TVs are coming now, at the start of this new gen then where will we be at the end of this gen?

Xbox want to be the Netflix of games and sooner or later, regardless of what they will say, they won't give a shit about traditional consoles and most likely physical discs.

Atom6661089d ago

Lol. Your foresight is amazing. Here I was thinking that the company that has dumped billions upon billions into the cloud, and is led by a CEO who came from their cloud division, somehow secretly believed that local hardware was the future!

Of course they're looking to a cloud-first model. It's literally their company's biggest focus.

It's also the inevitable future.

hiawa231089d ago

I just said and thought the same. This seems like a great move as far as I am concerned. No surprise here. The more options the better.

darthv721089d ago

And you know Sony is following everything MS does and will put their own spin on it. So we should expect PSNow to expand and be like other streaming apps on modern TV sets. Just choosing from the remote, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, XCloud, PSNow...

rlow11089d ago

How did you come to that conclusion? They want a full ecosystem and the console is part of that. I see more powerful consoles coming out in the future along with everything else. Why would they abandon the console crowd when they want Gamepass to grow and not shrink?

lodossrage1089d ago


Actually, Sony did have PS Now built into TV's and set to boxes for awhile back in the early days. So it's not like they haven't done it before. They just didn't see any value in it

darthv721089d ago

@lodoss... I know. they pulled the plug on it too soon. Renewed vision of PSNow (with more newer games) could be the catalyst they need to bring it back and in more brands than their own.

chiefJohn1171088d ago

Huh? That make 0 sense. It's a stick like chrome cast or firestick not an actual TV with Xbox built into it (that'll be Hella expensive) they're probably gonna partner and get an app for smart TV so the stick isn't needed

343_Guilty_Spark1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )


Microsoft still makes Surface products, PC peripherals, and Xbox hardware. They don't just do cloud. Maybe you haven't noticed but they have their hands in a lot of jars. Satya is a cloud guy and yet they still make hardware. So this narrative that they are abandoning dedicated hardware doesn't make any sense and there is very little evidence to support your statement.

gamer78041088d ago

Yah the year 3000 is going to be lit when console hardware dies out… lol

1Victor1088d ago

So in the hypothetical that Sony eventually does make a Xbox tv because you know it’s coming along with Samsung and others big manufacturers will the name be Sony Xbox tv or Xbox Sony tv 🤔 🤪 😂

Donjune1088d ago

Why should they give a shite! The business practices seem to be on point!

CaptainHenry9161088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

We all knew this was going to happen. Microsoft is like we only care about game pass subscriptions LMFAO It is what it is

fr0sty1088d ago

Sony doesn't need to copy them, they're not the ones trying to compete with the leader and failing generation after generation. They own the local console market, they own the first party game development market, they don't need to become a service to survive.

Godmars2901088d ago

Given MS's track record, that of most tech companies, feels more like train on full speed that going to find out too late the bridge is out.

Unless they can deliver streaming within a given time, shorten the likely teething period on the main market, this could very well be their Stedia. May be it regardless if they've over estimated Xbox brand popularity.

Though there's no chance that that happened - /s

OB1Biker1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

I think they don't want to retire from the hardware. They just want to kill traditional consoles and get a monopoly. PC gaming more like. It has always been the plan.

DJStotty1088d ago

Everyone saw it coming, because it has been the messaging from Xbox for years now.

They have always pushed the message that gamers should be able to play great games on any device they wish.

I don't know how much more clearer they can be.

DJStotty1088d ago


What i find hilarious and quite hypocritical, is Sony put Playstation games on TV's well before Xbox have, but then it was ok, now it is the demise of the xbox console as we know it.

Last time i checked Playstation still released a console, even after being on TV's/Mobiles/handhelds and PC's

CYALTR1088d ago

I could see them partnering with a TV manufacturer (Sony?? LOL) to make an Xbox TV just as a demo. Some people would buy it, but the main play is getting the app for Smart TV's. Apparently you an do a work around already if you have an Android TV, but they would really need to get a company like Roku on board to really make this work.

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ReadyPlayer221089d ago

They already announced that they're already creating their next gen hardware because they knew you fanboys would try to spread this narrative.

XBManiac1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

Xbox Series S consoles were dead before arrival and Microsoft knew it.

Kerppamaister1089d ago

Weird, my Series S is working perfectly fine. But you know better, obviously.

1088d ago
1089d ago Replies(1)
itsmebryan1089d ago

They have been saying that for years and the Xbox is still here. Smh

chiefJohn1171089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

Nah cloud isn't even an option for competitive MP. I don't even attempt to play shooters or fighter like MK via Cloud I stick to rpgs, and SP. Or less competitive MP games/CoOp. Nothing tops console mane

Kavorklestein1088d ago

Not everyone plays that stuff. It's called Options. And of course consoles are better Durhhhh.

DatDoe2101088d ago

There will still be Xbox consoles. This for streaming game pass games. Microsoft will continue to release consoles for those of us who want the best experience and/or dont want to stream their games.

Sayai jin1088d ago

Their goal is to reach as many people as possible. MS has stated clearly that they want game pass everrywhere, including Xbox consoles. So on Xbox, TVs (Samsung first), streaming devies. Only MS knows what their plan is, but I will say that they have been very deliberate on their messaging othe Xbox game plan. They have been setting this up for a while. They have been working with Samsung for a year or more to get the Xbox installer on their TVS.

MS knows hardcore and many causual gamers will want consoles, but they eant it to be on TVS, smartphones, etc. All can be true without detriment or the end to another.

The success of this plan is undetermined, but so far game pass is very popular. If it dows catch on on all other will bring their games and select 3rd party game pass games to almost everyone. This has never been done before.

gamer78041088d ago

Ready for the people that don’t understand having options… lol

bleedsoe9mm1088d ago

They use xbox hardware in xcloud, so money put into R&D covers both cloud and console development

Eidolon1088d ago

Streaming games still sucks in my area until we can get fiber optics probably. I've tried all sorts of streaming services with the best available internet. Nope, can't do it, the input lag is way too much to be enjoyable for anything that requires constant motion.

CYALTR1088d ago

This is a constant and real issue. However, think how many more people today have access to high speed internet than 10 years ago. This is a long term play for MS. You don't wait until everyone is able to access something. You start early, and figure out the way to work out the issues. Then by the time everyone else figures it out, you are ahead of the game. The is the MS plan. I am not a fortune teller, so I do not know if it will be successful or not. I tend to think that it will be, 5 or 10 years down the road. Time will tell. It is undeniable that technology, including internet speed, is only moving forward, more and more online. It's a valid argument on if this is a good thing for society, personally I think not, but that is for another discussion.

1088d ago
porkChop1088d ago

This is just for cloud gaming/streaming. There will always be a market for dedicated consoles.

Abbott1231088d ago

Not unless streaming becomes a lot more popular than traditional gaming which they still have a long way to go before that happens. Right now just do what i do and treat it as a cool alternative and hopefully within a few years it is genuinely a viable option for gaming over traditional hardware.

King_Noctis1088d ago

Xbox Series S and X still exist, at least for the foreseeable future.

Spenok1088d ago

But according to them, consoles are EXTREMELY important to their future plan!

Not sure how much even they believe that.

TimeSkipLuffy1088d ago

You assume that everyone is going to buy a new high end TV that has XBOX console included? The standalone console will not go away. The XBOX hardware won't be built in into all TVs plus there are gamers who like to take their consoles on travels or to friends to play together.

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Paleblood1089d ago

"Direct sales of MLB The Show 21 on Xbox were strong too, becoming the No. 1 overall best-selling paid game on Xbox for April 2021."

Ironic that a Playstation developed game becomes number 1 on Xbox.

Looks like Xbox is abandoning the console and moving to streaming like Google Stadia.

Vengeance11381089d ago

Also shows how few games Xbox actually has when an annual sports title is the top game of the month.

dumahim1089d ago

Are FIFA and Madden not huge sellers?

darthv721089d ago

So it's success has nothing to do with it being baseball season?

Orchard1089d ago

So you're saying Playstation also has very few games since FIFA and Madden regularly are top sellers there and outsell any exclusive? Interesting.

chiefJohn1171089d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

Even with success haters will try to twist the narrative to make it a bad thing some how lmao the doom and gloom is hilarious
Lol spend thousands of dollars? Gamepass saves you thousands foo

wiz71911088d ago

I mean granted it’s the only baseball game out there outside of the 2K series. What you expect its on gamepass as well, I even downloaded it just to try it out. Only played it 3 times since downloading it.

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DJStotty1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

This "last xbox console" has been thrown around since the xbox one launch, and here we are 4 consoles later.

Xbox will never abandon a traditional home console, their strategy is to reach all types of gamers, not abandon a userbase because you can now "stream".

So this "integration with TV's" will simply be Xcloud on a TV, so the games you can stream to your phone today, the same will apply for the TV's with this built in.

Will not affect the console base at all.

Darkborn1089d ago

It will when Microsoft wants to actually make a profit for once with Xbox. The console hardware never made a cent of profit since the original Xbox, gamepass has never made profit, most first party titles don't make profit, their recent acquisitions and the ones a few years ago never made profit. Are they a charity company now?

Vengeance11381089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

MS likes to slowly push their audience in a certain direction and this will be no different. Why do you think MS has slowly been abandoning Games with Gold with very subpar monthly games? So their audience can be pushed onto GamePass which would visually have the "better value".
MS doesn't care if anyone at all buys their console, they care about subscriber numbers and ONLY subscriber numbers. Why charge you a flat $499 for a console when they can keep on charging you thousands of dollars for a subscription for the next 10-20-30 yrs?
Not to mention! If you think MS won't continuously RAISE the price per month of GamePass, you're kidding yourself. Even Netflix can't survive being Netflix without constantly increasing the price which is now getting uncomfortably high at about $16/month for normal HD.

CaptainHenry9161089d ago

"Even Netflix can't survive being Netflix without constantly increasing the price which is now getting uncomfortably high at about $16/month for normal HD."

You're so right about Netflix. One of the reason's why I canceled them

PrinceAli1089d ago

But Xbox One WAS gonna get scrapped/cut short after its disastrous launch, that is a face not an opinion.

John_McClane1089d ago

I couldn't agree with you more!

CYALTR1089d ago

I wouldn't say "never", but not just yet

Petebloodyonion1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

@ Darkborn
So I guess you were panicking back in 2014 when Sony made exactly the same move by having PS Now installed in Sony TV and Bluray player?
And I know Xbox is sucking bad, losing money, etc. but what I don't understand is how come 3rd parties like Cacpcom, Ubisoft, etc. are still making games for it? I guess they love losing money too.

Even Netflix can't survive being Netflix without constantly increasing the price which is now getting uncomfortably high at about $16/month for normal HD

Yet Disney and others are charging less than 10$ per month I guess they like losing money.
Perhaps Netflix is raising price each year because ppl are still willing to stay just like some ppl are happy paying a 10$ hike on ps5 game just because they change the 4 for a 5 on the box.

I also remember a bunch of ppl back in 2013 who were defending paying 40$ buck for the second dipping of 60 frames and 1080P (you know the crappy free thing call FPS and resolution boost that you get on new console).

DJStotty1088d ago


"It will when Microsoft wants to actually make a profit for once with Xbox. The console hardware never made a cent of profit since the original Xbox, gamepass has never made profit, most first party titles don't make profit, their recent acquisitions and the ones a few years ago never made profit. Are they a charity company now?"

So you think they will go all cloud? no hardware? good luck on trying to stream a next-gen game at Native 4K @ 120fps with RT and the like. Do you know how many countries there are that do not even have the bandwidth available to this day, to stream a 1080p video clip?

OptimusDK1088d ago

@CaptainHenry916 so how is that 70USD pricetag tasting... the only one who have hiked prices are SONY.

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Orchard1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

"Looks like Xbox is abandoning the console and moving to streaming like Google Stadia."

Except they just confirmed more hardware is coming.

DJStotty1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

Lol i know right, but a certain portion of the gaming community are running out of things to downplay xbox, after E3, the "no games" "lack of exclusives" arguing point will also be gone.

So now the bandwagon coming through town is the "xbox is abandoning hardware" even after just releasing a statement saying they are already into R&D of the next hardware (Next-gen)

The comments sections on xbox articles really make my day, it is better than a stand up comedy show.

KillBill1089d ago

Psst... in 2019 "Minecraft was the top-selling game on PlayStation 4 in July, and has occupied a space in the console's 10 best-selling games list all year." Ironic it is made by Microsoft Studio.

And Microsoft has already stated it is already working on the next consoles.

Teflon021088d ago

Think it's more like no one buys games in general and just plays what's on gamepass at this point outside a few titles. Nothing came out that could combat MLB finally hitting Xbox. Also I am curious what's strong sales? 100k? MS and their wording means absolutely nothing to me if they ain't giving numbers

DJStotty1088d ago

Even numbers mean nothing to me, games do.

Sayai jin1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

You just have to let people cling to that mindset. I jist ignore them when I hear PS is doomed, Xbox is done, etc. The real ropic is that a franchise that was always associated with PS was brought to Xbox GP as part if the subscription. Some paid $70 and others pkayed for the cost of their subscription and skme of those liked it so much they brought it ad well.

No games. I never bothered with MLB and I have owned every PS day one. I would have never tried it if it wasn't for game pass. I really enjoyed it and realized I missed out on the other iterations. As far as games, I have had a constant library of really good games to play on my Series X, many enhanced, that's a very nice plus.
.i.e. playing Titanfall 2 at 120fps is the way it should be played. I have so many games I have and still have to play on my PS5 as well. Plus they actually had new exclusives, so that was a huge plus. After I played Demon Souls and Spiderman MM I was replaying games or trying games I haven't played before. So I was using my PS5 for the same thing I was using my Series X for...playing older games. Happy with both consoles. Enjoying R&C right now...less than a few hours!

gamer78041088d ago

There is no evidence that Sony or MS is abandoning consoles… show proof if you plan on making stuff up.

NeoGamer2321088d ago

"Looks like Xbox is abandoning the console and moving to streaming like Google Stadia"

There is not a single fact on the planet that supports your comment. Please find a place where MS has said or even hinted that this is their goal in any press release since let's say 2015. You are simply spouting BS.

Mr_cheese1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

A good game is a great game for any console. No matter what either company is doing, the outcome will always be better for both companies because it pushes them to work harder and deliver a stronger version of what they offer.

Keep it coming ❤️

King_Noctis1088d ago

Just wait until Deathloop releases. It’s gonna be even more ironic.

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Old McGroin1089d ago

A lot of people might disagree but this is pretty exciting for someone like me who, due to life's circumstances, can't go the route of getting a proper console. My main outlet for gaming for the past year or so has been Stadia (please don't judge!) and while it works really well for me, the catalogue of games isn't massive. And Microsoft have released a statement saying they are still working on a new console too so everyone's a winner?

shabz6661089d ago

I think that’s awesome. Would love for more people to get into games and if this is the way then this is the way.

I am a console gamer myself and can’t even imagine gaming over a stream, so I’m glad to see that despite what the headline says Spenser and the team in their article quiet explicitly say about how they are focused on the hardware side of things. And based on the their work with series x and the tech their team has done with bc it’s quiet clear.

A low barrier of entry to games just brings more people in and let’s more people enjoy games. I’ve never been a fan of gate keeping that happens in the gaming community.

Stanjara1089d ago

I don't know what you mean by proper console, and what you play on Stadia... probably Cyberpunk, but there is nothing wrong by still having Xbox one or a Ps4 and invest in those accounts. Why are you paying full price games on a stream service...I don't know.
Oh, and those New TVs will have 500$ price difference for sure if they gona have Xbox game pass ready on the box.

Amplitude1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )


Hey dude I hate the idea of a streaming future too but let's think for a minute:

A 10 year old tablet can play xcloud games (I use it on my phone when I'm travelling sometimes cause why the heck not) so - why would it add $500 to a TV to have xcloud installed? It wouldn't lol it's just gonna be an app.

Next up: buying games on Stadia.
You're right, buying a streamed game is dumb when physical discs exist and monthly-fee-based streaming services like xCloud exist.
But let's say this dude has full 100% faith that Stadia is gonna last years. What's the difference between buying the Stadia version and a game from the PS Store?
In both instances you're locked behind a server wall and you're going to lose your "purchase" when the servers are gone.

All I'm saying is, if you're not getting a physical disc you don't really own your game any more than you do on Stadia...

I personally kind of like what Microsoft is doing - where you can download the game on PC/xb but you can also stream on your laptop or phone or whatever else. It's a cool supplemental option but yeah I can't imagine why anybody would ever spend full price considering the extreme obvious disadvantages lol but yeah.
People need to keep supporting physical media. We really shouldn't let it die

Old McGroin1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

@ Stanjara

By proper console I mean a physical one. I've had pretty much every console from the Sega Mega Drive up to both the Xbox One and PS4 but I have a hell of a lot of responsibilities now so I don't have time to game in the traditional way. For instance I completed AC Odyssey, Valhalla, Cyberpunk, Doom, Borderlands 3, Star Wars Fallen Order on my Galaxy S20 either on the couch at home or on my lunch break at work. Also, I've pretty much never paid full price for those games, there's sales all the time.
Very doubtful that TVs will increase 500 quid because of a streaming app, TVs are already chock full of streaming apps and prices haven't been affected.

1089d ago Replies(1)
Stanjara1089d ago

That's a good lunch brake...good for you sir. Ok, I'm not into Stadia, but last time I've heard is that games on there are full price and no sale because they give you a high end pc in the cloud.
What I'm thinking is that these Microsoft Tvs are gonna be new ones...with new streaming lag free processors and wifi 6...or 7...or lan. They gonna put Dolby Atmos and Vision in there, Oled something 50 inch 120hz 4k-up to 8k.
Those are gonna be 2k-3k dollars. It's not just a streaming app.
But what do I know.

Old McGroin1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

@ Stanjara

I see your point of view, I'm no expert either to be honest 😁 It's just I see a lot of TVs now, including my 2 year old LG one, support 4K streaming for the likes of Netflix, Apple TV, Disney+ and are capable of supporting HD streaming for the likes of Stadia (through Chromecast) and GEForce Now through Nvidia Shield. The key is that it is just a stream, the TV won't need fancy CPUs or whatever. It's not special new TVs made by Microsoft, they will bring the app to the likes of LG and Sony (probably), already existing TVs. Also, they said they will be releasing a USB stick that will allow you to stream through any TV just like the Chromecast allows for Stadia. So my best guess is it will be a very affordable way for the likes of myself to jump in.

Stanjara1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

Hey dude, great! We all here enjoy gaming.

ABizzel11088d ago

If you have an Andorid TV you can already do this. Or a NVIDIA Shield, or Android Phone with an HDMI. Just download the APK for GamePass.

Old McGroin1088d ago

Really? I have an Nvidia Shield TV, I'll check this out after work, cheers 👍

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waverider1089d ago

Microsoft will be a service in every tv. Their strategy is clear.

CaptainHenry9161089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

Yup you don't need a Xbox to play all their games.

" Additionally, Microsoft announced that it is "exploring new subscription offerings" for Game Pass that will allow "more players around the world can experience the most immersive and fun games across devices, geographies, and financial realities."

Lol, I have a feeling Sony might do this too in the future (well I think they will put most of their games on PC eventually). As a PC gamer first, I'm loving this :)

chiefJohn1171088d ago

Already been leaked Sony plans to clap back with a gamepass equivalent cause PSNow is getting destroyed by it. At the end of the day we all win. Any game anywhere anyplace

kneon1088d ago

Sony already tried this about 7 years ago when they had PS Now running on both Sony and competitors TVs. It never took off despite Playstation being a far bigger brand worldwide than Xbox could ever dream of.

CYALTR1088d ago (Edited 1088d ago )

Well, Sony does make TV's. I think they are going to wait and see how this goes for MS. Sony is in a very good position right now and it wouldn't surprise me to see them follow suit if MS is successful. For those who keep saying that Sony tried this 7 years ago...the internet was in a very different place then. Even now, you need a good, fast, solid connection for this to work. Just because someone failed with new tried tech 7 years ago, doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad idea, maybe just too early.

CaptainHenry9161089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

Gamepass is their future and the reason why they acquired Zenimax and Bethesda was for game pass not for exclusives. You don't need a PC or Xbox to play Microsoft games anymore. All you need is a smart TV, phone, Google Stadia, and so on. I expect them to talk more about this on Sunday. Cheers

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