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Yesterday’s Halo Infinite Gameplay Was From an Earlier Build of the Game.

Yesterday's Halo Infinite gameplay was from an earlier build of the game and its visuals will be improved, Aaron Greenberg confirms.

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Community1414d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1415d ago

Then why didn’t 343i label the demo as an alpha or pre-alpha? Textures in the demo looked uneven.

crazyCoconuts1415d ago

Whatever the heck they label it, it's got less than 3 months to go gold for release in early November. That ain't a lot of time.

laserap1414d ago

Me and my friend could not stop laughing when they were showing the gameplay and graphics. It was so bad. We also smoked some haha.

bouzebbal1414d ago

Lol so they aren't ready for anything.. Not a single game shown seems to be making the launch

GamerRN1414d ago

Yeah, they didn't have such hard hitters as bug snacks

morganfell1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )


Anyone else getting the vibe when this game launches...not all of it will launch? Why does it feel like you won't finish the fight this fall and instead get episodic campaign chapters and only some maps with a few multiplayer modes. I don't know but normally we would be talking beta test for HALO. Right now its multiplayer crickets. Starting to wonder if due to the state of the game and these hints about Infinity constantly growing its Microsoft's way of prepping people for the announcement that the entire game isn't shipping this year.

Marquinho1414d ago

If it's an old build, then it's not 3 months from then to Gold.

RgR1414d ago

It's not a lot of time depending on when that pre alpha build was from. If it was from a year ago or 6 months ago then it is plenty of time as they would be far ahead of what was shown.

Not knowing when the build was from makes it impossible to tell but I highly doubt they would show something that isn't close to what the game looks like now

alb18991414d ago

Yep but the video is from a year ago. This is not where it is right now. I don't understand what MS is looking for with this but is not working. They have to show the game as it is right now.
I remember they did the same with Gears 5 and everyone were attacking MS because of it but at the end Gears 5 is one of the best looking videogames of this gen. I hope the same with Halo.

morganfell1413d ago

"Yep but the video is from a year ago. This is not where it is right now. "

Proof? And a statement from a PR person that flies in the face of all logic is not proof. You do not take your biggest game reveal of the year and use a year old video when the game would have been in Alpha. Sorry but that statement does not pass the smell test.

crazyCoconuts1413d ago

Right, like 343 gave Phil a year old video to show. "Oh, you needed that by end of day, Phil? I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a Game Showcase coming... This is the first I heard of it..." Give me a break

arminukxbox1413d ago

Do u even know how big is 343i they got so many people working for them it’s not like they got only 10 people working on it

ic3fir31413d ago

rumours say the demo have 7months old

morganfell1413d ago

"rumours say the demo have 7months old"

But facts say otherwise. And they are saying this premiere was polished work.


"But while it’s easy to get carried away about the prospect of playing Halo Infinite, it’s worth taking a minute to think about the enormous work put into this playable preview of Halo Infinite. While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere! The art, lighting, design, environment, graphics, production and engineering teams involved in carving out and curating this little slice, are nervous and excited to show people a glimpse of what we’re building."

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1413d ago
Double_O_Revan1414d ago

Aahhhh. Here comes all the damage control PR.

Livingthedream1414d ago

Sounds like it's almost finished to me lol, I've never been into halo but thought this would better. The other showings were pretty good though

1414d ago
Vegamyster1413d ago

Dunno, both Gears 4 and Gears 5 had good visual improvements over there Betas a few months before launch, Halo 5 had changes but those were more stylistic. I find it hard to believe that some of those textures are final, even if they were supposed to be final it’s not like it’s hard to change textures like faces/weapons.

King_Noctis1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

Didn’t the start screen says “Press X to start Demo” or something like that?

But you’re right, they should have labelled it as such.

Tacoboto1414d ago

It means it was an actual demo. Maybe they included those few seconds so they hit 10:00 gameplay for the show? It was unneeded... that lack of lighting went out of its way to tell us that was gameplay

neutralgamer19921414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

Ok so are you saying because it was gameplay it looked so dull. That can't be the case otherwise no company would ever show gameplay demos

Ms just did a poor job and should have said in screen still in development early footage how come they are coming days after all the negative PR to put a new spin on it

First of all that's bad game to showcase the power of your console. They should have chosen another game but like we have been saying now for a while most of their heavy hitters are in early development and won't be ready until 2022-2023 that's why they want to say we will support current gen for 1.5-2 years

Ms has been just delivering so many mixed messages and that's why it seems they are saying one thing and doing another

Livingthedream1414d ago

This looks to be a close to final build, the effects looked really impressive the scope of the game looks massive but...... The other visuals need to be picked up to really impress

RgR1414d ago

A demo is usually released in a state close or the same as the finished product.

morganfell1413d ago

As IRetrouk pointed out, this destroys the idea this was an old build. They actually link the demo in the official article.


"While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere!"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1413d ago
rainslacker1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

I'd probably respect them more if they just said that they were behind because of CV, and said they had to delay the game. That's even very possible. But, if it's an earlier build, then with CV, and knowing that MS did shut down in office work, then it's quite possible this is where the game is at right now still, as from what I understand, MS only started doing limited in office work again a few weeks ago across their company.

Doing non-office work was disruptive to a lot of developers over the last few months, so I can understand that they may be behind, but as of now, MS hasn't shown any signs that they are going to delay the game over it.

But, then we get to the issue of them saying that they were happy with what they were going to show. They didn't temper expectations.

Then, we get into this issue of being told to go watch the 4K upload. While that's a fine idea, 4K isn't going to change the technical issues that were shown. It's also not going to make poor textures look better. It's just going to be a sharper image, and given that TV screens already upscale 1080 streams, it's not going to show a marked difference on a bland environment. It's not going to add in details which were missing from the design. It's not going to improve the AI. It's not going to improve lackluster object design. It's not going to remove the rather apparent texture pop-in. It's not going to make it so the environment is now responsive. So on and so forth.

Yeah, this may very well be an old build, but this is probably close to what they'll release with, because if they didn't have something better at least a couple weeks ago to build from, which is when they likely would have built this version, then there just isn't time to get this game anywhere close to big mega-hit AAA standards. The devs would have to be working mad crunch time to make it happen, and probably still wouldn't come close.

MS apparently isn't going to delay this, and while I'm sure they would be mocked for it, it's probably actually necessary. But it seems they're too concerned with having this as a launch title for the XSX.

I don't feel it's good to launch a console, then just carry over the, "wait until later" routine on their first venture into next gen gaming. That has already been a sour mark against them this gen, and it doesn't instill confidence that anything has changed.

Covid is a valid reason to delay games right now. MS and Sony have made it known they closed their offices company wide for it, and they did so for a couple months. There should be no shame in it, and people are more impressed with a solid game delivered late, than they are with a half-finished game delivered on time. If the game is good, they'll still be excited for it months down the road. If they aren't impressed early on, it can be hard to get people to return to it. Very few games actually manage to come back from a poor launch.

conanlifts1414d ago

This late in development should be about finding and fixing bugs. Imagine how many bugs will exist if they are still overhauling the game.

_dangerclose_1414d ago

I always typically agree and respect what you say rain and here's no exception, that being said covid isn't an excuse for poor game design and quality especially when its supposed to be a game running on "the worlds most powerful console". Other developers have been able to release amazing looking game despite the pandemic.

rainslacker1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )


Yeah, and most major bugs should be worked out by now.


It isn't an excuse for poor game design, but it is an excuse for being behind schedule.

However, in this case, they look more than 2-3 months behind schedule. This looks more like a year or two behind least in some areas. Even assuming that CV only put them three months behind, there is no way many of the things that were wrong with this demo would be fixed in three extra months.

The AI alone is easily something that takes an entire production cycle to get right, and is usually still being worked on up to final build. This game's AI was so simplistic, it's either they weren't trying, or they are way behind.

The lighting and some other things in this game looks like what you'd see at about 1-1.5 years from launch. Unoptimized baking, terrible LOD's, no finer details on world object interactivity. Those are all things that tend to start having people add them in around this time.

The cinematics looked pretty rough. Stiff, with poor animations and flow. It didn't feel natural at all, and it's what I'd expect to see in lower budget last gen games. Cinematics are generally more late in the cycle kind of things, and what we saw would be placeholder things until the director knew for sure what needed to stay in. Very few studios do a lot of finer detail animation work on the cinematics earlier in the process, and it's those studios which often get praised for their cinematics that do so. Minor quibble in the overall quality of the game, but it kind of shows where they're at with production

At work today, a bunch of us were analyzing the trailer, and there are people at my work who are exceptional at noticing little details that are not right, and they were pointing out things that no one has mentioned yet, and probably would never even notice. But the general conclusion that most of them came to was that this game is probably at a stage in production of about 1.5 years from completion...assuming the entire game is like this. Some leeway was given with the knowledge that it was shown on PC, but that wouldn't have an effect on a lot of the stuff shown, but would potentially remedy some graphical issues with different hardware.

In the end, I think this game is just way behind schedule, but MS is going to push it out the door instead of delay it. I think they need to delay it, regardless of if they use the CV excuse. But, with how much they put into making it an XSX launch title, it's probably not going to happen.

neutralgamer19921414d ago

If that was the case maybe someone should have told Phil not to oversell the event. Before sony's event did we hear from higher ups about hyping the event? Genuine question

If not than shut your mouth and let your actions speak because anytime Phil or another Xbox executive has spoken it's talking from both sides of their mouths and many times they are straight up not telling the truth

Same Phil said he was against paying for times exclusives yet here we are with phrase launch console exclusives. He was so against Sony paying yet he has paid Sega not to release a ps5 patch for Yakuza but just like Phil Xbox fanboys only have isssue when it's Sony doing it

Sony can get millions of more views and clicks and generate more hype simply by announcing/revealing new controller, they can generate more hype by simply having epic show demo and than once their event was over with all the momentum was once against around ps5. I am a huge Sony fan yet I even admit the show wasn't that great but when you competition sucks so badly you don't have to be on your A game

I have said this before and I will say this again for us as gamers it's great when both systems do well because these companies will have to go extra hard to earn our money and attention but it seems Ms is only worried about GP and by having titles be on GP many will simply be AA games and few will be AAA games

AngelicIceDiamond1414d ago

"Same Phil said he was against paying for times exclusives yet here we are with phrase launch console exclusives. "

Phil's naive to think he can go a whole generation with getting 3rd party exclusives. Especially if the competition is doing it left and right.

"Ms is only worried about GP and by having titles be on GP many will simply be AA games and few will be AAA games"

Ever wild, Avowed, HB2, Forza, Fable H. I and clearly says otherwise that's more than a few AAA.

After looking at MS show again, they showed games that are at launch or launch windows and showed games that are years out. I'm more excited for those future titles. If MS never announced those that are a ways out then there's no long term investment in Xbox.

neutralgamer19921414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )


My point exactly 3rd party timed exclusives can't be avoided when your competition is doing them but at least competition isn't talking badly about Ms or Xbox while doing them. Please try to understand the points I am trying to make. I am not naive I know 3rd party timed exclusives are part of gaming industry(Sony did one recently with FF7)

But I am against me paying Sega not to release up updated version of Yakuza on ps5 because if either company starts paying for timer exclusives patches we are in for a ride awakening

I didn't say all their games would be AA I said few would still be AAA but Ms wants as many on GP we possible because they think quantity will help them gain subscriptions

There are very few defending Ms after their last event because it's not worth defending when head of your gaming division says they are ready after sony's show and yo show what they did afterwards how's that being ready

So far they have yet to show one game that shows the usage of XSX while Sony has shown that in action with ratchet and clank they chose a game that could really show some early benefits of next gen and Ms needs to find that one gam to showcase that. Sony's event in August could be the final blow if they reveal god of war and few other big games since Ms has no issues revealing stuff which is in pre production and us years away sony could theoretically do the same(once again Phil and Xbox fanbase was always against showing games early but not now since they clearly showed games which won't be ready for 3-4 years and I see Xbox fans praising) definition of hypocrisy

Phil has to be above the PR he is the head of the Xbox.

fr0sty1414d ago

What a mess... when they have to do damage control over how bad their flagship game looked during its big reveal, that really does show how far behind they are in development of the current crop of XBSX games. I mean, granted, COVID19 has thrown a wrench in a lot of people's spokes, but Sony came correct, I don't see why MS can't.

conanlifts1414d ago

That's just poor marketing if true. Why release a crap version of their star game. It should have been a priority or as you say labelled as such. Now I have concerns it will be released unfinished and flop as a result.

syphon321414d ago

exactly.. it's an early build but the game comes out in months.... I call bs..... they didn't get the response they hoped for and now are trying to walk it back.... they need to push it back to next year and give it the sonic movie treatment

iagainsti1201414d ago

It was also PC footage as clarified by Microsoft.

pitythefool1414d ago

So there’s a video with better graphics and they didn’t show it to the millions of potential customers but instead to a guy called HaloFollower.

For arguments sake say that’s true, that’s possibly even worse, incompetent would be an improvement.

gravedigger1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

Game will be launched with these graphics. Maybe something will be improved. But there is less than 4 months till launch, even less if you count gold status. Now is the time for removing bugs. People need to accept that this game was built with old hardware in mind despite 343 LOUDLY TOUTED : "Halo Infinite natively developed for the Series X"

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1413d ago
-Foxtrot1415d ago (Edited 1415d ago )

Hmmm I call bullshit

They had so much riding on this game, it was THE Xbox series X game that would sell us on Microsoft’s apparent new direction, the future of their first party studios and the console itself but they decided to show an old build which has now become a laughing stock online with many memes being made in such a short space of time.

Microsoft is not that stupid, this seems like a get out of jail card excuse to try and save their reputation.

They hyped this game and the event to the high heavens, why are people surprised they are being called out and laughed at when people see through their bullshit yet again

I don’t think the final version will look that different, it’s a build from the final 10-11 month stretch, it should look have looked / played fantastic in that early January build so I think this is just more PR speak

Not to mentioned they’d have put “early build” or “January 2020 Build” if it was, like I said they aren’t that stupid surely

ColdSin1414d ago

I truly don't think this version of Halo Infinite was in development for so long. It seemed early in development (no effective post processing, no texture filtering, etc). FFS Halo 5 looks better. This game needs to be delayed. It is clear to me now that the development of this game wasn't going smoothly and they rebooted it in 2019 after the creative director left.

This downgrade from what was shown in 2018 is just too big to ignore.

janus2251414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

The game will be on gamepass day 1! Shut up you''ll get it for nothing! Later u got some patch for the final version. And thinks to our revolutionnary technology "Smart delivery" the next gen version its for free! Life is beautiful isnt it?

rainslacker1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

I think Covid is a valid excuse to being behind in the game production. But even if we consider they didn't do anything for three months...which wasnt the case as many of their devs likely worked from home, which is limiting in production, but not completely pointless....I still saw a lot more than three months of work that needed to be done in the demo. I think even a year's time would require a lot of crunch to get it to what I would call a passable standard for current gen for a game of this scope, but that's not considering next gen.

As it is, I think the game needs to be delayed, and Covid probably is a valid reason to do so. But, unless the build they showed was from last year, it still means what they showed is probably going to be close to what's delivered, and all the technical issues shown aren't going to be remedied by watching it in 4K.

I also question if they'll fix any of the other things that people have pointed out with the actual objects in the game, as at this point, with so little time left before a final build, It's not reasonable to expect them to even attempt such a thing. They may be able to fix things like the texture pop-in, and maybe improve the lighting a bit, but the AI, poor objects and lackluster textures, crappy LOD's, poor shading effects, etc, are things that get fixed much sooner in development. What we saw is probably close to what we're getting.

Now, we're just at the point where MS is going to push it out the door, then try to fix it later. That may work for a game with a ten year plan, since they're looking to move this into the GaaS arena. But, if it fails out of the gate, it makes it much harder to be successful with that ten year plan. Halo does have some staying power though.

jwillj2k41414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

Stop it. They had 5 years before "covid" and this is all they have to show for it. All other studios are dealing with "covid" and they are able to polish up their games (no pop in, etc). Just stop it.

Stanjara1414d ago

Its not like they depend on resources to be delivered, or their job makes them travel.
They have rigs at home and Azure cloud.

AngelicIceDiamond1414d ago

"They had 5 years before "covid" and this is all they have to show for it. "

They bought those studios in 2018 not 2015. In 2 years you really expect to craft the next big ass AAA products? Anymore false information ppl wanna throw out there?

Sunny_D1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

343i themselves said that the one thing bad about E3 being cancelled was that it took away their spotlight of winning the show... That means they were confident with what they had and yet....

ABizzel11414d ago


I'm pretty sure he was talking about Halo Infinite having 5 years, since Halo 5 launched in 2015, and they were already planning to launch Infinite on current-gen sooner, then 2020 according to 343i.

rainslacker1413d ago

So what? Disrupting production isn't a valid excuse to delay the game? Has nothing to do with the fact that this game seems much more than 3 months behind schedule. I wasn't talking about excusing the presentation, I was talking about delaying the entire game's release.

Covid did disrupt a lot of productions, but it didn't stop them completely. Covid didn't have anything to do with them having a bad demo to show, nor were they tempering expectations with their comments before the show.

Petebloodyonion1413d ago

@Rainslacler I mostly agree with you on this one
I suggest watching the digital Foundry analysis video they made after and they brought a couple of valid points

1) the game was originally conceive as an Xbox1 title and unfortunately there's no such thing as a magical next-gen button upgrade.
2)Unfortunately popping won't go away with new gen-console.

in regard to the release date things do point out that MS will release the game and fix it after and honestly shame on them if they do pull out again Sea of Thieves kind of release.
If I was MS my solution would be like PubG where you release the game in early access at a cheaper price (pleasing your Halo fans /Xbox fan) or only on Gamepass .
This way MS could still make that important launch window and save face (mostly) for not delivering an optimal game.

rainslacker1412d ago

I watched the DF video, and wish I could get that time in my life back. They weren't inaccurate in some of their comments, but they seemed to not be addressing the fact that a current gen AAA game shouldn't look like this, and that it, and despite it being a cross gen game, it didn't meet current gen standards on visuals for such things.

As far as the release date, I know what MS is going to do, but the question should be, should they delay it. I'm not a big fan of release now, fix later. It works out sometimes, but I tend to frown upon such things in general. Minor issues I can look past, but what was shown here was not minor issues.

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aconnellan1414d ago

I completely agree. Sure, E3 and other similar presentations are normally built as a vertical slice separate to the full game.

That said, nothing in this demo says “I’m going to launch in 4 months”.

I would *maybe* expect this from a demo last E3, and even then there should have been a much higher level of polish (pop-ins, dreadful lighting, etc)

mkis0071414d ago

Ya no way they didnt try to go all out with what they had. Ray tracing might make it look better... but I dont think they should keep up with this 12tf unmatched power nonsense. I'd bet anything playstation studios will continue to have the most impressive exclusives into next gen. They do a lot more with less.

porkChop1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

How is it bullshit? Think about it. With covid everyone is working from home. That's hard enough when they're trying to have the game ready for launch day. If they had an older internal demo build, why spare the devs to create a new one? At least right now when they need to focus on finishing the game.

I'm sure they had planned on having a better demo ready for E3, but no one predicted covid having such an impact. A newer demo isn't worth the risk of not having your biggest franchise ready for your console launch.

jwillj2k41414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

343 has a lackluster history of delivering.
Everyone was told to wait for this show. 343 fails to deliver, the show fails to impress and now the excuses come. Why didn’t you say covid was a factor prior to the show?

This demo was their E3 build, ok I can buy that. this just means covid delayed this negative feedback.

Microsoft agreed that this is the build to showcase HALO for their XsX games show. No one forced them to do this so they get what they deserve.

This was Microsoft’s second chance to make a first impression. No more excuses, they were given a mulligan and bogeyed. Stop with the excuses.

All studios are dealing with covid. All studios will be held to the same scrutiny. If TLOU 3 was presented and looked like TLOU 1 there would be blood in the streets. Microsoft is being held accountable but can’t own up to their mistakes.

chiefJohn1171414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

It's an old build rather you want to believe it or not

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IMissJimRyan1415d ago

They waited for the reaction of the people to then present an excuse.

Every game presented at shows and some time before launch is an old build. If the launch build was ready, the game would have already been released. And it takes a while to do the tralier, so the most current build is certainly not the one visible in the presentation.

The fact is: the game is limited by Xbox One, the 343i is a studio that has so far shown no service and Microsoft is stuck in a tangle of promises and lies that it cannot keep. This is the result. And keeping the lie needs more lies.

rainslacker1414d ago

I know that for games that are releasing within a few months, when you see a live demo on stage, or even just some live demo streamed through marketing, especially when it's a game play showing, more often than not, you are seeing something that is very close to a final build. About the only changes that come up are refinement on lighting and sometimes performance. 3 months time is when bugs are being fixed, and optimizations are being done to whatever can get them in the time alloted, along with minor bug fixes. Hopefully by that point, major bugs are worked out. No new features are added at this point, and anything that didn't make it into the design from it's original design document are scrapped for the release.

They said they aren't putting ray-tracing in until after release, which leads me to believe that this build is probably from around the 6 month to launch point, which is typically when games go on code lock. Since they didn't have RT included yet, it was scrapped. Unfortunately, the rest of the lighting was also pretty lackluster.

rainslacker1411d ago

Wow, 7 disagrees for what is common industry practice, and readily available to research for game production time lines.

Great to see that so many people know so much about game design, and I really hope that when this game is delivered, they are satisfied, and not just trying to find more excuses for why it isn't all that bad. Because that's what it's come to with MS....saying why things aren't really all that bad, instead of just being content and satisfied with their output.

Stanjara1414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

I don't think Xone support is the problem.
They have Studio decisions problems in art direction, story, lv design, management.
That kills development time.
Also were wasting man power on MC collection for PC. It still isn't just right.

Hakuoro1415d ago (Edited 1415d ago )

Honestly I do video editing occasionally and I could make that presentation in an afternoon easily. So my question would be why would they use an old build to showcase their most important game?

This is just more lies from Microsoft. They are making excuses in order to make people think things will be different at launch. I'm sure some elements of the game will be polished but to act like those aren't the textures and geometry going into the game is just lies, in 3 months they aren't changing that much.

aconnellan1414d ago

Sounds good - an afternoon is, what, 4-5 hours? Your comment is 15 hours old, so I’ll give you until it’s 20h old to report back with an equally-good looking gameplay presentation. Actually no - ‘that’ presentation. Because those were your words, so I expect that exact presentation

Catch you in a few hours, and looking forward to some awesome results!

Stanjara1414d ago

Dude, Ytubers are making better production from home for years.

tontontam01414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )


I could do that 8 minute "gameplay!!" presentation in 8 minutes.

are you going to tell me you need to do post processing on a "gameplay!!" video.

RedDevils1413d ago

wow did he hurt your fanboy feeling?

Critic4l_Strik31413d ago

If you get all the videos that go into the presentation, and your only job is to stitch them together, then yes, its doable in 4-5hrs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1413d ago
KingKionic 1415d ago

Yea i knew it was a earlier build after i saw the official gameplay trailer video on xbox

Theres several parts in there that look better then parts in the official game play demo.

I was impressed by how big halo will be. Truly blown away still.

1414d ago
InUrFoxHole1414d ago

Bend a knee young one. The king is back. All hail 117!

Mister_Wolf1414d ago

I’m a big halo fan dude, that showing was indefensible. How people are managing to make so many excuses is crazy. That wasn’t good enough, in fact it was heartbreaking because Halo is a game I have grown up with.

Last year was the time to show an early build, not this year.

And on top of that, they should’ve communicated it, IF it was an early build.

Lack of communication and poor communication undid this showing.

seanpitt231414d ago (Edited 1414d ago )

Fanboyism is what that is because it makes you blind to the truth

dietis_h1414d ago

step away from the spiked koolaid.

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How many years has it been?


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The Best Multiplayer Xbox Game Pass Games to Play With Friends

Xbox Game Pass has some great single-player experiences, but nowadays, it's all about getting together with friends and family. Thankfully, there's a surprisingly extensive library of multiplayer titles on Game Pass to bring everyone together.

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Community91d ago