
Cyberpunk 2077’s E3 demo: the good and the bad | Polygon

The team is clearly still finding its way with combat.

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Rachel_Alucard1823d ago

Somehow Polygon made a more factual written critique piece then RPS who made a politically charged opinionated one.

MadLad1823d ago

Strange times. And RPS is literally the only site I bother with.
All I can say is that piece wasn't penned by one of their senior writers.

jznrpg1823d ago

I read the title as The Good The bad The Polygon.

Nerdmaster1823d ago (Edited 1823d ago )

People are expecting Cyberpunk 2077 to be The Best Game Ever®, but let's not forget that although The Witcher 3 was indeed one of The Best Games Ever®, it was the only truly great game from the studio. It still doesn't have a stellar track record, and I think that people who forget this and expect something as good as or better than Witcher 3 may end up disappointed.

... Although it does make more sense to be excited for this, since CD Projekt does seem to care a lot about its craft and has at least one awesome game, than people who were crazy about No Man's Sky with literally no information about the game and almost no previous games from the developers. That was funny. Or worse, people excited for EA games even though they're almost always terrible.

VerminSC1823d ago

I completely agree. I remember before destiny came out people kept saying “don’t worry! It’s bungie!” And I remember thinking...well halo is amazing but it’s literally all they’ve ever done. Then everyone was shocked when destiny wasn’t that great.

1823d ago
Gwiz1823d ago

True,greatest game ever as an expectation can only lead to disappointment.

mixelon1823d ago

What the heck? Bungie did tons of amazing stuff before Halo.

Arguably *better* stuff! Depending on your preferences.

Fanof301823d ago

You are wrong lol. Witcher 1 and 2 are critically acclaimed game lmfao. They just weren't popular because they only released on PC until Witcher 2 came to XBOX after launch. So they have a very proven track record.

wwinterj1823d ago

Witcher 3 however put most people on notice so not at all.

VerminSC1823d ago

I’m saying CD red has only done Witcher games, as bungie only had done halo games (besides some smaller less known projects)

bluefox7551823d ago

Lol, what? Witcher 2 was amazing, and even thought the first game was a little rough around the edges, it was also pretty great. Every game they make gets exponentially better than the last.

sprinterboy1823d ago

Agree, I haven't seen enough and will be going in with mid expectations, looks great sure but going off all the disagrees every one gets for pointing out it might not be that seller game, gonna be some pissed gamers if it average.

1nsomniac1823d ago (Edited 1823d ago )

I think that The Witcher 2 was arguably better than Witcher 3. However CDPR deserve their critical acclaim as developers, they’re certainly not a one trick pony by any means. They shouldn’t get a free pass though and they’re not perfect. They have been caught out several times lying about the development of their games in the past.

lazyboyblue1823d ago

I think it's more to do with how each game has been a significant step up from the previous one.
Maybe we won't get that same leap from Witcher 3 to Cyberpunk but I'm still hopeful for a special game.

TheOptimist1823d ago

Witcher 1 and 2 were just as great. Witcher 3's scope was just unimaginable, I still haven't found a game similar in scope and scale. But that aside, Witcher 1 and 2 are great, 2 is a masterpiece.

starchild1823d ago

The Witcher and The Witcher 2 were also amazing games for their respective times. The Witcher 2 was one of my top three favorite games of last generation. And The Witcher 3 is simply the best game I have played this generation hands down.

So do I expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be a fantastic game? Yes, and it's likely that it will be. But I don't have unrealistic expectations.

Hungryalpaca1823d ago

Witcher 2 was critically acclaimed....what are you on about?

Vegamyster1823d ago

CDPR was borderline broke when they made The Witcher 2 which was a great game, they haven't made a ton of games but they do have a proven track record.

Inzo1823d ago

What you fail to mention is that they made "3" great Witcher games not just Witcher 3. So their track record is fine.

mixelon1823d ago

Huh? The first 2 Witcher’s were great too.

Nerdmaster1823d ago

I'm not saying Witcher 1 and 2 weren't good. They were, they just don't fit in the "truly great" category, in both reviews and sales (and also in personal opinion, since I bought them both on release day but never bothered to finished them). I like CD Projekt, or at least how they dealt with PC gaming in general, so I don't want people's expectations to be so high to the point of being unreacheable.

Witcher 3 is a real gem, so right after they just teased Cyberpunk, people already got crazy expectations. This kind of expectation can only lead to disappointment. Especially since it's not Witcher 4, so it won't be just a linear evolution like it happened with each Witcher game. A lot of things will be different, be it from a gameplay perspective or world building, and it includes things that CD Projekt may not be really used to.

Bethesda made some of the best RPGs ever, like Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas... Even with the stellar track record, their newest games have been progressively worse and worse (that's why I won't buy Elder Scrolls 6 on release day). I'm not saying CD Projekt will fall as hard as Bethesda, but even with an old and proved company the quality of previous games don't dictate the quality of future games, so people shouldn't just automatically expect for the next game to be the best thing ever.

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Ristul1823d ago

Polygon: too many White People, to many males. 1/10

Kingdroopy20181823d ago

Lol you white boys feel threatened

pinkyxyz1823d ago

I don't agree. polygon just doesn't want to accept a good game unless its on their political terms. BTW I'm black just in case you wanted to call me a white boy as well. Theirs common ground to this topic and great points that can be made. lets not belittle someone just because you may or may not fully agree please

Samus7071823d ago (Edited 1823d ago )

Nah, my guy, but it is fun to laugh at activist outlets like this who hate their audience (white dudes). They’re so butthurt because they wish they could write for women and POC in order to feel that glorious white savior glow.

Nacho_Z1823d ago

I always figured the combat would be the weakest aspect, for me it was that way in The Witcher and like that series this is an RPG first and foremost not an FPS with RPG elements.

I'm fine with it if that's how it turns out in the finished game, didn't bother me in Fallout and the gunplay looks way better in this, but I hope they sort out any wonky AI so immersion isn't killed. That was something that bothered me in Fallout l.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched in a sorry state on PC and consoles in the 2020 holiday season. Since then, CD Projekt Red has worked hard to optimize the game for various hardware, including the Ryzen 8000 APUs, and the Steam Deck handheld.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

Cyberpunk 2077's lead quest designer tells DualShockers exactly why there's no NG+.

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just_looken2d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

Embody's Immerse Gamepack Cyberpunk 2077, created in collaboration with the CD PROJEKT RED sound team, is set to take audio immersion to a whole new level! Get ready to dive deeper into Night City's soundscape than ever before.

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