
Tim Sweeny Explains Exclusive Game Reasoning Via Twitter

"UbiSoft agreed to a co-exclusive on UPlay and the Epic Games store. Epic Games seeks exclusive games in order to have a unique lineup of games so there’s another reason for gamers to come to our store."

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Do not steal our content (the entire first paragraph from this article -> https://www.dsogaming.com/news/tim-sweeney-founder-of-epic-games-comments-current-and-future-epic-store-exclusive-games/ ) without crediting us. Use a proper description for that tweet that Sweeney made.
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Jin_Sakai1913d ago

This is not how you should go about opening a store on PC which is an open platform.

Godmars2901912d ago

Correction: use to be an open platform. From now on there will only be more challengers to Steam, more publishers crating their own dedicated download platforms, so more market division for one that was never truly singular, that stopped being singular, since Steam.

The mentality of corporate consumerism has caught up, overtaken rundown, and is currently gutting that idealized notion of what consumerism should that libertarians are always going on about.

Teflon021912d ago

Well steam was and is open to the community, while every other platform is closed and more about the dev. Steams only issue is DRM but realistically outside it's crappy 1 week time to sign in. Everything is about the consumer. All these other platforms are extremly limited. I was fine with Origin and battle.net since I played only MP titles on both. But all this crap is going overboard. Epic doesn't release enough to warrant a platform and they're only paying for exclusive releases because all that fortnite money for sure. Scummy business by these guys all the time. I knew immediately from the moment the y refused to release on the Playstore they were a unhealthy bunch for the gaming community

Godmars2901912d ago

GOG, which came about in direct response to Steam's DRM, says "hi"?

tontontam01912d ago

Years ago we can still install physical games and play it without activating it through steam. then games that required "STEAM ACTIVATION" starts appearing. I remember backlash from the community during those times, epic is just doing what steam did first.

Michiel19891912d ago

its still an open platform

Godmars2901912d ago

@tontontam0: Only its not only doing so at less than the quality/ability Steam did it then, but aggressively poaching titles off Steam, effectively using Steam to advertise for them, amid spyware allegations.

Again: not only are they doing every dirty thing that they can in order to get you to use their launcher, but they're then using that launch to steal your personal information.

HighlyDoubtful1911d ago

Crating? Seriously? Crating tho?

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Eldyraen1912d ago

It hasn’t really been that “open” in years.

Most every publisher has their own store now and only a few allow their games elsewhere. Smaller titles float around usually simply because Steam will let just about any trash title on it as well as the good ones (more than any other Store). So they go everywhere to try to get money from whoever will buy them.

Epic just does part of that for them now (cash up front). If they give them timed exclusivity (like Metro) then they also get to go elsewhere later on... and likely wait a bit longer for Steam’s constant (3 months or so) 25-75% off sales that some gamers wait for anyways.

Steam is phenomenal for gamers because of that, but probably not the best for publishers or devs. Plus the whole 30% cut issue.

Epic’s exclusives deals are definitely not ideal, but pc has been moving towards a divided platform of some type for years. Some publishers have even started publishing third party indies (publish rights but not full control) and I bet it’s just a matter of time until they do more or make them exclusive store titles as well.

annoyedgamer1912d ago

"Smaller titles float around usually simply because Steam will let just about any trash title on it as well as the good one"

Stopped reading right there.

FGHFGHFGH1911d ago

open platform = anyone can make software for it

Christopher1911d ago

Devil's Advocate: There's a reason Steam is #1 and that's because competing with them is like asking Google to create a console better than Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo out of the gate. There's legit no real way for them to compete with Steam at this time than what they're doing, but if they don't evolve the platform to a necessary point in a year or so, Steam will still have won in the end.

eddvdm1912d ago

I guess saying "Epic Games" brings in a lot of Fortnite players. So, I guess not a matter of question, but actually understanding, eh.

TK-661913d ago

So lets just analyse this. Epic offers a far better deal for developers compared to Steam, but you still need to pay them to release their games on your service? It's almost as if despite all the criticism Steam gets from developers it actually offers better visibility and sales potential. Who'd have thunk it, eh?

You can also tell that most of their most recent exclusivity deals have been rushed (proof being with the games boxart having the Steam logo covered with a sticker). It makes me wonder if Epic thought that their 12% cut publicity would be enough of a reason for people to begin purchasing games through their store over Steam. I'm sure that eventually EGS will become a better service but currently I have no incentive to purchase a game there over Steam.

DaDrunkenJester1912d ago (Edited 1912d ago )

I have no problems with epic opening a store and offering a better deal for devs. I am not even completely against grabbing some timed exclusives to attract attention. But do it with a brand new game and not games due out on another platform a month before it launches.

Also, they have had how many years to observe Steam and GOG and such? To launch a store with next to no features is just lazy and won't attract any gamers to stay. Sure, I bought Metro on Epic, but the store is so bad that I'll only ever use it for the handful of exclusives it buys. Its not going to retain me to buy other things because of how crap it is.

TK-661912d ago

"I have no problems with epic opening a store and offering a better deal for devs. I am not even completely against grabbing some timed exclusives to attract attention. But do it with a brand new game and not games due out on another platform a month before it launches."

I think I'm still against timed store exclusivity but I would forgive it more if it was announced something like 6-8 months before the game is scheduled for release like you said.

Wolffenblitz1912d ago

Fairly sure we had an article here a week or so ago about Epic saying they're intentionally "running in the red" with their 12% figure.

I have a feeling that 12% is going to go up eventually.

DaDrunkenJester1912d ago


I think it's more that they are running in the red because they are dropping multi million dollar checks on games to get exclusives.

TheGamez1001913d ago

Ugh wth. Fortnites success really went into their heads.

-Gespenst-1913d ago

Meh, I'm just not going to buy games from the Epic Store. Might end up saving me a lot of money.

And the thing is, Fortnite won't be around forever. It's easy to see it dying just because of how shallow it is, and once it does, bye bye Epic Games store. In other words, I don't even think it would be wise to buy games on it, because who knows how long it's going to last.

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