
Bethesda bans Fallout 76 players for life after shocking in-game homophobic attack

Bethesda has banned a group of Fallout 76 players for life after a shocking in-game homophobic attack.

The move relates to an incident in which a group of Fallout 76 players targeted and harassed another group of players, saying over the proximity chat: "we have come to eliminate all gays."

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Neonridr1993d ago

Wow. I guess respect is something that isn't even taught to the youth of today. I don't know what's more disturbing, what I watched or the fact that the guys thought what they were doing was funny. Glad to hear they are banned forever. This stuff has no place in this world at all.

LucasRuinedChildhood1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

It's hard to deny that the youth of today show far more respect to gay people than previous generations. Other than that, I agree with your comment. I think that games journalists at times go out of their way to get offended and create clickbait articles but this is a real story. These guys were legitimately bad so I agree with Bethesda's judgement. However, the fact that it was so difficult to report these guys further highlights just how badly made Fallout 76 is.

I opted to watch one of the videos first before reading the entire article to form my own rough opinion on the incident. At first these guys were being so dumb that I thought that maybe they were intentionally acting idiotic to get some laughs (perhaps self-aware). The further you get into these videos, the more you realize that this is definitely not the case though. They really are just mean-spirited pricks.

Neonridr1993d ago

fair enough, unfortunately there's always these sorts of players that feel it necessary to ruin the experiences for others because they think it's worth a few laughs to themselves. Gad to see Bethesda at least stepped in and prevented these guys from doing this sort of stuff on their servers ever again. I agree there needs to be a better way to report offenders, but I think for something like this, only a video was going to suffice to show just how bad it was.

DaCajun1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

I was just talking about something similar the other day with someone about our youth. The conclusion we came up with if you just look at facts throughout history is there is nothing different from one generation to another. In general, with humans there has always been ignorant bigoted jerks since the beginning of humankind unfortunately. The worst disease to inflict humans if you ask me and for some reason continues to thrive and spread faster than most diseases thanks to the internet. The worst thing also is it will never change until the end of humans.

bluefox7551992d ago

The reason it gets clicks is because everyone knows why they're doing it. The expression: "There's no such thing as bad publicity" rings true on most games journalism these days. It's 100% about getting clicks, which is why they treat gay people like none of them have a spine.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1993d ago

I guess generalization is a word that is not taught to old people, based on your comment.

Sono4211992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

honestly seeing articles like this constantly is getting old. There will always be immature edgy humor online because online is mostly filled with kids. If you're gonna perma ban every single person who makes an edgy joke you might as well just ban everyone. Or just a thought, you put the warning saying "online interactions aren't rated" and you aren't responsible for what happens online and then leave it at that, instead of selectively reacting to fake outrage and banning people. Don't like what someone is saying? Mute them, don't cry to Bethesda and ask for a ban you spineless millennials. Although I do understand the developer is in a rock and a hard place, because if they do nothing you'll see cancerous "news" sources calling them homophobic for not banning the wanna be edgy teens. It really comes down to the fact society is just becoming dumbed down and spineless, constantly running to authority and asking them to do something instead of doing it themselves. Pathetic.

nyu11993d ago

It's just them being edgy with dark humour, but it went too far and became too distasteful.

I can see how this kind of thing can be funny. I laughed at the way they said "Cleansing of the Queers". It's ridiculous, and that's the point. However if you're doing this you have to use common sense. Maybe in a party of close friends who know and appreciate that kind of silly humour, but otherwise not surprised they got banned. If you do want to do this kind of thing be a little more tasteful, maybe 'cleanse' some fictional group in the Fallout 76, not gays.

kayoss1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

Remember when hitler started saying, cleansing of the Jews and remember how that turn out? Joke or no joke, these subject matters are no longer up for humor. Same with racism.

DaCajun1993d ago

Ignorance begets ignorance

The world never changes.

nyu11993d ago


You can say that about half of comedy, but it doesn't work like that. Lots of humour targets certain groups.

At the end of the day you just have to be careful what you say and when you say it. If you say the wrong the joke and the wrong time don't be surprised when people find it too much and call you out.

81BX1992d ago

I laughed when I read it. Oh noooooos! Hitler is back!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1992d ago
rainslacker1993d ago

I've noticed a lot of the youth of today that use racial slurs or spread racial or homophobic slurs, tend to do so more because they think it's funny, rather than being racist or homophobic. It's really sad that they think it's a joking matter. It can work in satire like South Park, but it's done in a way to show that those people using it are ignorant. In cases like this, it just make the person look ignorant.

deno1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

While I do agree with you on this. What really needs to be taught today, especially by parents, is morals. Everyone does what is right in their own mind.

DaCajun1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

I didn't disagree with you but unfortunately, some can't teach what they themselves don't have to begin with.

1993d ago
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Majin-vegeta1993d ago

Lol his response 10/10.Like banning will do anything...hell just go create another account.

darthv721993d ago

then that one will get banned and then the next and then the next. Like when rookie kept getting banned here and yet was making account after account to try and find his way back in.

I wonder what happened to him....? Did he clean up his act and now resides among us as a new persona or did he simply give up knowing he would be found out no matter how many accounts he tried to make.

The world may never know.

Christopher1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You inviting me into those restriction areas?

1993d ago
DragonbornZ1993d ago

Yea it's less about putting a full stop to something and more along the lines of mitigation.

Obviously its within their power to create new accounts, but unless they're some vengeful hateful people who will just create multiple accounts to harass gay people, how likely is it they'll continuously want to risk their progress?


RauLeCreuset1993d ago

Colbertinator, you are awesome. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.

1993d ago
DaCajun1993d ago

OMG I forgot about that guy. lol

1993d ago
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DaDrunkenJester1993d ago

Getting banned for life seems like less of a punishment and more of a blessing in this game.

Rachel_Alucard1993d ago

The article is assuming life but the reality is it was only 3 days and one of the banned ones didn't even care enough to go back.

1993d ago
Elda1993d ago (Edited 1993d ago )

If true...I'm wondering how did they know what players were Gay from playing a videogame in the first place,unless they were just making it up. Though in most cases folks that Gay bash are the usual suspects that are fighting within themselves of mutual attraction of the same gender,though some also do this from "fear" of the unknown. Js.

Rachel_Alucard1993d ago

The victim was hitting on one of the attackers earlier, that's how they knew.

1993d ago
Mroc131993d ago

The victim got what was coming then

slate911992d ago

He called one of the other player's outfits "cute". I wouldnt call that hitting on them.

CorndogBurglar1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

Is no one going to bring up the fact that the "victims" were all running around with nothing but tight whitey underwear on and telling other players in the game that they thought their clothes were "cute"?

I suppose that doesn't make it okay to get harassed, but let's be realistic here. These guys were purposely trying to make other players uncomfortable by doing this. There's no other reason for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1992d ago
CorndogBurglar1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

The "victims" were running around as a group wearing nothing but tighty whitey underwear and telling other Male players in the world that they thought their outfits were "cute". And we only know that because that's what one of the "victims" said. Who knows what else they might have said.

So lets try to be a little more realistic.

1. This is a game where the entire point is to be able to kill other players. Whether you have a reason to or not, it's one of the main features of the game.

2. These victims were very obviously trying to make other players uncomfortable if they are traveling as a group of Male characters wearing nothing but underwear and telling other male players how cute they think they look.

I don't want to sound like they deserved it or anything like that at all. Following them around and killing them and talking the way they were is certainly not acceptable. But again, it's a game where other players can attack and kill you for no reason at all. So maybe going around and doing something that other people may find offensive or uncomfortable is not the smartest thing to do of you don't want something like this to happen?

What I really get tired of in society is how people with "different" sexual orientations can play the offended card anytime they want, but a straight person is not allowed to be offended or uncomfortable by them? It's sort of a double standard.

Elda1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

You make a good point. It's just a game anyways but folks going around even in a game saying kill the Gays is somewhat disturbing.Running around in underwear some may find it disturbing but it's just a videogame,it seems like a no win situation...lol.

InTheZoneAC1992d ago

By your logic when everyone calls each other n-word in online games that means they want to be a slave themselves? Your blanket statement is old and holds no actual truth. Sorry.

Elda1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

If you're referring to my initial comment your analogy doesn't make any sense what so ever. It's been proven in psychology studies including real life cases that in most cases (not all) the usual person that always go out their way to call Gay people names like (f*ggot) or even to assault them are the usual closet cases. Their usually bothered by the fact that they don't have the courage to be want they want to be & take their frustration out on that Gay individual because they have the courage to be who they are,sometimes it's to get the persons attention but they don't have the courage to do so so they do it in a negative way. In other cases it's pure immaturity/ignorance so they become bullies because they fear a culture/lifestyle that they know nothing about & only know the negative stereotypes that their peers may have told them especially if it involves religion,somewhat of a comparison of what people of color had to go through in the 50's & 60's (racism) which has somewhat resurfaced in the USA because of the now Trump era.

InTheZoneAC1992d ago

we're talking about online chat, not physical assault.

Elda1992d ago

Gay bashing/bullying is harassment no matter if it's physical,verbally or behind a keyboard it's all in the same pot including the fact that these idiots/cowards do this because there are reasons behind why they do it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1992d ago
parris1993d ago

I'm offended that Bethesda got offended... is what type of comments I'm sure this thread will end up being full of.

CaptainObvious8781993d ago

When there's an actual legitimate case of extreme harassment I have no issue with the culprits getting punished.

But I do have an issue when "punching a virtual feminist in RDR2" is considered violent and all men are labelled sexist for one persons actions.

RacerX1993d ago

Bethesda created a game revolved around killing eachother, where "extreme harassment" is actually encouraged. Other than the targeting of homosexuals, that is the game they created.

whothedog1992d ago

Shooting and killing people is ok, but saying mean words is over the line. There is a thing called a block button, maybe he should of used that.

PapaBop1993d ago

Being offended over trivial things like a character in a revealing outfit for a game that person had no interest in in the first place is completely different from someone suffering from online abuse in a game. I wished more companies would take a zero tolerance policy on online abuse like Bethesda has done here.

Majin-vegeta1993d ago

Abuse?Lol please unless they're hurting him in real life this isn't abuse.Just cuz a few words hurt him.

81BX1992d ago

Abuse?!?!?!? Agaahahahaaa
You guys are too much

1993d ago
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Rockstar Games Founder's New Studio Is Working On AAA Open World Action Adventure Game

Rockstar Games founder Dan Houser's new studio, Absurd Ventures, is currently working on a AAA open world action adventure game.

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porkChop14h ago

I'm really curious to see what he's going to do. It seems like a GTA-style game, but I wonder how it'll differentiate itself.

Goodguy012h ago(Edited 2h ago)

A new studio making a AAA game. Yea, that'll go well. I still think new studios should only make small games for a few years to build up teamwork and trust within.

shinoff21831h ago

That's a good point but if they have the talent it may not be needed

Mr_cheese2m ago

And the industry experience like this guy clearly does


Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz22h ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate20h ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

crazyCoconuts15h ago

Take good care of those Xboxes if you have 'em ...

outsider162415h ago

An Xbox game on a Playstation. Never in my years of gaming did i ever thought this was gonna happen.

jznrpg11h ago

It is dying anyway so doesn’t make much of a difference

VersusDMC11h ago

No way can they get rid of the hardware as probably 90% of game pass subscribers are hardware users.

Highly doubtful those users will move to PC or Cloud to subscribe there and the competition (Sony and Nin) will never have gamepass on their system.

If they want to keep the current subscribers, they need to keep releasing new hardware.

PSPSA2h ago

I'm not convinced, why then announce that they're actually working on the next-generation Xbox with “the largest technical leap”, and also looking into handhelds now?

Rols1h ago

Not like MS don’t drop things a hot potato if it is not performing. Look at MS history to see products or platforms discontinued. Xbox is not a charity for MS, it needs to make money and the ABK was the last roll of the dice for Xbox.

purple1019m ago

Xbox hardware team members have been incorporated into surface team

This perhaps shows they are not expecting big things from Xbox as a separate entity

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 9m ago
gold_drake22h ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

S2Killinit19h ago

They wont kill it, but they will go fully PC while keeping xbox as a brand, and go multiplatform for the most part. They will also work tirelessly to diminish console gaming’s importance.


It would be best if Xbox goes the way of Sega, just make and publish games. I know I myself will not support them at all with buying games from them, you all can. 🙃

ChasterMies14h ago

The Xbox brand will live for the games. I don’t expect Microsoft to entirely drop out of gaming hardware. They make Surface tablets and laptops. They’ll make Xbox branded hardware for those that want it.

shadowT21h ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

Skuletor20h ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff218320h ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot20h ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

S2Killinit19h ago

Yup. MS are a cancer to console gaming.

Aloymetal18h ago

I wonder what happened to that dude that was always here posting those court articles with cartoons about MS spending all those billions in studios. He suddenly disappeared, I guess he doesn't like bad news when the green brand is in trouble. No new articles from him as of late...


Yup, and it's only going to keep spreading.

Outside_ofthe_Box16h ago

Phil Spencer's words always comes back to bite him lol

20h agoReplies(7)
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Hypercharge Unboxed Dev Saddened By Claims It'll Be 'Dead' Without Xbox Game Pass

One of the big Xbox releases heading our way in May 2024 is the long-awaited Hypercharge Unboxed, which is finally bringing its "first and third-person shooter action figure game" to Xbox consoles on Friday, May 31st.

Sadly, ahead of launch, the game's official Twitter (or "X") account has been highlighting the "trolls" who are claiming that because it's not launching on Game Pass, Hypercharge Unboxed is already set up for failure on Xbox.

helicoptergirl1d 6h ago

It's horrible what people will say, but the truth might be harsh. There is a good chance it might not do well on Xbox if it's not on GamePass. There is a strong possibility that is the case. We'll see.

When it launches on Playstation in the future you can rest assured it will sell much better. The devs have confirmed it's coming to Playstation in the future.

"It is built in the Unreal Engine 4. The game was released on the Nintendo eShop on January 31, 2020 and on Steam on April 27, 2020. The development of Hypercharge: Unboxed for the Xbox platform was officially announced on July 16, 2022, with the developers also confirming future support for the PlayStation."

ZeekQuattro1d 5h ago

I remember having this on my radar years ago for the Switch but never pulled the trigger on it. Crazy it's still not on PlayStation yet.

northpaws21h ago

And that's the problem of GamePass.

JEECE20h ago

Unfortunately once people are conditioned to expect to get something as part of a subscription they already pay for, they are unlikely to buy it a la carte. Some games, including this one, now look like "Gamepass Games" to a huge chunk of the Xbox audience. Maybe this game will buck that trend, and I wish them luck, but I'd imagine they'll have a rough go trying to sell this game on Xbox.

shinoff218320h ago

Hopefully their game not selling on Xbox doesn't stop them from bringing it to ps. I can't imagine why a developer would go Xbox first if their not on gamepass. Good luck to them though.

JEECE19h ago

Yeah I can't figure that out either. I mean I understand why you go there first if you get a Gamepass payday, but if you are just trying to sell copies it doesn't make sense. Fewer users overall, and a smaller percentage of those users are willing to buy indie games a la carte.

Jingsing18h ago

Yeah, I can't understand it either unless there is some deep routed fan-boyism from the developer, which isn't very clever if you are trying to make a living. Fatshark is a perfect example of a developer sending their games to die on Xbox and they kept doing it.

Jingsing18h ago

British guy saying Xbox is his dream console doesn't really sit right does it. 5 generations of PlayStation in the UK and you haven't figured out what console is going to make you the most money. That is the mistake you've made.

JEECE8h ago

I wonder how old he is and when he got into gaming. For a certain segment of gamers, it can be difficult to overstate how influential the Xbox 360 was.

Jingsing4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Fair, but by the end part of the 360 it was a pretty much a damp squid and then they've had two terrible generations of consoles after the 360 and still sticking with Microsoft and calling it your dream console at this point is for the birds. His game launched on Switch first now Xbox. It seems he has some preference for all platforms before PlayStation regardless of financial outcome. That isn't to say they won't do a PlayStation release. Also the UK was pretty much instrumental in launching PlayStation from a software perspective.