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Farpoint PSVR hands-on preview | Vic B'Stard's State of Play

Vic B'Stard writes: "Sony’s PlayStation VR gets a potential first-person killer app with Farpoint from developers, Impulse Gear. I got to take a good look at the game at a special PlayStation AU preview event."

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Community2586d ago
freshslicepizza2586d ago

"Farpoint has a six-odd hour single-player game and four levels designed for two-player co-op."

Visually this game looks impressive but in a perfect world we would have a library to play games from where we could just rent titles, much like HTC Vive is doing with Viveport and it's $9.99 a month subscription service. Some may argue 6 hours is plenty for VR titles but not if they don't have lots of replay value which is unknown at this point. This is why the industry has slowly shifted more towards multiplayer games and this does have co-op so that should help.

UCForce2586d ago

More importantly, how is the game ? From what i read, it is very positive.

Liqu1d2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Moldybread doesn't care if the game is good.

G20WLY2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Please avoid frazzling his brain with sensible questions. Just let him spread his FUD and eventually he'll eff off lol

ninsigma2585d ago

He couldn't find anything wrong with it so he went off topic for the sake of his agenda.

GtR35olution2585d ago

I can't wait to buy this game first dayvits available. I've only heard good things about it so I can't wait.

Tussin1872585d ago

I know it's hard but if you guys just ignore him then maybe he will go away. He does this for attention and you guys are feeding that. I know it's hard but just scroll past his comments.

morganfell2585d ago

"Moldybread doesn't care if the game is good."

He is worried that any PS game might be good. He knows they are, but he just does his ostrich routine and prays for disaster.

On a related note Amazon notified me today my controller and copy of Farpoint has shipped. Usually these arrive on Monday. Sweet.

DigitalRaptor2585d ago

@ morganfell

It's crazy how accurate that is.

I wonder how long it's going to be until he responds to you telling you that you don't know him, and switches it back round on you, despite his comment history being the ultimate source of truth.

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AspiringProGenji2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Shifting to multiplayer games as of late is why gaming is going to shit

supes_242585d ago

I know you're right because the numbers support it, but just to add my .02$, I prefer long story driven SP campaigns. MP gets boring to me after a few weeks. I also usually trade in my SP games when I've beaten them. I'll keep them if they're master pieces. I want this game, I think 6 hours is plenty for this type of game. Why isn't it longer? Wish I knew

Goldby2581d ago

yup the second the developers started depending on the gamers to create the fun akin Steep from Ubisoft and ones like that, was the day we took a huge hit on Fun Factor.

make the game fun for one person to play all alone and not have to consider playing with friends for enjoyment. then add the MP.

dont count on the same gamers that need to be spoon fed the objectives for a mission and the path to walk down to get there.

2585d ago
S2Killinit2585d ago

Good to see that even moldybread is excited for FarPoint. Killer app!

2585d ago Replies(1)
Legatus2585d ago

He is first one to make negative comments in Sony/PS4 articles and first one to make positive and defend comments in MS/Xbox articles. But, he is not biased at all 😂😂. Simply got to love moldy, he is a new Rookie_monster.

DigitalRaptor2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Not only does he have a history of making negative comments in Sony articles and defending negative comments in MS/Xbox articles, but he has a history of actually supporting Xbox fanboys and trolls in said articles. In fact that "Rookie_monster" fella you talk of was one of those fanboys that he actually regularly supported.

DrShoe2585d ago

Meanwhile on Xbox One.... *a tumbleweed rolls down a street*

Neonridr2585d ago

because going that route holds any merit in a PSVR article right? Just had to be that guy right?

UCForce2585d ago

@Neonridr "sigh" You defend Moldybread way too much.

DigitalRaptor2585d ago

bu..bu...bu... backwards compatibility and remastered Xbox games that should also be backwards compatible but Microsoft wants to charge you for them. Gotta love the hypocrisy.

Neonridr2584d ago (Edited 2584d ago )

@UCForce - nah, just don't really care to see pissing matches all the time. I'm a gamer. I don't choose sides. I own all gaming platforms currently minus the XB1.

He's just offering an opinion. Don't like it? Then nobody said you have to listen to it.

I didn't defend Moldybread at all here, I was just pointing out to DrShoe that bringing up the XB1 in a PSVR article holds very little merit. Especially when Moldy himself didn't even bring up the XB1 in his original post.

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Stogz2585d ago

A few days ago I saw you chastising someone for being in an Xbox article when they had no desire for an Xbox yet here you are when we all know you don't want or own a psvr. N4Gs biggest hypocrite...

DigitalRaptor2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Too true - just like the article where he chastised trolls, whilst being one. Like that article where he chastised someone for going off-topic, but is a regular off-topic wanderer himself. Like that article where he chastised a Sony fan for cherry-picking replies to comments, yet he regularly does this himself.

But N4G's biggest, most foul hypocrite will never, ever in a thousand years hold himself accountable for his double standards or putting words in other peoples' mouths, or his documented history of trolling, including on this very article.

generic-user-name2585d ago

" Some may argue 6 hours is plenty for VR titles but not if they don't have lots of replay value which is unknown at this point."

This game has co-op and leaderboards, this guarantees replay value.

Neonridr2585d ago

meh... you'd be surprised at how quickly some VR MP titles disappeared because everyone stopped playing them. It guarantees nothing, don't kid yourself.

generic-user-name2585d ago


And you'd be surprised at how thirsty PSVR owners are for a proper FPS title.

OB1Biker2585d ago

'It guarantees nothing'
What? It does guaranty some replay value. That's a fact.

1Victor2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

@ moldybrain you really love Sony you're in the first 10 comments on anything Sony but don't worry Microsoft will have a VR halo game in a few years after Sony show them how it's done and then you'll praise them for been innovative like Kinect till then keep waiting and pray corporate don't scrap VR because "it's not mainstream or profitable "

Bathyj2585d ago

Overwhelmingly positive preview and you cherry pick that one aspect which you perceive as negative. Seriously why do you even bother. Everyone here knows your opinion on anything PlayStation is not to be trusted. You're just white noise at this point.

DigitalRaptor2585d ago

Yet, he pretends otherwise and actually gets offended when we call him out for his damning history of behaviour, and tries to paint an alternate "balanced" image of himself, and turn the criticisms back around on us. Every, single time. It's the most disingenuous behaviour I've ever witnessed on any gaming forum out there.

I mean, even when his absolute persistent BS is called out, deconstructed and vanquished - he just moves on to the next article as if nothing has happened, and insists Sony fans are the problem.

Bathyj2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Yes, I've noticed he gets burnt time and time again but doesn't even bother to argue, he's not heard from again in the thread. But when others just argue with him he goes back and forth ad nauseam.

Perhaps he just has me on ignore and I'm wasting my time. I might as well be yelling at the mountains for all the good it does.

I mean did you read how immersive the game sounds? How good it looks? But but but 6 hours. Give me a break.

Patriot4Life2585d ago

As long as its not priced at $60.00 then that should be fine.

Personally $30 is the sweet spot for me. For a 6 hr game.

DigitalRaptor2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

Andddd.... this is what we mean by FUD trolling.

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2585d ago
Stogz2585d ago

Really hoping this game ends up awesome!

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2585d ago

Been seeing nothing but positives from those who have previewed the game. Tuesday can't come soon enough.

S2Killinit2585d ago (Edited 2585d ago )

yeah. same here, I got mine preordered on Amazon so it should be coming soon. I can't wait to try out the Aim Controller. Amazon says its "shipping today" and arriving on Tuesday !

KingTrash2585d ago

I played it at Best Buy yesterday. The gun works really well but it still made me feel more than a little off at times and the encounters seem repetitive. I was bored after 10 minutes with it. I just sold my psvr last week and thought I may regret it with this game but I don't. The PSVR resolution is too low and the move/camera implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

UCForce2585d ago

Well, it's your opinion really. You played demo and you didn't like it of course, but I let you decide when the review is up.

Outlawzz2585d ago

Yea I think your gna have to wait like 50 more years for the real virtual reality that's coming out. As for me im happy with vr right now. Judging a game by ten minutes of gameplay is a new record in my book but hey to each their own. Hopefully, it can keep my interest past ten minutes

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Atlus Fes Event Report

Atlus Fes 2024, an event to commemorate Atlus' 35th anniversary, was held in Akihabara, Tokyo on the weekend of 8-9 June 2024.

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LG_Fox_Brazil17h ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check


Ubisoft Forward: Official Livestream - June 2024

Ubisoft Forward is back and live from L.A. with an exciting line-up of games and announcements. Watch live June 10 2024 at 12PM PDT/9PM CEST. Preshow starts at 11.30AM PDT/8.30PM CEST

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Garethvk21h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot21h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda20h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B21h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

Elda20h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

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Woodrunner Games Reveal Teaser - Future Games Show Summer Showcase 2024

The Summer Showcase wrapped up with a taste of what’s to come from Woodrunner Games, an indie studio featuring developers who worked on Cuphead and Rick and Morty. The game will be fully revealed later this year, so keep your eye on the studio’s social channels and website for more.

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