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New Gears of War 2 Multiplayer footage

The video shows the "new" Gridlock plus the destructible environments...

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whothedog5745d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
RAY0175745d ago

Im a PS3 Fanboy, but I have 2 admit, this game looks good. The bad part is that I would not buy a 360 for one game. Too bad. Anyways I am 2 busy this semester with SOCOM, LBP, Resistance 2, Motor Storm 2 and Bioshock. lol

Rick Astley5745d ago

And WipEout HD, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Valkyria Chronicles, etc. Not to mention the multi-platform games.

InMyOpinion5745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

As usual here come the insecure fanboys feeling the need to say "look what my console has! look!!". No one cares. The article is about Gears 2, ok? I guess the Race Pro article wasn't enough for you.

This game will probably own the holidays.

CaliGamer5745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

What's with the fog? Is there a sniper rifle in this game or is it more of a close combat type of focus? Quite honestly, and correct if I'm wrong, it seems like EPIC has sacrificed view distance for close up detail.
Can't tell how good the graphics are in this video due to the poor quality, however the game play does look solid. The fog is disturbing tho......

On a side note, I don't see how people compare this to R2, they are two different kinds of shooters, kind of funny when you think of the lengths people will go to win an argument.

Kyur4ThePain5745d ago

Quite some time ago there were screen shot comparisons between G1 and G2. The fog that you mention was the first thing I noticed too. It's almost as if they added slightly more detail in your immediate surroundings, but that seems to have killed the detail in anything over 10 yards away.

Tacki5745d ago

When you mentioned that all I could imagine was Cliffy B force choking the developers.

"Your lack of fog is disturbing."

With or without fog though, I'm really looking forward to this game. I suppose it'll be a bit more of a new experience for me since I never really got to play the first Gear's multiplayer online. I expect it will be my favorite aspect of the game for this one though.

InMyOpinion5745d ago

Or maybe that level has fog and the others don't?

"I don't see how people compare this to R2, they are two different kinds of shooters"

True indeed, one was an average FPS while the other one was a mega succesful, GOTY-winning third person shooter.

CaliGamer5745d ago

@ Jenzo..
Thanks for not answering ANY of my initial questions about the game and coming off like a complete A$$, you are truly a wealth of information that surely can never be fully tapped.
Among fanatics on this site you are truly the master of making comments irrelevant to the current conversation.
Thanks for the disagree, you sure made a powerful statement with that and your well thought out response. Kudos to you sir.

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Xwow20085745d ago

the way the camera move when the player run.
it,s the best thing in GOW(for me)
and the multiplayer looks good.

ThatCanadianGuy5745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

I didn't know there was multiplayer in God of War??
And the camera moves when you run? fascinating!

Edit:Actually GOW=God Of War.It came out first..therefore it gets that acronym.Gears of War is know as GeOW.Now you understand (i hope)

fopums5745d ago

if we are going to get nit picky

GeOW= Gears of War

or simply


GOW refers God of War. thats at least how I see it.

Monty_The_Great5745d ago

is go to and google GOW. See what comes up, then come back and know that we are talking about Gears of War.

etownone5745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

haha.... so easy to get under the skin of sony fans.

GOW stands for Gears of War to some players, and other God of War.

Do you guys think just by saying it isn't actually means anything?

give it up already,
GOW2 win OWN ALL other system exclusives this holiday season

just checked Google and Monty is right. So from now on God of War should be known as GoOW because i said so.

Xwow20085745d ago

fight over a stupid spelling.
happy now guys.

Monty_The_Great5745d ago

God of War is whatever you want to make it. Gears of War is GOW. Like I said before, just search it in any web search engine and it will come up with Gears of War not God of War. I know this is hard to accept, but its the the truth, try it yourself and you will find out.

SpanishBrowne5702d ago

Yeah.. it's late.. but Monty's too much of a tool not to show up.

and I quote from 82 days ago (Monty's response to X-Play G-Phoria 08):

"was there
really any other option? GOW on the PS2 is awesome, and then bringing it to a handheld? A no brainer for best handheld game."

So unless Gears of War came out on PS2, and the rest of the gaming community doesn't know about it.. well sir, you see where I'm going with this.

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Harri44445745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

wtf I was JEALOUS of this game but it is already getting stale just from watching the gameplay videos :(

and oddly R2 is getting better and better the more i watch its videos :P

and you can compare the two for instance imagine that gow2 was a rotted meatball and R2 was a delicious plump fruit you my like meat balls better then fruit but you would always like the plump fruit over the rotten meat ball,... but you are right it is much more related to a persons taste of games than quality.

EDIT: :P i still have 1 more agree than disagry you XBOX FANBOYS CAN DO BETTER THEN THAT...EDIT: WAIT NEVER MIND

light5745d ago

Single player is looking good but multiplayer sucks donkey balls.

cahill5745d ago

Resistance 2 will tear away Gears 2 in reviews and sales this Fall

Ariexv5745d ago

Kinda like Resistance 1 beat Gears 1..... oh wait Gears 2 more then doubled Resistance's sales even with the Bundle resistance got and it scored something like 10 points higher on average. Resistance 1=Average everyday FPS, Gears 2=Epic.

LikAChicken5745d ago (Edited 5745d ago )

I have no idea why your comparing Resistance 1 and Gears 2. And even if you were comparing Gears 2 to Resistance THEN based it off of past sales of prequels than you just broke your argument. Why does everything need to be like a console war?
"Gears 2 is Gears 1.5; They lied and said it was 2..."
"Resistance looks like an old and tired Halo..."

Can't PS3 owners enjoy their respectable shooter as well as 360 owners enjoy theirs?

~I am a gamer...who will go broke this holiday~

AngryXbot5745d ago

Orly is that so?

Gears of war 1 – 5 million sales on install base 9 million.
Resistance 1 – 2+ million sales on install base of 1 million.

ORLY? This holiday season, Gays in War 1.5 will be destroyed. R2 is “bigger, badder and more badass..”.than gays in war in every way!!!

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Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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Community718d ago
KicksnSnares719d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies718d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638718d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72718d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337718d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever718d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad718d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds718d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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Gears Of War: The Franchise For You

What's the best Gears of War game for players? Where to start? This guide should easily lend a hand.

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Community852d ago
Old McGroin852d ago (Edited 852d ago )

It's brilliant but personally liked part one more. It's the only one that had a near horror movie vibe to it in parts, the atmosphere was amazing.

Also, the commercial for it was 🔥🔥🔥

Neonridr852d ago

Mad World was such a perfect song for that trailer. I loved part 1 too just because it was so fresh at the time. The series has been solid, but experiencing everything for the first time was pretty awesome.

ChasterMies851d ago

Gears of War 2 has one of the greatest campaigns of all time. Carmine, all that juice, fighting inside a giant worm, and riding monsters.

Knightofelemia852d ago

Gears 1 and 2 will always be my favorite Gears titles. The scene where Dom find his wife and then has to shoot her was an epic scene.

monkey602852d ago

I always found that scene laughably bad myself. Fantastic game though.

1 will always be my favourite. Most were great with the exception of 4 being okay and judgement being terrible.

They still have the most satisfying headshots from any multiplayer game around.

lucian229852d ago

Nah I laughed, the acting was soooooooooo bad

KicksnSnares852d ago

My favorite Gears game list
1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears 4
5. Gears 5
6. Gears Judgement

Gears Of War is my favorite video game franchise. I can’t imagine how Gears 6 will look in UE5 after watching Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer

RetroCaptainSteve852d ago

Or if they remake 2 and 3 with that engine.

KicksnSnares852d ago

There is a rumored Marcus Fenix collection (Gears 2 & 3 remake) in the works at the Coalition. Hopefully, it’s true, but I doubt it.

Profchaos852d ago

For me you can't beat gears 1 the original was so fresh and revolutionary at the time.
Then basically I'd rank it 2,3,5,4 and judgement

Viljong852d ago (Edited 852d ago )

One of the reasons why i got the series x. Been fan since the first game.

myfathersbastard852d ago

Played them all recently on gamepass. Great games. But my favorites gotta be gears tactics. Don’t know why. I just had a blast with it lol

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Ranking The Gears of War Series

The Gears of War franchise's influence has remained to this day with cover systems becoming as ubiquitous as regenerating health. With a new console generation upon us, it's time to list the series from worst to best.

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Community1194d ago
TranceHop 1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

My ranking list
1 .Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears Judgement
5. Gears 4
6. Gears 5

Om4ever1194d ago

Same for me... Good taste Trancehop 😉

darthv721194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

My personal order is (favorite to least)

Sciurus_vulgaris1194d ago

1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 5
4. Gears 1/UE
5. Gears 4
6. Gears Judgement

Atom6661194d ago

This is the correct answer.

nibblo1194d ago (Edited 1194d ago )

Close to my rankings but some differences. My rankings:

1. Gears 3
2. Gears 5
3. Gears 4
4. Judgement
5. Gears 2
6. Gears 1

People will hate on me putting Gears 2 so low but I always felt the graphics were too busy to the point of confusion and the combat/movement hadn't really improved over 1. Lot of cool ideas but execution wasn't the best as far as I'm concerned.