
The Chinese Room Accuses The Witcher Developer CD Projekt RED Of Sexism

Everything happened after GameSpot tweeted an image from the making of the first teaser trailer of CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077. Developer The Chinese Room replied with its official twitter account commenting on the image and implying that the game appears to be “just as sexist” as The Witcher.

Hoffmann2931d ago


Someone posts his opinion on twitter. I see it as the bigger thing that various gaming sites including big ones like dualshockers and destructoid are using it for clickbait articles.

fallacious2931d ago

that's sjws for you. it's like their life's mission to try and be or get people offended.

Hoffmann2931d ago

Nah..the sjw here MAYBE was whoever tweeted that comment, but the many sites there that write their short stories about it, knowing that the average gamer will of course write how dumb that comment is just does it knowing that it means a good amount of clicks.

N4G000012930d ago

while people distracted by "sjws", anti-sexy religious nuts in congress are on offensive trying to ban everything sexy.

BrandanT2930d ago


And the atheistic SJWs are also trying to ban sexy things. Go figure.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

@BrandanT: The people that you are talking about aren't doing it in the name of atheism. Religious people that call for censorship mostly do it because it doesn't conform to their holy books teachings. Atheism is just a lack in belief in a deity and that's it.

annoyedgamer2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )


New account created : 28 Apr 2016 ( 1d 5h ago )

Already spamming regressive leftist defection comments. Go figure.

BrandanT2930d ago


I said they were doing the same thing regardless of intent.

Eonjay2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

I can understand a woman having issues with this image. They have a right to express it, but I would prefer them to not do so under the company's name. Thats all. Unless of course she owns the company in which case fire away.

Eventually some of you may have daughters one day, and if she tells you that an image like that makes here feel uncomfortable, you will be able to explain how the freedom of speech works without attacking here or calling her names.

Morgue2930d ago

Aside from meaning ' Social Justice Warrior ' I'm beginning too think it actually stands for ' Single Jaded Women '

TheCommentator2930d ago

Women all over the world exploit "sexism" to get ahead in life and I don't see SJW's doing much to stop that. Look at that gamer girl dressed up like an anime character with the "wardrobe malfunction", Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian screwing their way to fame, or the majority of all women that use their bodies as currency to get what they want out of their sugar daddies.

God forbid that a game company (full of sexist men no doubt, lol) would try to paint a woman in that light though. Apparently, most SJW's only think it's appropriate for sex to sell when a woman benefits from it. Think about it. Who did Paris Hilton make her sex tape with? What about Kim Kardashian? I don't know because those men didn't get famous from it. For that matter it's just as sexist for a man to have to pay for everything when he's out on a date with his girl, who only has to look good, when they're both just trying to get laid. Why doesn't she pay for it sometimes? Seriously though, if a man generally has to pay for sex by taking his date out and paying for everything, why is it illegal for a man to cut out the dating part and just pay for the sex? Isn't it the same thing in the long run, just without the middle man?

The problems with sexism are way too big for SJW's to keep bitching about the little stuff. What they're doing seems like the equivalent of telling someone at a garbage dump not to litter. The real problem is the way society trains our children how to behave and there's nothing we can do to stop it. My 11 year old daughter, for example, is already showing signs of the influence social media and pop culture is having on her style of dress and attitude in terms of sexuality. It's just the way people are brainwashed to behave.

jer11222930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

It must be stressful to be sjw to go through life offended by everything. I mean if everything bother you must be miserable lol

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2930d ago
DarXyde2931d ago

I don't know if I'd call those two big ones though. I've only heard of Destructoid prior to joining N4G, to be honest. Even then, didn't really hear from them much about anything. Dualshockers, not until I joined. It's just the sensationalist headlines I take issue with (which in a way makes it clickbait).

I don't know if I can agree with The Chinese Room though; The Witcher III reminds me of Game of Thrones a little where, sure, there's certainly some sexist elements given the elven/olden times vibe they were going for. But there are female characters who are incredibly respectable in both universes (Arya Starrk and Ciri, for example).

The image used from Cyberpunk 2077 for TCR's argument could, for all we know, be taken out of context. I think it's pretty pre-judgmental of them to say that.

OoglyBoogly2930d ago

So because you haven't heard of Destructoid or Dualshockers they're not that big? Are you serious?

DarXyde2930d ago

And that was your takeaway from my comment? Are you serious?

I specifically began with, "I don't know if[...]"

And at what point did I say I never heard of Destructoid? I said I hadn't heard much from them. It was DualShockers I hadn't.

Before making brash assumptions, be sure to understand what others mean. There was nothing cryptic about my statement. Very black and white.

2930d ago
Palitera2930d ago

Well... Every single comment and click here is making sure their clickbaity job is successful.

What would these sites be without our neverending support?

Congrats to us all.

MRMagoo1232930d ago

well half the people or more problems don't even click the article so not that successful. if an article has a stupid opinion I don't ever click it.

Zeref2930d ago

OMG, Can somebody tell these sjw to f**k off?

Christopher2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

***I see it as the bigger thing that various gaming sites including big ones like dualshockers and destructoid are using it for clickbait articles.***

Says the first person to respond to the submission itself, let alone help to propel it to the top spot on the site right now.

Not sure how you're helping if that's your argument.

Hoffmann2930d ago

Well, when over 60 N4G members clicked on that agree button I think I made a pretty good point.

If I would be one of the site admins who posted a whole article about this tweet I would be as guilty - in my opinion - as the websites that did it. But as someone who simply comments about the content of the article instead of being the first who yells insults at the Chinese Room - as seen in many comments on mentioned websites - or writes how terrible their opinion I don't think I was hurting my point.

I get what you mean though and when I wrote the comment this morning I was not 100% sure if I should do it as well.

jer11222930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Whats funny if its to gay characters having sex or anything its considered Progressive and its applauded. Men and women its sexist. I have no problem with whatever its up to the game creators to make what they want. Sjw are so hypocritical

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2930d ago
Skate-AK2931d ago

Absolutely ridiculous. Guess they have never heard of Cyberpunk 2020. They are getting slammed for this sad SJW attempt.

N4G000012931d ago

pfff, "SJW" decoy buzzword again, while the anti-porn religious nuts in government, congress trying to ban everything Sexy.

Skate-AK2930d ago

That would make sense if The Chinese Room wasn't a British developer.

BrandanT2930d ago

There's a bunch of atheist leftist groups that are trying to do the same thing. SJWs and feminist extremists are doing the same thing on the grounds of..."it's degrading to women " or whatever buzzwords may appear.
It's the same goal, so at least get along.

And by the way, this isn't the first SJW stuff ended up censoring "sexy" things in games.

annoyedgamer2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )


New account created : 28 Apr 2016 ( 1d 5h ago )

Don't feed the SJW troll.

opinionated2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Name one bill. You can't because that's blatantly false. The religious zealots were destroyed in the Supreme Court when it came to video games. Sjws do not go through courts they protest like the gutless wonders they are.

N4G000012930d ago

"Sjws do not go through courts they protest like the gutless wonders they are." and that's why they're not the government, they are "trolls", a distraction from the real centuries old effort of anti-sexy religious nuts, their oppression can still be seen in Afghanistan. Freedom of Speech! Freedom to make sexy games!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2930d ago
senorfartcushion2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

But it is sexist. There is no imagery like this but with men in the chair unless it IS porn.

Games get sold with shiny graphics and blood. This is how they sold Lara Croft.

divinealpha2930d ago

You need to proof read. Also what are you saying that there are no men dressed like this only women that's sexist, are you ok in the head

senorfartcushion2930d ago

Hot women in games are for us men.

Hot men in games are also for us men. To help us feel masculine.

rocketpanda2930d ago

You must be very insecure to think that every gender in a games are for men. The last few years have shown the market is split almost down the middle between men and women gamers. Hot women can be for women too, muscular men can be for muscular men because believe it or not some people are attracted to the same gender.

Tomb Raider was never sold because of shiny graphics and violence. The violence was made into an issue with SJW for the reboot because it portrayed a female lead in violent situations.

Tomb Raider was always sold on having a strong female lead since the ps1 era and she became a gaming female sex symbol because of that. Not just because she is a pretty face.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2930d ago
cfc832931d ago

This is one of these times where everybody clamours to say how wrong chinese room are. People hunt for these articles in packs.

Ogygian2930d ago

It's important we know which studios to boycott. When the Chinese Room apologise for being intolerant, perhaps they'll win back the customers they upset.

kraenk122930d ago

Who is they?! It was one f'in guy on Twitter!

annoyedgamer2930d ago


One comment is all it takes for SJWs to demand an apology for being offended. Well....now the SJWs have offended us and WE demand an apology.

Rachel_Alucard2930d ago

But that would imply people actually bought their games.

_-EDMIX-_2930d ago

? Do you actually buy games to actually have fun? Sounds pretty stupid and childish to me.

Smh. Idiots. ...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2930d ago
rainslacker2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Didn't really have to hunt. It was right there at the top of the page this morning.

Are they wrong?

Well...yes. Sexism is not showing sexy women, or using them to express a narrative. Sexism is the act of discriminating against women....which a game isn't capable of doing, unless CDPR didn't allow women to play their game, or the game lobbed insults at the women while they were playing, or something along those lines.

A game can convey sexist messages, but that doesn't make the developer, the game, or anyone else sexist unless it's done from the point of trying to influence common consensus on the issue to believe what the message conveys....something that is really hard to do...and is still very much more an expression of ideas, rather than a form of sexism.

The proper thing to say would be that it objectifies women, but objectifying women in media is not in itself sexism or sexist.

The word sexist, and sexism, are way too misused nowadays, and many people who try to say something is sexist, have obviously learned the meaning of the term from the media's misuse of the word, as well as the misuse of the word from uneducated people who want to jump on a trend which they typically only have a one semester sociology or political science course knowledge in. In other words, they are idealistic without having all the facts, or understanding how everything fits into a bigger picture, and base their opinions on reactionary stimulus which is either false, or blown out of proportion, along with the inability to realize that the world is not as black and white as they want it to be.

Truthfully, if more articles, and SJW types could use their own terminology in it's proper way, it'd be a lot easier to take them seriously.

Ristul2931d ago

The Chinese Room, come back when you have made a game as great as Witcher 3, now run off with your sad sjw bullshit.

garrettbobbyferguson2930d ago

This. Instead of ruining sequels to decent games. I don't understand how you can ruin such an easy formula as corridor horror. A Machine for Pigs was terrible.

Rachel_Alucard2930d ago

They make walking simulators and political statements not tense and exciting games.

ChrisW2931d ago

When "Chinese" and "accuses" are used in the same sentence, it's most often about censorship and politics... Not sexism.

**This political statement was brought to you by ChrisW**

aquaticDonut2931d ago

...The Chinese Room is a British game developer. They made Dear Esther and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. I think you slightly misunderstood this article.

Mikefizzled2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

It's not that he didn't understand the article. He just didn't read it.

ChrisW2930d ago

I'm not surprised that went over heads. Oh well... We can't always expect people to understand lowbrow, off-topic humor.

As for reading the article... What article?!? It's a Twatter feed!!!

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Xbox Has Had More Studio Closures Than First Party Game Releases So Far In 2024

Twisted Voxel writes: "We've almost reached the end of the 1st half of 2024, and Xbox has had more studio closures than first party game releases in the year so far."

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9h ago
KicksnSnares4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Towerborne, and Call of Duty are still to be released this year. Marcus Fenix collection to be added to the list with the Xbox showcase, hopefully.

anast1h ago

Those are all coming to PS5 too.

solideagle54m ago(Edited 54m ago)

the keyword is so Far...

on topic: Ouch!

anast1h ago

Popcorn is good. Anyone want some?

Eonjay1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Sony doesn't have to bother fighting the next Microsoft acquisition. The massive layoff by themselves should be enough to get the next big buy blocked.

MrDead55m ago

So if MS hadn't spent $80 billion consolidating the industry just think of all the games and jobs that would have saved.

MS is a drain on gaming and have been nothing but a negative.

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My Trust in Xbox is on Shaky Ground Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With multiple gaming studios, including Tango Gameworks, closing, the editor-in-chief of The Outerhaven shares his thoughts on the matter.

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rlow113h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Honestly I was looking back and at the launch of the Xbox 1. With Don Matrick at the helm I was disappointed but therevwas something else. That fighting spirit of Xbox at its inception was lost. They stopped innovating, I lost excitement on what the next big new surprise was, because their weren’t any. Not like Halo 2 and Gears launch. You couldn’t really brag about it anymore.
So here we are and corporate MS has ruined what was a beautiful renegade project.

Cacabunga5h ago

Xbox do not give a crap about developers they want publishers to make money for them that is all.

romulus235h ago

Well without developers there's nothing to publish so if that's their plan it's a pretty bad one.

senorfartcushion2h ago

They've not changed. They went from discless trash to live services

shadowhaxor10h ago

For everything that Xbox did, I was hopeful it would turn stuff around. Game Pass was a start, and the release of its upcoming titles was a nice way to return. I mean, I'm not going to say it was perfect, just like I wouldn't say PlayStation is perfect. Neither company is, but when Xbox goes and does this, it makes zero sense. The message of Xbox's plan had already had me frustrated, but I was like, "Maybe they'll fix this mess."

Now... yeah. Not so confident anymore.

Aphrodia10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

That's how you know this is clickbait garbage. If you write about games for a living and didn't know Microsoft is a cancer on the industry until now than you are awful at your job.

hiroyukisanada3h ago

Came here to say exactly that @jznrpg 🤣

XiNatsuDragnel13h ago

Xbox will destroy Activision too and Bethesda will be gone too lol

Chocoburger12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

"Right now"?
But not 11 years ago with the disastrous Xbox One reveal which they NEVER recovered from?
Man are you slow on the uptake.

shadowhaxor10h ago

No, Xbox never recovered, but Game Pass (which you're a fool if you deny the success of it), Xbox Cloud, the acquisitions, the reboot of Perfect Dark (which seems to be in the gutter now), the success of Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, and yes, Hi-Fi Rush (FFS).

Denying any sort of improvement only goes to show you don't pay any attention to the entire picture.

Crows9010h ago

I think you missed the part where these things were spread years apart. Theres no consistency

ApocalypseShadow9h ago(Edited 9h ago)


Perfect Dark IP was purchased along with many other games like Halo, Gears, etc. Perfect Dark needs help with Crystal Dynamics just to finish the game. That's pathetic. HiFi Rush was purchased and was probably already coming to PlayStation before the purchase.

If Game Pass was a success, these developers wouldn't be closing their doors. We told gamers it isn't profitable. It does make revenue. But revenue isn't profit. It hasn't changed Microsoft's position in the industry or increased hardware sales. If it did, they would be shouting from the rooftops like their arrogant asses always do.

Anyone can have a cloud service. And Sony's is more successful. It took buying major publishers just to increase their spreadsheet. But Xbox continues to fail even then. By having to place games on their competitors platform while still trying to compete. You don't see Nintendo putting their games on Xbox. And Sony was only forced because they don't own the MLB license. Which was forced behind the scenes by Microsoft to take away Sony's successful game and throw it on game pass to use it against gamers buying it on PlayStation. How is the acquisitions a success if they have to close companies they just bought and make many developers jobless? Are you serious? Unless you call it a success by taking away games from other platforms that made those developers more money. That's ridiculous.

Sea of Thieves took years to fix. How is that a success that you have an unfinished game for years that needs fixing? Games should be complete at launch. Just like Halo was an incomplete game that needed fixing. Forza Horizon is a good game but even that game hasn't improved Microsoft's standing at all.

Denying all that shows that you're not paying attention.

Chevalier9h ago

Success? They missed their own targets 3 years straight, stopped announcing numbers because they're so terrible and it's not profitable. Hence the closing 4 studios. There will be more consolidation too. Just watch the by the books garbage yearly releases too followed by more season passes and shorter games come out

Chocoburger8h ago

I have been paying attention for past 11 years. That's why I made my fully accurate above post.

You're the one who hasn't, thus you made that completely worthless post.

- I don't care about a rental service for mid-tier (or any tier) games.

- I don't care about streaming services, I play on actual hardware.

- What is Perfect Dark at this point? Its just a name trying to have an easy win with nostalgia. The original developers and talent has long been gone once MS bought Rare in 2001. ITS JUST A NAME, nothing more.

-Don't care about Forza Horizon.

- Don't care about Sea of Thieves.

- I am interested in Hi-Fi Rush, but MS killing off Tango has pissed me off, so I don't want to reward them for their B.S. and now its guaranteed that the hard working devs won't see any benefit from me supporting them.

MS has done squat over the past 11 years. Nothing but the embarrassing stink of failure. I know this because I have been paying attention.

StoneTitan7h ago

I never played hi-fi rush, even though I would have loved it from all I can see, but as it never came to playstation... Now it comes to playstation and I have no intention to buy it because they closed the developer and the money will only go to poor phil and his poor suits. Well I mean, what else is there to say.
Gamepass brought them into this position so you would be a fool to see it as a success lol

romulus235h ago

It's also foolish to deny the negatives gamepass is having on the industry as that is part of the entire picture as well.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5h ago
Skuletor8h ago

Must be getting their news on Microsoft's Internet Explorer

notachance12h ago

I imagine smaller ABK studios like toys for bob and beenox are now feeling uncertain about their futures

LucasRuinedChildhood11h ago

Thankfully Toys for Bob managed to safely separate from Xbox and are independent now.

notachance11h ago

lol I don't know that, thanks for clarifying

TheColbertinator11h ago

Beenox has been in danger for years now with Activision. Microsoft may act more ruthlessly to them unfortunately.

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Hi-fi Rush is too good a game to be shut down

It was announced today that Tango Gameworks, the studio behind Hi-Fi Rush, will be shut down, which casts doubt on the future of the game.

Read Full Story >>
z2g20h ago

I’m sure the support and franchise will live on due to its success. They may even keep some ppl and roll them into other studios. There are layoffs across the map tho in the game/tech industries in general tho including Sony, Facebook and more. My personal family has been affected by them.

Lightning7720h ago

No excuses for MS. I guess Hi Fi didn't do as well as we all thought. So Much the for fun Little experiences that MS has been wanting games of all sizes. The thing is MS are so predictable this year they say "oh we want to prioritize bigger games." Next year they'll have more shut downs and say oh well these ballooning budgets of AAA blah, blah, blah. Even though a year prior they said they want more bigger games. When are gonna admit MS can't do or won't do gaming right? It's always waiting for this and that. String you along while destroying ppls jobs. Year in and year out.

Cacabunga17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

MS’ aren’t gamers they are businessmen.. they prefer a terrible game that sells and makes money to a great game with potential and can be used to grow a wider fanbase.. a bunch of crooks 🤮

TwoPicklesGood13h ago

Uhh Sony has laid more % of people off than MS…

notachance13h ago

this MS employee goes around every posts about MS studio closure and made deflecting comments in all of them lmao

Kaii20h ago

Yet MS made a company-wide profit of $22 billion.
In my eyes releasing this on gamepass was a double edged sword approach, received extremely well, but didn't hit w.e batshit insane sales target MS had In mind

jznrpg14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Nothing will sell well when they have trained their fanbase to rely on GamePass. (There could be a unicorn every decade or something like that) The price has to go up a lot or more than likely they close a lot of studios to get upkeep way down and have few studios handle all of the IP and still raise gamepass price just not as much as necessary to keep those doors open for all of the devs that created the IPs MS now owns.

Plague-Doctor2711h ago(Edited 11h ago)

The problem is it did seem to hit their targets


XiNatsuDragnel19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Hifi is good but Microsoft dislikes risk I guess.

purple10118h ago

have all the people saying m$ buying all those companies, been proved correct yet,

they said more games, more choice, but ended up
less choice, less games, in reality... we were right

Crows9014h ago

It sucks to be right sometimes. Love tango works games with evil within. Also huge fan of prey...if redfall had been a single player story driven title I bet your ass they could've done wonders with freaking vampires.

Asplundh16h ago

They developed the highest rated game Xbox has had as a exclusive in years and they shut them down? Doesn't make much sense.

jznrpg14h ago

Makes sense to me. They still have the IP the studios mean nothing to MS

EazyC6h ago

That just shows how backwards their philosophy is. Studios are the ones creating the magic, you can't just chop and change them on a dime.

TwoPicklesGood13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

It does when it was a nice Indy time that didn’t make money. Unlike you, they think as a business and if the studio made enough money it would have been safe. One of the biggest companies in the world knows not then you, me, or any other random no matter what you abt to believe.

Asplundh11h ago

"Unlike you, they think as a busines"

Yeah a very poorly ran business, the brand has been going down the toilet for over a decade. With all the dumb decision making, it's not suprising why they're going 3rd party.

Plague-Doctor2711h ago(Edited 11h ago)

You can't give your games away for free and then shut down studios when they don't sell. Extremely idiotic thinking

purple1016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Funny we buy art though, we don’t buy money.

So they should start “thinking” more like creators of art l, rather than creators of money, and as a side bonus, guess what, they might get more money

I get what your saying though, even any scraped some projects recently

Yui_Suzumiya11h ago

I'm pissed about this. I loved Tango Gameworks.

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