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Texhnolust Dev: Rift Is 'Higher Quality Than Vive', PSVR 'In A League Of Its Own'

Few virtual reality (VR) developers are fortunate enough to be working with all 3 major head-mounted displays (HMDs) at this point in time. Technolust studio Iris VR is one such team, bringing its original title to the Oculus Rift and a Papers, Please-inspired spin-off, Technolust: Scanlines to both PlayStation VR and HTC Vive. With so much time with each HMD under his belt, the studio’s Blair Renaud recently took to Reddit to offer some thoughts on working with all 3.

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S2Killinit3154d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend3153d ago

Looks like PS VR will hold up nicely in the VR space. Glad to hear

Crashbandicoot773153d ago

He said he's not sure about the move controller. Glad to hear there's two options move controller and DSC

XBLSkull3153d ago

"But what of PlayStation VR? According to Renaud, the device is in a ‘league of its own’. “Huge install base to start"

A whole 0 units sold? Yeah, huge install base... This guy smoking crack?

KiwiViper853153d ago

He must think PSVR will appeal to every PS4 owner?

Fatal-Aim3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )

@ XBLskull

He means install base that has a PS4. If all those users need is just a HMD, then by they already having a PS4 console, they are half way there to VR.

How is this any different from what Apple did with the smart watch or Google did with android? None of THOSE users had that product either, but what Apple and Google did have was an install base big enough to offer those new products to get it off the ground. But I guess because its not Microsoft saying this, Sony's PS4 install base doesn't count in your eyes. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

dcbronco3153d ago

I'm pretty sure he is talking about potential buyers. PS4 is still hot and so is VR. It's simple math. VR appeals to gamers and PlayStation has a bunch of those already loyal to it's brand. None of the others have a gaming following. They hope to build one. Carmack may be a genius but iD is still part of Zenimax.

Kribwalker3153d ago

@fatal aim


I do not think you used a very good example as both Google and apples smart watches are considered failures, and they had a way larger install base to use then the ps4

thereapersson3153d ago


He's referring to the amount of PS4's out there, since you need a PS4 to run PSVR. Come on man, I know you're smarter than this.

Fatal-Aim3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )

@ kribwalker

It doesn't matter about the type of analogy that was given in my statement. This is not a weenie comparing contest. The analogy points towards potential buyers because of the already 25+ million PlayStation 4 owners, which will continue to climb throughout the platform's life cycle just like it's predecessors. Unlike the PC, these consumers (PS4 owners) do not have to upgrade the consoles hardware before moving onto PSVR. All they have to do is purchase the dang thing. Kinect 1.0 started off the same damn way.

So again, I guess because it wasn't Microsoft that said this, Sony's PS4 install base suddenly takes a back seat to this logic.

Sounds like sour grapes to me. If you disagreed is because you know that its true while still looking for a way to justify broken logic or a loophole in the text.

Kribwalker3153d ago

@fatal aim

Using the Kinect would be a way better example then trying to use smart watches which are a critical failure. I don't care who said it, even if it was ms, he'll even the pope could have said it, I'm just saying that was a terrible example.

I think VR will be a niche market, as out of the millions of people that own a ps4 or high end computer or Xbox or whatever, will not spend the kind of money on VR that will be required. A lot of people on this website might be in, but really, this website is a couple thousand hardcore users, not the general public, and the general public will not spend $350+ on a peripheral, just like the general public didn't spend on 3D tvs, smart watches or hell even bluray as dvd outsells bluray for years until the cost of bluray players plummeted to low levels.

It doesn't matter who sells it, or how large your install base is, unless there is enough hardcore users willing to spend a lot of money on a new tech it will not sell crazy.

XBLSkull3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )


"He's referring to the amount of PS4's out there, since you need a PS4 to run PSVR. Come on man, I know you're smarter than this."

So he thinks the install base of PS4 is an advantage over the tens of millions of PC owners that can purchase Oculus? His statement of "In a league of its own" is being taken out of context. Not meaning that it is superior to the other offerings, but simply that all PS4's have the same hardware so developers can plan on that, which sure, makes it a league of its own, an inferior league.

Fatal-Aim3152d ago

@ kribwalker

What does ANY of that have to do with what was said in the text from the article? You are spending a lot more just to get the PC experience, hence the reason PSVR is in a league of its own. So yes, if anything, you still have a higher potential buy on the already sold PS4 systems than you would the PC due to the fact that you don't have to upgrade anything else in the platform before gaining the VR experience. In no way did the author say that those numbers will match the 25+ sales of the PS4 in the same way Kinect didn't need to match the 360. Hell, the PS Camera doesn't even match the PS4 sales neither, yet those were potential sales, too, and that occurred before the system ever accumulated an install base. You're shooting blanks with that debate.

Kribwalker3152d ago

@ fatal aim

All I said to start with was your argument that instal base equals potential sales is true, but you used a terrible example to relay that info by stating 2 failed products that had massive install bases to draw off of, and that you should have used a better example of a successful peripheral instead of a apple/Google watch. That was it, no blanks being shot there.

Fatal-Aim3152d ago (Edited 3152d ago )

@ kribwalker

Your quotes:

"Google and apples smart watches are considered failures, and they had a way larger install base to use then the ps4"

"I think VR will be a niche market, as out of the millions of people that own a ps4 or high end computer or Xbox or whatever, will not spend the kind of money on VR that will be required."

My quote:

"He means install base that has a PS4. If all those users need is just a HMD, then by they already having a PS4 console, they are half way there to VR."

It doesn't matter what analogy I use. The author us referring to potential PS4 users. While you're setting here telling me about failures and price point, I'm telling you about potential buyers. You're shooting blanks.

@ XBLskull

maybe this is why PSVR is already getting PC titles from the Rift as we speak, let alone consoles to PCs......Because they are just so weak and that's what the author meant when he said league of its own.

sounds to me like sour grapes because its not Microsoft with the HMD.

Kribwalker3152d ago

"How is this any different from what Apple did with the smart watch or Google did with android? None of THOSE users had that product either, but what Apple and Google did have was an install base big enough to offer those new products to get it off the ground"

That was what the entire argument started out of. with the two examples you gave, install base didn't matter as both examples are considered failures. Which is why I said you could of used a better example. It's just like if you said genesis had a big install base and they had lots of potential sales of Sega cd or 32x, sure they did, but those products failed miserably. Not a good example at all.

Fatal-Aim3152d ago

If you had 100 million supporters of one product, and you released an add on, you have 100 million potential buyers of the add on. If you had 1 billion supporters, you have 1 billion potential buyers. If you have 10 supporters, you have 10 potential buyers. It doesn't matter if it fails or succeeds, we are talking potential.

Before android was android, it was a search engine -- a Google search engine (go back and look at my original quote for this). What it had were potential supporters. How did it do genius? Before the iWatch, there was the iPhone. How did it do? Again, potential supporters. Stop shooting blanks. I know what I said and what I meant.

Kribwalker3152d ago

@fatal aim

No blank shooting here buddy, just saying you could have used a SUCCESSFUL example if you are trying to prove a large market means greater potential for more sales then the Apple Watch which is a critical failure. If you wanted to say that the PSVR has good potential, then use an example that has succeeded. And android did not start as a search engine, it started out of Google wanting to make more money through other avenues. That's like saying the Google car has billions of potential buyers because that's how many people use google to search. It sounds that stupid

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3152d ago
kenwonobi3153d ago

Yea it seems PSVR is the way to go for VR.

3153d ago Replies(9)
Muadiib3153d ago

You wouldn't say that if you'd actually read the terrible terrible article me thinks.

nosferatuzodd3153d ago

Last time someone said Sony is spinning PR bull, I wonder what they'll say now that a neutral source said it lol

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Relientk773153d ago

Looking forward to PS VR, hopefully we get some awesome game experiences out of it

nowitzki20043153d ago

If VR works like everyone claims it does then that should be expected. So sad the Silent Hills wont get released and in VR. They should at least put P.T. on it. It seems to me like horror games will be the best experience on VR.

My only concern is whether or not us humans can handle VR. I love 3D and own a 3D tv but cant use it for more than a half hour to an hour.

reallyNow3153d ago

ive never had a problem running 3d marathons. I do it on a projector, maybe that helps?

LifeInNZ3153d ago

I would say PSVR has a potentially huge install base. Before reading the article I had assumed it was comparing specs....but it wasnt.

freshslicepizza3153d ago

specs wise i doubt playstation vr is able to match the other two. where playstation vr has an upper hand is its mass marketing, along with the success of the ps4. however price will play a huge factor into the success of playstation vr along with decent software support.

kaizokuspy3153d ago

Nah, many gamers don't buy both x1 and wiiu bc they only game on ps4. Those same gamers will easily sink money into psvr and will be the main focus in the early sales numbers. Every experience I've had with ps4 this gen has been top notch so it's an easy decision for me to buy psvr and have faith.

Spotie3153d ago

Price and decent software support will play a factor with ALL VR devices, not just PSVR.

Eonjay3153d ago


If you are worried about the specs, check out this video from Forbes:

IRetrouk3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )

@ moldybread

Have a read of this, psvr has slightly less resolution per eye but has a higher refresh rate and higher fps.

freshslicepizza3153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )


sounds good and they definitely improved playstation vr but i have my doubts the performance when it comes to the actual games can't match what can be achieved on the pc. games are already having a tough time performing well at 1080p and 30fps in some demanding games and 1080p 60fps is an even bigger challenge. yes playstation vr has it's own processor but it is still tethered to the ps4. most of the games so far are linear smaller scale games.

we will all have to wait and see how the final products unfold. all i can say is until i try them all myself it will be very hard to judge based solely on specs and watching videos about them.

neither one of these gave playstation vr the upper hand but things can improve until they get released.


thanks for that link.

"PlayStation VR and its ilk will be used more for optional modes than for standalone experiences, as indicated by comments from Shawn Layden, CEO of SCEA."

that to me is kind of unfortunate but totally understandable. it once again shine the light on how they will not fully commit to this because it is after all a peripheral. so anyone expecting a $60 game being made solely for playstsation vr may be waiting for quite some time.

Eonjay3153d ago

"sounds good and they definitely improved playstation vr but i have my doubts the performance when it comes to the actual games can't match what can be achieved on the pc."

The first link you posted said that performance between the two devices is a tie. If this is what you are citing as your reason for doubting PSVR, its not very strong.

Davi1233153d ago

«so anyone expecting a $60 game being made solely for playstsation vr may be waiting for quite some time.»

Really?!? RIGS say hello. ;)

Bathyj3153d ago

" i have my doubts the performance when it comes to the actual games can't match what can be achieved on the pc."

Well console cant compete on a technical level with what PC's can do but that hasnt stopped consoles from flourishing for 3 decades. PCVR vs ConsoleVR will be the same. Not everything is about specs. Its about the overall user experience.

The advantage PSVR has is the same one all consoles have. The hardware is locked. Theres only one target to optimise to, not an infinite amount of variations and user accounts of the hardware are for the vast majority, positive. I dont see a problem with the hardware. They just have to make sure there are real games for it, not just extended tech demos.

freshslicepizza3153d ago

"Really?!? RIGS say hello."

that isn't a aaa $60 game, not when rocket league sells for $20 and is comparable.

Davi1233152d ago

You didn't talk about the cost of production. Just the cost of the game on the retail and RIGS will be definitely a 60€ game.
Buy 60€ games, doesn't mean that they are Triple A games and buy Triple A games doesn't mean they are better than indie games or games with a low cost of production.
You have very much to learn. :)

freshslicepizza3152d ago (Edited 3152d ago )

i'm sorry but that doesn't look like a $60 game. this looks like sports champions all over again they did for the playstation move. when we see big known studios support playstation vr with games dedicated, not just supported but actually dedicated to the device then we know it is going to be around for a long long time. that is when we know vr is a real game changer. none of this pandering around with vr support and smaller tech demo's and smaller indie games.

i am talking games made from the ground up for vr that are good full scale games with high production. the industry simply doesn't work this way, not for peripherals. not unless there is a large enough userbase to warrant $60 games to create. it's the old catch 22, people want the games first and developers want the userbase first. a peripehral is hard to sell to as it's not a 1-1 ratio of system owners.

sony has the best chance to make vr mainstream but again it will take big games to do that and big commitments and also from 3rd party.

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morganfell3153d ago

I'll disagree with you Life because if you go to the actual Reddit remarks... see the remarks about PSVR being in a league of its own is a separate thought from the comment concerning install base. The PC has a bigger install base than the PS4 so if install base is what determined when a device is in a league of its own then he could have used the larger league - the PC...except he didn't.

Eonjay3153d ago

Of course the PC has a bigger install base, but how many PCs are VR ready? How many headsets are going against each other? He states that the PS4 is a single spec environment and EVERY PS4 owner is ALREADY VR ready. Also, there won't be any competition on the PS4. Those things put it in a league of its own. Quite literally. Citing the entire PC install base is disingenuous and it really is outside of the context of his quote.

morganfell3153d ago it isn't. Know what is disingenuous? Taking his remarks and misinterpreting them to believe the reason he stated the PSVR is in a league of its own is due to the install base.

I also love how PC purists act like everyone of them has a super computer in their house and now suddenly they aren't VR ready.

ABizzel13153d ago (Edited 3153d ago )

PSVR FTW, I can't wait to try it out at PSX this year. Also here's a blog I did with all the planned and announced VR games for PSVR.

3153d ago Replies(2)
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Alien: Rogue Incursion Creator Survios: A History of VR Works

VR veteran Survios is currently working on Alien: Rogue Incursion, so we take a look back at its history of VR works.

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Pistol Whip is Alive and Well With VOIDSLAYER Scenes

Cloudhead Games has announced the VOIDSLAYER update for Pistol Whip, adding three new scenes in June for all supported platforms.

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PSVR2 Firmware Update Shows Early Signs of PC Support via Cable Connection

Recent findings in the latest PSVR2 software update, indicates that PlayStation is already starting to implement support for PC.

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Community76d ago
Garethvk76d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta76d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts76d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos76d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts76d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa76d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.