
Satya Nadella reveals Microsoft’s new mission statement, sees ‘tough choices’ ahead

"We will pursue our gaming ambition as part of this broader vision for Windows and increase its appeal to consumers. We will bring together Xbox Live and our first-party gaming efforts across PC, console, mobile and new categories like HoloLens into one integrated play."

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SpaceRanger3250d ago

It sounds like there will be much more first party support for PC gamers. Besides streaming I think windows 10 and other recent game announcements they have shown for PC, you can tell that they're trying to unify everything and make the name "Xbox" or "Xbox Live" a gaming/entertainment software brand for them rather than it be solely associated with hardware.

Smart move on their part. Especially for PC gamers.

MS is a software company first and foremost. So unifying their experiences is not something that is surprising at all.

ninsigma3249d ago

Definitely smart. I think we've been seeing this for a while. They're going to transition xbox into a service rather than a machine.

kneon3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

I expect there will still be xbox hardware, but it will be nothing more than an xbox badged, small form factor PC for the living room. It's what they should have done this gen.

nX3249d ago

So it was smart after all that I went with a gaming PC, a PS4 and a WiiU for this generation. From my point of view this is great news, hopefully they'll bring Gears 4 to PC.

3249d ago
RiseofScorpio3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

Wow the circle jerk is real.

So apparently reviving support for gaming on Windows and giving players on both platforms a way to connect means the Xbox brand is gonna go away? Wow just wow.

ninsigma3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

What the hell are you talking about?? No one said anything about the xbox brand going away. We're talking about xbox becoming more than a machine, instead being a service (called xbox).
Maybe if you took those fanboy goggles off you might understand the grown up talk.

How is this moving goalposts?? Making the xbox a service rather than tying it to a machine would be a great idea. I've been wanting this for a while now from the big three. Only people partaking in this so called "console war" can't see that. Not one person said anything bad about the xbox here yet you quickly jumped to its defence anyway, I think you know what they call people who display that kind of behaviour around here.

freshslicepizza3249d ago

"So apparently reviving support for gaming on Windows and giving players on both platforms a way to connect means the Xbox brand is gonna go away? Wow just wow."

it's called moving the goal posts. ask yourself this, why is it that many of the comments pointing to the redundancy of the xbox platform due to microsoft also supporting the pc is from the same people who buy games like the witcher 3 on the ps4?

DragonKnight3249d ago

If all they're going to do is make first party Xbox games go to PC, they're making the Xbox One redundant. They are effectively removing any reason to own an Xbox One.

"But Live"

You think you won't be able to play with your Live friends on PC?

Really at that point the only reason to own an Xbox One is because you either don't want to game on a PC, or can't afford to build a good one. Those are legitimate personal reasons but not good for business.

@saltybread: "ask yourself this, why is it that many of the comments pointing to the redundancy of the xbox platform due to microsoft also supporting the pc is from the same people who buy games like the witcher 3 on the ps4?"

Ask yourself this, why do you concern yourself so much with what people say about consoles you don't own? By your admission you don't own an Xbox One, and even though you've told people who've told me that you own a PS4, you yourself say you don't to me. So you own neither console, yet are constantly salty over what people say about, well pretty much anything. It's like I said, professional contrarian.

freshslicepizza3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

"Ask yourself this, why do you concern yourself so much with what people say about consoles you don't own? By your admission you don't own an Xbox One, and even though you've told people who've told me that you own a PS4, you yourself say you don't to me. So you own neither console, yet are constantly salty over what people say about, well pretty much anything. It's like I said, professional contrarian."

i see i'm your number 1 fan. that's twice now you told me that others said i have a ps4 even though i told you i don't. what exactly are you trying to say other than getting personal and dragging topics down to your level?

i am here because i, unlike you, am interested in all platforms. just because i am mostly a pc gamer doesn't label myself as a pc narrow-minded viewer unlike you who has shown no signs of any interest outside of the playstation universe unless it impacts the playstation. your inability to prove me wrong about most of the complaints stemming from those who suggest the xbox is redundant since so many games go to the pc while failing to admit they buy multiplat games on consoles is all in likelihood because you are one of them.

i am willing to buy an xbox one for games like forza 6 because they look fantastic. the same will be the case when sony shows gran turismo 7. i play games regardless of platforms but i do prefer the pc for various reasons, you seem to like playing head-games because you are advocating there is no reason to buy an xbox one even though you don't like playing games on the pc. this is just another excuse for you to not to support the xbox out of spite.

it's funny how sony can invest in street fighter, have ps4 fans say the pc market is not in direct competition with the ps4 then flip-flop and say now that so many xbox exclusives come to the pc there is no reason to buy one.

DragonKnight3249d ago

@saltybread: I want you to re-read your own post. You see, you sit there and say something like "i see i'm your number 1 fan." (I assume you mean the reverse, as what you have stated there means you're following me around) and "what exactly are you trying to say other than getting personal and dragging topics down to your level?" And continuing on and on about me, about what you think about me and how you think you know me based on how many times you follow my comments around to oppose them and yet I'm the one that has some kind of fandom for you? Lol. Someone seems to have an overly high opinion of themselves now don't they?

"i am here because i..."

Nice try. You are interested only in opposing people. 90% of the comments you make are in opposition to comments someone else has made, usually when directed against the Xbox brand. Conversely, when I to my own comment history and look through the first page of my comments, no praising of the PS brand, nor bashing of the Xbox brand appears. You're sitting there saying I'm so pro-PS, go ahead and find the last comment I made that's actually about the Playstation brand and is unwarranted praise. Oh wait, you're just complaining that I'm not attacking Rocksteady for their B.S. with Batman, or upset that the Xbox brand is going to become redundant, etc..

"your inability to prove me wrong.."

Inability to prove you wrong? It's the easiest thing to do in the world. Look, consoles exist for first party titles primarily. If only 3rd party multiplats existed, consoles themselves would be redundant. There would be no point in having multiple consoles that have every game on them, that's wasted time and resources. The Xbox is becoming redundant (key word BECOMING) because Microsoft is putting the very reason people buy any console on PC. With Microsoft's direction, first party titles will be on PC so you don't need an Xbox to play them. Live friendlists and gamerscore will also likely be transferrable, meaning you won't lose the ability to play with your friends. The Playstation is objectively the more powerful console, meaning third party games perform better on it. So now that you don't need a PC to play first party titles, or play with your friends, and you can get multiplat titles on the console that plays them better, what reason is there to have an Xbox console? Kinect? Please. Try harder.

"you seem to like playing head-games because you are advocating there is no reason to buy an xbox one even though you don't like playing games on the pc. this is just another excuse for you to not to support the xbox out of spite."

There WILL BE no reason to buy an Xbox One. What reason will there be to own one? You want first party titles, they'll be on PC. You want your friends? PC. As a PC gamer you'll undoubtedly say games perform best on the PC when done right, so if there are gamers that care about performance quality, then they'll buy multiplats on PS4. So again, what reason is there to own an Xbox? Not exclusives, not features, not multiplats. All of that will either be on PC or done better on PS4. You're not even advocating for anything, you're simply opposing the truth that Microsoft themselves are making the Xbox console redundant.

DragonKnight3249d ago

@saltybread Part 2: "it's funny how sony can invest in street fighter, have ps4 fans say the pc market is not in direct competition with the ps4 then flip-flop and say now that so many xbox exclusives come to the pc there is no reason to buy one."

This comment literally makes no sense. Microsoft is actively trying to make their first party games go to PC, Sony isn't. Sony can invest in games, but at best that makes the games 2nd party which means unless Sony buys the IP, they don't have complete control over it. How many Sony first party titles are on other platforms they don't own? None. Microsoft is MAKING that happen to themselves. They are removing the reason to own an Xbox themselves. Sony is still going to have exclusive first party titles. Hell they're even having exclusive third party titles. These are games you won't be playing on PC let alone Xbox. What games are MS having that you actually need to own an Xbox for now that they are integrating PC? None. Face the facts.

tuglu_pati3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

I have been saying this for a while MS is killing xbox as a console, and transforming the brand on a sorftware/service brand.

"We will bring together Xbox Live and our first-party gaming efforts across PC, console, mobile and new categories like HoloLens into one integrated play."

Be ready to see big franshises like Halo 5 and Gears 4 releasing on multiplatforms (PC and Xbox One)

PistolsAtDawn3249d ago

You're right, as an effort to reach a much larger fanbase, they will make it so that you can ONLY play games and use the Xbox service if you have an expensive computer. /s

Bigpappy3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

Lol: you said he had fanboy goggles on, yet what you sad can be interpreted as getting rig of Xbox hardware, and you seem quite eager to defend others calling for such. Talking out of both side of you mouth.

Xbox hardware isn't going any where anytime soon. Relax that fantasy.

Gazondaily3248d ago

MS killing the Xbox One is just the wishes of fanboys. Whilst they are in a tough position of appeasing the PC crowd they will surely recognise the sheer importance of dedicated support for console hardware. It's what gave them access to the living room and they will have seen how core gamers dictate success in this industry.

It will mean more titles coming to PC but that doesn't mean the Xbox will br left in the lurch as some will have you believe. And besides, haven't we been told again and again, the sheer expense involved in PC gaming? ;)

The Xbox is here to stay whether you like it or not.

Spotie3248d ago

Street Fighter is not an example, because Sony doesn't own it. Uncharted would be an example. But such games don't come to PC. Sony keeps those titles exclusive to their hardware.

NatFanBoyRestricted3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

Anyone thinking this is gonna kill off the Xbox,or trying to phrase it that way or even hint at it probably missing a few nuts and bolts. Remember the pc is the thing some people whine about that it costs too much (price of a good gaming pc by n4g console dream 1080p 60fps,no frame drop, max setting, kinda standards) could renovate your living room, and that's why they game on console. Good luck thinking a game like gears or halo or whatever gonna run ooo so perfect on a cheapo pc when on console, the same people probably 1080p 60fps flash mob the shit outta any gaming news. In other words, if your were broke in the first place, this won't help you out much, but you have more options atleast. Yeah Microsoft might be making this eco system, but the Xbox is the best if you can't afford a "GOOD" pc, so if your a ps4 and pc kinda guy,good move. You my friend will enjoy the best of gaming.

Crimzon3248d ago

I'm glad Microsoft are pushing back into PC gaming because I went with a PS4 this gen but I would happily buy games that interest me on the PC, such as Forza and Gears of War. I hope that they find a way to enable Xbox 360 backwards compatibility on PC as well, because if I could buy digital Xbox 360 games from some online store on Windows 10, Microsoft would see a lot of money from me that they otherwise wouldn't have.

I also don't see how or why anyone would think that Xbox One games being on PC would somehow interfere with Xbox One sales. If somebody wants to buy a console to hook up to their TV, why would they think, "Oh, I'll upgrade my PC instead"?

Much like home consoles and handheld consoles offer completely different experiences for different market needs and don't interfere with each other, PC also stands apart from home consoles for the same reasons. That's why Microsoft sees PC as additional revenue rather than competition, and why so many people on this website write out huge lists of supposed PS4 "exclusives" that are actually available on PC/PS3/Vita as well.

freshslicepizza3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )


none of what you said refuting anything. you suggest without exclusives there would be no reason to buy consoles. that alone is just fabrication. millions of people like console gaming and you should know that first hand. millions of people buy games like call of duty on the console even though they were once a pc franchise.

you make no sense and the only reason you are here is to somehow counter anything i say all because you are upset about something i said to you in another topic. isn't it ironic how you are here in a microsoft topic talking about how you are now interested in xbox titles. all while telling everyone how you're a born again pc gamer. the other mildy amusing thing to all of this too is how you thought microsoft would not do much on the pc as they push forward with windows 10 and cross play and that fable legends would be basically it. everything you say is to somehow mock what microsoft is going to do. you're becoming very predicatble

"How many Sony first party titles are on other platforms they don't own? None. Microsoft is MAKING that happen to themselves. They are removing the reason to own an Xbox themselves."

now let's just say for a minute you are right, that the only reason why people buy consoles is because of the exclusive titles. what does that say about the console business where it can only survive by excluding others from playing unless they buy the hardware?

needless to say you are wrong. sony did not sell over 20 million consoles due to their extensive library of titles you cannot get anywhere else. you of all people should give more credit to the ps4 than that.


"And besides, haven't we been told again and again, the sheer expense involved in PC gaming?"

that's just it, this constant flip-flopping. it appears i upset those whom i exploited their patterns.

donthate3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

I can only imagine the force Xbox will be if it is both a PC brand and a hardware console brand (like it is now).

We are already seeing a convergence between PC and Xbox One as Xbox One games can be streamed to Windows 10. Cross buy? Cross play? Seamless game state transitioning?

Easier development for both Windows 10 and Xbox One will result in more titles being released. Want the best gaming fidelity go PC! Want the best console experience get an Xbox One!

MS would then cover all their bases both the top end and all the way down to lower end market all tied together with the cloud.

I also want to add that MS being so strong in their wording about gaming even though it isn't at the top is a testament to how strongly MS believes in video games. I am really glad Satya is fully on board with this and how important MS views it.

I think Xbox brand has a great future!

VenomUK3248d ago

"First, we will reinvent productivity services for digital work that span all devices"

This sounds like Nadella is making Microsoft software platform agnostic. Nadella is good for Microsoft because, unlike Steve Ballmer who was primarily a businessman, he comes from a technology background and he has a vision for the future. The big computing companies originally had this hope to dominate a hardware market and dominate the software that goes on it, but the reality is that the market will always be diverse because consumers want different things. There is Windows and OS X, Android and iOS, Xbox and PlayStation.

When Microsoft had completed development of MS Office Ballmer didn’t allow it to be released as he hoped its exclusivity could lead Windows Phones and Surface Pro’s to be market leaders, however that alone was not enough and it just meant that MS Office mobile had very little market share. Now Satya Nadella has released MS Office on iOS and Android and it has been immensely profitable for them. Cortana the personal assistant software is going cross platform too. They bought Minecraft and instead of making a MS exclusive they have continued selling it on multiple platforms, and it is generating so much profit for them, more on iOS then Windows Phone, more on PS4 than Xbox One. Halo Online has been released in test form on PC. It’s the way the market is moving. Look at Apple who will be releasing Apple Music on their own hardware and PC and Android.

In Nadella’s comments it seems he thinks of Xbox Live as a service and not a platform! There will be no surprises this year or next, but having read the whole statement I interpret it as meaning that Microsoft wants their software and services on as many platforms as possible.

ArmrdChaos3248d ago

It's humorous to see the usual paragraphs upon paragraphs from certain people. You try wayyyy too hard. I begin to wonder if you're trying to convince others or if you're really are trying to convince yourselves. Either medicate or go get help.

ABizzel13248d ago

I just want to know where all the ignorant people from the previous article are now, since this is exactly what I was talking about and blogged about over a year ago.

The next Xbox is a PConsole a Windows PC in a mini-ITX case, running a modified version of Windows 12 build for a Xbox gaming intinterface.

DragonKnight3248d ago

@saltybread: "none of what you said refuting anything."

It refuted everything.

"you suggest...

Actually it's just the truth. I suggest that exclusives are the reason one buys consoles, yes. Because it's true. Remove all exclusives and there is no reason to have multiple consoles. Remove all the consoles but one, and suddenly all of its games are exclusive, assuming they don't go to PC of course. If Nintendo were the only console around, and people had to choose between it and PC, the only reason to choose Nintendo beyond price is because of games you can't play on PCs. This is simply fact.

"millions of people..."

This is proof of nothing. CoD moved to consoles because of the size of the userbase and the profit that can be made off it. It has nothing to do with liking console gaming. Activision saw they made more money on consoles, so that's where CoD is. If there were only one console, CoD would be on PC. CoD is also not an exclusive.

Your second paragraph is full of straight up B.S. that you pulled from the ether, basically stuff you think about me that you either drummed up yourself or are twisting the context of. Ergo, not worth the effort of responding to beyond "get over yourself."

"now let's..."

It says that it's just like every other business out there. You can only get a GT from Ford, everything else is an alteration. You can only get a Galaxy phone from Samsung. Everything else is mimicry. You can only get Mario from Nintendo, everything else is a clone. You want Mario, you buy a Nintendo device. With Microsoft's new direction the probability of "if you want Halo, you buy either an Xbox or a PC" is becoming more and more real. So if you want Halo, what incentive is there for you to buy it on an Xbox if your Live friendlist is also on PC, the online on PC is free, and the community is better? Beyond the actual price of the console being an initially lower cost, there is no reason.

"needless to say..."

You just made a poor argument. In order for your argument to work, you have to be able to make a case that people bought any console for the 3rd party games that are going to every console. This creates the situation in which all things are equal and yet aren't because someone decided they want a multiplatform game on a specific console even though it has no actual advantage.

I know that that was hard for you to follow, so I'll break it down for you.

Assume PS4 and Xbox One were identical in all aspects. Assume Call of Duty releases and is identical on both platforms. Your argument requires that you now make a case as to why someone bought a PS4 to play Call of Duty and not an Xbox One instead.

If you say anything like "Live, price, features" then you're arguing for exclusive features found on one console but not the other, which reinforces my point. People bought a PS4 because it was cheaper than Xbox One, wasn't as restrictive as Xbox One, and came with the first party lineup associated with the Playstation brand. No one bought it because they can play Call of Duty on it. They can play Call of Duty on the Xbox One too.

"that's just it..."

This is why you prove yourself to be a professional contrarian. You attack people for being of a certain position, then attack them for apparently not being consistent. Rather than accepting the possibility that people don't pour out their entire mind's inner thoughts and opinions in a single comment thread, you fail at your psychoanalysis of people and pat yourself on the back for it.

Crimzon3248d ago

Why would anyone buy a PS3/PS4/360/XB1 when 99% of their games are available on PC?

Oh, wait a minute...

DevilOgreFish3248d ago

Bloodborn -

"So it was smart after all that I went with a gaming PC, a PS4 and a WiiU for this generation. From my point of view this is great news, hopefully they'll bring Gears 4 to PC."

They're bringing some games to pc, not all of them. Phil Spencer said in the pc conference they're not making any promises, whatever they chose to bring over to pc.

rainslacker3248d ago

Think they're going to transition all their products into services instead of products.

Seems great on paper for most of their products, but it takes away control from the customer.

XBL is a bit different though, as entertainment mediums can act as services...whether the delivery of those services is acceptable to the masses remains to be seen.

I dunno about you, but I recall a couple years ago where people weren't too keen on having their gaming being relegated with more service oriented principles.

Be careful what you wish for, because it more often than not does not turn out the way you would hope.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3248d ago
starchild3249d ago

Yeah, I think it makes more sense for them. If it means more games I can play on my PC then that's great.

I do, however, think Microsoft will still have console-type hardware in the future. Next generation I think the next Xbox should be designed to play the exact same software as the PC.

Right now the XB1 is already basically a PC, and with the arrival of DirectX 10 the Xbox One and PC will be even more similar, but there will still need to be a porting process to bring PC games to Xbox One or Xbox One games to PC. Why not have Windows PCs and the next Xbox play the exact same software? This would be a win-win situation. The next Xbox would be like a streamlined, small-form-factor PC meant for the console market. It would be like a Steam Box in a way, but backed by Microsoft and based on the well-established Windows operating system.

Software_Lover3249d ago

I think you mean "with the arrival of DirectX 12".

sidenote: Are you guys accessing the normal site or the mobile site?

Rookie_Monster3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

"We will bring together Xbox Live and our first-party gaming efforts across PC, console, mobile"

How are games like Halo 5 and Forza 6 gonna run on Mobile? Before pop opening the champaign for a lot you guys in celebration for the demise of the XB1, he is more than likely talking about MS games and games that are on sold on the windows 10 app store that can be be bought once and play on multiple Windows 10 devices like phones, PC and Xb1. No doubt we will see some MS titles on both XB1 and PC, but those are games that have cross play and FTP like Fable and Killer Instinct. Don't hold your breath into Gears 4 and Halo 5 to be on PC anytime soon at launch, if ever. BUT since I do have a PC rig and would LOVE to play them on the most powerful platform in the Universe, I wouldn't mind seeing some of those MS AAA games coming later in 1-2 years after launch, that I do see is possible but definitely not with the launch with the XB1 version.

Peace_Love_and_FPS3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

I would think that they would use streaming for mobile and PC, through an X1 so they don't lose hardware sales. I think you're right, not ALL first party games will come to PC, especially the blockbusters, but wishful thinking is a bad/fun habit ;) I too would kill for Halo on PC.

kaizokuspy3248d ago

I own a windows phone and a note 4. The windows phone has no relevant apps and is not a good buy. Where as android and iOS have support from battlelog, cod, and destiny. Etc... Xbox is getting shit on by PR this gen. You can prefer pc gaming and get your xbox games on their. Ultimately it is decreasing revenue in xbox one hardware. Not selling systems. That's why the console is a poor choice. Defend it as much as you want but at the end of the day it's the truth. They are cutting their losses on Xbox one hardware this gen and looking to next gen. Not necessarily a horrible move by any means, as next gens xbox will likely be a set top box where you stream games. That's the trend. That was their vision with the One before they 180d their policies. The reason us ps4 and pc gamers scream this is no reason for us to buy an xbox one now is because Phil spencer had started to make this a really appealing console to own, but the announcement to play xbox exclusives on pc, just made this a reason to not get one this holiday season. Wear your delusional goggles, but this causes me to further lament a good promising future console purchase, that I and many others will be passing on.

rainslacker3248d ago

Streaming...either through the cloud if they have the infrastructure, or from a users device(X1 or PC). Streaming is already viable on both fronts. MS has had streaming capabilities from PC for a while, and it's implemented in the X1 and native to Win10 and all associated devices. Cloud streaming is being done by Sony now and it works, and remote play has worked since it was on the PSP/PS3. It's not that hard to imagine what may come.

Within a few years, many mobile devices will also be able to handle the kinds of games we play on consoles today. Whether they do so well given current input is another matter so it's not always as ideal as PR statements make it sound.


Both of these companies are becoming more of a service. What do you guys think PS Now is? It's the starting point for psn to be come a service that can play games without Sony hardware. Same is happening with xbox live.

I keep saying this and I get a bunch of disagrees for saying it, but it is true. Both of these companies are heading to the same destination (a digital future), they are just simply taking seperate routs to do so.

NeoGamer2323248d ago

And what non-Sony hardware does PS Now run on today?

rainslacker3248d ago

Becoming more a service implies that they are focusing less on what we are already used to. So far, that can't be quantified as true in any sense, since the traditional market just keeps expanding and companies continue to cater to it. Just because companies are also expanding in different areas doesn't mean they're becoming a service.

Granted, I think gaming in general is starting to try and push games as a service more, but that's kind of different, and despite what some people may say, it's going to overtake more traditional means, and even if it does, it doesn't mean more traditional means will go away.

FlexLuger3248d ago

NeoGamer232 + 1h ago
"And what non-Sony hardware does PS Now run on today?"

Samsung TVs for a start...

PCs and tablets are next, btw. Sony has said so, themselves. Wont be long until Ps4 games show up on the service. It sony sell more PSnow accounts to people with 'NON PS' devices. Which is what they intended it for anyway. in the long term they will realise they need to put up to date games on service. And then this type of conversation will be flipped on its head on N4G. Because in all the wishful thinking from PS fans that xbox would die, they forget its the most important part of getting windows in the living room on the big screen. Only xbox can do that for them. Meanwhile suddenly PC owners and owneres of the latest smart TVs will be playing the latest games on PSNow on something that isnt even sony branded. You will still need an xbox to play xbox games. Gears might get a PC release with cross play, but I dont expect any other traditional xbox exclusives to go to PC, for reasons I already stated,from a strategical point of view. they can have their cake and eat it. they dont need to hurt xbox appeal sell more copies of windows 10. But enhancing it does wonders for W10s eco system. We will see xbox-PC specific IP that embraces cross play. MMOs and MOBAs are a great candidate for this. Gigantic and elite are just the beginning.

Xbox will always have its exclusives. Tactically it makes sense. They are still fighting a console war with sony. And they need xbox exclusives for that. The xbox also has the advantage over an apple TV or google equivalent. Xbox aint going nowhere. Its MS big key in the big battle with apple and google.

It will be funny to see how these kinds of conversations go when PSNow becomes more mainstream. because when people are saying "well I can play GT7 on PSnow...on my PC" N4G is going to explode.

_-EDMIX-_3249d ago

Agreed. With them losing share on the console front, no point to keep making games exclusive to a platform when its not even getting them more sales or more share. They are correct to focus on Windows and spread those IPs on both platforms rather then a single one.

As a PC gamer, this definitely makes me happy as I only wanted a few IPs from MS and didn't want to have to get another console just for 2 or 3 IPs. Though its going to hurt them on the console front as there are no reasons to own an XONE in terms of exclusives, its a nice option for those that want it.

With Sony out selling them 2.1 no point in wasting money on exclusives, might as well make the multiplatform. Good choice MS!

Zeref3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

He literally said nothing of the sort... Sure there will be more first-party titles on the PC. But you can bet there will be a shitton of Xbox One exclusives to boost Xbox One sales.

Also they might even release an Xbox TV-like box. That will allow you to stream Xbox One games through the cloud(look up project DeLorean) and it will cost less than $150. That is the future of Xbox One. They will keep selling the full console for the kinect experience and offline gaming. This is how they will win this war.

rainslacker3248d ago

I honestly believe if MS sees a lot more profit on PC, and other devices, through the extension of XBL and it's games on those markets, their interest in the console market will wane. What I could see becoming more likely from MS in the future, for console needs, is a more general purpose computer custom built for use on the TV, not unlike the SteamBox.

If MS manages to go the service route, then they can get rid of the rather costly process of having to make and market a console.

Truthfully, a service route makes more sense for MS to achieve it's goal of being the center of everyone's living room. It's more ubiquitous as it's not limited to specific hardware, and there are advantages for most users to have MS products available to them because of their control over so many markets in technology. Win10 may be what MS plans to take on google with in terms of smart TV's/devices, because a unified OS(even if there are multiple ones) makes a lot more sense than the manufacturer solutions that currently exist.

FlexLuger3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

"PC, and other devices, through the extension of XBL and it's games on those markets, their interest in the console market will wane."

Thus giving up their main goal of giving up on W10 in the living room, ceding it to OSX and android...all to sell a few more games on PC...Good thing you guys are not in charge of MS.

Xbox is crucial to W10s success in the living. Its always been more than a mere console. It can contol your satelite box and will very shorty be Fully W10 compliant. xbox is a lot of things, and it does them all well. reslotution-gate aside. MS are NOT going to forsake that..along with their best shot at W10 in the living room...to sell a few more games on PC games. Do you forget how big this company is and what it is they are about to do here? this is not simply about 'teh console warz' all that is about to change along the the definition of what a console is.

The nextbox will be a thing.and it will have exclusives..because thats how you get people to choose a 'windows direct X box'over a box from apple, google,..or sony. And only one of these companies has the experience AND resources to cover all their bases. That company is MS. Google and apple got the funds but no experience. Sony got the experience but will be small fry when the other two show up, anyway...hence the heavy investment in PSNow...if any company is looking at a hardware less future its sony, not MS.MS need a box to get W10 and any future OS in the living room. Its not just about games anymore.sony dont need a box to sell you, just games. They are not selling you an OS, They dont have ideas about you using their console for productivity via W10 and later on hololens. MS have plans for this box that will clearly carry over to another box of their design. Its important to their future. W10/PC is a specialised space. surface and windows phone is mobile.xbox is windows in the living room. Thats how this is going to work for them. Meanwhile sony is going in the opposite direction. the time is coming where being JUST a game s console is not enough. We have cheap TV boxes that play games now, yet offer all kinds of media functionality. yet, the xbox as a games console first, does a better job that said TV boxes. When DVR for TV comes MS will literally be sticking two fingers up at apple. A windows box that does DVR that is already in the hands of 13+ million gamers and rising, and has a legion of x360 owners waiting to make the jump...which just got made easier by backwards compatibility.

Xbox hardware...will ALWAYS be a thing. Anybody thinking otherwise is just plain delusional and living in some kind of false hope, that xbox wont be a problem for sony anymore.

rainslacker3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

"Thus giving up their main goal of giving up on W10 in the living room, ceding it to OSX and android...all to sell a few more games on PC"

Not necessarily. It's MS goal to be the center of everyone's living room. That was the statement given by MS when the Xbox first released, and that's still true today. There's nothing wrong with that. It's ambitious, and they obviously have reason to want that presence.

But Windows is the front and center of what they want people to see. It is what they care about. Windows is their money maker, and almost everything they do is related to Windows in some way, or eventually gets tied into windows somehow. Just think, when is the last time the XBox was mentioned without Windows being a part of it?

So, what I'm saying, and it's pure hypothetical, is that if MS can do that without having to spend money on the rather costly console market, why wouldn't they?

If they can allow other companies to make the hardware, and have that hardware run windows, wouldn't that be their ideal solution? None of the risk, all of the rewards. It's essentially what Sony is doing now, at least in part. PSNow, and other Sony services, are being all tied into one service, which is available on multiple platforms.

XBL itself is merely an extension of MS Live, and everything MS does, and I mean everything, is tied into Live somehow. They've gone to great pains to make it an almost vital part of people's lives, and for the most part, you can't operate a Windows OS or device without having one. Now, with what's being talked about here, they are taking the final step to actually make everything about Windows, and not the Xbox. I won't say they are distancing themselves from the Xbox yet, nor are they likely to in the near future, but the signs are there for what is the most reasonable approach to maximize profit, and at the same time, take the pressure off the XBox brand which gets some heat from their investors because it "isn't as profitable" as the rest of MS.

In MS case, they would want to be the platform, because no matter which service you use, whether it's an app for PSNow, Netflix, or whatever, you are using a Windows platform device, and thus their presence is established. You point out OSX and Android...well it's pretty apparent that MS is going head to head with what Google and Apple have created with their OS environments. They're going up more against Google, which isn't device specific, and has a wide variety of applications, including the smart TV...TV being the true center of the living room. I posit that MS is wanting to be the OS that is chosen for smart devices.

I guess to put it more clearly, if MS goes the service route, they want to the be the OS that people choose to run those services on any device. Much like Google does across all android enabled devices, or Google services, MS wants to make that happen with Live. They don't want their OS tied to specific hardware like a console, and in the long run, it's much much more profitable to simply allow others to take the risk on the hardware. It's exactly what the mobile phone/tablet market is like today.

I know I criticize MS a lot, But everything above is the most logical of paths for them to achieve their final goal.

For all the criticisms I have of MS, one thing I can say is that they are extremely forward thinking. They don't always get it right early on, but they know what they want, and go after it for decades if need be. They can adapt, and they make plans for well into the future. They're patient(most of the time) and know that in the long run, they will win out because they have market presence.

rainslacker3248d ago

One last clarification.

Xbox hardware will probably always be a thing. I didn't mean to say that it would go the way of the dodo. Simply that MS involvement in the production and distribution of Xbox hardware may not always be a thing. Much like the SteamBox, they provide the OS, and the basic requirements to hardware manufacturers, and let them take the risk of selling and marketing said Xbox devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3248d ago
Captain_TomAN943248d ago

Not trying hard enough. Wake me up when the entire gears of war and Halo franchise are on PC. When that happens they will be actually trying.

slasaru013248d ago

Yes, more first party games, but PC gamers will have to pay for Xbox Live and same price as on the consoles. Which is fine with me. I would also play some games on my PC if they had Xbox Live achievements

NextGen24Gamer3248d ago

I think it's a great idea to have xbox live as a service that unifies PC & Xbox One gamers.

For anyone who thinks that xbox one will go away or that it will be redundant, that is incorrect.

People buy consoles to play on their TV's & because they are very affordable. $200 to $400 range.

That will not change. PC gamers (enthusiast) spend anywhere from 800 to 3000 dollars on an elite gaming rig.

That's two different markets that don't step on each others toes.

Parents don't rush out to buy their 8 to 16 year olds gaming PC's.

There is a market for both and their always has been. And now with windows 10 & dx12 xbox branded games will reach a larger audience than ever before.

How does this effect the Ps4? Well, what it does do, is ps4 gamers that had no interest in buying xbox, may now give money to xbox via their PC gaming. All the Sony fans who now say "Now all I need is a Ps4 & my PC" will now be giving Microsoft MONEY on PC, which keeps the developers happy because they don't care if it sold on PC or Xbox because it just counts as games sold. Meanwhile PC & Xbox One gamers play together via xbox live.

It's a win win for gamers, it' a win win for Microsoft.

Xbox One isn't going anywhere due to the affordable price & services you get on your TV.

So now the choice is clear. You want the best graphics....... Get the PC version. You want the more accessible version, get the xbox one version. Regardless, you can all play together.

XanderZane3248d ago

Have fun streaming all those XB1 games to PC, laptops, phones and other devices. That's pretty much what they are talking about. Sure you'll be able to play XB1 games on the PC, but you'll be streaming them. The XBox One hardware isn't going anywhere, just like the PC and Surface tablet isn't going anywhere. There will still be XB1 exclusive games that you can only play natively on the XB1. They aren't transition XB1 hardware into a server. They are transition XBox Live app into a service. The XBox Live app is what will allow you to play XB1 games on other devices. The XB1 hardware isn't going anywhere.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3248d ago
Sureshot3250d ago

"We will bring together Xbox Live and our first-party gaming efforts across PC, console, mobile and new categories like HoloLens into one integrated play."

Me likes the sound if that!

Activemessiah3249d ago

If good PC ports is part of the "tough choices"... i'm in.

frostypants3249d ago

PC ports aren't their problem. That's on devs.

Mikefizzled3248d ago

More often than not its actually the publishers fault for poor PC ports. They are wanting to maximize profits and cut corners on an expensive PC port under the assumption that it will sell regardless of how mediocre the port is.

LifeInNZ3249d ago

They realise that software is where the money is which is why Office is now available across multiple platforms including iOS. Question I have though, is how long will it be before XBox services are available on 3rd party consoles making the Xbox One redundant?

ninsigma3249d ago

I think that while xbox one is still relevant as their flagship console, we will never see their services spread to another console outside of ms. But once xb1 is done, who knows what could happen. Tbh I think both ms and sony are going to move into service based models and forsake consumer owned machines. I think that's the besy for them as well and for us.

3249d ago
Khronikos3248d ago

It can never work for years and years lol. It's called INPUT lag guys and it isn't going away for a long time.

Pogmathoin3249d ago

Tough choices ahead in general for all console makers.... MS is unifying everything, Nintendo is going the mobile route, and even Sony may go different too. PS4 may be doing great, but maybe console R/D is just too expensive, and all future games will simply be streamed..... Will be interesting to see the next round.... Look at all the other forms of media, changed drastically, and also how you pay for it.....

cbuc11253249d ago

It's already redundant because they are putting all of their best games on PC. So why buy an Xbox?

tinynuggins3249d ago (Edited 3249d ago )

Because 90% of their customer base do not have a gaming pc and never plan to. You make it sound like everyone has a gaming rig when in reality only a very small percentage do.

Nick_The_Slick3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

Can you play any Forza game on PC? Gears of War 4? Any Halo past Halo 2? No? Ok then...

Never mind the fact that the Xbox is itself pretty much an extremely optimized gaming pc for a little over $300..

I'd say all those are the reasons to buy an X1.

Zeref3248d ago

Hahahahhaahajah is this dude really talking about Xbox on Playstation?? Lol...

Only thing i take from this is that more first-party exclusives will come to windows 10(a Microsoft Platform). But you can bet there will still be tons of Xbox One exclusives to sell the console. It is their only way into the living room. No way they will mess with that. They might introduce an Xbox TV-like device which allow you to stream most games that work well with the cloud. Like single player games. It will cost less than a $150 and run the same OS. This way they will sell a shitton of consoles. And keep the real console for the real gamers who want the full experience. That is where they are going. And thats how they will win this war. Not by putting Xbox on Playstation lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3248d ago
PizzaSteve3249d ago

All the fanboys rejoice for N4G is back from the grave.

3249d ago
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