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Dragon Age: Inquisition 900p/30fps Rumor is “A Fake,” Says BioWare

Yesterday, BioWare held a livestream of Dragon Age: Inquisition on Twitch where they detailed various parts of the game and its gameplay.

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Community3530d ago
Xsilver3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

Oh ite better not Pull that Parity Crap out here or Get

Gazondaily3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

And what did I say? Don't get the pitchforks out so soon but no, people were quick to jump the gun and start claiming to be sofa experts (at BioWare no less).

I'm starting to think that some people want this news to be true so that they have a reason to blame another console.

Even if it is true, who here can say that parity concerns were the reasons why the PS4 was held back? No one. Concern trolling takes on a whole new guise now.

thekhurg3530d ago

Bioware isn't know for pushing the limits of hardware either. So parity for them could be the best they can offer.

darthv723530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

Oh they will blame another console regardless. it's the hip thing to do.

ThePope3530d ago Show
NatureOfLogic_3530d ago

One game have already been held back this week due to parity. So why would you blame other for assuming that the weak Xbox One is once again causing parity? 900p/30fps is a common Xbox One standard because it struggles to reach 1080p like almost all PS4 games.

vishmarx3530d ago

so now its either 720p or 1080p ?
coz theyd look really really stupi if it turns out 900p/30fps

PeaSFor3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )
"Confirmed: #DAI resolution is 1080p on PS4, and 900p on Xbox One. We maximized the current potential of each platform."

lol ubisoft...

starchild3530d ago

@ ArgumentumAdPopulum

Except there is no evidence that the PS4 version of AC Unity was held back, or that the two versions are even equal to begin with. You guys choose to believe that without anything near sufficient evidence.

No Ubisoft game has ever been artificially limited on one platform. Each one of their demanding games has shown differences between the various platforms, often dramatic differences. Far Cry 3 on PC, to give one example, was drastically better than the 360 and PS3 versions. And the console versions had differences too.

I've said since this whole thing blew up that developers are busy making games, they often say stupid or even incorrect things. I've seen this over and over throughout the years and it baffles me that you guys choose to take a comment like this as the gospel truth. He misspoke, get over it.

Another Ubisoft employee--a designer or director, I'm not sure--also said that the game would be 1080p/60fps, but I knew right off the bat that he was mistaken and that such a framerate and resolution would be impossible for a game like Unity.

So do you guys still believe the game is going to be 1080p/60fps? Or do you just pick and choose which statements you want to believe?

You guys are going to latch onto this one offhanded remark by this guy and ignore all the other comments Ubisoft makes about it, not to mention all the other evidence around you.

DragonbornZ3530d ago

Yeah people jumped the gun way too quickly. This new gen of gamers are a vicious bunch man.
People were chewing the hell into Bioware earlier on an unconfirmed claim.

mochachino3530d ago

@ thekhurg

I can't disagree more. When Mass Effect was revealed my jaw dropped at how good the characters looked.

Bioware does graphics very well imo.

UltimateMaster3530d ago

I'm pretty sure that AC Unity will be 1080p with patch.
I could be wrong, but they didn't want resolution to impact the sales of the Xbox One version.
Regardless, even if it ain't 1080p on the PS4, if you want to play the game then by all means do it.
If then there's no patch, then do whatever you want with Ubisoft.

Larry L3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

@ thekhurg

I couldn't disagree more. I was shocked to hear the news BioWare was shooting for parity on PS4. Because even last gen, when MS's stanglehold on developer's souls (hyperbole) with their contracts requiring parity or superior 360 over PS3 graphics AND content, forced exclusivity to indies on Live and the list goes on, we all know the stories at this point...........BioWare was one of the devs that said screw to MS on that. To the degree they could, BW took advantage of the PS3 hardware on Dragon Age Origins stuffing the larger blue-ray with all the higher rez environmental textures and particle effects. And I'm not a Mass Effect fan, so my memory is a bit fuzzy on this, but didn't BioWare actually completely remake ME1 on the more advanced ME2/3 engine along with the better graphics and gameplay when the made the PS3 version? I thought that was even how they got around MS's exclusivity of completely remaking the game?

DA2 didnt take any specific advantage of PS3, but that game was a rushed hatchet job to begin with (compared to Origins). But still, I would have been highly surprised if BioWare were shooting for parity. I know MS is in kind of panic mode right now, and I'm sure they are offering publishers and developers MILLIONS for PS4 parity behind the scenes. But as this gen started, it seemed devs were fed up with MS's crap on this front and saying F that. You didn't see MS crying for parity when Xbox's graphics were so much better than PS2's, right? So I wouldn't be shocked if MS's checks got to EA brass making them require parity from devs. I'm relieved that the stories aren't true and this isn't the case for BioWare and maybe EA. I think all devs should be free to take advantage of each hardware if THEY WANT to put in that work for their respective customers to take advantage of each platform's hardware.

MasterCornholio3530d ago

I'm just happy that it was false.


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ThunderPulse3530d ago

Thank you BioWare now give me 1080p 30FPS on PS4 please!

thehobbyist3530d ago

30fps? Okay, didn't know you only like using half of your TV/monitor's potential

ThunderPulse3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

@thehobbyist Actually I have a 600HZ TV so its 1/20 of my TV's potential.

ThunderPulse3530d ago

@thehobbyist Actually I have a 600HZ TV so its 1/20 of my TV's potential.

Muzikguy3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

Well I do know one thing, whether or not the parity thing is real, companies are going to have to start working more with the hardware and optimizing their games. Gamers have gotten very vocal this generation and a lack of sales from one small mishap can ruin them. Maybe we will finally get to a point where they don't think of us as sheep. Unfortunately there are still more casuals than not

Edit: I'm not talking all the companies either. There's just some with hundreds of people that could easily (I say that lightly) find the time to work with each specific version

Majin-vegeta3530d ago

I told you guys.That article needs to be taken down since it's fake and misleading people.

FITgamer3530d ago

Not even sure how that article got approved. It had 5 reports.

snookiegamer3530d ago

At least that got shutdown before it got outta hand ;)

MeliMel3530d ago

Thats not right man, unacceptable. How did we as a community let this slip thru cracks...and do we put any blame on the person who submitted it?

I mean that was was of the most heated discussion since ive been on here. All do to a hoax. Altho im sure alot of people still stand by what they said, but its messed up when you think about it.

Good thing we werent stoning anyone to death.

MCTJim3530d ago

Certain individuals on this site approve things like this to bash a certain console. There was no fact checking but it got approved.

starchild3530d ago (Edited 3530d ago )

The sad thing is, people are jumping the gun about that supposed AC Unity parity thing too. There is no evidence that the two console versions of the game are even equal.

For example, Alien Isolation has the same resolution and target framerate on the PS4 as on the Xb1, but they most certainly are not equal. The PS4 version has certain graphical advantages and also runs with a more stable framerate and is free of screen-tearing unlike the XB1 version.

So, just because two versions of a game have the same resolution doesn't mean that they are graphically on par with one another.

Ubisoft immediately clarified the issue and stated that their employee was mistaken or misunderstood and that they do not artificially limit their games on any platform. And it's true, they never have before. Every single demanding game made by Ubisoft has shown differences, often dramatic, between the different versions. Obviously, more simple art-driven games like Child of Light can run at max quality on any modern gaming device so we aren't going to see differences in those kinds of games. But the demanding ones have always shown advantages on more powerful hardware.

People don't even know if AC Unity is actually the same on both consoles, but they already have their pitchforks out and are on the march. When the game comes out and we see that there are advantages on the PS4 that explain where the extra performance was used, which is what I predict will happen, it's going to be clear that once again these people acted rashly and fanatically. Which won't be surprising. We've seen these people act similarly many times before. There is a pattern to this behavior among this segment of gamers.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition Retro Review – A Nostalgic Leap Short Of Legendary

Dragon Age: Inquisition, developed by BioWare, is the third installment in the cherished Dragon Age series. It represents a major evolution from its predecessor, Dragon Age II, incorporating elements that were well-loved in the original Dragon Age: Origins but also introducing new features that stand on their own. While Inquisition improves upon Dragon Age II in many respects, it falls short of the exceptional standards set by Origins.

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Prime Gaming Is Getting Even More Games and In-Game Content from EA

Amazon announced a partnership with Electronic Arts to deliver even more free games and in-game content to Prime Gaming subscribers.

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Prime Gaming November Drops Include Control, Dragon Age Inquisition and Rise of the Tomb Raider

Amazon announced the Prime Gaming gifts for the month of November: Control Ultimate Edition, Dragon Age Inquisition, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and more.

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Christopher955d ago
Profchaos954d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon02954d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis007954d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation954d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus954d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol