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Sony Bend's Unannounced PS4 Game to Include "Complex Human AI Behaviors;" Based on Unreal Engine

During the launch ceremony of the PS4, SCE Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida teased an unannounced PS4 project by Sony’s Oregon-based Bend Studio, but nothing was announced about it since and the project is being kept closely under wraps.

Today an interesting career opportunity ad has been published by Sony, looking for a Senior AI Programmer for the bend studio, and it gives us some very interesting information on said game.

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Abriael3709d ago
TenSteps3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

As much as I would love a console Syphon Filter from these guys I hope they are able to go the same route as Ready at Dawn and have a go at creating a new IP.

pedrof933709d ago

Why ?

If a Syphon Filter comes up, it would be amazing.

TomShoe3709d ago

E3 is going to be amazing.

I expect great things from Bend. Uncharted: Golden Abyss is one of the best games of all time on Vita, now imagine what they can do with the power of the PS4.

Vandamme213709d ago

I met to agree with u...but I accidently press disagree.

SonyStyled3709d ago

yes but a reboot of syphon filter would probably be a bust. i just dont see it selling well. look at twisted metal for example. the original fanbase grew up and or doesnt play games anymore. it flopped. given there are several franchises i believe would sell quite well as a reboot. maybe syphon filter would. but i tend to believe it wouldnt be a good business decision

DeadlyFire3709d ago

@Styled, but they changed Twisted Metal into a competitive thing when they rebooted it. Instead of fun crazyness that it used to be. That is why it flops.

If they simply updated Syphon Filter and kept its originality it would work. Either way New IP or reboot is a risk to some extent.

3709d ago
andrewsqual3709d ago

They ruined TM by forgetting to put CHARACTERS into it.
A new Syphon Filter would be interesting but NOT ON UNREAL ENGINE PLEASE.

RedDeadLB3709d ago

But part of what made Syphon Filter was the fact that it was difficult to control the player. You could drive a tank after playing Syphon Filter with no issues whatsoever.

I played some two player deathmatch yesterday. The fact that it's so difficult to hit a target was part of the charm of Syphon Filter, on top of excellent single player missions.

I don't think that the Syphon Filter reboot would be a lot like Syphon Filter. It just can't. The times are different, gaming is different. It would be able to escape the clutches of being a typical third person shooter nowadays. Maybe if they made it hyper-realistic, meaning that you have to be extra careful not to get shot.. Maybe then..

Gamer19823709d ago

Syphon Filter.. Its been so long since the last main game it would basically be a new IP.. I think with old gmes like this the reason they don't come back is because they are afraid if they dive bomb they will ruin the brand name and what people think of the company which is true in most respects. But my answer to that is MAKE A GREAT GAME. :)

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KendrickLamar3709d ago

Whatever it is, I doesn't matter. More games = More happiness.

That's what matters.

BabyTownFrolics3709d ago

Here opinions matter more than games

Muzikguy3709d ago

I hope we get both, a new IP and a new Syphon Filter. I loved those games

3709d ago
Crossbones3709d ago

Sounds Like Stealth


It's Syphon Filter!!!

Relientk773709d ago

Please be a new Syphon Filter

Conzul3709d ago

You, me, and like four other people want R4.
Doubt it's gonna happen, bud.

deathisgamesok3709d ago

I'm one of those four other people then.

Kavorklestein3709d ago

Yeah, it's not gonna happen. If Killzone ShadowFall isn't even that wanted/needed, then a next gen Resistance is definitely out of the question lol Just saying...
Resistance existed PURELY to come out and (try)to battle the sales of Gears of War in 2006, and it started off bad, and ended bad, Gears of War isn't even the greatest either, but Resistance would be a very poor placement of assets and talent for Sony. Especially if we were to talk about interested install base and return on expenses to produce.

MysticStrummer3709d ago

"Resistance existed PURELY to come out and (try)to battle the sales of Gears of War in 2006"

Not sure how you arrived at this conclusion, but I doubt it.

Kavorklestein3709d ago

Think about it... It reeked of poor quality in almost all aspects, (like a rushed product does) I mean, sure it was playable, but I mean Really? It was not anything special... and we didn't really see or hear anything about it's development till RIGHT before it came out.. AND, it was launched on the EXACT SAME DAY IN THE SAME MONTH as Gears of War... Meanwhile, every magazine and internet article had a piece about Gears, it was guaranteed to be the big dog on the block from the get go with how much attention it got.. and that multiplayer... still some of the best for tough and engaging there is.. I STILL go back every once in a while to play it.. nobody I know even has any of their copies of any of the Resistance games anymore.. They lack very much luster to say the least...

andrewsqual3709d ago

@Kavorklestein Lol Resistance selling 2 million units is bad? 40 player online with 0 lag was bad in 2006???

MysticStrummer3709d ago

I don't need to think about it. Your theory is ridiculous. Resistance was in development before anyone knew how well Gears would do, and just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean "we" didn't know about it… unless you're referring to the voices in your head when you say "we". I knew about Resistance well before it released. It was a lot of fun. I played through it multiple times, both co-op and solo, and the multiplayer was fun too, not groundbreaking, but fun. It didn't "reek" of poor quality, it was a launch title, and a very fun one at that. I would definitely be interested in R4.

kreate3708d ago

Resistance was received top scores across the board.5/5 and 10/10.

Game informer gave it a 9.5/10
If u read the game informer review, it had nothing but praises about the game.

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bloodybutcher3709d ago

I hope not, Resistance games are just no good imo.i got first one with motorstorm and ps3 in a bundle...sold both games and got me oblivion.and though i re-bought motorstorm, which i came to like quite much, playing res.1&2 and a bit of 3 just showed me that i was right-there is nothing i next resist. is a big no-no for me.

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Days Gone Studio's New IP Is a Live-Service Game

Days Gone developer appears to be moving well outside its comfort zone in order to join Sony's ongoing foray into live-service games.

Admin note: Updated this to rumor. Job listings can be a good indicator, but let's remember nothing is final until officially announced. ~Christopher

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Christopher67d ago
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Sonic188168d ago

This game will determine the fate of Sony Bend. Not looking to good if it's a live service game.

Lightning7768d ago

That's the regime within Sony to have some of their studios make a LS games.

_SilverHawk_68d ago

Days gone is an amazing game which I believe was unfairly criticized for things a lot of other games gets a pass for. The game is very good but had a few bugs on launch that was quickly patched the day of release. There are so many games that took months to iron out most of the bugs that are highly praised so I can understand if the dev team decides to go a different route.

It's a tricky thing to try to make a sequel of a game because I've seen sequels improve a lot over the first game with new worlds and mechanics and get lower review scores while other games sequel have the same world with minor changes but get better review scores. Whatever the days gone developers are making I believe will be a good game because I know they are a good game studio.

sushimama67d ago

Helldivers 2 proves you can make fun live service games that don't feel like they're nickle and diming you. I am optimistic

Magic_Spatula67d ago

Yea. That has been planned for years.

S2Killinit67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

No, Sony is not allowed to have LS. Everyone else yes, but Sony is not allowed. We wont allow it.

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sushimama67d ago

Why? It's obvious at this point of what not to do when making a live service game. Plus you can see from Helldivers 2 that fun games can be made that don't feel like Microtransactions are weighing you or the game down.

GhostScholar67d ago

For every helldivers 2 there are so many that aren’t good. Let’s not assume every sony live service game is gonna be helldivers 2.

--Onilink--67d ago

To be fair, while Helldivers 2 has been great and quite successful, its only been out for a month and a half.

Its success from a launch standpoint has already been proven, but whether it succeeds as a Live Service game (in particular as one to be used as a model for others) is not really something we know yet.

The whole point of devs and publishers going for live service is the consistent revenue they provide over several years, not just 1-2 months

porkChop67d ago

It's been obvious for years though. That hasn't stopped dozens of live service games crashing and burning on release for making the same mistakes again and again. This industry doesn't learn.

S2Killinit67d ago

Why is it automatically bad? Maybe its a good game. I reserve my judgement until we see it.

ThePacemaker67d ago

Unless it is a hit like Helldivers ||, the studio will not survive unfortunately.

Redemption-6467d ago

That is a lie. They can make a single player that players would claim they want, but would not support. They can make a good live service game like Helldivers 2. As long the game is good and the mtx are not bad, the game will do well. Their last game was a single-player game, yet most only got the game when it was heavily discounted.

DarXyde67d ago

Quite unfortunate.

Sony really should not be asking their long time studios to be making these games. Haven, Bungie, fine. Not Bend.

Obscure_Observer66d ago

"Not looking to good if it's a live service game."

It´s Amazing news!

It could be a spiritual successor to Syphon Filter with multiplayer/co-op mechanics.

Bring it on, Bend!

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-Foxtrot68d ago

I'm going to say this as someone who really enjoyed Days Gone

Why would you go and create an open world, multiplayer game with live service elements if you're previous game which was only a single player title came out flawed?

Wouldn't you want to create a new single player game to refine and fix your last mistakes to master what you were going for the first time before jumping into uncharted territories with online, multiplayer and live service which is a completely different beast entirely.

I can't be the only who thinks this right?

Just seems like your setting yourself up for failure in my opinion, you're giving yourself and your team bigger challenges to overcome in an already oversaturated market, a market where live service games made by people who are used to online and multiplayer are even struggling themselves.

It might be good, who knows, but at the moment it just seems they are biting off more than they can chew.

isarai68d ago

Wasn't up to them, it's Jim's orders

phoenixwing67d ago

Isarai is completely right. bend already had wanted to do the sequel which is why the one guy stepped down from their studio because he didn't get to. Their marching orders were to do this from Sony.

JackBNimble67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

That doesn't take away from the fact that when this LS fails , that Bend will be dismantled whether Ryan gave the "marching orders" or not.

just_looken67d ago

Though you are right like Isarai said sony wanted 12 live service games asap they have no say in the matter just work for there over lords like isomiac in there marvel slave factory.

phoenixwing67d ago

honestly having to make marvel games isn't so bad, there's a diverse lineup of characters to choose from. what's really bad about it is that they have to consult with sweet baby inc about political crap to add to their games or take away from it

Nooderus67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

That's a nasty little run on sentence with misspellings.

just_looken67d ago


Its not making marvel games its about the leak were even into mid ps6 we wil still be getting spiderman/wolverine from a dev studio that once did infamous and of course the ratchet games.

But no everyday they go to work on 2 ips for the next 8+years

victorMaje67d ago

Yup as others mentioned, not up to them.
My only hope now is for Bend to hold on & make it to a time & state that will allow them to properly start working on Days Gone 2.

jznrpg67d ago

The pitch for Days Gone 2 was a multiplayer game as well .

MrCrimson67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

They just see their competitors profits and want to replicate. They ask all these studios to do something they've never done before and the results are exactly as you would expect (lacking). This has been happening for a decade in the industry. Dice and Battlefront/Battlefield are the best example.

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Lightning7768d ago (Edited 68d ago )

I full expect to see this game announced at SGF.

It's definitely not Days Gone 2 it's a new LS IP. Hope it looks and plays good.

shinoff218368d ago

Live service online. Sorry to say they can keep it

Barlos67d ago

Yup I feel the same. I am never buying into LS crap, no matter how good the game is supposed to be.

shinoff218367d ago

Sushimama. Yes exactly like helldivers.

DustMan67d ago

If they drop it at 39.99 and a progression system that isn't entirely bogged down by MTX like Helldivers 2 they could have something in general moving forward. However I fell like HD2 may just be an exception to the rule.

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shinoff218368d ago

Easy pass then. Fk all that. Shame I really really liked days gone.

Obscure_Observer66d ago

You knew for a long time that Days Gone 2 wasn´t coming.

Your outrage makes no sense.

LG_Fox_Brazil68d ago

But the question is: will it be able to be another Helldivers 2?

Charlieboy33367d ago

Even if it is, my question is who is going to play all these live service games constantly? Doesn't matter if they are all Helldivers 2 quality, there is only so much time and people tend to dedicate themselves to maybe a couple of service games at a time ( if that ).

Crows9067d ago

Well...yes. however, once you're more or less topped off on one you really only go back for the updates. Or in some cases even once a season starts.

Barlos67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

Couldn't care less if it was, I wouldn't be buying it either way. LS is an instant deal breaker for me.

Obscure_Observer66d ago

"Couldn't care less if it was, I wouldn't be buying it either way. LS is an instant deal breaker for me."

And Sony couldn´t care less about you or your feelings.

CrimsonWing6967d ago (Edited 67d ago )

That’s the thing. Why does Helldivers 2 get praised but then this has everyone doomin’ and gloomin’? If we start getting GaaS as a majority of releases people don’t have anyone to blame but themselves for opening this door. I hope most of these GaaS games fail so we can get back to traditional games.

I always ask this question: Why do publishers choose to develop a game with a GaaS design vs just making a traditional game? There’s only one answer and it’s all centered around continual monetization with a dev budget spread thin over many years.

Lightning7767d ago

"If we start getting GaaS as a majority of releases people don’t have anyone to blame but themselves for opening this door. I hope most of these GaaS games fail so we can get back to traditional games."

In Sony's case if these LS games fail, major lay offs, studio down sizes and even possible studios shut downs (worse case)

I said this already but if these LS games fail it won't be a glamorous as going back to what they do best. There will be casualties and slow production, shifts and changes. If they succeed, they can make traditional SP games while supporting the LS game. That's the best case scenario.

Buy Bends new game if it looks good, plays good and fun. If it doesn't then don't buy it, no need to force yourself for some agenda.

I think Bends game is releasing next year tbh. I think it's closer than we think.

porkChop67d ago

History says probably not. Almost every live service game fails. Realistically if HD2 is successful the other games likely won't be. Traditionally people dont jump from live service to live service. They find one game they really click with and invest their time and/or money into that.

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Top Ten PlayStation Studios

While personal preference can undoubtedly play a part, allowing studios like Santa Monica, Insomniac and Sucker Punch to take any given fan’s top spot, the numbers supporting Naughty Dog do anything but lie. They’re the best, and you have to deal with it.

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ABizzel1619d ago (Edited 619d ago )

The top 5 are correct but in the wrong order IMO.

1. Naughty Dog (Top-tier dev in the industry for story, technology, acting, graphics, and gameplay)
2. Santa Monica (They're in their Naughty Dog top-tier era)
3. Insomniac (unrivaled AAA / blockbuster quantity and quality)
4. Guerilla (4 & 5 can swap places, both are equals IMO, great studios with new hit IPs)
5. Sucker Punch (4 & 5 can swap places, both are equals IMO, great studios with new hit IPs)
6. BluePoint (best remakes and remasters in the industry, just need to make their own "new game")
7. Polyphony (Hasn't evolved as much as the other 5, but still a good overall dev)
8. Sony Bend (they need a few more AAA games under their belt to rival GG / SP)
9. Hosmarque (indie dev turned AA, on the path to becoming AAA)
10. Media Molecule / San Diego Studio / Team Asobi (I wouldn't put any of these 3 above the other. MM has pushed creativity for a PS game to the limits with LBP and Dreams. San Diego mainly does MLB, but also has some good ports under their belt. Team Asobi and AStro are hits)


Sony Bend Studio's New Game Teased By Hermen Hulst, Features A 'Great New Concept'

SIE Bend Studio's new project is hiring again, and will feature a 'great new concept,' according to PlayStation Studios boss Hermen Hulst.

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blackblades989d ago

Features a great new concept bruh come on.

RaidenBlack989d ago

How about an open world Syphon Filter?
That'd be something new.

badz149989d ago (Edited 989d ago )


you want them to butcher Syphon Filter like Ubisoft did with Tom Clancy games?

RaidenBlack989d ago

You're comparing Bend with Ubi?
And this concept was somewhat already tried in SEGA's Alpha Protocol in 2010. Though it wasn't much success due to rushed development. But it was wayy before Ghost Recon Wildlands.

bouzebbal989d ago

Tired of these teases.. Everyone wants Days Gone seqieæ

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porkChop989d ago

We already know that Sony passed on a Days Gone sequel.

EvertonFC989d ago

They actually said NO to the studios pitched idea not NO to days gone having a sequal? Maybe one day it'll get a second game and certainly can't rule it out but looking fwd to this new game for sure great studio 😊

camel_toad989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

I'm just glad they didn't close shop after Days Gone. It's really underrated and I want to see what they can do next.

EvertonFC989d ago

Yep agree also Sony never said NO to days gone 2 they just said NO to the studios pitched idea of DS2 and going off the MP co/op vibe they pitched I'm glad Sony said NO.
I just want the same massive open world single player story continued tbh

moomoo319989d ago

The PC release prob made enough money back to keep them afloat. Dangerous territory when ur 5-yr triple AAA game has avg scores and sales on release. I want to try it just havent found time yet.

EvertonFC989d ago

New concept ffs get it together fella 🙄

Atticus_finch989d ago

We are going to get DG2 before this gen is over I will hope. But this game isn't it.

Neonridr989d ago

that would be a terrible "new concept"

Santouryuu989d ago

@RaidenBlack that was made by obsidian. That's their trademark :D
I'd play a more polished version of that!

Flewid638989d ago

Tell us you didn't read the headline without actually telling us you didn't read the headline....

Thundercat77988d ago

Looks like you couldn't even read the title.

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Rimeskeem990d ago

I remember Days Gone's reveal and how the media and people were like "it's just another zombie game, lame". Days Gone is still one of the most underappreciated games of last gen. Now it seems that the devs want to try something completely new cause of dumb people who probably never played the game.

got_dam989d ago

Loved it. Live in the region. Don't see that part of the country in media very much

neutralgamer1992989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

Exactly when announced people called it bland and boring and now that Sony gave bend another chances to do a new IP people wants DG2

Army_of_Darkness989d ago

Just a bunch of entitled whinny B*tches

MadLad989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

This is me trying to be fair and objective.
The game sold decent enough. The game reviewed decent enough. But the majority isn't clamoring for a sequel.
I liked the game, but I would rather them try their hand at something different.

A lot on N4G may want a sequel, but many on N4G treat the game as this biased travesty that didn't get its dues, simply because it happened to be one of those Sony backed projects that didn't resonate with people, and got below the reviews Sony exclusives typically get; blaming just a handful of reviews calling the guy a cis white male to blame, when there were multiple stumbles in the overall design, and was buggy even when I played it at multiple patches post launch.

There's definite talent in the studio. It's probably better for them using it towards a new idea.

neutralgamer1992989d ago


It was Sony bends first attempt at a AAA console game in a while so I think whatever they are working in next will be better and more polished. But your points are valid

frostypants989d ago

Most reviewers didn't play beyond the first three hours or so, and it showed.

neutralgamer1992989d ago

Most reviewers rarely play games till the end

Atticus_finch989d ago

I don't see how you can rush a game in a few days and enjoy. I always have to take my time.

F0XH0UND922989d ago

I agree. I played and beat Days Gone 2 times and had an absolute blast both times. The story, while not amazing, was very good and engaging. The leveling and upgrade system was expansive and refined. The gunplay was polished. Hordes were an amazing dynamic to the game. The motorcycle aspect of the game was where it truly shined. As a motorcycle enthusiast myself, it was really fun getting to upgrade and outfit your bike and cruise around the world with non-stop encounters to keep you engaged.

A few minor gripes with character development, lack of player outfit choices, and repetitive scenery were the only issues I had. I wish the game had some more urban areas to explore instead of mostly just counyside and forests. Some clothes options and story refinements would have also pushed further. I would give the game a 9.2/10. Extremely addicting imo.

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darkrider989d ago

Bend studio evolution with days gone was huge. It's a good studio. Let's see what's coming

badz149989d ago

and Days Gone is a great game

BLow989d ago

Exactly. For their first time developing a console game, I say they did a fantastic job. I really liked DG. Looking forward to what they do next. And since they used Unreal engine 4 last game, I'm guessing they're gonna use 5 for this new one. We are in for a visual treat. Can't wait....

got_dam989d ago

Bend used to make playstation games.... and vita games. If anything, this is the first time they made a game that was on anything BUT Sony consoles.

repsahj989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

...i love bend studio, golden abyss is my fave psvita game! Hoping to play days gone one day. So im looking forward for their next game.

Pancit_Canton989d ago

Sony bend can easily surpassed Naughty dog. Days Gone >>>>> The Last Of Us Part II.

Naughty Dog went from Sony' Top developer to bottom developer.

The ranking from best to worst

1. Insomniac Games
2. Sucker Punch
3. Guirrela Games
4. Sony Bend
5. Naughty Dog

northpaws989d ago

He just need to quickly put up a list to show how much he hates naughty dog, he doesn't care what is in 1-4.

PS-Gamer-1986989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

Ssm should be right in the top 3 imo!

CantThinkOfAUsername989d ago

I hate how the story went in The Last of Us 2, but it's a technical masterpiece and its gameplay is something out of a movie, the writing doesn't take that away. They're still PlayStation's top Dog.

isarai989d ago

That's what annoys me, you dont like the story? I respect that, it's cool. But everything else about the game, from graphics, to attention to detail, and by god the gameplay was in every way shape and form better than the original. Such a snappy, fluid, satisfying set of mechanics. To deny that is just childish

Brutus83989d ago

Just because the story didnt go the way you like it, doesnt mean its not a good story. TLOU and Uncharted make ND take the top spot

porkChop989d ago

Bro, if we're talking top 5 Sony studios then Bend isn't on the list. Sucker Punch, SSM, Guerilla, Insomniac, and Naughty Dog.

Bend are talented and have made some good games, but they are not quite on the level of any of those other teams yet.

CaptainHenry916989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

What's funny and interesting is that they use to be in the top 5 back in the PS1 and PS2 era with Syphon Filter

outsider1624989d ago

Whoever is on that list..lucky for PS fans, they can play all those.

TricksterArrow989d ago

Just because Joel died they went to bottom tier?

AshleeEmerson989d ago

Lol, that's a crappy way to (intentionally) spoil it for those who haven't played it yet (don't know what they are waiting for).

NukeDaHippies989d ago

Well, i'll certainly agree that TLOU2 sucked. Not only was the story crap, the game was just dull and boring. I still don't think the whole studio needs to be thrown to the wolves over it.

But, Neil Drukkman is delusional and thinks his game was flawless and ignored all, it's possible anything he directs in the future, will show nothing learned from TLOU2.

F0XH0UND922989d ago

Dull and boring? Lol TLoU2 has some of the most memorable action and stealth sequences in video game history. Also, where did Neil say the game was flawless? The whole studio thrown to the wolves? For making the most awarded game in history? You're delusional and obviously has your feelings hurt by the game lol

NukeDaHippies988d ago

@F0XH0UND922 That's funny, there's no part of TLOU2 that stood out as memorable to me. That's the real problem, the game made me feel nothing. Dull and Boring remember? Next to Kingdom Hearts 3 it was one of the most boring "kept playing to say I finished it" experiences ever.

The first game was such an icon, it's amazing how much of a joke 2 was. I said I don't think they need to be thrown to the wolves and Neil IS that kind of guy, he's not worth jumping to his defense. "Most awarded game in history", now that's a true delusion. The only thing impressive about the game is how much people simp for it.

AshleeEmerson985d ago

You comedians are getting better by the day...

Yes, the game is controversial but cmon this game is a masterpiece where it matters the most: Gameplay. Flawless, no but as close to it as any other game out there in its niche.

NukeDaHippies984d ago

AshleeEmerson I'm pretty sure I called the game boring. Encounters just got so samey and tiresome. Especially didn't help to restart progress halfway through the game making it feel like you wasted your time searching every nook and cranny earlier. It's the first game in a long time i put the game on ultra-easy cus I simply stopped having any fun with the gameplay partway through and just wanted to finish it off.

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AshleeEmerson989d ago


Naughty Dog is still number 1. Go back and play TLOU2 on PS5 and tell me there's better gameplay, acting, presentation, graphics and detail in another game... I'll wait.

Yes, this is definitely your opinion but... It's obvious if you either don't own a PS console or don't get games.

They are definitely not at the bottom. If there's one developer who has and can set the standards it's Naughty Dog.

I don't have to tell you this but just watch how their PS5 exclusive game (which I'm sure it will be) shuts sh** down but... I don't have to tell you this.

Teflon02989d ago

While it's amazing. Ratchet and Clank beats it out graphically, and presentation. Detailing its specific style game yup, but graphical detail ps5 games are beating it. I'd say Miles on ps5 has the most impressive attention to character detail after the muscle deformation update. My point is while it was an amazing masterpiece that holds up even in the new Gen. It's not impressive on a technical standpoint on current Gen. For ps4 absolutely though. And the game does look nice on ps5 for sure. But it's just how it goes with new gens. Was the same for the first one. Amazing technical masterpiece but compared to ps4 games it wasn't a big deal. The game was just that good though. That's the same situation here

NukeDaHippies988d ago

Well the easy answer is God of War....But the problem is TLOU2 isn't very good. How pretty it was, is somewhat subjective. I didn't get wow'd by it's presentation compared to other games of that generation. You can brag about the acting all day, but it doesn't mean much when they all play forgettable/boring characters in a poorly written story.

The only time there were likable characters on screen was when you see the younger Ellie and Joel scenes. I would maybe even say I sort of liked Abby, but that's cus they make everyone else so unlikable (Especially Ellie)....oh and fat pony tail guy at the end lol

CaptainHenry916989d ago

You spelled Guerrilla wrong 😂

WillyC009989d ago

Lol, look at this snowflake. Still upset about Last of Us 2 being a phenomenal game huh?

Atticus_finch989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

Even if you dislike the story. Everything else is way above 99% of games. Script, graphics, animations, sound, acting and Gameplay are some of the best ever made.
I like DG but no my dude. If you didn't like TLOU2 because of the story than you should hate DG. The story was trash.

F0XH0UND922989d ago

By far the most clueless take on video game developers I've seen in a long time. Naughty Dog has established themselves as one of, if not the, best game developers in history. The fact that your feelings were hurt by TLoU2 does not discredit all the the critical acclaim and game awards that Naughty Dog has earned. However, it's your right to have that opinion; as childish and misguided as it is.

AshleeEmerson985d ago

Just looking for that "fully agree because this obviously makes complete sense" button.

His opinion is misguided and he has to have never played their games. I'm really not trying to bash him but we as gamers, regardless of how biased should at minimum recognize the genius creations they put in our hands.

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