
Sony defends the existence of pop-up ads in PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2 players recently noticed a lot of “pop-up” notifications while playing the game, which offered them to buy its premium membership.

The notifications appeared in the lower right corner of the screen. Players complained that they were getting them several times an hour, and that it was easy to accept them by mistake by pushing the wrong key.

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pedrof933717d ago

Its free to play, so be it.

Iamnemesis48803717d ago

You noticed in battlefield 4 there was an add for need for speed.

pedrof933717d ago

On Xbox live you get some even if your Gold. Sony should do the same.

abzdine3716d ago

The ads pop-up have always been part of the games. Remember Uncharted 3 PS+ edition? ads were poping during loading times, i don't see why this is a big deal suddenly. it's not like you are in the middle of a fight and the game pauses to show the ad

Gazondaily3716d ago

Yeah the ads aren't intrusive so I don't see a big deal. And its f2p too.

Ittoryu3716d ago

Because that will be the next step.

Raf1k13716d ago

Ads in BF games have been around a while. I seem to remember seeing them in BF 2142.

UltimateMaster3716d ago

"On Xbox live you get some even if your Gold. Sony should do the same."

Go back on your Xbox and cry about it, don't drag the rest of humanity down with your crazy obsession with ads.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3716d ago
awi59513716d ago

Planetside 2 isnt that good anyway reminds of Mag. Overhyped and the graphics are bad.

amnalehu3716d ago

Planetside 2 reminds me of MAG is some respects also... which is a GOOD thing.

Nekroo913716d ago

maybe you should get a better pc to play on ultra. And even then its hard to have a pc with stable fps when you have 2000 players in one map!!

MysticStrummer3716d ago

"Planetside 2 isnt that good anyway reminds of Mag."

Since MAG was my favorite online FPS last gen, and yes I played the more popular ones as well, you just made me want Planetside 2 even more.

As for the graphics, I have to disagree on behalf of both games. Taking into account the size of the maps and the number of players, the graphics look better than fine.

ThanatosDMC3716d ago

MAG is a good thing. Try again. Proxy chat makes Planetside 2 come alive and so did MAG.

awi59513715d ago (Edited 3715d ago )

I got a dual graphics card pc with a overclocked cpu to 4.8 Gigs. I played the game on ultra and its not taxing at all. BF4 and metro last light on ultra maybe but still i hover around 80 fps. Planetside like all MMO games are a total joke. Anyway the new Tribes game is more fun to play anyway lol. I wish there was a game to upgrade for but the console launch has killed any hope to ever have to upgrade anytime soon. Maybe witcher 3 since witcher 2 for some reason with direct x9 was killing peoples pc with ubersampling on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3715d ago
Enigma_20993716d ago

Yeah, complaining about pop up ads in a free-to-play game is kinda pointless.

Volkama3716d ago

From what I gather it is only advertising it's own paid services as well, which is pretty fundamental to them making money.

Publishers will do what they can to get revenue, and in a free to play game it is no surprise that they try every avenue available. The whole model is based on getting lots of people engaged, and then making money off of them.

The big problem is when publishers apply the same logic to customers that already pay to play their game.

kingduqc3716d ago

I played it few months ago and there was no ads.

ha consoles.

frostypants3716d ago

Exactly. People...do you want to pay for the game, or do you want it to be pay-to-win, or do you want ads? Because no major developer is going to put out a game that doesn't have at least one of those things. People don't make games to be charitable. They make games to make money.

3-4-53716d ago

Play/ed this on PC, don't remember pop-up ads and if there were they weren't a distraction because I don't remember them.

* This game + WarThunder will be huge for the PS4.

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Revvin3716d ago

I'm hoping to spend a bit more time with Planetside 2 once my PC is upgraded later this week. Pop up adverts may be annoying but the game is free and unlike so many other 'freemium' games its not got a 'pay to win' structure, you can quite happily play for free and not feel forced to pay for game changing weapons or features.

frostypants3716d ago

Disagrees, but no comments. LOL. People secretly want a game that is 100% free of any sort of revenue generation, but they don't want to admit it.

darkstar183716d ago

idk why i thought ppl would be more upsey about this..Sony can do damn near anything they want, no one would even give it a second thought." b..but Microsoft is doing it too!" -_- sad really..

hkgamer3716d ago

It was a mistake by Sony. They not meant to be displaying ads so frequently.

Also users are clicking accept by accident. Not really sure what happens, but if an Internet browser pops up, that could interrupt your play.

Though, I would like to say that it is f2p and people shouldn't really care too much.

SneeringImperialist3716d ago

No one is upset on N4G because Sony is be all to end all on this website.

johndoe112113716d ago

I don't think people like you will ever be able to look at things objectively. You're so caught up in a bloody fanboy point proving contest that everything suddenly becomes a conspiracy.

I'm not saying that sony does everything right. Heck we all know they have been responsible for some major screwups at times but not because you have a pc elitist complex means you can't use common sense once in a while.

The reason it appears that people defend sony so much is because there is a stark difference between the way microsoft and sony do things. Planetside is a FREE TO PLAY GAME. Do you understand what that means? You should seeing that you are a PC gamer.

When these companies take their time and resources and money to create a game that you don't have to pay for it is only understandable that they will need to do certain things like this in order to try and generate some sort of income in order to not go broke. This is one of the repercussions of enjoying a game that is free to play.

If this was microsoft, they would have made you pay for the game, pay for in game DLC, pay for a monthly subscription and still have popups in the game (yes I know I exaggerated a bit but the sad thing is we can actually see microsoft doing something like that).

It's one of the reason you anti sony fanatics don't understand why a lot of ps players didn't cry to much about having to pay to play online. It's because that's the ONLY thing you have to pay for unlike with the xbone where if you don't have a gold subscription you can't even surf the net on your bone.

It's also the reason so many xbox supporters complained about all the ads in the xbox ui knowing that they were already paying for the xbox live service.

I would suffer through a hundred ads a day in DC Universe Online if they did that because that game is so much bloody fun to play and I never once had to buy DLC in order to enjoy the game or level up my character. With all their faults sony still makes their supporters feel good about supporting them because of how much they give back to the gaming community.

That is why people will defend them and feel justified when doing so but knowing your obvious hatred for sony you're probably one of those that think they should make all games free to play and yet still criticize them for having financial trouble.

BX813716d ago

@ johndoe
You're approach is dead wrong. The people you're referring to don't defend Sony because they do thing differently. It's because they are fanboys, plain and simple. " I know I exaggerated a bit but the sad thing is we can actually see microsoft doing something like that". Congrats on thinking you speak for some majority and thinking your opinion is fact. That's what fanboys do. Personally I don't think this site will change any time soon. It caters to who they perceive is winning the console war at the time. The only difference is there happen to be more Sony fans on this site than ms or nin. So when they troll it's more apparent, but if things start to change for Sony you can bet the roles will reverse.

johndoe112113716d ago


Your post made little to no sense, did not disprove a singleI point I made and sounded like the whining of a 5 year old girl whose mommy took away her lalaloopsie and you want to call me a fanboy ?

MysticStrummer3716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )

@BX - "Congrats on thinking you speak for some majority and thinking your opinion is fact."

Save some congrats for yourself, because you did the same thing.

"The people you're referring to don't defend Sony because they do thing differently. It's because they are fanboys, plain and simple."

I definitely fall on the Sony side because I prefer the way they do things, as opposed to MS who I disliked long before they ever got into gaming.

OT - I'm not a fan of pop up ads at all. I'll put up with them in a FTP title, but whatever company uses them will be less likely to get my business.

baodeus3716d ago (Edited 3716d ago )


This is your respond to :@bx81

"Your post made little to no sense, did not disprove a singleI point I made and sounded like the whining of a 5 year old girl whose mommy took away her lalaloopsie and you want to call me a fanboy ?"

but you said this earlier:
IF this was microsoft, they would have made you pay for the game, pay for in game DLC, pay for a monthly subscription and still have popups in the game (yes I know I exaggerated a bit but the sad thing is we can actually see microsoft doing something like that).

how can someone disprove your point when you use something that didn't happen. Key word "IF" and "can actually see MS doing something like that", ah what? Can you actually give a real example rather than IF or what you think might happen?

how can anyone disprove anything if your example hasn't happen or something that you think might happen?

I'm quite curious about your "objective" view on things.

Now on Planetside2 advertisement for premium service. So what is the differences between premium service (i'm thinking payment is involved) vs. just plain F2P on PS4? YOu get no ads, pay to win, extra perks/stuff,DLC, etc...?

If it is true F2P game on PS4 and no extra payment is necessary (like DLC, etc...something that you said MS would do), what is the point of advertising for a premium version? Why not advertise something else (diet coke, 24 hrs fitness, outdoor sport, love connection, etc....)?

johndoe112113716d ago


I'm also curious as to how both you and bx81 read an entire post from me and only focused on one point that was just used to make a reference, a point that I admitted was exaggerated.

In other words both you and him ignored everything else in my post and chose to argue a point that I admitted should not be taken seriously. I'm extremely curious about your motive in arguing for him on an irrelevant topic.

baodeus3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )


here is your point, which actually doesn't prove anything.

It's one of the reason you anti sony fanatics don't understand why a lot of ps players didn't cry to much about having to pay to play online. It's because that's the ONLY thing you have to pay for unlike with the xbone where if you don't have a gold subscription you can't even surf the net on your bone.

so then i would ask, what is the purpose of you or anyone on here buying the PS4 for? To surf the web? Can you see what Sony did when they say these:

1. PS4 is a gaming console and for the core gamers.
2. You don't need to pay for access to online stuff that AREN'T GAME related?
3. How many games nowadays that actually doesn't have MP from 1st, 2nd, 3rd party?
4. Sony said that MS is quite resourceful. what do they mean by that?
5. If MS is so evil, why Sony follow them for?
6. Why charge for cross game chat/invite now when the RAM isn't an issue anymore (the one reason that Sony wasn't able to do back in PS3 with it limited rams when online play is still free?)

Question for the gamers and especially you:
- So what is the differences between paying to pay online and get those extra non-game related stuff for free vs. paying to play online and other stuffs along with it on live?

Point #2:
It's also the reason so many xbox supporters complained about all the ads in the xbox ui knowing that they were already paying for the xbox live service.

are you sure there never been ads on PSN? Have you ever check under PLaystation Network tap (What new)? you might be surprise that you could get football tickets or even pizzas (through what medium, i'll let you guess on that one).

It this true about consumers (gamers in this case) perspective on making a purchase?
- I would like it free or cheaper/affordable and also high quality?
- "I paid therefore I'm right"
can you see the contradiction in that?

Here is another great example (very similar to Live and PSN even though they are in a different field of service)

American Online vs Netzero. One is a paid service and one is free. Of course consumers go for Netzero (even with restriction and limited used) because it is free (because Netzero was a latecomer and need to get more people on board with the service). It becomes very popular quickly. However, was Netzero a viable option after American Online dies out? No, they start charging for usage also. Now they both dies out because something better comes along, eventhough these new services are all paid services, at a much higher price no less. Why consumer still pay for them? I was a supporter of Netzero as well back then and thinking paying for American online is stupid (i still do), until i realize a realistic idea about maintaining a business as I go through hardship and other things doing business. The reason why Sony charging for online, having ads, subscription services because the business model before just simply not viable. It has nothing to do with giving back to community.

Do you ever think that by taking a realistic, viable and upfront business approach (like MS) would ever be viewed as something popular with the gamers compare to Sony? Look at Netzero and American Online and what i describe about the consumer perspective above.

"Your post made little to no sense, did not dissprove A SINGLE point I made", and yet THAT SINGLE POINT wasn't real as you have also admit. :D

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SixtyNine3716d ago

It's a free to play game. What do you expect? :D

No_Limit3716d ago

I am OK with it as long as Sony thinks it is cool and will make them money just like Live and PSN dashboard with ads. It actually work as I actually went to Taco Bell last night and got me some grub due to the advertisement on he PSN dashboard.

Fireseed3716d ago

Except Live and PSN dashboards are part of an immersive game world...

No_Limit3716d ago

LOL, The disagrees? What, you guys don't like Taco Bell?

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Planetside IP sold to shell company as it was considered “non-core IP”

Planetside 2’s future is uncertain as the IP was sold for a relatively low sum to a company with no history.

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jznrpg107d ago

They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

-Foxtrot109d ago

Watch it turn out to be Amazon in disguise

Duke19107d ago

Was such a cool concept back in the day - shame that it never really took off like it probably could have with more support


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