
Daybreak Game Company to Be Acquired by EG7 for $300 Million

In a press release, EG7 Global announced to have entered into an agreement to acquire 100% shares of Daybreak Game Company for $300 million.

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ccgr1280d ago

Don't think I ever played any of their MMO games. Hope it works out

Imp0ssibl31280d ago

Really? EverQuest and PlanetSide are classics.

crazyCoconuts1280d ago

Planetside with platoons - so neat. Wish that would have had half the momentum that Fortnite has had

Abnor_Mal1280d ago

DC Universe? Is this the same company that left Sony, not PlayStation? If so, maybe PlayStation should have snatched them uo and fully integrate them into the fold.

porkChop1280d ago

Yeah, they used to be called Sony Online Entertainment.

Abnor_Mal1280d ago

Yes, I dont think they ever had anything to do with PlayStation. For some reason my mind is saying under Sony Music umbrella.

italiangamer1280d ago (Edited 1280d ago )

Sony sold them off years ago, it doesn't make sense to buy them again

Abnor_Mal1280d ago

I thought they wanted a break from Sony to reach a bigger audience, not that Sony sold them. Well in any case I hope them future success.

Also, I know its the same company but I did try to differentiate between the two, Sony and PlayStation. Whereas Sony outside of PlayStation was not a good fit for whatever reason, I'll look it up later, PlayStation would be a better fit because is their gaming division which I believe runs somewhat separate from Sony, or what I've been led to believe some time ago.

Finally, sometimes we do things not truly seeing the depths of our actions, and may end up regretting the decision. Have you ever sold a game, only to rebuy it later.

porkChop1280d ago

They were under SCE Sony Computer Entertainment, same umbrella that housed PlayStation. They were separate businesses.

I believe Sony has almost always had gaming businesses outside of PlayStation. If I'm remembering right, they currently have a separate publisher focused on small indie games. Can't remember what it's called though.

TheColbertinator1280d ago

Sony Music published their own games outside of PlayStation

_LarZen_1280d ago

I’m still grumpy they canceled EverQuest Next and Landmark.

porkChop1280d ago

Yeah that sucked. Was a lot of potential there. I don't normally like MMOs but I was really intrigued by Next and Landmark.

_LarZen_1278d ago

I was a Trailblazer in Landmark and it was so fun building things. The tools and possibilities is not something I’ve seen in a game since...

And I was so ready for a new EverQuest mmo... Makes me sad just writing this :(

P_Bomb1280d ago (Edited 1280d ago )

Hope this means they’ll get the resources to keep improving. The DCUO broker economy has been broken for over a year. Can no longer share my millions between toons, meanwhile everything is overpriced. Worked hard trading legit. Bummer.


Planetside IP sold to shell company as it was considered “non-core IP”

Planetside 2’s future is uncertain as the IP was sold for a relatively low sum to a company with no history.

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jznrpg108d ago

They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

-Foxtrot110d ago

Watch it turn out to be Amazon in disguise

Duke19108d ago

Was such a cool concept back in the day - shame that it never really took off like it probably could have with more support


EG7 Hints at Plans for New EverQuest MMORPG, Targeting a 2028 Release - MMORPG.GG

During EG7’s Capital Markets Day stream earlier today, EG7’s CEO Ji Ham discussed several in-development projects including a potential EverQuest 3 that is in an early “ideation phase”.


DCUO Development Update - August 2023

If you do not read this whole update, here's what you need to know:

* Episode 46 is Justice League Dark Cursed
* PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X launch this holiday season

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