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Capcom Explain Why There's No PS3 SFII HD Beta

Capcom have explained just why PS3 owners won't be getting access to the beta, listing reasons such as a finite number of resources, the fact a double-test would have pushed the actual game's release back months and the near-impossibility of running a cross-platform beta test.

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sonarus5924d ago

Due to the difference in controllers between the 2 games i honestly hope ps3 gameplay won't end up strange due to ps3 getting the beta. But i can understand where they are coming from

Dannagar5924d ago

You should have used the capcom blog link and not kotaku. Anyway, this is a good video from Gamespot.

sonarus5924d ago

yea havnt submitted news in a while.

kewlkat0075924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

After telling me I'm no "real gamer" because I can't stand the Dualshock type controller for "SHOOTERS"...

I've owned every console and my preferences for certain games + genres/controller, just like yours, are just as valid.
Do a survey, you'll see I'm not alone.

Actually just like I hate Shooters with PS controllers, I hate fighters with 360's, like you do. If I can't enjoy the game or think a controller has "poor" spacing and placements for certain buttons, then I don't want to spend the money. Yes I'll try the DEMO of course.

On this Article, I'll try the BETA if I can get my hands on it, but will be getting this to connect my Dualshock. (It's all about the D-Pad)

JsonHenry5924d ago

I don't believe a single one of the reasons listed. They just did not want to do it I would guess. (just a guess)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5924d ago
Blademask5924d ago

I guess we know which version will be inherently superior, it will be the one that actually received feedback from the users. Sucks to lose Capcom as a supporter of the Playstation though. This + Lost Planet + mandatory Installs. It is as if they are doing this on purpose.

There really is no excuse that softens this blow. I know a ton of PS3 fans were all hyped about this one, laughing at XBL for not having enough space blah blah blah.

Looks like Microsoft just got the last laugh. I'll tell you one thing, MS knows what they are doing this gen man... seriously.

sonarus5924d ago

you can't blame sony. There was a point where msoft and capcom got so close, there were rumors msoft was going to buy them. However i really don't care anymore. The only capcom game i am anticipating is way back in 2009. Was sort of anticipating this but it is something i can very well do without. If ps3 gets lame version i won't buy because i refuse to play fighters on 360 controller

socomnick5924d ago

Sonarus you almost made me blow a nut. Man the though of Microsoft owning Capcom Jesus that would be an awesome first party developer.

jackdoe5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Er, because Capcom wanted to cut corners to save money, it ends up being Sony's fault? I don't see the logic there. Jeez Blademask, most of your posts are just illogical.
-edit- To the dumbass disagree. Did you read the reasons why? SFIIHD is already behind schedule and overbudget. Making a simultaneous Beta would have cost Capcom and pushed development even further. How is that Sony's fault?

sonarus5924d ago

lol socomnick. Msoft needs to beef up their first party capcom would be a good place to start but i am not sure msoft has the cash to persuade a long standing japanese games company to abandon its home turf. As we can all see msoft has no hope in JP

jackdoe5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Jesus christ, MS fanboys must be having a fvcking field day with this. Read the post for fvcks sakes assholes and tell me why the fvck you think Sony is at fault for this. Invisible disagrees piss me off.

Dannagar5924d ago

Although I've bought 5 games off of the PSN, I'm glad this deal is on XBox Live Arcade. I prefer to keep my downloads on Xbox due to Achievement points.

The Closing5924d ago

I don't know if you know this, but it's Capcom developing the game not Sony. Doesn't matter anyhow the only series that Capcom has that's still worth a damn is the Resident Evil series albeit thats among the holy grail of gaming alongside mgs, and is coming to both systems so I could care less what the other teams do on their spare time if they're not a part of the RE development.

NO_PUDding5924d ago

Microsoft clearly don't know what they are doing though. They aren't anywhere near as prepared as Sony is. Just a culmination of things during the past few weeks is just astounding me. They seriously do have long term plans. While Microsoft thinks short term to get ahead Sony is thinking way beyond.

And ultimately, I think Capcom may regret so eagerly supporting 360 due to it's easier development and at the moment (and only at the moment) more popular online service. Because it's only Sony it will have to answer to when it wants to make more games. And I can see that will happen mid 08' to early '09.

This is not a fanboy comment, this a comment on business tactics, and Microsoft has excelled at them, but unfortunately Sony isn't thinking tactics. The people at Sony are thinking Strategically, which does mean they get beaten on the tactics front, which is why we have all these media stories getting at the PS3, but the PlayStation 3 has only just reached a year old here in UK, and this year is set to be huge.

Bloodwar5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Your comment "They seriously do have long term plans. While Microsoft thinks short term to get ahead Sony is thinking way beyond."

My response: And you say you are not a Sony fan boy. Please. If MS is not thinking ahead, then how come MS has their second Xbox system? How come Microsoft created Xbox Live on the initial Xbox and then made it even better on the Xbox 360? How come Xbox came out with brilliant idea known as a universal Gamertag? You know, one of those gamertags that no one else can have? I can log in once on Xbox Live and my gamertag is recognized on every game I use on the Xbox or the Xbox 360. On the PS 2, I have to re-register a new name/new account each time I want to get my game online. And talk about a craptacular online service. (Now supposedly this late in the game, the PS3 has a universal gamer identity though I can't verify it as of yet in person for I do not own a PS3) And everybody is talking about how big the Sony PS3 games are going to be. Oh yeah 40 players on Resistance and 60 players Resistance 2, when it comes out. On the 360, we already have Frontlines:Fuel of War which supports 50 players or is it 64 Players? I forgot which, but it doesn't end there. Just as PS3 fans are awaiting the arrival of their big 60 player first person shooter, Xbox 360 gamers area awaiting an even larger 120 player Massively Multiplayer First Person Shooter. A small game known as Huxley. How come MS came up with the idea of Achievements? And Sony is thinking about doing a "trophy room" for their Home? How come a majority of Sony players who talk about Live, say it is the better online system, though they are so sure that Sony's is going to be better. I'm glad I didn't have to wait. I have the bigger games already--Frontlines:Fuel of War and various Massively Multiplayer Roleplaying games are already on our system and we have Champions Online on the way which is by the same developer who created the City of Heroes game. Oh yeah, this game is coming out for the 360. Its going to be COH, but a different skin and a whole better system. Have you heard of the Hero system? Its a "small" (okay rather a very popular) table top roleplaying system that is an extension of the Champions Super Hero Roleplaying game. And now its coming out in MMORPG style on the 360. But the Sony fanboys like yourself, wish to kick the 360 in the mouth, but the 360 and its knowledgeable fan base like myself are fighting back with the facts and more ammunition than you know what to do with yourself. One thing that is nice about the little guy is that he has a big fvcking bite. The US was the sleeping giant that Japan never should have woken up and now MS and the Xbox 360 is that same giant. I say that my "Western" European brothers and sisters over there as well as those on my continent here in America start supporting the Western game system, not the Eastern one. Xbox 360 is where its at, baby! Not that Eastern game system. And oh yeah, did I mention that your people are already saying Xbox Live is the better online service? Just thought I would rub it in. I guess I should remind you of one more thing to really get your blood boiling. Microsoft paid 50 million dollars for EXCLUSIVE CONTENT for Grand Theft Auto IV! Yeah, and they are already saying that for that amount of money, we are talking about an entire city sized extension of the game which will belong only to the Xbox 360 version since MS paid for it. None of this "oh it will come out for the PS3 later" crap. Yes PS 3 may get DLC later on, but so will 360. But only 360 version will have the 50 million dollar EXCLUSIVE content. Enjoy your Playstation 3. I'm going to enjoy my exclusive gaming content. And who said the Xbox 360 gamers weren't going to get any good gaming in 2008 since Halo 3 is done. And the Halo universe continues on the 360. (HALO WARS) Thats for a whole other argument though. Buh-bye.

kewlkat0075924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

are your friend.

Genesis55924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

Yeah really. You have to break that down into paragraphs. I'm going cross eyed trying to read it!

Bloodwar5924d ago

Point taken. Next time I write a book on this website, I promise to use paragraphs. ROFL Sorry for the difficult read, everyone. =)

DragonKnight5924d ago

RROD means they know what they are doing? Saying 1080p and HDMI and large harddrives aren't necessary then releasing SKU's with those features included means they know what they are doing? Saying Home is useless and then copying it with the Microsoft Coolroom means they know what they are doing? Saying Blu-Ray will fail but then considering making a Blu-Ray add-on for the 360 means they know what they are doing? P2P servers with incredible lag, Live not working for 2 weeks when new members join, and summary bannings of innocent gamers due to the fact that Microsoft is unable to distinguish between modded and unmodded consoles means they know what they are doing?

Yeah, Microsoft is really on the ball. /sarcasm

DragonKnight5924d ago (Edited 5924d ago )

"If MS is not thinking ahead, then how come MS has their second Xbox system?"

Why is Sony on their third and have a handheld while M$oft doesn't have a handheld?

"How come Microsoft created Xbox Live on the initial Xbox and then made it even better on the Xbox 360?"

Why did Sega create online gaming before Microsoft? Why did it take 5 years for Live to get as good as it is? Why did it take 2 years for Live to reach 1 million users, but it only took 5 months for PSN to reach 1.5 million users?

"How come Xbox came out with brilliant idea known as a universal Gamertag?"

Yeah, brilliant. How come some of my Xbot friends can't access their original Xbox online content?

"You know, one of those gamertags that no one else can have? I can log in once on Xbox Live and my gamertag is recognized on every game I use on the Xbox or the Xbox 360. On the PS 2, I have to re-register a new name/new account each time I want to get my game online."

Why are you talking about the PS2? Is it because the PS3 has a decent, free online system and you need to resort to attacking something inferior to even PSN to make the 360 look good?

"How come MS came up with the idea of Achievements?"

How come they didn't? "Achievements" have existed in games for the LONGEST time in a different form, all Microsoft did was make them more evident. Example, many RPG's require you to beat X amount of enemies to get the best weapon, and have for years. No one mentions that. But the second M$oft takes that online, it's somehow "new"? Please.

"And Sony is thinking about doing a "trophy room" for their Home?"

Speaking of Home, why did Microsoft copy it with the Microsoft Coolroom?

"Virtual 3D loft apartment that users can customize with music, videos etc..."

"How come a majority of Sony players who talk about Live, say it is the better online system, though they are so sure that Sony's is going to be better."

They don't. They say it's the better online system FOR NOW!!! Because they've seen that Sony is bringing In-Game XMB which brings all the features Live has. They've also seen that Sony is bringing "Achievements" and all that other stuff Live offers AND a 3D community with things like War rooms and user generated content etc... that Live DOESN'T offer.

"I have the bigger games already--Frontlines:Fuel of War and various Massively Multiplayer Roleplaying games are already on our system and we have Champions Online on the way which is by the same developer who created the City of Heroes game. Oh yeah, this game is coming out for the 360. Its going to be COH, but a different skin and a whole better system. Have you heard of the Hero system? Its a "small" (okay rather a very popular) table top roleplaying system that is an extension of the Champions Super Hero Roleplaying game. And now its coming out in MMORPG style on the 360."

And yet, no one seems to care in the 360 camp but you? You want to talk MMO's? The Agency, SE's MMO's, the possible GTA MMO, MGSO. You want to talk about tabletop games? Eye of Judgement. So....what?

"But the Sony fanboys like yourself, wish to kick the 360 in the mouth, but the 360 and its knowledgeable fan base like myself are fighting back with the facts and more ammunition than you know what to do with yourself."

Yeah, I've seen your "facts". Like the "fact" that MGS4 is coming to the 360? Or how about the "fact" that the reason the PS3 is beating the 360 in global sales for months now is because of 360 console "shortages"? Yeah, nice "facts".

"The US was the sleeping giant that Japan never should have woken up and now MS and the Xbox 360 is that same giant"

That's why the 360 is only successful in the U.S.?

"I say that my "Western" European brothers and sisters over there as well as those on my continent here in America start supporting the Western game system, not the Eastern one"

I say they should to. If they want to be drowned with the same generic shooters, 2139047123947219042739412 sports/racing games, and like having their consoles do an actual 360 where they buy the console, it breaks so they send it to Microsoft, they repair it and send it back.

"Xbox 360 is where its at, baby! Not that Eastern game system"


"And oh yeah, did I mention that your people are already saying Xbox Live is the better online service? Just thought I would rub it in."


"Microsoft paid 50 million dollars for EXCLUSIVE CONTENT for Grand Theft Auto IV! Yeah, and they are already saying that for that amount of money, we are talking about an entire city sized extension of the game which will belong only to the Xbox 360 version since MS paid for it."

Too bad that 30 of that 50 million was to ensure a simultaneous release and not put towards the "exclusive content" which you are also going to have to pay for and will not be as big as you think. Ever thought to ask why Rockstar hasn't corroborated Microsoft's "as big as a city" claims? It's because it won't be as big as a city.

"And who said the Xbox 360 gamers weren't going to get any good gaming in 2008 since Halo 3 is done. And the Halo universe continues on the 360. (HALO WARS) Thats for a whole other argument though. Buh-bye."

Like someone else on this site said about HaloWars, "I'd really like a good RTS on a console, too bad it's not going to happen."

It's pretty much agreed by most gamers and the media that Sony has the strongest game lineup this year. All your whining isn't going to change that.

ON TOPIC: I just have one thing to say about this. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection can be upscaled on the PS3, so who needs this?

FirstknighT5924d ago

"ON TOPIC: I just have one thing to say about this. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection can be upscaled on the PS3, so who needs this?"

LMAO!!! Your clueless dude.

Bloodwar5924d ago

4 times as many people disagree with you as that which agrees with you. Who is wrong in this argument of ours? You may have had some strong points. Thats why one person agreed with you as of 950 pm (EST) Sat March 15, 2008, however your argument didn't hold well with the majority of the community. I'm a Bot? Then you must be a TROLL. Anyways, nice debate. You lost.

DragonKnight5924d ago

@FirstknighT: Correct me if I'm wrong, but "HD" is technically a resolution of 720p and higher correct? So Street Fighter 2 HD remix is basically Street Fighter upscaled to HD resolution. Now take the Street Fighter Anniversary Edition, which comes with all versions of the Street Figther 2 series retouched slightly for the PS2, and then put it on the PS3 with the PS2 Upscale option turned on. What do you have? Street Fighter 2 in HD. So, who's clueless again?

@Bloodwar: Bot math FTL/Logic FTL. Listen, first of all ANYONE can disagree with you for ANY reason. It could be a person who hates you and just disagrees with you out of spite, not because you made invalid points or what not, so using that as some way to proclaim your "victory" is moronic and shows your naivety. Second, 5 people disagreed with you, while 4 disagreed with me. So although from a ratio standpoint, more people disagreed with me, from a total standpoint more people disagreed with you.

And the fact that you believe this to be some kind of contest merely reinforces the fact that you are more of a Bot than previously believed. You really need to get up off your knees, dust yourself off, and leave Uncle Bill's room.

GETPWNT5923d ago


As for the unreadable wall o text without paragraphs. YOU PHALE!

Now excuse me while I play Condemned 2, the greatest game ever made, currently awaiting undelayment on PS3 with no AA and lower rez shaders.

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Lucas225924d ago

Im starting to really not like capcom,

GETPWNT5923d ago

Why? As a gamer (360 owner), I love them. I love them as each day passes. I can't fathom why you would hate them, unless of course you are a braindead droid. I can see that. Heck, you are on N4G. Chances are not in your favor...

mr_potato5924d ago

God if Capcom didn't have SF RE and DMC i would curse them to hell.

Regardless i will buy this game as the nostalgia is too much im ready to pay alot of money for this.

Marceles5924d ago

"by c-lin' Fanboy at 09:29 PM
Reply by Email

It's because no one would want to put a 5 GB manual install on their PS3 for a beta test."

Awww...low blow...

General Pinky5924d ago

Guys don’t hate on Capcom, they just making games for the best consoles.
Look at this way Last Gen Sony was the top dog but now...SONY is off the radar...they are not helping the other companies to make it easy for them, and then companies look around and say “you don’t help then you don’t get game

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The Scientifically Proven Best Video Games of All Time #14: Street Fighter II

Warp Zoned writes:

"Street Fighter II: The World Warrior wasn’t the first fighting game ever released, but it single-handedly helped shape the genre for decades to come."

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Community2564d ago
Kurdishcurse2564d ago

Pffft. What desperate articles

iofhua2564d ago

I played street fighter 2 for years on my SNES even after I got my N64. It was just relaxing the way you could beat the snot out of such iconic characters.


Persona 5, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD & Virtua Fighter 5 are almost playable on RPCS3

Great news for all PS3 fans (blasphemyyyyyyyy, how can a PC gaming site talk about PS3 fans, how, HOW, HOOOOOOWWWWW) as RPCS3 is making a lot of progress. Since the launch of a Patreon campaign, its author has been working hard on it and it appears that its latest version can run a couple of games.

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Community2617d ago
zivtheawesome2618d ago

well it's not almost playable but very interesting. probably like a year or 2 from being fully playable

mikeslemonade2617d ago

So much hassle to play subpar performance. Just buy a PS3 and the game.


Humble Capcom Playstation Bundle Nearing End Date

Carl Williams writes, "If you are reading this then you are probably a fan of retro games. Just taking a stab in the dark there. Well, we just found out that Capcom, one of the better retro supporting companies out there, has this package with Humble Bundle full of Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 games. You better hurry and grab this one because time is running out."

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zeal0us2828d ago

If they had more PS4 games I would've taken advantage of this.

triverse2828d ago

I have to agree. I wish companies would do more porting of their previous digital only games such as Final Fight Double Impact over to the PS4. I want to get a Playstation but 3 seems on the way out and 4 is still too new for a lot of what I am interested in.

NapalmSanctuary2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

I wish they would port their full classic line brawlers from the 90s. Man, they made some good games back then.

triverse2827d ago

Napalm, check out their PSP Reloaded and Remixed collections. Great value for the money and full of their core retro games. I am not sure what consoles they released those collections on but I am sure PS3 and Xbox 360 were in there.

just-joe2828d ago

Or say if the PS4 was backwards compatible.

triverse2827d ago

Well, we know that is not going to happen anytime soon, at least not till people stop buying PS3 games and such. Sad. I wish it was backwards compatible too- I would buy a PS4 immediately if it worked with at least the digital stuff from the PS3.

DivineAssault 2827d ago

I wish Sony would get the licenses for all the classic arcade games from the 80s and 90s for the PS4.. I dont see why they wouldnt want to make money? I miss those brawlers like xmen, tmnt, etc.. So many great games people are forced to play on mame

triverse2827d ago

The problem with that idea is that a lot of those companies are now defunct and no one really knows who owns the rights to what game. Then in cases like X-Men, it is multiple companies involved (the engine would be Konami's while the actual X-Men license would be Marvel's) and sometimes none of the companies involved are interested in working together again for whatever reason.

I wish it would happen too though.