If you are wondering where I am getting my reviews they are from My Gamespot/Scribid Accounts
CRank: 5Score: 4710

User Review : Sega's Mad World

  • Simply fun
  • Comic style gore
  • A great sense of humor from the Black Baron
  • Slight controls issues
  • The black and white can start to hurt your eyes
  • Short

Brutally fun and gory, But also Brutally short.

MadWorld. A game completely in Black and White except for the blood of course. You play as Jack a guy sent who is a complete bad ass with a chainsaw arm weapon, sent in to clean up a city that has gone complete insane and full of people ready to kill each other. They have started something though this was the start of a little game called Deathwatch. Jack must get inside of this island, work his way up to the top, and stop these games. Killing anyone in his path.

The game's controls are responsive and tight. the only main problem is the A button grab action. Tapping it is punch but holding it is grab and sometimes there are a lot of enemies on screen you might end up grabbing when you mean punch but you can easily get over that.

The stages are a serious of killing a bunch of enemies in a variety of interesting ways to get enough points to beat fun mini games to get enough points to fight one of the many interesting boss battles. The boss battles you better get used to some Wii-Waggle for some insane power struggles that will ensue. The game on Normal (and also the only difficulty at first) is easy, I'm talking REALLY freaking easy. Hard is pretty difficult for the fact that you have no lives no start with and enemies do more damage but with some practice you can manage. The game also has the best announcers ever in videogame history cracking jokes about the games that are hilarious beyond belief. This game definitely a "M" Rated game not for the little kiddies.

The sound track is awesome, consisting of a lot of hip-hop and rap tracks that are all good by awesome artist that are not to well known.

All in all the game was refreshing to me and I had a lot of fun with it but for the fact that the game can easily be beaten in 3-4 hours kinda brings it down a bit. I still bought it though.

Fun Factor

Tasteless Gamer: Platinum Games to Continue to Develop for Sega

You may remember their previous titles that fell under their contact, Bayonette, Infinite Space, Vanquished and Madworld. All developed by Platinum Games for Sega.

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Top 10 Games This Generation

MonsterVine.com Editor Zack Chase writes on his ten personal favorite games this console generation and "if you’re wondering where Uncharted 2 is, I didn’t mention it because I don’t care for over-rated garbage."

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dizzleK5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

he didn't list uncharted 2 because he doesn't care for overrated garbage....then picks the dictionary definition of said garbage as his #1. *mind blown*

Darkstorn5062d ago

Methinks you've got it backwards.

Uncharted 2 is excellent, and Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game this generation.

piroh5062d ago

that game deserves to be in top 10 at least for me

Information Minister5062d ago (Edited 5062d ago )

Nothing guarantees web hits as much as some good ol' fashioned controversy. Oldest trick in the book.

BTW, I have an opinion of my own. Do I get to post an article on N4G?

vsr5062d ago

More than 100 press gave this only game 90-100marks

Dsnyder5062d ago

Uncharted 2 was mmkay. MGS4 was just epic.

40cal5062d ago

For me MGS4, Uncharted 2, God of War III, and Heavy Rain are all better games than some on that list.

I do agree with Darkstorn though, Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game to come out of this generation.

DigitalRaptor5062d ago

He calls Uncharted 2 overrated garbage, but picks Halo 3 and Gears of War for his list. Sorry... which Game of the Year awards did those games receive again?

acronkyoung5062d ago

Dictionary definition? Have you never heard of the word "opinion"?

HelghastKid5062d ago

sure it's his opinion to think it's overrated, but calling it garbage is something else. A game thats gets praised from high profile developers, which have a much greater say than this one guy, say otherwise.

theEnemy5062d ago

I think his list is crap.

Now that's my opinion.

RadientFlux5062d ago

Someone's trash is another's treasure.


Uncharted 2 is overrated maybe because it is the most awarded game in the history with more than 140 Awards, probably that is why didn't include U2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5062d ago
finalblink415062d ago

No Uncharted 2? This list is a joke, no to mention if YOU had to put a FPS in this list COD 4 shits all over Halo 3 in all aspect, gameplay, graphics, sales, the list goes on. note: mass effect couldn't eat table scraps from UC2.

Capt-FuzzyPants5062d ago

Uncharted 2 is great. The online isnt as bad as everyone says and the singl player is great to.

BiggCMan5062d ago

who the hell says the multiplayer is bad?? ive never once seen this anywhere. maybe some people dont like the changes from updates, but those people are just whiney bitches. the multiplayer is still amazing. if u love the game enough, u tend to not notice those updates, i know i havnt. its still the same great online experience ive loved since the beta.


And that is why Uncharted 2 have more than 140 Awards. Not only won the GOTY, it is the most awarded game.

Spenok5062d ago

Pretty much. I was very suprised that he left UC2 off the list. Ninja Gaiden 2? Really?

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Top 5 Games Wii Want to See On PlayStation Move

There has been a lot of talk since Sony announced the PlayStation Move about how it would work like an HD Wii and what games from the Nintendo platform should be or could be ported over. The Nintendo Wii has seen a variety of solid games since its inclusion but imagine those games with some graphical power behind them. These games found issue selling well on the family oriented Wii but probably could do better on a more hardcore console like the PS3. So stand up, put your body in motion and check out the Top 5 Wii Games we would love to see announced for the PS3 at E3.

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hay5123d ago

No Okami? Bad, bad Playstationlifestyle.

qface645123d ago

seems like with the exception of red steel 2 they only picked games with an M rating

Lucreto5123d ago

Okami was a PS2 title first so they didn't mention is but I would rebuy Okami for the PS3 will the move. It seems perfect for the move controller and the navigator.

sinncross5123d ago

I think MadWorld would need to be a PSN title: even with the HD graphical slant and more mature audience demographic of the PS3, the game won't sell that well.

Red Steel 2 would be cool actually.

As for the three rail shooters: sure. Haven't had enough of them this gen for the PS. Actually, I hope Namco patches Time Crisis 4 with trophy and PS Move support. I think the game would be easier to play without the elaborate setup needed for that new G con.

seinfan5123d ago

How about no games? That way we can move away from this awful motion control phase.

Meryl5123d ago

yes but ps move is not waggle time the proper games like socom 4, the fight lights out will demonstrate this to you, that is why you and lots of other people i know hate the idea of motion control, but ps move you will love with socom 4 and fps games:):)

Meryl5123d ago

wii ports are not the best way to show the move off wait for socom 4, fthe fight:lights out and ape escape they will be soley designed to be used with ps move and not have tacked on control like 99% of wii games

digitaledge5123d ago

Is this proof that PS3 fans can't handle the fact that the Wii does have some REALLY good games available? lol

In all seriousness, these games are best left to the Wii. Madworld (while good) was too short and repetitive, and I don't think that even a PS3 fan would appreciate having to pay full price for a game like that. Three of those games are pretty much just on-rails shooters, and if I remember rightly, PS3 fans mocked them when they were announced or released, so why would they want them on the PS3.

Red Steel 2 would work great on the PS3, but in my opinion, it would be better if Ubisoft re-worked the original as well so that the whole trilogy could be released on PS3 - it just doesn't make sense for me to see a game that is intended as a trilogy appear on another console halfway through.

I own all 3 consoles, and I would much rather that the games that came out for Move were actually different to those that came out on the Wii (where exclusives are concerned anyway).

The Move has a lot more potential due to the addition of the camera, and I think that devs should spend their time exploiting the features that the Move has instead of porting over games that are at least a year old.

digitaledge5123d ago

Wouldn't it be rather refreshing if, instead of people clicking the 'Disagree' button and leaving it at that, people actually commented as to why they disagree with you? lol.

I'd like to know why people disagree with what I've said. I'm not knocking the Move, OR the Wii, I'm just saying that because I already own a Wii, I would think that it would be better if developers gave us something a bit more unique to Sony's system.

Yes, the Move works much like the Wii, but you've got the added advantage of the camera there - why not merge the best bits of the Wii, with the best bits of Natal and give us a game that you CAN'T get on any other system?

We all complain when the Wii gets ports of games that came out on PS360 a year or two after release, so why are we suddenly welcoming the prospect of a situation reversal?

digitaledge5122d ago

Yet more disagrees with the cowards refusing to give a reason to it!! The only conclusion I can draw from that is that they HAVE NO reason, or are unable to enter into an intelligent debate when some very valid points are raised.

s45gr325122d ago

Geez whiz why would I want rail shooters on my PS3. Those wii games are great but to port them over to the PS3 it just further proves how is Sony copying Nintendo's Wii. Now if they ported over Resident Evil Chronicles as an episodic action/adventure game then that will make more sense than a rail shooter. In all honesty the move needs to bring strategy or games like Heavy Rain and it will succeed not with wii ports.

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