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Lost Planet Screenshot Comparison: PS3 vs Xbox 360

Today Capcom released early screenshots for the PlayStation 3 version of Lost Planet.

With the game set to release sometime in early 08, it will be interesting to see if Capcom makes any enhancements to the graphics of the game. In terms of gameplay and content, they have already confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will feature all the content from the 360 version, plus all downloadable content from Xbox Live, along with extras included in the PC version.

Here is PSU's early graphical comparison of the PS3 version vs. the Xbox 360.

Click the jump to see the full size image comparisons.

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teto836081d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
progx6081d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
HOw can you campare when the situe in each shot is not the same. These comparisons a stupid
darkequitus6081d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
SILV3R_6081d ago

this topic will never end.. video / image comparison.

Violater6081d ago

next it will be whose snow looks better.
i already know the power of the cell allows for no individual flake to be the same.

mstanglx956081d ago

Anyone can play with the different video settings on either console (or monitor/television) to make one look better than the other! Its about as useful as statistics, i can make any statistic say what i want it to say!

Coffin876081d ago

haha, that was funny.
i also know it can do this, but i also kinda doubt they'll do this is lost planet. ;D

JsonHenry6081d ago

The only thing I noticed is the colors seem to be slightly muted on the PS3 version, but then again they are not taken of the same exact frame - so it could simply be just a matter of the current lighting in the game on the PS3 version that would look like that.

Other than that - it looks like the same damn boring game we got on the 360 last year.

DeadIIIRed6081d ago

A side by side video comparison because these screen comparisons are crap. The only difference I saw was that the PS3 guy sorta looks Asian.

6081d ago
dantesparda6081d ago

LOL! Oh Nasim, you need to tone it down man, for your own good. Comments like that aint helping you. Just some advice

AngryTypingGuy6081d ago

Nasim, you don't have many friends, do you?

People respect your opinions when you're more objective. The comparison pics are very close. If you would've said "I think the PS3 pics were slightly better", we wouldn't all be laughing at you.

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TeaDouble_E6081d ago (Edited 6081d ago )

I cant tell the difference.

InMyOpinion6081d ago

They could at least compare the same shots. These are from different angles etc.

THC CELL6081d ago

x box looks more cartoon to ps3

PopEmUp6081d ago (Edited 6081d ago )

Yeah I agree, x-box simply lean toward cartoonist sort of looking rather realistic or real life looking


WilliamRLBaker I think your statement simply the stupid one, can't you see the differences between the color from both Ps3 and 360 version, with the 360 version are too colorful, when you look at the sky why the heck it blue and when it suppose to be smoke and Grey. BTW if You comparing this to the Nintendo games you must be joking right? Cause everybody know that Nintendo games are almost 90% of it games look toward cartoonist except metro prime (I not sure what the name of the game)

WilliamRLBaker6081d ago (Edited 6081d ago )

thats gotta be the stupidest damn statement i've ever heard.

They look no different from the 360 versions, Not only is the comparison sucky they dont use the same angles or any thing, They look exactly the same and your deluding your self if you think they don't, and they look cartoony on the 360 version? let alone the FACT that cartoon like graphics are an artistic choice and not a affect of lighting, color pallete...ect Those pictures look exactly the same! same colors, same characters same every thing, if one looks ""cartoony" then they both do.

A cartoony look would call for a completely different game, you cannot create a game with an cartoony look and then with lighting and ""supposed"& ;quo t; better color pallete some how make it look realistic.

Edit: Case in point, Super mario 64 looks cartoony, No ammount of lighting,texture changes, color pallete...ect will make it look realistic because the character frame work them selves in cartoonish in nature.

Panthers6081d ago

Baker, they look A LOT different, so much so that they are hard to compare. But the 360 ones look more cartoonish.

WilliamRLBaker6081d ago

they look ALOT diffrent? but so hard to compare? you mean the screen shots? or mario?

Let alone the fact The original lost planet only looked animeish NOT cartoonish, Anime and Cartoons are different.
the ps3 version doesn't look a wit better by those screens then the 360 version. any one that says different is blind.

mesh16081d ago

nah what sony fon boys meen is that the 360 version has the rigth colour palater while the ps3 looks brownish.

Qayin6081d ago

your exactly rite the 360 uses alot of colors to make up for graphics. Alot of people see all those bright colors and say it has better graphics. Thats the same trick they used on Halo 3 EDTV.

SWORDF1SH6081d ago

will ive seen your comments around here and you anti ps3. if you look at the face of the caracters they look more realistic on ps3. if you look at the smoke in the explosion it looks more realistic on the ps3. but i dont think that lost planet pushes the limit of either console so sayin its more realistic doesnt say that the ps3 is a better console. even thou i think the ps3 is more powerful comparing these games doesnt prove it. the ps3 version probably will be only slightly better but not by much. and i probably buy this game coz i loved the online demo that was on the 360. so i might get it even thou its jus for the online

TheSadTruth6081d ago

lol @ console kiddies

both are exactly the same, they are shots from different scenes which is why the first pic of the guy looks better on the ps3, simply because he is outside with snow and light while the other one is the guy inside where it's dark.. but of course ps3 fans need to justify their $600 investment to the point they become delusional

sloth4urluv6081d ago

omg you guys are all blind or are tripping on acid.
They both look exactly the same.
Comparison shots are crap aswell.
Compares the guy in the snow vs him in a cave...

Only differences I notice are the ailising issues on the ps3 version.
most noticble here
(look around his face mask and the area where his arms meet his chest)
and here
(look around the sand bags, or anywhere that two different objects meet)

poopface16081d ago

and giant bugs are soooo realistic looking.

Lionsguard6081d ago

I don't understand how you still have so many bubbles. If you can't see the difference then you need to get your eyes checked. Any 2 month old chimp can see at least a bit of a difference. Talk about arrogance. Other than that the game sucks anyway waste of time..

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TheMART6081d ago

Different surroundings, other parts of the game... Can't really say much about it.

But I will be dissapointed if it doesn't look any better with a full year extra development time and improvements. It's like Oblivion a year later, looking a tad better, or GRAW 2 a half year extra time.

It's a nice game, the end bosses are lovely old school big Japanese style in the area they did on the MSX-2 and Amiga 500!

LeonSKennedy4Life6081d ago

I'm thinking the only real difference is all that free extra content you guys paid for and all the stuff from the PC version too...

patriotZero6081d ago (Edited 6081d ago )

They look pretty much the same except for the finer details in the PS3 version. The smoke for instance looks more realistic, as does the snow particles and lighting. Other than that thats about it (i think).

Anti- aliasing, alphas , particles and color vibrance looks better on the 360. The PS3 looks a little bit sharper. Also it seems as if the PS3 version dialed back on the crazy motion blur.

Take for instance the picture of wayne the fur show better on the 360 but becuase the PS3 version is a little lighter you can see more detail on the textures. Its not fair to judge that one explosion comparison but the embers from the explosion seemed muted on the PS3.

mirroredderorrim6081d ago (Edited 6081d ago )

Use quotes when quoting other people, Niko.

It's a toss up. The game is still being ported to PS3 so things could change in terms of the look of the game.
All in all, I can't tell too much of a difference aside from the color scheme. The snow seems a little blue on the Xbox 360 version and on the PS3 version it looks dull and white, like a gloomy winter should look like more or less.

In the end, we need some side by same SAME SCENE screenshots with identical happenings and with identical displays for an accurate comparison. I think those are two seperate dislplays so I won't even go as far to say which is superior.

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5 Capcom Games that Deserve the Resident 2 2019 Treatment

Resident Evil 2 2019 launches in a few short weeks and it looks, and plays, amazing. Capcom has taken the classic and renowned title and not only modernized the visuals but added new content to keep the experience fresh for veterans who played the original. But there are some games that deserve the same treatment from Capcom. Here are 5 games from Capcom that deserve the Resident Evil 2 2019 treatment.

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FallenAngel19841982d ago

Not another one of these “treatment” articles

darthv721982d ago

Remasters are still popular so... yeah.

I personally like when there are remastered compilations. More than just remaking one game but to take a couple (or more) in a series and remake them as one nice compilation. Viewtiful Joe comes to mind. to have a full remake of all the games on one disc would be sweet.

I know many want to see Powerstone come back (as do I) but i'd go even deeper into their vault and bring back darkstalkers, cyberbots or even project justice / rival schools combo.

FallenAngel19841982d ago

This isn’t a remaster it’s a remake

galmi1982d ago

well for me there's
dino crisis
clock tower
haunting ground
resident evil 3
the whole onimusha series (except 4)
chaos legion
crimson tears
ring of red

PapaBop1982d ago

Imagine Clock Tower done in a similar style to RE7 in first person with VR support.. that would be so so damn good.

SuperDuke12901982d ago

That would be superawesome

JonTheGod1982d ago

I loved Haunting Ground. Very underrated.

Adexus1982d ago

Onimusha instantly came to mind.

JonTheGod1982d ago

Already happening (although it's a remaster as opposed to a remake).

Adexus1982d ago

Yeeeah, I definitely wouldn't say that's nearly on the level the RE2 Remake is.

monkey6021982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

This is a horrible list!
There are a load of titles far more deserving of a remaster than these picks. Seriously ! Dead Rising, Lost Planet and Dragons Dogma aren't even old games and have had recent sequels already!

Top of the list should be Dino Crisis,
I'll accept Resi 3 because I'm hoping that happens.
Clock tower and Haunting Ground are good choices too, It would be nice to be able to get them for a non extortionate rate.

Shadow of Rome was an amazing game and I'd love a remaster or new entry but I genuinely don't think they'd get away with it today unless it was massively toned down

Vetalka831982d ago

Resident Evil 3 yes,Dino Crisis games?Yes.Onimusha 2 hell yes.never got to play Powerstone properly so yeah i would love to see it remade,others on that list i just dont care about.

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Collector's Corner: Lost Planet Extreme Condition Collector's Edition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was released in Europe in 2007 as an Xbox 360 exclusive, though it would later come to other systems as well. Aside from the regular version, a Collector’s Edition was made available, which includes an art book and a steel case, and early access to free multiplayer maps, as well as a soundtrack cd.

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Remember When? Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

JP: Not every game receives massive critical acclaim. Yet, there are some titles that stick with you despite their lack of success. For me, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is one of my most memorable multiplayer experiences of this generation.

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