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South Park Snow Day Announced With New Trailer

THQ Nordic has finally unveiled "South Park Snow Day" and it will be out on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2024.

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Community294d ago
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excaliburps294d ago
Snookies12294d ago

Hmmm, not too sure how I feel about the gameplay yet from this glimpse. I do like that they're trying to do something a bit different from the previous two games though. As awesome as they were.

294d ago Replies(1)
FinalFantasyFanatic293d ago

I'm not sure I like it either, but I can't tell exactly what it is from the trailer, it looks a bit like an RTS or maybe a WRPG (like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights/Icewind Dale).

Christopher294d ago

Looks like a battle royale game. Not interested, but not going to be selfish and complain about them going back to MP.

Inverno294d ago

It says co-op though, wouldn't you think they'd say it was BR if it were? Looks almost like an RTS from the angle they showed most of the gameplay, but with co-op. They'd be dumb to do anything other than something similar to the last 2 games. Let's hope it isn't

Christopher294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

Just FYI, BR can include co-op elements. Kind of like Apex Legends has teams and is BR. I wouldn't assume anything at this time other than what I saw and there may be various modes so not just BR.

gerbintosh293d ago

According to PCGamer it is a 4 player co-op game. I would assume like Left for Dead.

FinalFantasyFanatic293d ago

Does it specifically mention VS or battle royale anywhere though? Normally when I think of battle royale games, it's a massive PvP arena, I'm not getting that vibe from this trailer.

Number1TailzFan294d ago

Was kind of hoping it would be somewhat similar to the first 3D game, or something like GTA/Hit & Run, I'll have to wait and see what the actual gameplay is like, but the last 2 games didn't interest me if it's like that.

-Foxtrot294d ago


They did two great single player driven games in the last 10 years and they've dropped that for some generic looking Battle Royale type game.

That animation style is awful aswell, you could have easily done a proper 3D environment and kept a similar art style to the show.

Lionsguard294d ago

Why would they ditch the classic, cartoon look for this abomination? It makes it look like PS3 game...

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South Park: Snow Day! Review | Super Gamesite 64

Matthew Owen from Super Gamesite 64 says... "South Park: Snow Day is a sequel that tries to shake things up, but to mixed results."

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Community15d ago

South Park: Snow Day! (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Stephen LaGioia: "Snow Day is pretty thin when it comes to both style and substance, offering not quite enough of either to hold up long-term, even with decent multiplayer support and interesting Roguelike bits. While I’ve played worse South Park titles, this one stands out by following two far better games: The Stick of Truth and, to a lesser extent, The Fractured But Whole. The departure in both content and quality is apparent given that it alludes to their lore and positions itself as a spin-off or quasi-sequel to them. Yet, the experience often felt more like an obscure 2000s action romp with a South Park overlay. Glimpses of fun were had — like when wiping out several foes with my fully-charged dagger swipes, pelting Elf-kid hordes with my turret, or coordinating with other players to beat a tough boss. As a whole, though, this is a rare snow day I could have done without."

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South Park: Snow Day! Review | Xbox Series X | NoobFeed

NoobFeed editor Azfar Rayan writes - It's difficult to recommend South Park: Snow Day! to anyone who isn't a fan of South Park. The gameplay isn't solid enough for anyone to have fun with this. This game becomes tedious in a very short span of time. The jokes in the previous two games were a major selling point since they made the otherwise dull gameplay more interesting. Alternatively, the game's humor is nonexistent, and the gameplay becomes exceedingly dull.

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