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Call of Duty: Warzone at 120Hz - has PS5 back-compat evolved?

Digital Foundry : The recently released 120Hz update for Call of Duty: Warzone for PlayStation 5 users is a welcome boost - it doubles performance over the prior version of the game, doing so with no noticeable impact to image quality. More importantly, its release may well signify that Sony is beefing up its backwards compatible support for its latest console, bringing it closer into line with the kind of features available on Xbox Series consoles, when running code designed for last-gen machines.

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Community1057d ago
Jin_Sakai1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

Richard states they’re clearly issued with the Series X version and it rately locks to 120fps and usually hovers around 90 to 110fps while PS5 stays closer to 120fps albeit having lower resolution and textures.

I’ll take better performance any day of the week.

Jin_Sakai1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

The Xbox Series X version also suffers with stuttering and screen tearing while the PS5 version doesn’t and has full vsync enabled.

VRR helps with these issues but not everyone has a compatible TV. Still yet, Sony really need to enable this feature for those of us who do!

bartender641056d ago

Lol how about no, if your tv has 120hz support with 4k, I'm almost 100% sure it has VRR/free sync support too. Even the lg c9 has it, while also having gsync capability. So I'll gladly take the cleaner visuals with the 120hz output, because if you truly have a 120hz display, then this is a non issue.

chiefJohn1171056d ago

Worse graphics, less res, for a few more steady frames, 8 months later.....

IRetrouk1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

👀 up to 40 extra fps is a few more steady frames🤔🤣
Dynamic textures and res on both, that can swing either way...🤷‍♂️

343_Guilty_Spark1056d ago

Anything above 60 fps is excellent. I would not take lower res at 120 vs 90-110 with higher res in any scenario

IRetrouk1055d ago

👀Ofcourse you would😂
Nobody in their right mind that has the option is picking a version that runs between 80-120 while hardly actually hitting the target framerate over one that constantly hits it, for a texture and resolution bumb that does not always exist in that mode and can go the other way lol, not to mention the added input lag of all those drops and variations on the framerate, its pure cap🤷‍♂️

Jin_Sakai1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )


“Anything above 60 fps is excellent. I would not take lower res at 120 vs 90-110 with higher res in any scenario“

Of course you’d say that. Sorry to burst you bubble but being a first person shooter higher framerate is more important.

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Orchard1057d ago

You missed a key part: Xbox gamers have been enjoying 120hz for 8 months already…

1057d ago
Jin_Sakai1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

“You missed a key part: Xbox gamers have been enjoying 120hz for 8 months already…”

And PS5 owners ended up with the better experience…

Orchard1057d ago

@infamousr "I think the key part is Microsoft tried to make game boost out to be this special feature and even had Richard/DF and other sites say that PlayStation couldn't do it."

That was true at the time - sceKernel checks were added recently in response to the 'ERA enhanced' system on Xbox.

@Jin_Sakai Better experience is subjective - it depends on whether you prefer visuals or perf.

I'd rather start playing 8 months ago than wait 8 months for slightly better performance and worse visuals - a few frames at 120hz doesn't have much impact and my TV has VRR anyway. There is just one problem - I can't find an XSX anywhere!

So I'm playing on PC, which is arguably better for FPS games anyway.

1057d ago
Orchard1057d ago (Edited 1057d ago )

@infamousr Boost mode and sceKernelisProspero are two different things. Boost mode boosts the title without/with minimal developer involvement, similar to what MS does with it's boost.

sceKernelisProspero is the PS equivalent of ERA enhanced on Xbox and lets developers make their software aware of which platform it is running on - but both sceKernelisProspero and ERA enhanced require code changes / an update by the developer.

For example, boost works well when the game didn't hit 60 previously, or had dynamic resolution scaling, but would be unable to boost beyond 60 or beyond the max resolution - as these would require code changes by the developer (same applies to Xbox's FPS boost). On the other hand, a developer could update their code to check if PS5 (SCE Kernel checks), set max res to X, or set FPS cap to Y.

PS5 boost was available day 1, sceKernel checks were not.

"You were one of the people who said AMD Fidelity FX wouldn't work on PS5 and spreads every other mis/disinformation about PS5."

I was? Please do show me where I said AMD Fidelity FX is not possible on PS5's current hardware/spec.

1057d ago
Orchard1057d ago

I've read the entire article and no where do I see Richard say it was available from day 1 on PS5. Please show me where he says that?

Anyway, I have SDK access, it was not available day 1. And if it was, WZ would have been updated a long, long time ago, we would have many more boosted games, and developers would not have been complaining publicly about the lack of such API.

"The only difference between the two consoles is that Microsoft is implementing the updates on other publisher's software, and Sony so far hasn't chosen to alter other publishers code."

This is somewhat incorrect - Microsoft does not alter the code of your game for you, heck, no company I've worked for would even share their code with Microsoft. Their FPS boost program simply intercepts DX calls at the OS/driver level, the game binary remains the same and is unaltered. Sony have done similar things with PS5 too, just with less titles. Any code modification to utilize ERA enhanced / sceKernelIs* is done by the developer, not the platform holder.

"Microsoft DF and MANY MANY other sites spread misinformation"

That's not what you said, you said I said the PS5 hardware wasn't capable of running FidelityFX. I do not work for Digital Foundry, nor any website for that matter.

Why would Digital Foundry care about Sony (or Microsoft, or any other companies) stock price? Realistically nothing said about PS5 or XSX is going to affect Sony or Microsoft's stock prices - they are very diverse companies that don't really rely on gaming.

And similarly, why do you care if they spread misinformation that caused a stock price drop? Are you a Sony shareholder?

"You tried to derail the discussion into SDK's to cover for Microsoft, which again was more misinformation."

Nope. I simply pointed out that it has taken 8 months for us to get this upgrade. The first mention of any SDK or API was by you =]

1057d ago
Orchard1057d ago


Isn’t clearly what you said? Here’s a direct quote from you above:

“You were one of the people who said AMD Fidelity FX wouldn't work on PS5 and spreads every other mis/disinformation about PS5. “

You said it, not me 🤷
It’s not my fault you chose to say things you couldn’t back up.

You messaged me? I have no messages from you and your account has been active for under a day.

I’ve proven to multiple people on here I am a dev and will continue to do so for anyone who messages me - and I am fine if you choose to not believe that - but that’s also ultimately irrelevant to this topic anyway since other devs have given actual formal interviews saying this wasn’t supported day 1.

So did COD just choose to wait 8 months to do a simple upgrade for fun / to screw PS gamers? A platform which they have a marketing deal with… makes perfect sense! /s

Only one liar here 😉

northpaws1057d ago

And Sony have had awesome exclusives for years, by the same logic, can we dismiss every single Xbox games from now on? Since who doing it first is all that matters.

Rimeskeem1057d ago

Congrats, now it's inferior.

wiz71911056d ago

@jin the better experience is the lower resolution and texture quality ?? Just to keep its frames is the better experience ??? Woooow I get it now lol no PS5 owners didn’t get the better experience … run it at the same resolution and textures see if it holds its frames the same

badz1491056d ago


I think you are the one missing the key part. what 120Hz? you've seen the video, right? the SX version is almost NEVER 120Hz LOL

neutralgamer19921056d ago


8 months you said right well over the last 9-12 months ps4-5 owners actually got to experience actual new games. Blockbusters that both broke sales records and won more GOTY than any other game in history

The last of us 2
Demon souls remake
Spiderman MM
Ratchet and clank
Destruction all stars

But who knew you don't need new games all you need are patches for old games

Orchard1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

@badz149 I have a TV with VRR support, so it wouldn't really matter to me. PS5 lowers the resolution and texture quality to achieve 120hz, I'd rather have VRR + better visuals. But I play FPS on PC, so it's actually all irrelevant to me really.

@neutralgamer Oh I totally agree, most of those games are spectacular and I really enjoyed them (minus Bugsnax and Destruction).

But those games existing and being great doesn't mean WZ is bad or should just be dropped/unsupported. Warzone is still one of the most played games on all platforms, so it does deserve upgrades/patches.

bartender641056d ago

This is how you know that this guys here doesn't even have a 120hz display and don't even know what they're talking about. I don't blame them though as Richard should've explain that TV with 120hz also has vrr in almost 100% if not 100% of the cases. I'll take the visuals, because you will not notice any of the "issues" if you truly have the display lol.

nRicosS1056d ago Show
Outside_ofthe_Box1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

SO now which one performed better first matters. . . lol

wolf5811056d ago Show
Chevalier1056d ago Show
IRetrouk1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

Vrr does not fix the dropped frames though, they still drop, you still get the input lag etc associated with the drops, it fixes the torn frames and juddering, thats it.

There is no way i would prefer vvr and barely hitting 120fps constantly vs an almost constant 120fps with v- sync, just for sometimes getting better resolution and texture detail, especially after finding out the res and texture detail is dynamic on both systems and can go either way.

1056d ago
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derek1056d ago

Sure Orchard, we are all "devs" here. Lol

wiz71911056d ago ShowReplies(1)
Toncsipapa1056d ago

I got both and i rather play on xbox ps5 got really blurry and the lower textures makes me harder to see enemies. But nice that ps5 is more stable.

jznrpg1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

Blurry? Lol screen tearing is blurry not a small amount of pixels .

John_McClane1056d ago ShowReplies(2)
InUrFoxHole1056d ago

"I'll take better performance any day of the week."

Yet you're playing cod! ROFL!!

DigitallyAfflicted1056d ago

It’s Microsoft marketing narrative that Xbox can somehow do things ps5 can't. As much as it was that they have `the best controller and the 12 teraflops. Not having a go at Xbox it's a good piece of technology, it's just that Xbox should stop comparing itself to ps5...

derek1055d ago

Marketing and hype is all xbox has at this point.

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1057d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin1057d ago

Ps5 stick to 120fps closer than what series x does. Another big win for PS5 Warzone is still mega popular so it's a valid win.

Personally I tried the 120htz mode on my monitor and didn't think it was all that tbh mabey for quick fire competition use but that's all. I'd prefer the higher res at 60fps

badz1491056d ago

the thing is, the SX version is not even close to 120fps!

Father__Merrin1056d ago

But we was led to believe 12tf > 10tf even though experts claimed TF isn't the only barometer

Now as I predicted the 12tf die hards are once again hiding behind the bike shed...

Orchard1056d ago


That TF comparison would only make sense if both versions of the game were both operating at the same resolution and quality.

IRetrouk1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

And framerate

Neonridr1057d ago

People clearly ignore that the Series X is rendering at a much higer resolution:

"PlayStation 5 appears to render Warzone at an internal resolution in a window that's typically 1512p to 1566p. Meanwhile, the Series X looks visibly cleaner - in 120Hz mode, it seems to run at 1920x2160 usually, reconstructing up to 4K. So, while both consoles can output a 4K signal at 120Hz, native resolution is lower: PlayStation 5 is visibly blurrier than Xbox Series X, as the comparison shots on this page demonstrate."

don't you think if the Series X was running at the same internal resolution there wouldn't be as much of a performance hit?

yarbie10001057d ago

People aren't ignoring it. The whole point of the mode is 120 fps and Series X can't do it. Xbox focusing on resolution and no one else cares about resolution

purple1011056d ago

So your saying they promised something and didn't deliver? :)

MadLad1056d ago

Weird, last generation it was all about 4k, and if that meant 30fps, that was fine.
Now 120fps is needed, and resolution doesn't matter.

People on here constantly move the goalpost when it suits them; and that's for both the MS crowd, as well as Sony.

Outside_ofthe_Box1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

"Weird, last generation it was all about 4k, and if that meant 30fps, that was fine.
Now 120fps is needed, and resolution doesn't matter."

What is also weird is that, just last year people were complaining about manufacturers focusing on visuals over frames per second. Now hits in FPS are reasonable/understandable if higher resolution is the trade off.

Teflon021056d ago

Ted the difference is this is a choice mode. If you select 120hz you don't care about resolution and care more about framerate. That's why it's not relevant here.

If it was the 60fps mode we were talking and its visibly that big a difference it's a actual conversation. It's already stated series X makes the game look better generally too because ps5 only runs at pro res currently so that's been known. It's frames in this convo

Neonridr1056d ago

it can't do it because it's rendering too high of a resolution. If it was matching the PS5 could it not possibly do 120fps locked?

1056d ago
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Eonjay1056d ago

But if it can't lock to 120 doesn't that me that the resolution is too high on the Xbox? At some spots the PS5 is performing damn near 50% faster. It just seems sloppy when we know the Series X is capable of sustaining 120.

1056d ago
SeTTriP1056d ago

The game is running in back compatibility mode.

It's telling the game its running on a pro and has nothing to do with horsepower.

badz1491056d ago

indeed it's on Pro mode with X2 multiplier. in this mode, the RAM is limited to 5.5GB thus the 1080p res is maintained.

Rimeskeem1056d ago

I'll tell you one thing, people notice framerates far more than they notice resolution changes.

Neonridr1056d ago

agreed, my point was if the Series X was rendering at the same resolution, you don't think it could hold the same framerate?

badz1491056d ago


IF? what's next? the Switch will be able to run this game at 120fps too IF it runs at 480p?

that only works on PC because you can choose your preferred res based on your hardware to get higher fps but the result on consoles is there for all to see, now. MS should have known better when they promised 120fps. but the other fps boost games have their res scaled down to make 120fps happen, why not with Warzone? it's literally one of the most popular game on earth right now

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BlaqMagiq11056d ago

PS5 has the most consistent 120fps experience which is what matters the most. Resolution should ALWAYS be secondary.

sho0ok3601056d ago

In my opinion (higher res with 90-100 fps + vrr) is better than (lower res and texture in 120).

In the first instance, you won't feel the frame drop especially if you have VRR, but you gonna notice the higher res and texture. This is more balanced approach in my opinion.

IRetrouk1056d ago

Vrr matches the screen to what the console outputs, it stops screen tearing, if the game drops in frames vrr does not fix that, you will still feel that 120 - 80 drop, just without the tear or judder, vrr makes it less noticable, it doesn't fix the dropped frames.

thorstein1056d ago

Weren't people just arguing before launch that it couldn't do 4K 60fps? And behold, all new games do 4k 60fps.

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Monetization in Gaming Is Getting Insane

Trevor Walker said: Well, here we are again. Every time I think I’ve said all I have to say about this topic, another studio falls into the same cycle. Monetization in video games seems to be getting more and more out of hand. If you’ve played any AAA title in the last 6 years, you’ve surely seen it. Battle passes, exclusive skins, and sometimes pay to win features have spread throughout the gaming industry like a plague, and we need a cure. Badly. I never thought I’d see the day, but the first game that comes to mind is one that holds a special place in my heart.

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Community48d ago
victorMaje48d ago

You need a cure. Here it is:

1. Don’t buy the game.
2. Don’t just not buy the game, announce it!

Announce on every social media/chat/discourse/streaming … platform available & imaginable that you will not buy the game that is coming out & state the reason that we all know. Then advise others to do the same.

Once you’ve announced it, announce it again for the next game by the same dev that you will not buy their future product either, because of their past dealings with consumers.

3. See 1.


I don't sub to anything digital, games, movies, TV shows, etc. I just take what I want for PC for the unbeatable price of $0.00 🤣 But I sometimes buy the occasional game, but as for the others I mentioned yeah ok, haha paying for a streaming service to watch shows, movies, etc man GTFO lol

jznrpg48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I know many people who don’t buy MTs or support gaas. But unfortunately there are just as many people that I know who do and they don’t care about it. Companies won’t stop doing it until the vast majority don’t buy anything. Some GaaS do it better than others but most are looking to make as much MT money as they can get away with and there’s too many who don’t mind it at all

anast48d ago

Reviewers can prioritize monetization schemes in their reviews and give companies low scores based on severity.

Chocoburger47d ago

This is one of the reasons why I've been focusing more on older games from PS3 & X360 all the way back to the NES.
Rarely can a modern big budget game garner my attention, because its just the same stale concept over and over again. Open world, busy work, grinding, where your job is literally to be a trash collector (constantly picking up endless resources off the ground), the entire industry has been copying Ubi-junk, and I'm just not interested.

Add in the fact that games are clearly releasing in beta form (sometimes very early beta form!), then there's randomized gear you have to pick up and upgrade, then all those boring skill trees to fill in, which is the laziest form of fake game progression imaginable.

Then there's the nasty business model of paying an extra $20 just to play an unfinished game 3 days early. Disgusting behavior, and anyone who supports those companies are actively making our industry worse.

The game industry has never been perfect, but its also never been this bad either.


Call of Duty Warzone Let's You Experience Today's Solar Eclipse In-Game

Call of Duty Warzone players will see today's solar eclipse happen in-game, which is kind of a neat thing to do by Activision.

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Seraphim53d ago

We're afraid that for a few hours today you may actually go touch grass, we can't have that. Activision


Warzone Season 3 adds a lucrative new Rebirth Island easter egg

Rebirth Island is back in Call of Duty Warzone Season 3, and it has a brand-new easter egg that rewards you with the spicy Redacted blueprint.

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